Jason Wishert Has Threatened My Family.

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I've already made one post of my thoughts in this thread, I hope its okay if I post in this thread again.

I have had this on my mind alot today, and I couldn't figure out why. Then I realized exactly why this subject has made me as angry as it has. Of course its never okay to threaten another human being, of course its never okay to threaten an entire family. That -should- anger everyone. But to threaten a person, and their family who has been dedicated to victim/child/family advocacy is beyond maddening. Its unbelievable, and for this exboyfriend to claim child advocacy? And threaten a family? ARE YOU SERIOUS?

I understand how not receiving the type/amount of news coverage as one wishes can be frustrating. Media is fickle, and he interjected himself happily into a horrible situation. I don't know what else to say. I usually have alot to say. I seriously have no more words.

Good luck to you all.
Take care Tricia, and thank you and all the other hard workers here, I believe there are many.
You rock Tricia...........I love smart people :)
IMO He looked for attention and now he has had tons of it.
He may be satisified now.:gum:
I have dealt with people like this before and here is what is happening . . . I think.

Most of the places he has written have done what he requested. Removed everything. One site even offered a very sincere apology. Even though they did nothing wrong in my opinion.

This reaction gave him power in my opinion. He felt that all he needed to do was mention a law firm's name and I would back down. He was angry, felt like he was in the right, and feeling the power of having others back down to his threats.

Why let the truth about his non existent lawyer get in the way of getting his own way?

What he did not plan on was the fact that none of what he has written scares me in the least. In fact it has just the opposite effect.

I have been in this rodeo a long time. Believe me the threats come on a regular basis.

Once someone sees how much it would cost to sue a website owner, once someone realizes that I am personally protected by the law, they usually back down. Then some, like Jason, get more angry and dig themselves in deeper.

There is more to this story and I will be updating you all as soon as I can.

Thank you again for all your support. Couldn't do any of this without you.

Although this has nothing to do with finding Kryon it does have a lot to do with cyber bullying and not allowing it to happen. That's one of the reasons I am not going to back down.

I am guessing he will go away but not before all the proper authorities have been notified and his actions are known to them.

Thank you Tricia for addressing my post.

I am so glad that you are not backing down, what a great inspiration. Whatever his reasons for putting himself out in the public eye, hopefully this will be a constructive lesson for him. Good luck to you and thank you for keeping everyone updated, for this is a lesson as well for all of us.
Something doesn't seem right about this guy. I hope he is being checked out and the proper authorities are aware of his threats.....

And why would he give Tricia the name of his supposed attorney(s) when they have never even heard of him. Very Very strange......

and does any of this have anything to do with Kyron????????????????

Wishing the best for Tricia and soooo glad she is able to keep a cool head and take the right action against this very strange situation. Aloha

This has hinky plastered ALLLL oer it!

I read this when first posted, but it's taken me this long to process something:

Why does this NOT shock me?

Why does it seem like he is NOT alone in this whole effort to use Kyron to draw attention to himself?

Why does it seem lke there is SO much more going on behind the scenes in this case?

And why do I have the sneaking suspicion that LE is already looking pretty closely at this guy, as well as some others like the LS, a few BFFs and maybe even BM?

Not looking for a discussion about it...don't want to change the subject...just saying, I think this guy is not the only one acting weird...beyond the most obvious person, that is!

Something in my gut tells me there is more than meets the eye here, and I would not be at all surprised if LE has noticed how many less than balanced people surrounded Kyron!

Prayers for LE...to resolve this sorted soap opera soon, for Kyron's sake!
I haven't really paid much attention to JW, as I felt he was inserting himself into Kyron's case for personal reasons and/or gain. What he offered in terms of information was of no use whatsoever in finding Kyron.

IMO, this person damaged his chances of gaining employment as a LEO all by himself. After reading the letter he wrote to you, I doubt he could pass the mandatory Psyche Eval required by all Law Enforcement Agencies prior to hiring.

Sorry Tricia ...

My thoughts exactly!

Seven-hundred forty-three THOUSAND dollars.

Where on earth did he get that figure?

I know that weird $ amount jumped out the first skim of the letter I went through, speed reading it! It just screams INSANE!

I'm guessing that this person believes that Websleuths is worth $$$, hence this very strange letter... Two phrases stand out : " I will continue my retaliative campaign until my death " and " Everything you hold dear will be a target of mine " ... Highly disturbing,threatening language. And,this is if you don't ante up that 743,000...

I am sorry that you have been threatened in this fashion. Definately I would involve LE. It's also an interesting turn of events IMO.

Scary, for sure! So weird!

One thing that I think is common, is that people who THINK they know a little legaleze, and THINK they are well spoken and scary and threatening, usually are not, they do not realize how ridiculous their threats sound.

