Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Developments #2

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I'm watching the documentary that nursebemee linked, and I admit that I am still learning things.

It was surprising to me to see the map of radiation readings, because there are these huge areas, miles and miles, that are heavily contaminated, and all around these areas little sections that are perfectly fine, with no radiation detected. How does that happen? Can anyone tell me?

(For the record, talking about Chernobyl, not the current japan crisis.)

I read rain had something to do with it....
maybe have been the chernobyl wiki entry
Last I heard, (read in paper today, read up to pg 18 here, then skipped up to 25) the japanese gov't were maybe going to to shoot water cannons at the plant w/ the help of the US Military. Has that came any closer to actually happening?
IAEA chief to visit Japan possibly Thursday
VIENNA, March 16, Kyodo

Yukiya Amano, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said Wednesday he will visit Japan, possibly on Thursday, to check the situation at the quake-hit Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.

Amano told a news conference that the nuclear power plant is in a serious situation. He also said he would like to dispatch a team of experts to monitor the environment.

He is planning to meet Japanese government officials to discuss what type of support IAEA can extend to Japan.

I read rain had something to do with it....
maybe have been the chernobyl wiki entry
I think it was the rains too ((are you talking about the leopard spot patterning of contaiminated areas NMK?)) I also found it interesting how the winds played into the contamination of France... ((and France's refusal that it WAS contaminated))... all I know is that way more than forty odd deaths can be attributed to chernobyl ! it is perposterous that that is all that they will own up to!!!!!! amazing!!!!!
This may sound incredibly silly... and stoopid. But, what about ginormous water balloons? lol
Japanese earthquake: Death toll expected to reach 25,000
Last updated at 4:50 PM on 16th March 2011
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The death toll in the double disaster to hit Japan is expected to reach 25,000, according to reports.
The number of those who lost their lives following the earthquake and tsunami currently stands at 3,676, while those missing is more than 8,000.
However, Kyodo News said the mayor of the town of Ishinomaki on the coast said the number of missing could hit 10,000.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...toll-expected-reach-25-000.html#ixzz1GmeZSACx

So terribly heartbreaking.............

Does anyone know why my computer will not open any of the links that have the .uk in it.
It either says lost link or IE could not display page.

I even tried going straight to the web site to open the story and it still will not let me.
I think it was the rains too ((are you talking about the leopard spot patterning of contaiminated areas NMK?)) I also found it interesting how the winds played into the contamination of France... ((and France's refusal that it WAS contaminated))... all I know is that way more than forty odd deaths can be attributed to chernobyl ! it is perposterous that that is all that they will own up to!!!!!! amazing!!!!!

Yup, those leopard spots are what surprised me.

At least we know now that sand and lead are not viable options for stopping Japan. Sand melts at those temperatures and that doesn't help much, and lead will also liquify and release into the atmoshpere, and the health effects from that are, long term, almost as bad as radiation.
4.58pm (1.58am JST): Australia has advised its citizens to consider leaving Tokyo and earthquake-affected areas, but has said its advice is not due to the threat of nuclear contamination.

The country's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said its advice to Australians had nothing to do with the threat from the damaged plant.

"We are providing this advice because of the continuing disruption to major infrastructure, its impact on the welfare of people on the ground and continuing aftershocks," its notice said.

For our conspiracy theorists, Abovetopsecret.com has some very interesting things on their front page. I don't know of I can bring it over, so I won't bring over threads or postss from there, but as a test, I will link to their main site...bear in mind, this is not a highly reliable source, but they do sometimes have some pretty interesting vids and blogs that they link.

What I truly want to know (and perhaps I am over-reacting but noticed some are already starting to discuss) is how the devices that measure radiation amounts work. I am concerned that if we are in uncharted territory, are these measurements correct? Do they take into account all variables? I am wondering because of the potential for radiation to reach the west coast of the US. Please know I do worry for the Japanese people as well, I just think perhaps there might be protections we can take in the US since we have a little bit of time on our side until a potential worst case scenario were to happen.

I know information given in the media has been expressed in sieverts. Online I have read at http://www.bt.cdc.gov/radiation/pdf/measurement.pdf that “The biological risk of exposure to radiation is measured using the conventional unit rem or the SI unit sievert (Sv).” Also: “To determine a person's biological risk, scientists have assigned a number to each type of ionizing radiation (alpha and beta particles, gamma rays, and x-rays) depending on that type's ability to transfer energy to the cells of the body. This number is known as the Quality Factor (Q).
When a person is exposed to radiation, scientists can multiply the dose in rad by the quality factor for the type of radiation present and estimate a person's biological risk in rems. Thus, risk in rem = rad X Q.” The rem has been replaced by the Sv. One Sv is equal to 100 rem. “
OK, this leads me to question how is “Q” being calculated, in other words, what value is assigned to Q. Is it a constant (like an average or something)? Can devices detect the different types of radiation present?

Online at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiation_protection , there are different types of radiation listed. I have also read here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rad_(unit)
that “Q varies between 1 and 20, but is typically 1 for x-rays and gamma rays and 10 for neutrons. A dose of under 100 rems is subclinical and will produce nothing other than blood changes. 100 to 200 rems will cause illness, but will rarely be fatal. Doses of 200 to 1,000 rems will probably cause serious illness with poor outlook at the upper end of the range. Doses of more than 1,000 rems are almost invariably fatal.”

Then of course I am also frustrated by my understanding that radiation is cumulative and there is an exposure duration factor somewhere to be taken into consideration. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orders_of_magnitude_(radiation)

My prayers for all.
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