Jailhouse Surveillance Video: Misty Cummings Talks With Mom

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I think Misty has a problem remembering which version of her story is the most current.

That's the problem when you are not telling the truth, it is hard to keep up with your lies and keep them straight -- thus more inconsistencies everytime she speaks.

She needs to make some notes on her left palm so she can remember the script.

I feel MC will stay quiet for a while longer, when she realizes how much doo doo she's in and hears how RC and TN are talking she begin to stand up for herself and stop playing by the script..she will slip up..it is just a matter of time and LE knows this....:dance:

The truth will come out in time, she is not there yet...First she will have to find someone she can trust..and until that happens it ain't happenin...I believe the truth will come out..I know this sounds like I'm speculating out of both sides of my computer...but it will depend on her support system on when and how it comes out.:waitasec: JMO

I'm off to bed. Gotta get up early...Good night.
The wording in the entire paragraph about leaving Haleigh alone for a few minutes is written very weird. Doesn't make sense. Something is either missing in the sentence or words used in error.

"Detectives believe that one tip may come from the Misty, who was then Ronald's girlfriend. Misty was watching the girl that day. She told detectives she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes inside the home. Haleigh then simply vanished."


Didn't Misty say that she went on the porch to smoke earlier in the evening?
WHAT? :waitasec: After a year, they are releasing this statement by Misty? Something just doesn't feel right with the statement.

Detectives believe that one tip may come from the Misty, who was then Ronald's girlfriend. Misty was watching the girl that day. She told detectives she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes inside the home. Haleigh then simply vanished.

Mebbe there's a vortex we don't know about in the MH. Seems to suck truth and children into it.
Didn't Misty say that she went on the porch to smoke earlier in the evening?

I don't ever remember her saying that, so we can add yet another thing to her list of inconsistencies. Maybe this was some tid bit they got in one of her numerous interviews and it just wasn't revealed to the press until now.
I dinna realize a couple pages of posts and threads were added since I last looked. :blushing: Pondering Mind, Gracenote, and a couple others had a pretty interesting exchange going. My kids are older now (19, 16) but the little(r) ones never had me around. That is am pain that is mine alone to deal with. Hearing pops talk to Misty was pretty painful for me, at times. Now me ex is a wonderful woman and did a great job but its tough to make amends over lost time. In a tragic way, he is passing to her what little wisdom he has managed to accrue. Sadly, his area of expertise is doing time or so it seems. Thanks to the ex-wife and her family, I (GOD WILLING) will continue to help them with math and languages but them turning out well is pretty much solely on her. That is something painful even to type, let alone share.

I am not sticking up for him or them, just pointing out another human angle to this tragedy. As a sponsor, I really get PO'd when someone says their (drug use, bad behaviour, whatever) they are only hurting themselves. "No man is an island" may be from a poem written in the Middle Ages, but its words about human nature still hold true. No doubt Misty knows SOMETHING. Is she the culprit? I am not so sure anymore. Regardless, her dad is right on one thing. This 'Haleigh stuff' (bad phrasing being paraphrased again) is not going to go away. Maybe her mental and philosophical age will someday meet her physical age and she will do the right thing. For now, I am not holding me breath.

DISCLAIMER: This is all food for thought and not meant as a soapbox-type post. I enjoy every post in one way or another regardless of the stance taken. For real for real (as the kids say :wink:)
I don't ever remember her saying that, so we can add yet another thing to her list of inconsistencies. Maybe this was some tid bit they got in one of her numerous interviews and it just wasn't revealed to the press until now.

I sort of remember the smoking thing, at the time I thought it was all bull to pretend like they did not smoke around Haleigh because of the asthma.
Was this just bad reporting or was it really said?


Ronald Cummings, told FOX News' Greta Van Susteren that Croslin was watching his daughter while he was at work as a crane operator.

According to Cummings, Haleigh had gotten up to use the bathroom. When she didn't return, Croslin went to look for her and noticed the back door was open.
I don't ever remember her saying that, so we can add yet another thing to her list of inconsistencies. Maybe this was some tid bit they got in one of her numerous interviews and it just wasn't revealed to the press until now.

She said this in August, in those videos done for her LDT/LVA, whathaveyou.
Was this just bad reporting or was it really said?


Ronald Cummings, told FOX News' Greta Van Susteren that Croslin was watching his daughter while he was at work as a crane operator.

According to Cummings, Haleigh had gotten up to use the bathroom. When she didn't return, Croslin went to look for her and noticed the back door was open.

:waitasec: Never heard that one before!
Thommymac....thanks for sharing. No man is an island for sure.
:waitasec: Never heard that one before!

I think that was what the media was reporting before they could get their stories straight. Course they still don't have their stories straight but that's just my opinion.

Many things they reported without first confirming the facts... ......the list is long and yes I do have one.....lol.
Maybe the article is referring to her one story of going to the bathroom and coming back and finding HC gone? Just a guess.

The wording in the entire paragraph about leaving Haleigh alone for a few minutes is written very weird. Doesn't make sense. Something is either missing in the sentence or words used in error.

"Detectives believe that one tip may come from the Misty, who was then Ronald's girlfriend. Misty was watching the girl that day. She told detectives she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes inside the home. Haleigh then simply vanished."


Was this just bad reporting or was it really said?


Ronald Cummings, told FOX News' Greta Van Susteren that Croslin was watching his daughter while he was at work as a crane operator.

According to Cummings, Haleigh had gotten up to use the bathroom. When she didn't return, Croslin went to look for her and noticed the back door was open.

This was discussed briefly on Theories thread--we've of course heard several versions from MC but I think this particular statement can still be taken as we've always understood it... that MC left Haleigh for just a few mins (while both) inside the home. Ie, when she left the room in which she claims the two had been sleeping, it was only upon returning that she discovered Haleigh gone. (MC did state she never noticed Haleigh missing until coming back from the other room--restroom, or kitchen--depending on which version).

Doc my recollection of the other report is that it came out very early--in the confusion of which we read some conflicting accounts. Obviously we've seen less than accurate reporting thruout so it's hard to say.

:waitasec: Never heard that one before!

I actually remember that. It was the first story I remembering hearing. Misty woke up when Haleigh got up to go to the bathroom, when Haleigh didn't come back, Misty went looking for her and found that she was gone.

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