Jailhouse Surveillance Video: Misty Cummings Talks With Mom

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Why does he wear sunglasses in every tape I have seen. I assume he is an addict, my question is is he so addicted he can not visit is "baby" in the joint without a buzz?
Hmmmm - does one have a good idea of the difference between a few minutes and a few hours when stoned out of their mind ? Wonder if this is true or if this is the equivalent of she say four people in a dream ?

You absolutely read my mind!
She told detectives she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes inside the home. Haleigh then simply vanished.


Wow! That's news to me!
A few minutes could be anything from 5 minutes to 2 hours, coming from Misty. Explains the door not showing signs of forced entry, she left the door open so she could get back inside.
Haleigh might have woke up and went looking for her. Forget them saying she was afraid of the dark. I know some kids who were afraid of the dark and took off on a 4-wheeler at midnight to look for their dad. Kids will forget some fears when they're more afraid of something else, like being left alone.
I just wish someone - whoever, would for one second have a shred of decency and mercy and say what it is LE needs to bring sweet little Haleigh home. This is beyond sick.
Wow now that is a bombshell!! "left her alone for just a few minutes"
Do you think that was bad reporting?
This is the first I've heard.of Misty saying she left her alone. i sure hope that is an accurate statement..
Do you think that was bad reporting?
I do, mew. If Misty really admitted that she left the children alone it would be a MAJOR development in this case since for an entire year she has stuck to her "I was asleep" defense. Yet no one else has reported it, and this article mentions no source nor does it ackowledge the "bombshell" effect of the information. It's simply stated in a matter-of-fact, old news tone. Methinks the reporter got his cases mixed up.
She told detectives she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes inside the home. Haleigh then simply vanished.


WHAT? :waitasec: After a year, they are releasing this statement by Misty? Something just doesn't feel right with the statement.

Detectives believe that one tip may come from the Misty, who was then Ronald's girlfriend. Misty was watching the girl that day. She told detectives she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes inside the home. Haleigh then simply vanished.
Why does he wear sunglasses in every tape I have seen. I assume he is an addict, my question is is he so addicted he can not visit is "baby" in the joint without a buzz?

Could they be the kind that get dark when outside and lighten once you get inside? I don't know anything about how long it takes for them to lighten up or anything..
WHAT? :waitasec: After a year, they are releasing this statement by Misty? Something just doesn't feel right with the statement.

Detectives believe that one tip may come from the Misty, who was then Ronald's girlfriend. Misty was watching the girl that day. She told detectives she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes inside the home. Haleigh then simply vanished.

Perhaps they are trying to flush someone else out by pretending she said this? Put it in the paper so whoever that person is will read it and think Misty is starting to talk? Cops are sneaky like that.. (and rightfully so!)
WHAT? :waitasec: After a year, they are releasing this statement by Misty? Something just doesn't feel right with the statement.

Detectives believe that one tip may come from the Misty, who was then Ronald's girlfriend. Misty was watching the girl that day. She told detectives she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes inside the home. Haleigh then simply vanished.

So this is a new version of her story?? First time Ive heard this!!
This has to be a mistake. If true, Twitter, WS, AH, etc etc would have melted already.
Wow now that is a bombshell!! "left her alone for just a few minutes"

Yeah, you would think that this "bombshell" would have been the "talking point" for the night, instead we get to see about five repeat showings of the same ole same ole. I want to hear about the "few minutes" thing. Is Misty's "few minutes" like the "four inches"?
The wording in the entire paragraph about leaving Haleigh alone for a few minutes is written very weird. Doesn't make sense. Something is either missing in the sentence or words used in error.

"Detectives believe that one tip may come from the Misty, who was then Ronald's girlfriend. Misty was watching the girl that day. She told detectives she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes inside the home. Haleigh then simply vanished."

What's with JAX. Why can't we see the entire new tapes of Misty with Lisa and Hank without the reporters screaming over it. Is there another media station in the area that has better reporting than this? Also, no new audio of Ron with Theresa. Frustrating to say the least!!!
This has to be a mistake. If true, Twitter, WS, AH, etc etc would have melted already.

Speaking of twitter - someone who does twitter with TJ Hart needs to ask him why SKY isn't putting out these tapes or if LE has asked them to restrict what segments they air. Just ask him for a yes or no answer.

I just have a feeling something is going on and maybe the press is cooperating with the wishes of LE with respect to what gets air time and what does not.
The wording in the entire paragraph about leaving Haleigh alone for a few minutes is written very weird. Doesn't make sense. Something is either missing in the sentence or words used in error.

"Detectives believe that one tip may come from the Misty, who was then Ronald's girlfriend. Misty was watching the girl that day. She told detectives she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes inside the home. Haleigh then simply vanished."


Maybe the article is referring to her one story of going to the bathroom and coming back and finding HC gone? Just a guess.
Maybe the article is referring to her one story of going to the bathroom and coming back and finding HC gone? Just a guess.

I think Misty has a problem remembering which version of her story is the most current.

That's the problem when you are not telling the truth, it is hard to keep up with your lies and keep them straight -- thus more inconsistencies everytime she speaks.

She needs to make some notes on her left palm so she can remember the script.

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