Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Developments #2

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from reuters on twitter

FLASH: U.S. recommends U.S. citizens who live within 80km of Fukushima nuclear plant evacuate or take shelter indoors http://bit.ly/exf0jw
British Columbia Provincial Health Officer Dr. Perry Ken told a news conference in Vancouver pharmacies were being advised to stop selling the over-the-counter medicine to prevent panic, the CBC said.
Meanwhile, potassium iodide pills were all but sold out in Oregon, California and Hawaii, Fox News said.

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-N...n-radiation/UPI-39741300294311/#ixzz1GmlV5StL

Until we know for sure whether we will get hit with something along the West Coast, is it really smart to just discontinue sales. There will be those that say that this move must be to make sure that there are enough left for the "important people". I'm not going to make that leap yet, but this does not seem like a smart move. Especially since our US surgeon general says go ahead, grab them, nothing wrong with being prepared.
If cooling operations do not proceed well, the situation will ''reach a critical stage in a couple of days,'' an agency official said.

To address the crisis at the No. 4 reactor, plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. asked for the help of a special water cannon truck used by the Metropolitan Police Department to douse water on the reactor's spent fuel rod pool. The truck arrived at the Fukushima power station early Thursday.

British Columbia Provincial Health Officer Dr. Perry Ken told a news conference in Vancouver pharmacies were being advised to stop selling the over-the-counter medicine to prevent panic, the CBC said.
Meanwhile, potassium iodide pills were all but sold out in Oregon, California and Hawaii, Fox News said.

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-N...n-radiation/UPI-39741300294311/#ixzz1GmlV5StL

Until we know for sure whether we will get hit with something along the West Coast, is it really smart to just discontinue sales. There will be those that say that this move must be to make sure that there are enough left for the "important people". I'm not going to make that leap yet, but this does not seem like a smart move. Especially since our US surgeon general says go ahead, grab them, nothing wrong with being prepared.

My thoughts are if they discontinue sales.....it's going to increase the panic.
I just can't imagine being sheltered with 400 people with no air circulation! How long until they all just doze off due to carbon monoxide poisoning?
Ok -

• Operators of the Fukushima nuclear power plant say one of two blasts has blown a hole in the building housing a reactor. Spent nuclear fuel has since been exposed to the atmosphere. At one stage this morning radiation was leaking at a rate of 400 millisieverts per hour around the plant's No 3 reactor building, however Japanese data indicates that radioactivity levels have fallen, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency


Now, look at what I bolded and underlined.

IF a hole was blown in the building thus exposing those fuel rods to the atmosphere - how in the hello would radiation levels go down? Did they "board up" the hole?

It just doesn't make any sense. None at all.

This one has quotes from the evacuees. Many are angry, and feel that they were lied and are still being lied to about the seriousness.
Also an account of how they are managing the refugee camps, formerly known as schools in most cases. One of them contains a two week old baby, who has lived through (as of now) an earthquake, a tsunami, hundreds of aftershocks, a lack of food and water, and an evacuation from her home, only 25 km from the failing reactors. Gorgeous little thing.
So there is only 1 of these special trucks? And 4 reactors with big issues? Hm...
Ok -

• Operators of the Fukushima nuclear power plant say one of two blasts has blown a hole in the building housing a reactor. Spent nuclear fuel has since been exposed to the atmosphere. At one stage this morning radiation was leaking at a rate of 400 millisieverts per hour around the plant's No 3 reactor building, however Japanese data indicates that radioactivity levels have fallen, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency


Now, look at what I bolded and underlined.

IF a hole was blown in the building thus exposing those fuel rods to the atmosphere - how in the hello would radiation levels go down? Did they "board up" the hole?

It just doesn't make any sense. None at all.

The levels in the building would go down , the levels in the atmosphere would go up. Maybe?
Ok well I've been watching this since someone posted it yesterday sometime... or maybe the day before LOL sorry can't remember anyway it's been good at keeping up on readings... none were very high the highest i saw were 19 but then ti went back down to 16.. i checked it like an hour ago and it was online.. but now it's offline.. but here is the link in case it comes back

Lufthansa said it’s maintaining the suspension of its Frankfurt-Tokyo route and sending aircraft to Osaka and Nagoya. Crews are spending the night in Seoul to avoid staying in Japan, where Tokyo Electric Power Co. said a reactor containment vessel may have been breached at the crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi power plant, increasing the risk of radioactive leaks.

“We’re sticking with the decision communicated yesterday,” Lufthansa spokesman Thomas Jachnow said in a telephone interview. Test for radioactivity on the interior and exterior of planes returning from Japan have proved “negative,” he said.

It seems that it doesn't matter to many if the government says it is safe, the airlines are now deciding that they won't fly through the area.
CNN on NOW! Talking about the other plant - Daini.
Japanese auto companies on Wednesday extended shutdowns of car-assembly plants affected by the country's devastating earthquake and tsunami, but in a sign of progress, some parts factories in Japan plan to resume production later this week.
Toyota Motor Corp., the world's biggest automaker, said it will extend production halts at its car plants through March 22, affecting about 95,000 vehicles. The company halted production beginning March 14.
But Toyota will resume production on Thursday at factories that make replacement parts for vehicles already on the road. And it will restart plants on March 21 that make parts for overseas factories.

Nissan will resume production at 2 plants on Thursday and Friday as long as their parts supply holds out. 3 other Nissan factories will stop until Sunday.

Honda has suspended production at 6 Japan plants through the end of the week, as well as shutting down a research department and engineering plant through the same time frame. The shutdowns may last longer because their parts are made in N Japan.

Mazda and Subaru plants are down thru 3/20.Mitsubishi will run three plants over the next couple of days, under they run out of parts too.

Yes, that's part quote, part paraphrase because of cppyright stuff.
No longer stable, Danai heats up... CNN on air
If I heard correctly,Shepard Smith just reported that the computers that measure the radiation are not working!!! Did nayone else get that? So who knows how much radiation exposed?
ok - well they didn't say much. Just that the Japanese gov't ordered evacs from around there. I thought the Daini plant was ok and under control.
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