Spain Jay Slater, 19, missing on holiday in Tenerife, 17 June 2024 #2

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I think they are referring to:

“We are having to do this all by ourselves as Spanish police are not doing a good enough job. They don’t even speak English. It’s been a very slow process here so we need the British police to come out and help them,' she told The Times.

Which was quoted in the above DM link and they linked to The Times.

I somehow missed that quote in the DM link and I believe you are correct in that is likely what they were referencing. Still this is one quote likely made in frustration after doing everything she could to find Jay and failing. If this is the only thing she has said I still think the media has been playing up the "Slammed local police" angle for their stories when it is more than likely just an offhanded comment made in her fear, frustration, and panic.

Again she is young, and this is a traumatic experience that she is going to have to live with for the rest of her life. I just really feel for her, I couldn't imagine how I would react in her position so I don't think it's fair to call her entitled or critique how she's handling the situation.

It would be far easier for her not to engage with the media and not make herself an advocate for Jay online, but I imagine she feels like she has to do everything possible to try to find him. He was the one who called her for help instead of local authorities. That is a lot of pressure to be given. That is all I'm saying.
I somehow missed that quote in the DM link and I believe you are correct in that is likely what they were referencing. Still this is one quote likely made in frustration after doing everything she could to find Jay and failing. If this is the only thing she has said I still think the media has been playing up the "Slammed local police" angle for their stories when it is more than likely just an offhanded comment made in her fear, frustration, and panic.

Again she is young, and this is a traumatic experience that she is going to have to live with for the rest of her life. I just really feel for her, I couldn't imagine how I would react in her position so I don't think it's fair to call her entitled or critique how she's handling the situation.

It would be far easier for her not to engage with the media and not make herself an advocate for Jay online, but I imagine she feels like she has to do everything possible to try to find him. He was the one who called her for help instead of local authorities. That is a lot of pressure to be given. That is all I'm saying.
Oh yes, I know what you are saying. Years ago I once made an off hand remark about something to an (ex) friend who’s a journo and they turned it into a headline story including a quote from me. I was mortified as I had not intended it to be in the paper, it was just idle chit-chat. So I know how that can go.

The stakes here are so high though, at this point I think they need someone to help them with this side of it. How they could get that over there I don’t know. Often in these cases the family picks a spokesperson, someone they are related to or know with media or legal training. They maybe just don’t have someone obvious to do that though.
(L-R) Jay Slater and Lucy Law

Lucy was able to track down the house visited by Jay after the festival by tracing a snapchat picture, The Mirror reports. An American woman drove Lucy up into the rocky terrain where they found a house which matched the photo.

The people inside told her Jay had gone out for a cigarette before heading back inside to tell them he wanted to go home, it was reported. "They told me he'd spoken to the next-door neighbours and they'd told him there was a bus every ten minutes back down to Los Cristianos," Lucy said.

"The bus stop was right next to the house. So obviously if he'd gone to get the bus he wouldn't have got lost because it [the stop] was visible from the front door."

The last Snapchat picture shared by Jay before he vanished shows a hand holding a cigarette at a property in the Buenavista del Norte area at 7.30am on Monday, 45 minutes before his 8.15am call to Lucy
Lucy continued: "The two boys he was last with have left the country. They need to be questioned by British police."

Another friend of Jay said: "We've been told the two guys Jay was last with are from Luton. One is known by the nickname Johnny Vegas. We're sure they know something.

"The island police say they have copies of their passports, but we've been told they flew back to Gatwick yesterday. We drove all round the ravine yesterday for 12 hours and we're getting out shouting and screaming Jay's name, but we couldn't find anything."
All a bit odd, to track down a house in a foreign country through 1 picture, and then random American woman giving a lift?
Unless it's incorrect information, but there does seem a lot of it about imo
I think in an ideal world the friends and family probably need someone advising them though and should just have one person making statements right now that are looked over by someone with at least media training, because the Spanish police and authorities are going to see this stuff and it’s likely going to rub them the wrong way. Just my thoughts and opinions.

Quote snipped by me for focus.

I agree 1 million percent, a media trained advisor to assist friends and family in these situations would be a boon to all. I wonder if any non-profits exist that fill this role already? Because it really should be a thing, especially with how rapidly the snowball of social media can take one quote and turn it into hundreds of articles with ever-increasing attention-grabbing headlines. I feel for both Lucy and the local emergency workers.
I'm confused because I thought Jay headed north, i.e. in the wrong direction, uphill, after leaving the airbnb bus stop. And then his phone pinged his location. So I don't understand why the ping came from near a palm tree 'further down the valley', because this implies further south/downhill from the airbnb?

