Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Status #4

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A replacement power line reached the complex Friday, but workers needed to methodically work through badly damaged and deeply complex electrical systems to make the final linkups without setting off a spark and potentially an explosion. Company officials hoped to be able to switch on the cooling systems Sunday.

Once the power is reconnected, it is not clear if the cooling systems will still work.


I'm getting an error page off this link...
Japan cites progress in efforts to stabilize Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant; radiation found in milk, spinach

At the Fukushima Daiichi plant, emergency crews set up a fire truck with a 70-foot-tall water cannon that sprayed three tons of seawater a minute on the No. 3 reactor. No. 3 is the only one of the plant’s six reactors to use plutonium, which is considered more dangerous than uranium.

The spraying, which did not require human beings to be present in the zone of elevated radiation, began at about 2 p.m. Saturday local time and was to continue for about seven hours, officials said, with the water split between reactors No. 3 and No. 4.

I find it amazing that the Japanese govt. hasn't expanded the radious of evacuation or at least staying in your house,but th efood supply is contaminated 65 miles. I wouldn't believe anything coming out of there right now. How about the guy they supposedly rescued after 8 days,wasn't missing for 8 days after all. He just went back after being in a shelter. The news changes by the minute.

Thanks, Teh-- two things I didn't know come from your link:

Quote: Holes were also punched in the roofs of units 5 and 6 to vent buildups of hydrogen gas, and the temperature in Unit 5's fuel storage pool dropped after new water was pumped in, according to officials with Tokyo Electric Power Co., which owns the complex.

More workers were thrown into the effort - bringing the total at the complex to 500 - and the safety threshold for their radiation exposure was raised 2 1/2 times so they could keep working.
Japan halts sale of food from near Fukushima

Quote: Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said radiation levels in milk from a Fukushima farm about 30 km (18 miles) from the plant, and spinach grown in Ibaraki, a neighbouring prefecture, exceeded limits set by the government.


(I wonder when they'll up the limits for the public?)
Thanks, Teh-- two things I didn't know come from your link:

Quote: Holes were also punched in the roofs of units 5 and 6 to vent buildups of hydrogen gas, and the temperature in Unit 5's fuel storage pool dropped after new water was pumped in, according to officials with Tokyo Electric Power Co., which owns the complex.

More workers were thrown into the effort - bringing the total at the complex to 500 - and the safety threshold for their radiation exposure was raised 2 1/2 times so they could keep working.

Thanks for the link, Teh. 2 things jumped out at me:

1. Holes were punched in the roofs of Units 5 & 6---when and how were these holes punched? I thought radiation levels were too high at the plant for people to be there doing that.

2. I think the TEPCO execs need to get their butts over to the plant and take the same risk that they are subjecting these workers to. I mean---150 milliseverts/hour??? Seriously??? I love how the the artice states "the SAFETY threshold for their radiation exposure was raised....". There is no safety whatsoever in that number. Those poor workers.
How the earthquakes are today-- Japan had a 6 several hours ago, and things are beginning to resemble an average day, imo.

This is the week we are supposed to have the big one here in SoCal, starting to day I believe.(according to the ring of fire theory)
My earthquake alert app just told me there was a small quake in southern Alaska, so are things moving around the Ring of Fire?
Just food for thought is all.
I am sooooo close to the New Madrid fault I am beginning to worry also.........prayers for all affected by any of this stuff!

WOW. That is unbelievable. I read somewhere on one of the news sites yesterday that some meteorological group estimates that the initial wave was as high as 76 feet. IF that is true that is unimaginable. One question---I thought that a tsunami was just 1 giant wave----but it appears that it is more than 1? Can someone please educate me? Thanks very much!
WOW. That is unbelievable. I read somewhere on one of the news sites yesterday that some meteorological group estimates that the initial wave was as high as 76 feet. IF that is true that is unimaginable. One question---I thought that a tsunami was just 1 giant wave----but it appears that it is more than 1? Can someone please educate me? Thanks very much!

Quick video on tsunamis and a couple stories.

You can also youtube search tsunami and there are some incredibly terrifying videos there.
WOW. That is unbelievable. I read somewhere on one of the news sites yesterday that some meteorological group estimates that the initial wave was as high as 76 feet. IF that is true that is unimaginable. One question---I thought that a tsunami was just 1 giant wave----but it appears that it is more than 1? Can someone please educate me? Thanks very much!

From the wiki article

When the tsunami's wave peak reaches the shore, the resulting temporary rise in sea level is termed run up. Run up is measured in metres above a reference sea level.[21] A large tsunami may feature multiple waves arriving over a period of hours, with significant time between the wave crests. The first wave to reach the shore may not have the highest run up.[22]


Imo, think the ripples from a stone dropped in water...
WOW. That is unbelievable. I read somewhere on one of the news sites yesterday that some meteorological group estimates that the initial wave was as high as 76 feet. IF that is true that is unimaginable. One question---I thought that a tsunami was just 1 giant wave----but it appears that it is more than 1? Can someone please educate me? Thanks very much!

Tsunamis have been compared to ripples in a pond when something is dropped in the water. So, yes, there can be more than one wave. In fact, tsunami waves have been known to hit land and then bounce back in the opposite direction (like ripples in a bath tub).

What makes it confusing is that "tsunami" means "harbor wave", so each wave or "ripple" may be called a tsunami and the entire event is also called a tsunami.
Starting at The United States Environmental Protection Agency's section on Radiation: Updates on EPA's Monitoring Efforts
"As the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has said, we do not expect to see radiation at harmful levels reaching the U.S. from damaged Japanese nuclear power plants. As part of the federal government's continuing effort to make our activities and science transparent and available to the public, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will continue to keep all RadNet data available in the current online database. EPA is working with its federal partners and has deployed additional monitors to Hawaii, Alaska, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands."

Brief summaries of readings.

From there to: Central Data Exchange at http://epa.gov/cdx/

"Due to the events in Japan and the heightened interest in radiation monitoring data, EPA has developed new content RadNet Map View which contains monitoring data and additional contextual information from EPA's Radiation Protection Programs."

From there, access to: RadNet Map View

All brought to you by the Federal Government of the United States of America.
Just reported by on Fox that Japanese officials are unsure if they can restart plant as water pumps might be too damaged. Also they are considering putting a ban on food coming from the effected region.(Really,who would eat it anyway?)
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