JBaez requests Ex Parte Hearing with Judge Strickland

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I wonder if JB ever got what he wanted from Texas pertaining to TES?

I'm also thinking it may have something to do with mental health issues re: GA or CA. What kind of a work record did GA have with LE in Ohio, does anyone know that or have info about that?

And what about GA's family? Why have we heard nothing about them? Are they just private people or is there another reason? Are LA and KC really their grandchildren? Where are the videos and/or pictures of Caylee with THEM?

Why did GA collect $60,000? And did he really lose money gambling, email scam, or was it some kind of payoff?

questions....questions....and more questions......sooo frustrating and JB just compounds that frustration....imo
There is no way in HELL he's prepping for those depos all on his own. One of my cases had 20, count them 20 depos, in a period of a month and a half. It was INSANE madness. Although to our credit we had a litany of people on our team prepping for them all. Please understand how much work prepping for depositions can be. Just one deposition can take hours and hours of prep time.

Well, he has hired his law students to help in the defense, ya know. :woohoo:
I think he's pegging too many people as complete morons, when it's he who is the idiot.

Just like his client. She thought everyone was so stupid that they would buy her crazy story. Those two are made for each other. There is nothing decent about JB. Defense attorney and scum are not synonymous. MJ was a decent person and he wouldn't have touched KC with a ten foot pole. JB is a total creep and has no scruples plus he's not the sharpest tool in the shed.

I wonder if JB ever got what he wanted from Texas pertaining to TES?

I'm also thinking it may have something to do with mental health issues re: GA or CA. What kind of a work record did GA have with LE in Ohio, does anyone know that or have info about that?

And what about GA's family? Why have we heard nothing about them? Are they just private people or is there another reason? Are LA and KC really their grandchildren? Where are the videos and/or pictures of Caylee with THEM?

Why did GA collect $60,000? And did he really lose money gambling, email scam, or was it some kind of payoff?

questions....questions....and more questions......sooo frustrating and JB just compounds that frustration....imo

I'm almost certain that this has to do with placing the blame on another family member. I think LA, CA and GA should watch their backs.
What if she is unwilling to do so? Not saying insanity defense would be the strategy here.....QUOTE]

I think he wants mental health records in case he has to argue temporary insanity so he can try to prove that the "apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

I agree completely about the apple tree analogy. Only any insanity he could prove would not be temporary...

He might want to set up a "perfect storm" situation of Dueling Personality Disorders - not to use as an insanity defense because they don't come under that definition, but rather to explain away the only behavior that truly impedes an accidental death theory - the 31 days of Bella Vitaville. I think if he paints her and her mother as symbiotic dsyfunctional personality- disorder types, he might be able to stick with an accidental death, felony manslaughter scenario as a reasonable alternative to premeditated murder. If he can create a viable accidental death theory he might be able to soften the jury into thinking that her subsequent behavior, though highly unusual, is explainable and therefore lessen her actual sentence.

I hope the jury can see that even if she were Attila the Hun's daughter, her pathological lying and carrying on still hints at an overdeveloped ability to cover up and avoid consequences of wrongdoing and requires the same skill-set as elaborate premeditation. In addition, I hope the prosecution can paint a increasing tendency to steal for kicks as an indication she could also accelerate that behavior to the ultimate theft - that of a human life.
I know for certain Scott P. attorney was paid by taxpayers $$ after Scott's parents ran out of money. And if I'm not mistaken I believe so were his experts, although none of them testified at trial. If I'm wrong someone please correct me. My brain is somewhat fried today.

I don't think it had anything to do with his parents running out of money. His parents were not responsible for him since he was not a minor. I believe Geragos billed the state of CA the amount of money that would have been paid to a public defender. That would be money for Geragos, then I'm sure there were further payments for expert testimoney (SIC).
I'm almost certain that this has to do with placing the blame on another family member. I think LA, CA and GA should watch their backs.