I know (from being through a long drawn out legal issue) that people have NO IDEA on earth what sort of $ you are talking when you even mention a lawsuit! Tens of thousands a month, wasily! It is mindblowing, I personally am more mindful of people who know their business and don't make empty threats than someone screaming LAWSUIT! They just don't realize what they are saying!:waitasec:

I have been busy and have been gone a few days, I was surprised to come back to this. The sad thing is, I just want to know where Kyron is!!!
Tricia, looking forward to an update and am really hoping that LE has taken this seriously.
Holy cow. You know, at first I kind of ignored this guy and just viewed him as a creepy, vindictive type of ex-boyfriend after his slander stunt against DeDe in the local Oregon news. But, now he is threatening our Tricia and god knows how many other forum owners he may have contacted. His writing and whole approach to everything is just creepy.

If he is trying to make himself look innocent of any possible connection to the Kyron case, he is not doing himself any favors. I am not even saying that I believe he is connected, just that at this point his behavior is exceeding the hinkiness of Terri and certainly would give LE a reason to give him another look.
my name is tricia too.......tricia made me change my requested user name so i wouldn't get letters like this one :waitasec:

LOL. Now you see why I don't want anyone to have a name even slightly close to mine.
This boy has a serious judgment problem. He's his own worst enemy. Writes a threatening letter with (IMO) all the evidence you'd need to get a restraining order against him. Hopefully, you have one by now; I'm betting it won't be the first one he's ever had taken out against him.

All the millions his family business makes while he eats stale bread and ramen noodles. :shakehead: And to think WS has ruined his family too. :floorlaugh:

Wild guess: $743,000 is the net present value of an estimated calculation of future lost income from his non-existent career in criminal justice. :blushing:

In all honesty, I'm sending a prayer up that he seeks and gets some qualified counseling and changes his major to English & Literature. He was never going to make it in criminal justice. Certainly not after the Dede pscho-babble backstabbing ex-boyfriend mess he so carelessly slopped up for publishing in the newspaper. :rolleyes: However, he could sharpen those skills and write a great crime story some day.

I'm sorry you have to experience this - even when you know it's foolishness, it still must be very unsettling to know someone would think it's wise to outright threaten you.

Hang in there, Tricia! And thanks again for letting me play in your forum. :blowkiss:

I have to agree with Mrs. Peel. Bolded by me.

I haven't been visiting much lately, maybe once a week, so I'm just finding this thread. :eek: Restraining order comes to mind. A chat with LE involved in the Kyron case, also your local LE, a headsup to the FBI could help (blackmail, extortion, who covers cyber threats, anyway?), and certainly people in Multnomah County's child advocacy programs need to be warned about this person if he is indeed somehow involved with children!

Not only is this guy "two classes away from graduating", he's also many pennies short of a nickel if he thinks threats to people and their families (until death!) is a legal approach to taking care of a problem.

His letter to Tricia was a scary glimpse into his thought process. Be careful with this one and take all precautions.

$50 million dollars does not equal having to live on stale bread and noodles. :waitasec:

This is the first I've heard of the Jason person, but like I said, I've been offline quite a bit lately.
Wow! so sorry Tricia please be safe. The tone of the letter is very disturbing.

I must had miss the posts here but read plenty else where that I by pass.

He had no information that would help find Kyron. I never did understand why he put his self out there.

This is what I found on him sorry if post already.

Wishert may refer to the last name of Jason Wishert of Multnomah County, Oregon. Mr. Wishert is a 6 time Oregon Supreme Court appointee, elected to the OJD State Advisory Council in July 2006 at age 37, and a writer with several articles published in The Hillsboro Argus in 2008. His biography states he is pursuing a criminal justice degree at Washington State University. He is founder and owner of Embassy Enterprises, an Oregon based fencing company.

Mr. Wishert is a child advocate, serving on a board that provides Judicial oversight to children placed in State custody. He is a supporter of several non-profit child outreach organizations including CCF out of Richmond and Friends of Pimpollo out of Salem Oregon. His personal motto is "Trust God Everyday, and Never Give Up".

That only the part that gave me a hinky pause. Being that we talking about a missing little boy.

:eek: :doh:

Holy Moley, I would have NEVER gotten that from his letters!!!!! (Bold RED)

I'm stunned. Could he have written this about himself? Really? On the internet? :wink:

I can't edit my above post, but I do realize Tricia said she received the letter/s from JW through the mail and I assume she must have gotten some kind of e-mail, too, so therefore I mentioned cyber threats, but also, threats through the postal system must warrant some type of federal intervention, right?
Wow! I live in a vacuum. First time I've heard of this. What a really great guy he is. I wonder who broke up the relationship, him or her. I have an opinion, naturally.

What I don't understand is why, with a $50M a year business, he was eating day old bread? Can't compute that.

Tricia, brave leader, you rock!
Wow! I live in a vacuum. First time I've heard of this. What a really great guy he is. I wonder who broke up the relationship, him or her. I have an opinion, naturally.

