Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Developments #2

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You guys are so much more current than I am so this may already have been posted, if it has, please disregard...


Surging radiation levels temporarily halted work to cool the troubled reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, raising worries that officials are running out of options to stabilize the escalating catastrophe.

"We're very close now to the point of no return," Dr. Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist, said. "It's gotten worse. We're talking about workers coming into the reactor perhaps as a suicide mission and we may have to abandon ship."

I hadn't seen that quote before :(
Fukushima No. 3 reactor vents smoke, but container damage unlikely

Japan's nuclear crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 power station showed no signs of abating Wednesday, five days after a mega earthquake crippled it, with the focus shifting to how to address the possible overheating of pools that store spent fuel rods at the already troubled No. 3 and No. 4 reactors.

What appeared to be smoke coming from the No. 3 reactor in the morning led the top government spokesman to point to the possibility of damage to the reactor's steel containment vessel, but it became more likely later in the day that the smoke was radioactive steam coming from the No. 3 reactor's spent fuel pool.


RespectfullyQuoted Quiche :)

Thank you for that helpful link.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said in the morning that the smoke from the nuclear plant was identified from about 8:30 a.m. and it was possible that ''steam has been released from the (No. 3) reactor's containment vessel.'' But the government announced later that the possibility of serious damage to the containment vessel is ''low.''

But the level was lower than the 400 millisievert per hour -- equivalent to 400 times the level to which people can be safely exposed in one year -- recorded Tuesday, the maximum level so far reported at the plant.

The government has already ordered the firm to add water to the pool ''as soon as possible to avert a major nuclear disaster.'' (Gee, seems like that could be a good idea, thanks! I am glad they know what can be done to avert that... :rolleyes: :crazy:

Edano said the level ''would not have immediate effects on the human body'' and noted that there seems to be some ''overreaction'' to radiation fears.

We should be afraid of radiation, but not just about this today. Getting all fearful like some big budget movie event has occurred when this is just an ongoing issue humanity has had since we split the atom, is counterproductive. But ignoring this as if it is not another huge wake up call to find clean planet friendly energy sources, would be unwise.
I watched it yesterday and it was flat out scary.
I don't believe in anything being paranormal.. however if I had to pick a place i thought may be haunted. Chernobyl and the surrounding towns in that video would be it!
The kindergarten with the toys and gas masks strewn about...... just eerie....
The resulting birth defects..... :( :(
I know! Right peeples!!!! And after watching it and knowing that in Japan SIX reactors are in trouble I cannot help but doubt the big brother speak they are dolling out.... absolutely cannot....
I need facts. Reading, "I heard" is not going to get it for me. I am asking, as I do not know-is it TOS on all threads that opinion must be separated from linked facts? TIA.

I'm sorry, dear, there aren't many facts available on the current situation. We're doing our best to sort it all out.

In my posts where I can't link my sources, such as friends in the industry, I include a "Mods please delete" clause.

Most of my opinions include an "I believe" statement.
Tokyo Takes More Control of Power-Plant Strategy

TOKYO—The Japanese government is taking an increasing role in efforts to contain the country's unfolding nuclear crisis amid growing tensions between the administration of Prime Minister Naoto Kan and plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co.

On Wedneday, the Tepco spokesman said 20 government officials had moved into the company's Tokyo offices. The government officials, headed by Mr. Kan, are part of a new joint headquarters for handling the crisis that was created the day before.

i wonder if were gonna get a #3 thread soon...this one is getting huge!
The kids just asked to go outside and I sat for a second and thought to myself... "may as well while they still can" GAHHHHH i'm turning into a doomsdayer!!!

I shook it off and told them to go..... i'm rolling my eyes at myself now LOL
I'm sorry, dear, there aren't many facts available on the current situation. We're doing our best to sort it all out.

In my posts where I can't link my sources, such as friends in the industry, I include a "Mods please delete" clause.

Most of my opinions include an "I believe" statement.

RespectfullyQuoted ScorpRising

Thank you. I totally agree with what I have in bold. Thank you for your response and your explanation.

Anyone can start a new thread, but we need a mod to lock this one. I've never spent this much time in Current Events, so I don't know who ourmod here is.
Thank goodness those dogs were rescued.. i saw that yesterday and it haunted me!!!!
U.S. to review drug supply after Japan reactor breach

Quote: The Obama administration will study distribution policies for a drug to protect against the effects of radiation as part of a review of the implications of Japan's ongoing nuclear disaster, a government spokeswoman said on Tuesday.

The new review would reopen a debate sought by safety activists who have called for a greater stockpile of potassium iodide near U.S. nuclear plants.

I'm watching the documentary that nursebemee linked, and I admit that I am still learning things.

It was surprising to me to see the map of radiation readings, because there are these huge areas, miles and miles, that are heavily contaminated, and all around these areas little sections that are perfectly fine, with no radiation detected. How does that happen? Can anyone tell me?

(For the record, talking about Chernobyl, not the current japan crisis.)
Japanese earthquake: Death toll expected to reach 25,000
Last updated at 4:50 PM on 16th March 2011
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The death toll in the double disaster to hit Japan is expected to reach 25,000, according to reports.
The number of those who lost their lives following the earthquake and tsunami currently stands at 3,676, while those missing is more than 8,000.
However, Kyodo News said the mayor of the town of Ishinomaki on the coast said the number of missing could hit 10,000.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...toll-expected-reach-25-000.html#ixzz1GmeZSACx

So terribly heartbreaking.............
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