Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Status #5

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I'm just shaking my head, it's all so insane! I worry for every young family in the Northern Hemisphere. :(
Hi All, I lurk on here quite a bit but don't often post since I feel like I don't usually have much to say that benefits us all. :)

Japan has upgraded the nuclear disaster to worst level possible---Level 7. Personally, I think it is way beyond that.

From the article I linked above ^^^^ "The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency made the decision on Monday. It says the damaged facilities have been releasing a massive amount of radioactive substances, which are posing a threat to human health and the environment over a wide area." and also "The agency believes the cumulative amount from the Fukushima plant is less than that from Chernobyl."

Hi All, I lurk on here quite a bit but don't often post since I feel like I don't usually have much to say that benefits us all. :)

Japan has upgraded the nuclear disaster to worst level possible---Level 7. Personally, I think it is way beyond that.


Yes, when all is said and done, this disaster will push the scale to new levels. I wish they'd tell us when a spike is going to hit our specific regions-- there are things we can do. jmo :cool:
8 mile depth is quite shallow


6.4 Date-Time Monday, April 11, 2011 at 23:08:16 UTC
Tuesday, April 12, 2011 at 08:08:16 AM at epicenter
Location 35.406°N, 140.542°E
Depth 13.1 km (8.1 miles)
Distances 77 km (48 miles) ESE (112°) from TOKYO, Japan
107 km (66 miles) S (177°) from Mito, Honshu, Japan
173 km (107 miles) SE (129°) from Maebashi, Honshu, Japan
Geez, these poor people---there has been A LOT of rocking and rolling over there today. 7.1 earlier, now this 6.4 and then a 6.1 a bit ago. I do not care what anyone says---all of that has got to take a toll on damaged buildings/reactors. I think this is a steady deterioration that for some reason our news agencies are NOT talking about---and I don't understand that. I really don't. I mean---we are talking the worst nuclear catastrophe in HISTORY and the upgrade to Level 7 isn't even mentioned on the CBS Evening news???? WTF?????

Seriously, can anyone tell me why this silence???
Geez, these poor people---there has been A LOT of rocking and rolling over there today. 7.1 earlier, now this 6.4 and then a 6.1 a bit ago. I do not care what anyone says---all of that has got to take a toll on damaged buildings/reactors. I think this is a steady deterioration that for some reason our news agencies are NOT talking about---and I don't understand that. I really don't. I mean---we are talking the worst nuclear catastrophe in HISTORY and the upgrade to Level 7 isn't even mentioned on the CBS Evening news???? WTF?????

Seriously, can anyone tell me why this silence???

My guess would be they fear that if we had the full info, it could cause panic, and that would in turn topple our already fragile economy.
My guess would be they fear that if we had the full info, it could cause panic, and that would in turn topple our already fragile economy.

Yes, totally agree with this. But then you have to ask the obvious question---they are putting economic concerns ahead of human safety/protection? And again, the answer (to me, anyways) is a resounding yes. How sad. Our leaders are more concerned with protecting their wallets than their citizens. :banghead:
Extremely Graphic photos, and the last two compare 1945 Hiroshima damage to the tsunami.


(warning: dead body)

I really, really wish I had listened to your warning, because I am seriously bawling right now. This may sound callous, but it's always the pictures/stories of the pets that get left behind that hit me really hard (I think because it's a more accessible tragedy than taking in all the human casualties--my heart just can't take that in, or I'd really lose it). I feel so, so bad for everyone in Japan right now. I hate this, I really do.
Yes, when all is said and done, this disaster will push the scale to new levels. I wish they'd tell us when a spike is going to hit our specific regions-- there are things we can do. jmo :cool:

I am so mad I haven't heard ANYTHING helpful from our government. I live in Northern Ca., and my daughter is asking me what she should do. Her 13 mo old drinks alot of milk, she's worried about her 4 year old. I have 14 grandchildren and I do not have any idea what to tell them as far as protecting their children! And I know that if we are told what to do, it will be at least 4 weeks too late.!!
Geez, these poor people---there has been A LOT of rocking and rolling over there today. 7.1 earlier, now this 6.4 and then a 6.1 a bit ago. I do not care what anyone says---all of that has got to take a toll on damaged buildings/reactors. I think this is a steady deterioration that for some reason our news agencies are NOT talking about---and I don't understand that. I really don't. I mean---we are talking the worst nuclear catastrophe in HISTORY and the upgrade to Level 7 isn't even mentioned on the CBS Evening news???? WTF?????