Because of the terrain. "down the valley" would be a drop in elevation, like a canyon, even though it was north or "up" from where he started.
Oh yes, I know what you are saying. Years ago I once made an off hand remark about something to an (ex) friend who’s a journo and they turned it into a headline story including a quote from me. I was mortified as I had not intended it to be in the paper, it was just idle chit-chat. So I know how that can go.

The stakes here are so high though, at this point I think they need someone to help them with this side of it. How they could get that over there I don’t know. Often in these cases the family picks a spokesperson, someone they are related to or know with media or legal training. They maybe just don’t have someone obvious to do that though.
I agree with this, there is a lot reportedly being said and it won’t be helping especially if the Spanish Police and SAR Teams read what’s purportedly being said. Whilst I do not agree with British Police going out to help search as it would likely hinder than help, a Family Liaison Officer going over there maybe helpful for the family to feel supported and to aid positive communications. Jay’s mum has said herself she was shouting and screaming at the Spanish Police which won’t be helping matters sadly.
I agree with this, there is a lot reportedly being said and it won’t be helping especially if the Spanish Police and SAR Teams read what’s purportedly being said. Whilst I do not agree with British Police going out to help search as it would likely hinder than help, a Family Liaison Officer going over there maybe helpful for the family to feel supported and to aid positive communications. Jay’s mum has said herself she was shouting and screaming at the Spanish Police which won’t be helping matters sadly.
I think a Family Liaison Officer would be perfect for this situation, especially if they were bilingual and could speak Spanish too. Language barriers are frustrating enough even when the stakes aren't as high as this and it would take a lot of negative pressure of the local police to focus on the search while the family would still feel supported. I wonder if that is the type of help the Brits offered and was rejected, or if they had phrased it more generally like 'we are ready to send officers to your aid' cause I find it hard to turn the former away but very easy to turn the latter away.
One of the pics that was realised, the one with cigarette in hand, and funny looking pants, confuses me it looks like it's pointing to the floor, but has a window/ opening to the left, or is it just me ?
Speaking while overlooking a ravine where it is understood Jay’s phone last ‘pinged’, Lucy, who has just finished a college course in Travel and Tourism: “A lady said she last saw Jay at 8am walking at pace. She said her brother owns the house.”
*might this brother be part of the 'we' earlier referred to: ? *afaik this is the first i see talking about a brother

Ophelia shared that Jay has also asked about catching the bus from the area before making the journey on foot - which was the only route.

She aired her concerns about the teenager, but in the height of the media frenzy she stated: 'We are not to blame.'
Glad you posted that because the very first article I read about this named a man who owned the Airbnb. IIRC, it said he was a former mayor who had a corruption issue or something like that.
To be fair that quote above was from Lucy. The mum has been a little (?) more diplomatic, although she also allegedly told the Sun she’s been shouting at the cops. (Again, I’m sure they are scared and frustrated but probably not the best way to keep the police there on side!)

(Also if they are struggling to understand the cops shouldn’t the Home Office contacts be connecting them with a translator? You think in this highly covered a case they would.)

Today Jay's worried mum Debbie Duncan has slammed the decision and said she has even screamed and shouted at members of the local force.

She told Mail Online: "I know the Spanish police mean well, but the problem we are having is the language barrier, we just don't seem to be getting told. I'm sure they are doing their best.

"They told me they had used dogs and drones and then they said Lancashire police had offered their resources but they turned it down, but I think that would have really helped.

"I would feel happier if our people were over helping. It's just so difficult not knowing where he is, the area and the terrain is rough, but the police were saying that now there are too many people up there and it could interfere with their investigation."

Re help for family

"The Foreign Office is supporting the family of a teenager who has gone missing in Tenerife.

In a statement,
a spokesperson
for the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office said:

'We are supporting the family of a British man who has been reported missing in Spain and are in contact with the local authorities'."

Oh yes, I know what you are saying. Years ago I once made an off hand remark about something to an (ex) friend who’s a journo and they turned it into a headline story including a quote from me. I was mortified as I had not intended it to be in the paper, it was just idle chit-chat. So I know how that can go.

The stakes here are so high though, at this point I think they need someone to help them with this side of it. How they could get that over there I don’t know. Often in these cases the family picks a spokesperson, someone they are related to or know with media or legal training. They maybe just don’t have someone obvious to do that though.

In cases of trouble when abroad,
people from my country (Poland) often contact Consulate staff asking for help.
Polish Consulate or Embassy is a link to foreign authorities and great help.

Speaking about the local police, she told ITV : "I got the phone put down on me by the Spanish authorities so I went to speak to them in person. I've had my phone stolen before, and they gave me the same slip of paper.

