Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Status #4

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When the Fukushima Meltdown Hits Groundwater

Quote: If reactor 3 is in meltdown, the concrete under the containment looks like lava. But Fukushima is not far off the water table. When that molten mass of self-sustaining nuclear material gets to the water table it won’t simply cool down. It will explode – not a nuclear explosion, but probably enough to involve the rest of the reactors and fuel rods at the facility


and this from a link within the story: http://www.weatheronline.co.uk/weather/news/fukushima?LANG=en&VAR=euradsfc
Ugh, so much for dissipation--

Radiation detected in B.C. seaweed and rainwater not dangerous: researchers

Quote: The radiation found in B.C. was carried by the jet stream, and is now falling over the West Coast with rain, which is mixing with sea water and accumulating in seaweed, the SFU statement said.

Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Ra...+Researchers/4517000/story.html#ixzz1HwPEBp6W

eta: this is the first day without rain in many many days here in N.California... :(
BBM. Not a very inspiring remark, is it? Imagining what will happen to the sea life just makes me want weep. How far will the contaminated water spread? How long will it keep killing, altering the DNA of whatever fish and dolphins and whales and birds it doesn't fry outright?

Dear God, what have we done to the oceans?!

Interesting article which implies the state of ocean life currently so I think with Hazzards and pollution already out there the effects will be almost immediate. I am no expert of course.

I believe this is true,but I want someone to say to me exactly what will happen if the worst case scenario happens. I know they don't want to panic people,but if the worst happens and nobody is prepared,it will really be a mass panic.

I am old enough to remember both Chernobyl as well as the Three Mile Island incident. You don't mess with a beast you really have no control over. Seemed like common sense to me then and still does.
IF this is true-I'm not surprised! BUT-I am outraged!!!!:maddening:
Group warns EPA ready to increase radioactive release guidelines
The EPA is preparing to dramatically increase permissible radioactive releases in drinking water, food and soil after “radiological incidents,” according to Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility.

Drinking water, for example, would have a huge increase in allowable public exposure to radioactivity, the group says, that would include:

A nearly 1000-fold increase in strontium-90

A 3000 to 100,000-fold hike for iodine-131

An almost 25,000 rise for nickel-63

The new radiation guidance would also allow long-term cleanup standards thousands of times more lax than anything EPA has ever before accepted, permitting doses to the public that EPA itself estimates would cause a cancer in as much as every fourth person exposed, the group says.
Check put these links-
I'm fearing a new "normal" that has nothing but bad things associated with it. It makes me wonder if there's going to be an exodus to the southern hemisphere. :mad:
I'm fearing a new "normal" that has nothing but bad things associated with it. It makes me wonder if there's going to be an exodus to the southern hemisphere. :mad:

We could transfer to Dallas with my husbands job, but i dn't think that is far enough south...
as least we have the option of getting away.. a lot of the people in japan are sitting ducks :(
Marine Life Faces Threat From Runoff

Cesium 137, on the other hand, has a half-life of 30 years. Worse still, it is absorbed by marine plants, which are eaten by fish and — like mercury — tends to become concentrated as it moves up the food chain.

“It’s worrisome in that CS 137 is leaking, although the levels are still low,” said Paul G. Falkowski, a professor at Rutgers University’s Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences. “At some point this water that is pooling in various places is ultimately going to make its way out to the sea.” And if there is a lot of cesium 137 over an extended period “then you’ll have to worry.”

Michio Kaku is someone I'd absolutely listen to when it comes to stuff like this. He's brilliant, and can generally explain things in a manner that most folks can understand....

Agree amandab. He tells it like it is and is a very knowledgeable physicist.
Fukushima radioactive fallout nears Chernobyl levels

Quote: Japan's damaged nuclear plant in Fukushima has been emitting radioactive iodine and caesium at levels approaching those seen in the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident in 1986. Austrian researchers have used a worldwide network of radiation detectors – designed to spot clandestine nuclear bomb tests – to show that iodine-131 is being released at daily levels 73 per cent of those seen after the 1986 disaster. The daily amount of caesium-137 released from Fukushima Daiichi is around 60 per cent of the amount released from Chernobyl.

Fukushima engineers hampered by lack of power in fight to cool reactors
Without external electricity, it has been impossible to operate the cooling pumps and circulate water to keep spent fuel rods cold


The dropping and spraying of water is to cool the spent fuel rods. With no electricity, no water pumps.........how do you think they are cooling inside the reactor core.....since it is contained? Is someone standing there with a fire hose where the valve leading to the reactor core exists?

Seems to me the reactor core would have been in tick tock mode since the beginnning of no electricity.???

The dropping and spraying of water is to cool the spent fuel rods. With no electricity, no water pumps.........how do you think they are cooling inside the reactor core.....since it is contained? Is someone standing there with a fire hose where the valve leading to the reactor core exists?

Seems to me the reactor core would have been in tick tock mode since the beginnning of no electricity.???


Yes, I agree the reactors are in terrible shape. Tick tock, for sure.

What I've been looking for is an answer to whether or not they are still spraying water, I wouldn't think so, since I believe the radioactive pools are likely standing water that missed the target.