What I don't understand is why, with a $50M a year business, he was eating day old bread? Can't compute that.

Tricia, brave leader, you rock!

Love your avatar. Johnnie Depp (sigh) isn't he the most gorgeous pirate ever? ... I had something to say here... um, oh NOW I remember :dance:

Tricia, I am very glad you did not knuckle under to this character. One of the problems with these litigious types is they are likely to get their way, which just encourages them. People/companies don't want the hassle so they just settle or sweep it under the rug. You took a stand which means he will think VERY hard before trying to extort someone again.

Keep that light shining.
I think it is Dr. Phil who says "When people show you who they are,believe them."
IMO ,JW showed who he really is with his letters.
A true child advocate would not threaten family members of those he is angry with,nor would one threaten to take on a victim's advocacy forum .
Clearly the word Sleuth in Websleuths was overlooked by JW. He must think he is the only one allowed to have an opinion. How much more publicly can you dis someone than by going to the media as he did in describing Dede ?
How ironic his initials are JW. It sounds like his reality is similar to JW's from the Caylee forum .
Love your avatar. Johnnie Depp (sigh) isn't he the most gorgeous pirate ever? ... I had something to say here... um, oh NOW I remember :dance:

Tricia, I am very glad you did not knuckle under to this character. One of the problems with these litigious types is they are likely to get their way, which just encourages them. People/companies don't want the hassle so they just settle or sweep it under the rug. You took a stand which means he will think VERY hard before trying to extort someone again.

Keep that light shining.

Excellent post tragco! Not only extortion, but to threaten someones family? A person who claims to be a child advocate threatening a family with kids? As a parent I would not let Jason Wishert within 200 yards of my child. After reading that letter, no way no how -the guy would be no where near my child.

Tricia, I too would like to give you a GIANT THANK YOU for standing up to this threat. I agree, with the pp I think he would think long and hard before sending out these kind of threatening letters again.

Excellent post tragco! Not only extortion, but to threaten someones family? A person who claims to be a child advocate threatening a family with kids? As a parent I would not let Jason Wishert within 200 yards of my child. After reading that letter, no way no how -the guy would be no where near my child.

Tricia, I too would like to give you a GIANT THANK YOU for standing up to this threat. I agree, with the pp I think he would think long and hard before sending out these kind of threatening letters again.


I agree, Cubby. Jason is, in my opinion, a bully. We have a bully forum here, where we discuss, and hopefully in our everyday lives, FIGHT that kind of thing. I am glad that Tricia has decided to stand up to this bully. My opinion.
I agree, Cubby. Jason is, in my opinion, a bully. We have a bully forum here, where we discuss, and hopefully in our everyday lives, FIGHT that kind of thing. I am glad that Tricia has decided to stand up to this bully. My opinion.

thank you. The behavior demonstrated in his letter is the exact opposite of how I would teach my child or the kind of person I would want around my child. I should have added in my pp, but did not, I hope that EVERY single person who received a threatening letter such as the one Tricia received, if there are others and it is my opinion there are, should take the same advise offered here and please notify the post master, LE etc. I think many of us here stand up in support for not only Tricia, but anyone else Jason is trying to bully..... Power in numbers - Please do NOT allow this man to intimidate you with his bully letters.

OMG I just found this thread. So sorry TRICIA that you have this kind of chaos from what I think is a whack job.
He is either very imbalanced, or needs his 15 minutes that may include a fantasy of a fat check. :crazy:

Tricia PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read every body's suggestions but do not post any of your plans, hold them close to the vest in case he is more dangerous then just a whack job.

Stay strong!
this is for you :beats:
Wow! so sorry Tricia please be safe. The tone of the letter is very disturbing.

I must had miss the posts here but read plenty else where that I by pass.

He had no information that would help find Kyron. I never did understand why he put his self out there.

This is what I found on him sorry if post already.

Wishert may refer to the last name of Jason Wishert of Multnomah County, Oregon. Mr. Wishert is a 6 time Oregon Supreme Court appointee, elected to the OJD State Advisory Council in July 2006 at age 37, and a writer with several articles published in The Hillsboro Argus in 2008. His biography states he is pursuing a criminal justice degree at Washington State University. He is founder and owner of Embassy Enterprises, an Oregon based fencing company.

Mr. Wishert is a child advocate, serving on a board that provides Judicial oversight to children placed in State custody. He is a supporter of several non-profit child outreach organizations including CCF out of Richmond and Friends of Pimpollo out of Salem Oregon. His personal motto is "Trust God Everyday, and Never Give Up".

That only the part that gave me a hinky pause. Being that we talking about a missing little boy.

At the risk of sounding like a whack job myself. (Just another thought)
He is NO real child advocate, but uses that arena for another purpose :furious:
Anyone who is an advocate for good could never write such a letter. :no:
Yes whack jobs can look like a normal part of our society while doing horrific things.

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