Jailhouse Surveillance Video: Misty Cummings Talks With Mom

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Maybe he has a work load of actual paying clients and isnt all that willing to run like crazy beyween Palatka and St. Augustine to play with a cient who does not listen to him. Just a guess.

Not every notorious female defendant is lucky enough to find a one-horse atty like Mr. Jose' B. ;)

Indiana - iirc, someone on here said these tapes were from 1/28. Just because it is all being slowly eked out to us (for Nielson ratings and site hits, imo) doesn't mean there are really daily developments in real life.
Not every notorious female defendant is lucky enough to find a one-horse atty like Mr. Jose' B. ;)

Indiana - iirc, someone on here said these tapes were from 1/28. Just because it is all being slowly eked out to us (for Nielson ratings and site hits, imo) doesn't mean there are really daily developments in real life.

Yes that was LAST WEEK! Allot can happen in a week,
He shouldn't be practicing law then. Or representing her. I know I wouldn't want him on my side. At the VERY least she should have been advised prior to her visits with family and that everything she said will be taped and let out to the media via the Sunshine Laws. Don't get me wrong I wanted to hear them as much as anyone but......

I can't speak to Misty's literacy skills or lack thereof, but I'm pretty sure there are big signs indicating that all visits are monitored. Least that's what I heard on teevee re: KC case.
I will spare you all and myself the usual emotions that accompany every reply I make re: the competency of local LE, judiciary, and now lawyers.

Believe it or not, Robbie Fields had to take the same classes in Law School and pass the same Bar exam as every other licensed attorney in Florida.

Just because he's from here doesn't mean he's an imbecile. His recently deceased daddy was an attorney here practically forever, and his older brother is an attorney in South Florida. Both of them were pretty darned good at lawyering from everything I've heard.

I think Mr. Fields might know a little bit about representing someone on drug charges. [jmo - probably better than some Kmir NYC or LA Law atty who jets in for the TV days in court.]
I can't speak to Misty's literacy skills or lack thereof, but I'm pretty sure there are big signs indicating that all visits are monitored. Least that's what I heard on teevee re: KC case.
Well, again she clearly doesn't understand the ramifications of what she was saying. Wasn't 2 more charges added just on the phone convo? Please correct me if I'm wrong. At the very least any attorney worth his or her grain of salt would have someone present to at least kick her in the shins when she was incriminating herself. Don't get me wrong I want to hear every thing she has to say but she still has a right to be apprised of her situation. I think clearly she doesn't have a clue. Hank seemed to get it. but then the other part of me says...whatever it takes to find Haleigh.
I will spare you all and myself the usual emotions that accompany every reply I make re: the competency of local LE, judiciary, and now lawyers.

Believe it or not, Robbie Fields had to take the same classes in Law School and pass the same Bar exam as every other licensed attorney in Florida.

Just because he's from here doesn't mean he's an imbecile. His recently deceased daddy was an attorney here practically forever, and his older brother is an attorney in South Florida. Both of them were pretty darned good at lawyering from everything I've heard.

I think Mr. Fields might know a little bit about representing someone on drug charges. [jmo - probably better than some Kmir NYC or LA Law atty who jets in for the TV days in court.]
I live here also, I understand what you are saying and appreciate your opinion. But if it was my daughter I would be screaming to the rooftops. But i wouldn't have let it happen in the first place
I live here also, I understand what you are saying and appreciate your opinion. But if it was my daughter I would be screaming to the rooftops. But i wouldn't have let it happen in the first place

I hope that I wouldn't have let my child become this guy's live-in housekeeper, baby-sitter, courtesan, etc., also.

I could very well be dead wrong about Misty's attorney.

Guess we'll see when it all comes out in the wash [or trial, w/e, lol.]

ooh, nayancee's on!
I totally agree. I just find it amazing that someone with this many charges with this enormous bail would be facing a youthful offender plea. I know it's her first offense and she's 18, but STILL I must say it's obvious that she knew what she was doing, even IF she's innocent of anything to do with Haleigh (if I'm to believe that one and I don't, but that's my opinion). IMO, someone with this many charges has been doing this crime for some time.... and is very savvy at it. However... that's the law I guess. :waitasec:

I hadn't seen the start of the conversation but I doubt she'd be able to use her UA. Many 15 year olds can be tried as adults for first time felony offesses. Had her charge been simply selling then maybe.. but these ones IMO, no way.
i think finding haleigh is important enough to le to drop the drug charges in an exchange for a minor's plea in the haleigh case-providing that she cough up enough information to put an end to this.

I will spare you all and myself the usual emotions that accompany every reply I make re: the competency of local LE, judiciary, and now lawyers.

Believe it or not, Robbie Fields had to take the same classes in Law School and pass the same Bar exam as every other licensed attorney in Florida.

Just because he's from here doesn't mean he's an imbecile. His recently deceased daddy was an attorney here practically forever, and his older brother is an attorney in South Florida. Both of them were pretty darned good at lawyering from everything I've heard.

I think Mr. Fields might know a little bit about representing someone on drug charges. [jmo - probably better than some Kmir NYC or LA Law atty who jets in for the TV days in court.]

He can't help it if his client is a fool. Don't you think he should have told her everything that she says on the phone in jail is recorded and every time she sees somebody it's recorded and when your dealing drugs, they record and video also. She's caught, he better let her realize, she better give up the truth about Haleigh and beg for mercy on the court.
Just thought of a solution for mom and dad when they have no place to live after Lindsey moves........just volunteer to go ahead and start their prison terms, that gives them food and lodging!

You may have been kidding (IDK), but this is something to consider. I don't see why they should waste what money they can scrape together to find a place to live, at least not long term. I'm not even sure if either will serve time on their charges. Btw, what is pending for Hank, Sr.?

What is truly sad to me is Misty pleading for someone to post bond and get her out of jail when her parents don't even have enough money for phone minutes or gas to come see her. It just shows what kind of fantasy world Misty lives in I guess.
You may have been kidding (IDK), but this is something to consider. I don't see why they should waste what money they can scrape together to find a place to live, at least not long term. I'm not even sure if either will serve time on their charges. Btw, what is pending for Hank, Sr.?

What is truly sad to me is Misty pleading for someone to post bond and get her out of jail when her parents don't even have enough money for phone minutes or gas to come see her. It just shows what kind of fantasy world Misty lives in I guess.

Looks to me, just by reading part of the transcript, that Misty got word on how pitiful her whining sounded on previous tapes, and is now attempting to look stronger. Uh oh, Misty is going to take a stand against NG. She sure is pretending like she has a lot of control in there.
Sounds like she is aware that her tapes are being played all over so she has new talking points "I didn't do it, they can stop asking because I don't know anything, I didn't do it and I didn't do it" and she must be telling the truth since it's all on tape, right?
She told detectives she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes inside the home. Haleigh then simply vanished.


Hmmmm - does one have a good idea of the difference between a few minutes and a few hours when stoned out of their mind ? Where did she go - might explain why Mrs. Poppin saw her walking and talking on a cell phone and crying at 3 am. Might also explain why the LE transmissions say Haleigh was last seen 1.5 hours before the 911 call. Wonder if this is true or if this is the equivalent of she saw four people in a dream ?

Guess she forgot about that little problem of "no forced entry".

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