"They told me I'd get a call within 48 hours, but obviously the 48 hours after a person goes missing can be the most crucial. I've tried to report a 19-year-old is missing with no phone, no water, he's never been in this area. There definitely needed to be more urgency."

She added: "We need British police here. I just want to find my mate. He's been missing three days. It’s not looking good now. We feel it's down to us to find him and we're doing more than the police. "The police here don't speak English and don't even have a translator after three days. I feel they're fobbing me off. They're still asking me the same questions as when I first reported Jay missing."

Lucy continued: "The two boys he was last with have left the country. They need to be questioned by British police."

Birmingham Mail: Everything Jay Slater's Friend Lucy has done to try and find missing teen.

This Lucy's full quote regarding the local police and her frustrations. Definitely think it's been made to look worse through various snippets and inflammatory language. She used words like "I feel," to express that it is just how she's feeling and not claim it IS what they are doing.
I think there is way too much over thinking going on. Young lad got confused over bus timings, started walking, got lost, ended up in dodgy terrain, phone ran out of battery, perished either through falling in rough terrain or heat exhaustion

Any 3rd party involvement is for the birds imho
It's the simplest explanation, especially considering he said he didn't know where he was, was thirsty and had been cut on a cactus. I will say, though, if this were Lucy being looked for, I think speculation about foul play would be rampant and nobody would act like that was stupid. Whatever the case, it seems the SAR people are doing everything humanly possible in an impossible geographic environment. You may recall that Michael Mosely's body had been overlooked, the day before he was found, when whoever was searching was something like just 50-100' away and that environment doesn't compare to the extreme terrain where Jay has gone missing.
Speaking about the local police, she told ITV : "I got the phone put down on me by the Spanish authorities so I went to speak to them in person. I've had my phone stolen before, and they gave me the same slip of paper.

"They told me I'd get a call within 48 hours, but obviously the 48 hours after a person goes missing can be the most crucial. I've tried to report a 19-year-old is missing with no phone, no water, he's never been in this area. There definitely needed to be more urgency."

She added: "We need British police here. I just want to find my mate. He's been missing three days. It’s not looking good now. We feel it's down to us to find him and we're doing more than the police. "The police here don't speak English and don't even have a translator after three days. I feel they're fobbing me off. They're still asking me the same questions as when I first reported Jay missing."

Lucy continued: "The two boys he was last with have left the country. They need to be questioned by British police."

Birmingham Mail

This Lucy's full quote regarding the local police and her frustrations. Definitely think it's been made to look worse through various snippets and inflammatory language. She used words like "I feel," to express that it is just how she's feeling and not claim it IS what they are doing.
She described them as ‘boys’ even though they are said to be in their 30’s, 40’s, she even went to visit them in person allegedly, boys seems a strange term to describe 2 guys approaching middle age
If this new sighting of JS turns out to be corroborated by police, surely they will look at relocating the search?

Speaking about the local police, she told ITV : "I got the phone put down on me by the Spanish authorities so I went to speak to them in person. I've had my phone stolen before, and they gave me the same slip of paper.

"They told me I'd get a call within 48 hours, but obviously the 48 hours after a person goes missing can be the most crucial. I've tried to report a 19-year-old is missing with no phone, no water, he's never been in this area. There definitely needed to be more urgency."

She added: "We need British police here. I just want to find my mate. He's been missing three days. It’s not looking good now. We feel it's down to us to find him and we're doing more than the police. "The police here don't speak English and don't even have a translator after three days. I feel they're fobbing me off. They're still asking me the same questions as when I first reported Jay missing."

Lucy continued: "The two boys he was last with have left the country. They need to be questioned by British police."

Birmingham Mail: Everything Jay Slater's Friend Lucy has done to try and find missing teen.

This Lucy's full quote regarding the local police and her frustrations. Definitely think it's been made to look worse through various snippets and inflammatory language. She used words like "I feel," to express that it is just how she's feeling and not claim it IS what they are doing.
I think she has spoken to multiple outlets now and given lots of different quotes though. She says similar things but she’s speaking to them all at different times so it’s all slightly different. (I’m sure they are all being as inflammatory as they can be with whatever they get, clickbait etc.)
Here's another article that mentions how they found the air bnb from the snapchat of the mountains and the flower pots, and how the American woman offered to help by driving her. Also says the drove around for hours looking for him.

This article also mentions "A UK Foreign Office spokesperson said: "We are supporting the family of a British man who has been reported missing in Spain and are in contact with the local authorities." so that is good to know the family has some support now with the language barriers. The article also praises all that the local authorities are doing and that it is qute an intense search with all the stops pulled out.
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