This article gives a broad run down:

'Hot' water removal going slowly / Flooded steam condensers in reactors hamper workers' efforts

Please don't throw tomatoes me, but have been looking up info from Mr. Katu and found this video from a woman who more or less predicted the 3/11 earthquake. Warning: She gets very upset because she feels noone is listening to her, but I thought it was interesting.

Ugh, so much for dissipation--

Radiation detected in B.C. seaweed and rainwater not dangerous: researchers

Quote: The radiation found in B.C. was carried by the jet stream, and is now falling over the West Coast with rain, which is mixing with sea water and accumulating in seaweed, the SFU statement said.

Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Ra...+Researchers/4517000/story.html#ixzz1HwPEBp6W

eta: this is the first day without rain in many many days here in N.California... :(

I live on the North Coast of BC about 400 Km North of Vancouver. I live right on the beach. On March 17th. the ocean looked very strange, this was just one large area, not sure of the dimensions. There was a line drawn around this area, not a tide line either. The water was almost an orange colour, brownish orange, not red tide, there was a strange cloud above it that was almost touching the water, not fog. What was even stranger was the white caps, wake from the boats were almost frozen in time, barely moving at all. All around this area looked quite normal. I am not the only one to witness this, a number of people that live by the beach as well as people in the grocery store were discussing this. I have lived on the coast and spent time on boats for many years and never have I seen the water look like this. What I am wondering - Would this Iodine-131 change the colour of the ocean and slow down the motion of the waves? Can't seem to locate anything regarding this online. Thanks for any input.

I live on the North Coast of BC about 400 Km North of Vancouver. I live right on the beach. On March 17th. the ocean looked very strange, this was just one large area, not sure of the dimensions. There was a line drawn around this area, not a tide line either. The water was almost an orange colour, brownish orange, not red tide, there was a strange cloud above it that was almost touching the water, not fog. What was even stranger was the white caps, wake from the boats were almost frozen in time, barely moving at all. All around this area looked quite normal. I am not the only one to witness this, a number of people that live by the beach as well as people in the grocery store were discussing this. I have lived on the coast and spent time on boats for many years and never have I seen the water look like this. What I am wondering - Would this Iodine-131 change the colour of the ocean and slow down the motion of the waves? Can't seem to locate anything regarding this online. Thanks for any input.

Thank you so much. What you described is very strange. Did you or anyone else get any pictures of it? I'm curious as well. I can't answer any of our questions - but I certainly see where you are leading to with them. That's why I'd like to see a picture.
I live in NC and tonight on the local news there was a report that radiation has been detected at "microscopic" levels here. I live 20 miles from a nuclear plant and as I understand it, b/c these plants have monitoring devices, that is why the radiation was detected. Makes me wonder about all of the other places in the US where there are no monitoring devices---is the radiation there too? And since Japan now has it in the seawater, the groundwater, the soil and the air at what point does all of the radiation add up to a large amount and affect other areas? Honestly, I haven't been too worried for my and my family's safety b.c I live on the East Coast. I think that is no longer the case. I am certain that the public will never get truthful, tragic news b/c our leaders would not want to incite a riot/panic. I am sure that is what is going on in Japan right now. For the record, I would not be in Tokyo right now no matter what. Yes, loyalty and dedication are wonderful attributes, but they are far more impressive when displayed by LIVING people. I pray for them, I pray for us. I'm not usually a doom & gloom kind of gal, but this is a horrific situation.

PS I worked this weekend (nights, I am a nurse) so I am just coming back to the land of the living. Many thanks to all of you who post---I appreciate the information you all share.
Thank you so much. What you described is very strange. Did you or anyone else get any pictures of it? I'm curious as well. I can't answer any of our questions - but I certainly see where you are leading to with them. That's why I'd like to see a picture.

I only wish I had of thought at the time to take a photo, was too busy talking on the phone to someone that lives on the hill above me, making sure she could see what I was seeing. This was late in the afternoon, however, some neighbours said it had been like that since the early morning. Not moving at all. Will ask around to see if anyone took a photo.

Perhaps the Bermuda Triangle has relocated or we are now entering the Twilight Zone.
HIGHLY radioactive water has been discovered leaking from Japan's stricken nuclear plant.

And, yesterday, officials admitted for the first time that there had been a partial meltdown inside the reactor.
More interesting stuff at link about radiation levels and some comments from France's Nuclear Agency.

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines has not yet decided what it will do with its container ship when it returns to Japan this week, a company official said on Tuesday, after China rejected the vessel for "abnormal" radiation levels.

The MOL Presence is the first ship barred from unloading its cargo at a foreign port over radiation concerns since Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant was crippled by the March 11 earthquake, an industry group official said.

Greenpeace has suggested to extend the evacuation zone around Japan's quake-hit Fukushima nuclear power plant from 20 to 40 km due to high radiation levels.
Some more really good stuff at this link too, but it's small print an my tired eyes aren't doing too well tonight.

The Health Ministry has clarified that Fiji does not import any vegetables, milk or water from Japan which are currently infected by the radiation.

Spokesperson Peni Namotu said all food products imported to Fiji through any port of entry is inspected by the respective government departments including the ministry.
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