My "gut" tells me the same thing.
You have uncovered an incredible nugget there. JB was the only common denominator but the reactions are the same. Somebody should look into JB's prior cases and see where we can make predictions on this one.

bolded by me....

But that's the problem with JB....he has only ONE other case. Other than some DUI cases and some minor scuffles with the law...nada!

The one thing that amuses me is that KC has no clue!! :woohoo: ...imo
I'm looking for a little law education here (and a good memory)...

Does a defense atty have the right to subpoena someone's DNA?

Could JB be having a hard time getting his hands on JG's DNA that is on the paternity filing? I recall (not very clearly tho) JB having a problem with access to Caylee's DNA in a prior hearing. The information was in discovery, but it seemed he was discreetly trying to get the whole report that would include JG's DNA while everyone was distracted with Caylee's DNA. Does anyone remember the event I am referencing? Could the information he is trying to obtain be "in discovery" but not completely available to defense so still not bringing in new evidence? All the while, not drawing attention to building some sort of case against JG? Could one of the hairs in the car have been JG's?

I am not suggesting that this is anything more than mind games on the part of JB, but I am thinking that it is the manner in which he is trying to obtain this information that is designed to court the potential jurors . The "Real killer is going to walk thru that door right now, followed by acknowleding heads turned toward the door, as some sort of doubt in the evidence exclusively pointing to the defendants guilt kind of thing". Does that make sense?

Sorry, I'm as lame as a layperson gets when it comes to law..:crazy:
Well, he has hired his law students to help in the defense, ya know. :woohoo:
Law students would have a hard time keeping up with the details. Depositions are a nightmare of lose ends that you have to stay on top of.
This is not the first time JB has submited a motion without any case law attached, it is beginning to look like a pattern. Doesn't he have some paralegals in house to help out... or might it be because some of his motions are so far out in left field that it would be hard to find any supporting law ?

Doesn't he have co-counsel and don't they review his motions before he files them? I would be embarrassed if I were LKB!
And it looks like AH also got a clue

WESH also reported that Amy Huizenga, Casey Anthony's friend and a key witness for the state, has hired a lawyer and won't give a deposition to Baez this week


I thought a long time ago that AH should have jumped on the hiring representation train. I think she has a real chance of being thrown under the Casey Bus.

Good for Amy! Now, Tony L needs to be represented also.
No one is safe from the Casey bus.

I wonder if JB ever got what he wanted from Texas pertaining to TES?

I'm also thinking it may have something to do with mental health issues re: GA or CA. What kind of a work record did GA have with LE in Ohio, does anyone know that or have info about that?

And what about GA's family? Why have we heard nothing about them? Are they just private people or is there another reason? Are LA and KC really their grandchildren? Where are the videos and/or pictures of Caylee with THEM?

Why did GA collect $60,000? And did he really lose money gambling, email scam, or was it some kind of payoff?

questions....questions....and more questions......sooo frustrating and JB just compounds that frustration....imo

WOW! Great thoughts.
I guess once you receive a subpoena in the state of Florida, that means you're given immunity by that fact alone.

Keep in mind, this isn't the statute, but it was Lee that brought this issue to the forefront.

CNN reports there's a chance Casey's brother Lee might get immunity. Lee's attorney Thomas Luca is reportedly concerned his client could possibly face obstruction charges or aiding and abetting charges and is trying to seek a subpoena for Lee -- which, in the state of Florida, grants you instant immunity.

Keep in mind, this isn't the statute, but it was Lee that brought this issue to the forefront.

CNN reports there's a chance Casey's brother Lee might get immunity. Lee's attorney Thomas Luca is reportedly concerned his client could possibly face obstruction charges or aiding and abetting charges and is trying to seek a subpoena for Lee -- which, in the state of Florida, grants you instant immunity.


I guess once you receive a subpoena in the state of Florida, that means you're given immunity by that fact alone.

That is "use immunity", not "blanket immunity"

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