JBaez requests Ex Parte Hearing with Judge Strickland

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Doesn't he have something on his record having to do with kidnapping a girlfriend or something? I think it was out-of-state. I may be wrong.
:confused::eek::confused: I don't have a clue on that one.

From the above - near the end:

In other news in the case, Baez has filed a motion asking Judge Stan Strickland for an exparte hearing.
All along, Baez has said he knows information that will help explain why Casey Anthony didn't report Caylee missing for a month -- and why Casey Anthony didn't kill her daughter.
He wants to explain why he is requesting to subpoena certain records that he believes may be critical to Casey Anthony's defense, but he wants to block those records from being made public because he doesn't want to divulge what Casey Anthony's defense will be. Baez said he doesn't want to release to anyone else his so-called theory of defense.
"He wants somebody's records and he does not want to say who. Apparently they won't give it to him if he's tried to through other channels," criminal defense attorney Richard Hornsby said.
Hornsby said he thinks it's a smart move by Baez because "he sees something everyone else is missing, but he doesn't want to tip the state off to what he's going to raise at trial."
Strickland has not yet ruled on whether he will allow the hearing."

So, what do you all think JB could be seeing that "everyone else is missing?" Merit to this statement or not?

Bold is mine

The 'inner beauty' of his client? :eek: After all he did say he saw a side of her that no one else did.

OK I'll go get something to eat now. I get snarky when I'm hungry. :bang:
(snipped by me)
So, what do you all think JB could be seeing that "everyone else is missing?" Merit to this statement or not?

Maybe space aliens.

I'd prefer to think what is LBK seeing that everyone else is missing. What would she or maybe Macaluso be thinking?
I agree he should never have taken the case given the size of his firm and his experience. He did try to farm some of it out to the infamous Todd Black (and that certainly backfired). And I've heard that he's getting students at the unaccredited law school that lists him on the faculty to help him with research, etc.

I realize the taxpayers are not directly paying for defense expenses at this point, but I can't help but think that another attorney would have found it in the best interest of his client to have encouraged a plea deal from the very beginning and all of the hyperbole, delay and gratuitous grandstanding in court that has already occurred and certainly will continue could have been avoided. Then Floridians wouldn't have to hear all about how they've had to pay for this girl to be in protective custody collecting donations for luxuries that many Americans can't even afford these days. Or that because she languished so long behind plexiglass that when the body was actually found the forensics complexities were geometrically increased. Or that valuable court time is taken up with motions that seem to base not only the burden of proof but the burden of inexperience on the prosecution. This girl deserves a good defense as much as every citizen, but I can see the reason for public outrage when she and her family and her attorneys use valuable resources asking for special and unnecessary favor.
We are of the same mind. No disagreement here.
The problem was, JB could not get KC to accept a plea bargain. That takes the agreement of the client, not just the attorney. KC was still in full, flaming denial and believing her own propaganda.

BTW, I'm borrowing this to quote when needed: "seem to base not only the burden of proof but the burden of inexperience on the prosecution." :clap::clap::clap:
KC has spent so much time perfecting "fake" that she doesn't have any "real" center anymore.

P.S. Love your avatar!

And it seems that JB is spending time perfecting his sophomoric behavior in the courtroom as well. I wanted to just smack him when he had that goofy grin on his face at the last hearing when he asked Ashton if he was alright.
Doesn't he have something on his record having to do with kidnapping a girlfriend or something? I think it was out-of-state. I may be wrong.

If I remember correctly it was a domestic dispute that was explained and/or cleared up long ago. Maybe when he was still in MD.
I stand corrected on RK. He was arrested for kidnapping, but the charges were dropped.
Doesn't he have something on his record having to do with kidnapping a girlfriend or something? I think it was out-of-state. I may be wrong.

Custody dispute, wasn't it? Vaguely recall that she defended him after news broke that he found Caylee and after news came out that he had a previous record. He shared this news himself, IIRC?
Baez is such a creep. Every week it is something new with him. I hope the judge says no because this sure doesn't sound right to me. If the Pros asked for a meeting with the judge without Baez and Co. attending...Baez would have a fit. He'd be on the street corner yelling his head off.