Seriously, can anyone tell me why this silence???

Probably for the very same reason Soviet Union did not announce anything about Chernobyl until radiation started showing up in Europe and it had no choice but to admit it.
i shouldn't have looked.. those animals killed me.. maybe because they are still alive.. they can be rescued.. why aren't they.. why can't someone turn that horse loose so he can at least get to some water and graze??? What about the cat, break the window let her out.. give her a chance :( :( I'm gonna have nightmares :(
Breaking News: Fire in Fukushima #3 Turbine building April 12, 2011

I am so mad I haven't heard ANYTHING helpful from our government. I live in Northern Ca., and my daughter is asking me what she should do. Her 13 mo old drinks alot of milk, she's worried about her 4 year old. I have 14 grandchildren and I do not have any idea what to tell them as far as protecting their children! And I know that if we are told what to do, it will be at least 4 weeks too late.!!

Hello, I just happened upon your post while looking for something else but wanted to add my suggestion that I have suggested for my g-kids for now.... Mix and have them drink powdered milk. When kept very cold most adults don't notice the difference and children do not. Just a suggestion....
Geez, these poor people---there has been A LOT of rocking and rolling over there today. 7.1 earlier, now this 6.4 and then a 6.1 a bit ago. I do not care what anyone says---all of that has got to take a toll on damaged buildings/reactors. I think this is a steady deterioration that for some reason our news agencies are NOT talking about---and I don't understand that. I really don't. I mean---we are talking the worst nuclear catastrophe in HISTORY and the upgrade to Level 7 isn't even mentioned on the CBS Evening news???? WTF?????

Seriously, can anyone tell me why this silence???

IMO Because it's bad, REALLY bad. It was forseeable and too much reporting may get people actually thinking and questioning the safety and use here. It was always all about making money.

I've lived my whole life terrified of the possible consequences of nuclear energy and can't understand how anyone that lived through Three Mile Island and Chernobyl isn't.

Just wait and watch the denials when cancer rates skyrocket.
LEVEL 7-Worse than Chernobyl! BUT- don't get too upset folks. The government says it's only 1/10 the amount of radiarion that was released at Chernobyl. So, what factors make it worse or the same level if not the amount of radiation?:maddening:
Mr. Nishiyama stressed that unlike at Chernobyl, where the reactor itself exploded and fire fanned the release of radioactive material, the containments at the four troubled reactors at Fukushima remained intact over all.

But at a separate news conference, an official from Tokyo Electric said, "The radiation leak has not stopped completely and our concern is that it could eventually exceed Chernobyl."

The accident at Chernobyl involved a burning graphite reactor that pushed radioactive particles high into the atmosphere and downwind across Europe. The Japanese accident has mostly produced radioactive liquid runoff into the Pacific Ocean and low-altitude radioactive particles that have tended to blow out into the ocean and quickly fall into the water.

On the International Nuclear Event Scale, a Level 7 nuclear accident involves "widespread health and environmental effects" and the "external release of a significant fraction of the reactor core inventory." The scale, which was developed by the International Atomic Energy Agency and countries that use nuclear energy, leaves it to the nuclear agency of the country where the accident occurs to calculate a rating based on complicated criteria.

Japan's previous rating of 5 placed the Fukushima accident at the same level as the Three Mile Island accident in Pennsylvania in 1979. Level 7 has been applied only to the disaster at Chernobyl, in the former Soviet Union.

"This is an admission by the Japanese government that the amount of radiation released into the environment has reached a new order of magnitude," said Tetsuo Iguchi, a professor in the department of quantum engineering at Nagoya University. "The fact that we have now confirmed the world's second-ever level 7 accident will have huge consequences for the global nuclear industry. It shows that current safety standards are woefully inadequate
IMO Because it's bad, REALLY bad. It was forseeable and too much reporting may get people actually thinking and questioning the safety and use here. It was always all about making money.

I've lived my whole life terrified of the possible consequences of nuclear energy and can't understand how anyone that lived through Three Mile Island and Chernobyl isn't.

Just wait and watch the denials when cancer rates skyrocket.

Media has curtailed their reporting on this way back. You notice not one is having any nuclear scientists or nuclear engineers on and asking their opinions. They were in the beginning....when things weren't as bad as they are now.
I watched this video yesterday showing two journalists travelling towards the Nuclear Plant with a geiger counter and radiation detector. It's chilling and shows some of the problems any journalst would encounter trying to cover this story.

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