Jail Video 2/9: Tommy Croslin, Hank Sr. Part 1 & 2

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Wasn't he waiting for Lindsey to get in there? I think Hank said he was going to get her & Austin.
Thank you, LFlorida... you're right. I had forgotten about that.

There I go again, reading too much into it, lol!
All the Croslins need a 12 Step program and family dynamics counselling, but right now I want to kick a certain recently turned 18 year old in her royal rear and don't care IF she ever gets the HELP she desperately needs......JMO
It's something that MC says "don't worry about him, worry about me", while ToC is taking the high road and making compassionate comments about MC.

When ToC allegedly stole, he also took small things like soap and soda, right? Providing for his family. AND most likely looking for guns to sell for cash. He is trying to take care of a family, but doesn't have the means. Those who know him expect him to be strong. Wife says, "I need to you protect me."

But he can not take care of anyone. It will be a long time before he is a strong enough man to do that.
I must be one cold hearted b, because I dont feel a bit sorry for any of them. I feel sorry for the little kids that have to see Daddy through the jail glass. I feel bad for the taxpayers that have been paying for their 3 hots and a cot, and I feel sorry for my husband who wonders why in the hell-o I am here one year later trying to figure out what really happened to Haleigh.
Very, very sad video. Dad seems more upset at Tommy being locked up, than Misty. I guess that is because Tommy has kids. Did I hear right that Hank wishes he could get off disability and then talks about his unemployment running out? I always thought that you can't collect disability and unemployment at the same time. One of the conditions of unemployment is that you are ready, willing and able to work so if you're on disability you will not meet the requiremets. Maybe, I'm wrong about this. Didn't Lisa say to Misty in another tape that LP was getting them a house? It seems they are still in the boarding house and it sounds really terrible. I do hope that Dad finds work.

This is just my opinion so take it for what it's worth...

I think Hank is very upset that Tommy got dragged into this whole mess by Ronald. It's one thing for Misty to get locked up because she chose to have a relationship with Mr. RC. It's quite another that she dragged her whole family down. [While Ron's has skated on unscathed, I might add.]
Yeah, I think Dad sees himself in ToC.

LP is supposedly paying for the room they currently have. Maybe he is hinting for a better one?
I agree with everyone that this is hard to watch and very sad.

With that said, though, it seemed that H "needs T out" because he doesn't know what he and Mom are gonna do. Am I just terribly jaded or is H more concerned about his future than he is about Lindsey and her kids?

I didn't hear H say one time that T needs to get out to take care of Lindsey and the children.

I don't know - yes, it is sad...everything about it is sad.

But, Haleigh's disappearance is a tragedy.

(Just lamenting here - certainly not directed at any post or poster.)
Dad seems to think LinC is moving out of the picture, along with the kids, and has hinted around about that.

I think he wants ToC out because he knows what it's like trying to support 3 kids, and to be weak.

I can't say I feel sorry for any of them, because I actually think these two could straighten themselves out.

It is a little sad to think of a father of 3 cutting someone's screen and then stealing a bottle of soap.

Maybe Misty wouldn't have gotten her older brother in trouble if she had had better examples set for her. Stealing to support your family isn't exactly role model behavior. IMO, if blame is going to be placed it should be placed on all of them, not just one family member.

It's horrible that it took something like the disappearance of such a lively and beautiful little girl to make this family see what was really going on with themselves. And I did see (what I thought was) some actual true emotion take place between father and son in this video, so hopefully it will continue after all is said and done.
I also think LinC knows everything about Toc and is an accomplice. Just lucky for her she can hide behind babies for now. She should get straightened out herself.
I agree with everybody (just call me LisaC) On the one hand I know that certain drugs when taken make you feel that all your problems have gone away and life is a puffy pink cloud and some may find it hard not to keep chasing that high. Also, I have spinal probs (like Hank I think) and it hurts like heck so another reason to keep with the pills. Maybe they don't have enough self-awareness to say "whoa, I seem to be abusing these drugs. Perhaps I should taper off now."

However, I no longer know how much is being said for our benefit now that they know we are listening. (I mean the collective we, not just WS) But they keep saying Misty needs to come clean, Misty needs to tell the truth, etc. They know her better than anyone so if they think she knows something, I do too.

On the other hand, if I had to make a choice I just plain like the Croslins better than the Cummings (probably because I grew up in a family that was just one step away from them but not as classy )

So my opinion is clouded by my biases in that respect. I do not think they have any leverage at all to get Misty to fess up. The only one who every might is Ron Cummings, she will do what he tells her to do.
This is a subculture that I didn't know existed and I'm a blue collar girl from a blue collar town. These people have the survival instincts of a bunch of baby seals.

I was describing these people to my son-in-law, a cop, and he said, "from where we are sitting, right now, I can take you 1.5 miles down the road and show you an enclave of the very same type people."

Amazing. Abso-damn-lutely amazing. If a little lost girl wasn't involved, I'd think I was watching a reality show.

In a way, I guess I am.

I feel sorry for this family. They have been dragged into this investigation and the pressure has been put on them because of Misty. Hank got hooked no doubt about it, but my hope is he realizes he needs to clean it up. They have gone from living a life of poverty and scratching two nickels together to make a dime to a 1/2 step from living in a cardboard box. Hank is crying out of complete despair.

Misty has pointed the finger and caused problems for all of them. The high bonds that were off the wall high and the constant pressure on them. I do not believe Tommy could hurt Haleigh. When I see him and his dad telling each other they love one another. That is real. The fact that they all got dragged into Misty and Ronald's mess, not able to get jobs, spiraled out of control it makes me wonder how any of them can function at this point. Hank looks close to a breakdown. I don't condone their stealing and drug use but I know that when the monkey is on your back this is what happens.

My belief is this family is collateral damage not involved in what happened to Haleigh. This video is sad.
I couldn't agree more, g'ma. Your entire post mirrors my own thoughts. I pray this family will not only survive but survive triumphantly. Sometimes the Lord does write straight lines with crooked pencils.
Yeah, I think Dad sees himself in ToC.

LP is supposedly paying for the room they currently have. Maybe he is hinting for a better one?
Or maybe he's berating himself for ending up there.
Let's all try to remember that Tommy was actually housing Hank and MamaLisa... a great deal of this angst could simply discomfort at their new stinky digs. jmo

I admit though, when I first saw it, I thought, AHA! Somebody is snapping out of it!!! I guess we'll see.
This is a subculture that I didn't know existed and I'm a blue collar girl from a blue collar town. These people have the survival instincts of a bunch of baby seals.

I was describing these people to my son-in-law, a cop, and he said, "from where we are sitting, right now, I can take you 1.5 miles down the road and show you an enclave of the very same type people."

Amazing. Abso-damn-lutely amazing. If a little lost girl wasn't involved, I'd think I was watching a reality show.

In a way, I guess I am.


I had the same family living behind me, two parents, two boys and a girl just like Misty.

There was always drama going on and they sucked a few of the older neighbors around here dry.
Why does Hank keep looking up and touching the back of his head?

Hank says Misty told him not to worry about Tommy. (Some sibling love there... Dad, you just worry about me and never mind about my brother who's in jail with me...)Hank says that's why he worries.
Have their been any videos of Tommy dealing drugs?
Tommy was involved in only one transaction with the UC, the first one on December 22. Only he an Misty took part in that one, and the source in the black truck. I haven't seen him in any of the videos, and I think I've watched all of them.
Thank you, Doc. I wanted to include the links, but the docs are on my hard drive and I couldn't find the original source.

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