What in the world is he looking for that he doesn't want the Pros to know about? It must be something that he really thinks will get Casey out of jail and home free.
If KC were to represent herself (pro se) she would then be entitled to experts with the taxpayers footing the bill, wouldn't she?

I agree about JB and his experience and resources. Some doctors make this same mistake when they are over their head.
Don't think so on the pro se and taxpayer funded experts; but could be. This is all local rules stuff.
If I remember correctly it was a domestic dispute that was explained and/or cleared up long ago. Maybe when he was still in MD.

You're right and I believe it was in South Carolina where it happened.
Hornsby said he thinks it's a smart move by Baez because "he sees something everyone else is missing, but he doesn't want to tip the state off to what he's going to raise at trial."

OK...JB wants to get records that aren't gonna be included in discovery documents....he wants to do this by meeting ex parte with SS to facilitate getting this info....
I'm still not gettin this though, doesn't he need to hand this info over to the state, anyway?? ("Info" being the records he wants to get) Or can he just "raise it at trial" by springing this info on them??
Custody dispute, wasn't it? Vaguely recall that she defended him after news broke that he found Caylee and after news came out that he had a previous record. He shared this news himself, IIRC?

I thought he went to rescue ex-girlfriend at her request from her new boyfriend. Then that guy accused him of kidnapping her. All charges were dropped and Roy K did volunteer this info himself.
Don't think so on the pro se and taxpayer funded experts; but could be. This is all local rules stuff.

Maybe if she were declared indigent and was given a court appointed attorney? Maybe that is what I'm trying to recall.
Maybe if she were declared indigent and was given a court appointed attorney? Maybe that is what I'm trying to recall.
You are correct there. She is indigent. She would apply for a court appointed attorney and get a public defender. The Public Defenders do have a small budget for necessary defense experts. As long as she has private counsel, unless there is a specific local rule, the private counsel has to foot the bill for experts and bill his client.
Hornsby said he thinks it's a smart move by Baez because "he sees something everyone else is missing, but he doesn't want to tip the state off to what he's going to raise at trial."

I'm still not gettin this, doesn't he need to hand this info over to the state, anyway?? ("Info" being the records he wants to get) Or can he just "raise it at trial" by springing this info on them??

Oh for crying out loud, if JB had anything that would exonerate his client, he would have taken it to the SA by now. JMO

I thought he was doing 10 depositions this week? Has he done them already? He must be SUPERLAWYER.
Baez is such a creep. Every week it is something new with him. I hope the judge says no because this sure doesn't sound right to me. If the Pros asked for a meeting with the judge without Baez and Co. attending...Baez would have a fit. He'd be on the street corner yelling his head off.

What in the world is he looking for that he doesn't want the Pros to know about? It must be something that he really thinks will get Casey out of jail and home free.

I can see Baez not wanting the public/media knowing, but not wanting the prosecution in there makes no sense to me at all.
Hornsby said he thinks it's a smart move by Baez because "he sees something everyone else is missing, but he doesn't want to tip the state off to what he's going to raise at trial."

I'm still not gettin this, doesn't he need to hand this info over to the state, anyway?? ("Info" being the records he wants to get) Or can he just "raise it at trial" by springing this info on them??

We call this defense tactic "trial by ambush." The remedy is for the prosecution to ask for a recess to be able to handle the sudden, new information.
Truely professional lawyers know that trials go a lot faster and smoother if there is no "trial by ambush." Really good lawyers will even discuss their thoughts, legal research and facts ahead of time with opposing counsel to see if they can't find a point of agreement as to what happened, how the law would handle it and what a case is worth; but then, that's called a "plea bargain."
Oh for crying out loud, if JB had anything that would exonerate his client, he would have taken it to the SA by now. JMO

I thought he was doing 10 depositions this week? Has he done them already? He must be SUPERLAWYER.
Did you say TEN depos in ONE week? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I can see Baez not wanting the public/media knowing, but not wanting the prosecution in there makes no sense to me at all.

All these super-secret meeting requests from Baez and the A's IMO just make them all the more suspect. I have never seen a case that the players have asked for all this special treatment before....glad to see that the powers that be are standing thier legal ground.

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