"Jersey" and MW #2

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That's what I thought too. I'm not 100% sure but I thought even if it is deleted off of your phone, it's not deleted from the records. If that's true it doesn't really matter whether or not it stayed on her phone, they have the phone records. That makes sense to me.

What would have happened if she had thrown away her phone? Wouldn't they still have had her records?

I have no clue how all the phone with records works...i know some here have done extensive research on it.

I too, thought no matter what if the info was deleted off the phone or even the sim card, the issuing company still has a log of those calls/texts emails whatever. I have seen on A&E where although a court order is needed to have the cell provider issue the records, it takes weeks to obtain them, sometimes even longer. I am not sure if the records are kept on these throw away, buy your minutes and load them, as opposed to a regular monthly plan type service. i would assume, no matter what that there are laws about the amount of time the provider HAS to keep the records of their customers.

IMO, the records are kept by the cell service carrier regardless if the phone is destroyed or not. JMO (could be so wrong...lol)
I don't think it would be odd at all if LE deleted the call log from the phone. They don't need it to be physically on the phone after getting the records. If they needed it the phone would have sat in a box in the evidence room and they wouldn't have given it back to MW who could have deleted it herself or tossed the phone into a dumpster. Deleting it would also make it more difficult for MW to sell her call logs in the media, in case there is something that they need to keep a low profile about to protect the investigation.
I don't think LE deleted it - I think she's saying whoever was using her phone deleted it.

Curiouser and curiouser. If you were using someone's phone, and a call FOR THEM came in, and you spoke to that person briefly, why in the world would you delete that? Why if it was a simple wrong number would you delete it?

It would be interesting to know if the entire history was wiped out, or merely the calls made and received during the borrower's time with the phone were deleted.

Does anyone here routinely delete calls for an innocent reason?

Red by me. Yes I clear them out completely frequently. I think my phone stays charged longer without all this junk on there. I cleared my calls out just over a week ago and there are too many to count. I have 101 texts just from one person since Halloween. 99% of it deals with sports - 1 sport lol. Perfectly innocent.
Wow, you are like a thieves dream come true. Do you also keep your keys there, too? Public Safety announcement here, please at least move these items away from your front door or at least conceal them in a drawer. Not just you, but everybody!

We had a rash of crimes nearby. Women leaving their purses close to the front door,where criminals could see them and they would open the door snatch the purses and take off.
That's what I thought too. I'm not 100% sure but I thought even if it is deleted off of your phone, it's not deleted from the records. If that's true it doesn't really matter whether or not it stayed on her phone, they have the phone records. That makes sense to me.

What would have happened if she had thrown away her phone? Wouldn't they still have had her records?

LE had possession of MW's phone -We don't know if LE asked MW for her phone records or not and if they did ask, we don't know if she gave them permission or not.
I agree. I think DB's only mistake was to get wasted that night. She will never forgive herself. I thought I was the only one on this board that didn't ASSUME she was guilty. I need hard evidence before I bash a Mother who has lost her baby girl. I can totally understand this mentality with Casey Anthoney, but DB isn't even close to behaving like that. She sobs and sobs and does beg for her baby to come home...


I agree. I am catching up on this thread and watched this video again this morning. DB has been accused of turning on the water-works and JI of having no emotion. I noticed in this video around the 1:00 mark that there is nothing but raw emotion. This was taken on the morning of the report of disappearance. I feel for these parents, I cannot imagine what they must be going through. Praying for Lisa's safe return.

I have no clue how all the phone with records works...i know some here have done extensive research on it.

I too, thought no matter what if the info was deleted off the phone or even the sim card, the issuing company still has a log of those calls/texts emails whatever. I have seen on A&E where although a court order is needed to have the cell provider issue the records, it takes weeks to obtain them, sometimes even longer. I am not sure if the records are kept on these throw away, buy your minutes and load them, as opposed to a regular monthly plan type service. i would assume, no matter what that there are laws about the amount of time the provider HAS to keep the records of their customers.

IMO, the records are kept by the cell service carrier regardless if the phone is destroyed or not. JMO (could be so wrong...lol)

With a prepaid phone and prepaid card paid with cash, it is a little difficult as there is no carrier keeping records for billing in the same way as a contract phone, so it has to be pieced together from outgoing calls. That is why I find it unlikely that the FBI would delete the call history from her phone or return the phone to her. On the popular Boost phone (available at Walmart), you sign into your boost mobile account with a PIN and it shows activity, but it seems to only show outgoing calls and multimedia mssgs. It does give a number from who sent the mms. Somebody correct me if I am wrong about this.
I don't think it would be odd at all if LE deleted the call log from the phone. They don't need it to be physically on the phone after getting the records. If they needed it the phone would have sat in a box in the evidence room and they wouldn't have given it back to MW who could have deleted it herself or tossed the phone into a dumpster. Deleting it would also make it more difficult for MW to sell her call logs in the media, in case there is something that they need to keep a low profile about to protect the investigation.

I don't know that they did give it back to her or that they deleted the records. MW is the only source for that.
With a prepaid phone and prepaid card paid with cash, it is a little difficult as there is no carrier keeping records for billing in the same way as a contract phone, so it has to be pieced together from outgoing calls. That is why I find it unlikely that the FBI would delete the call history from her phone or return the phone to her. On the popular Boost phone (available at Walmart), you sign into your boost mobile account with a PIN and it shows activity, but it seems to only show outgoing calls and multimedia mssgs. It does give a number from who sent the mms. Somebody correct me if I am wrong about this.

I have boost, they are on Sprints/Nextels network, i have had them for 4 years now. I got the blackberry about a year ago. I know that when i login into my account i have to have my PIN, however, i haven't been able to see online any calls made. (and this is just logging into the regular site) i am not at home and can't check b/c the program is on my home computer. But when i got the BB it came with a disk to be able to backup my phone onto my computer...backs up everything. I do not know if it shows the calls/texts/emails and details of them..but i will check when i get home.

Do we even know what type of phone MW had and what type of service she had, who the provider was, was it a pay as you go (my mom has one of these--i will ask her info when i talk to her later) ....

Wow, my head is spinning....JMO
I also wondered if maybe it was to see the phone activity when it was back in her possession? What numbers were called, who she was anxious to talk to, etc. JMO

This was my assumption too. I'm still not really clear on that though. I admittedly don't know how it would work with a cell phone and copying that data. Would whatever they use to copy what was on that phone erase it as it goes?

With a prepaid phone and prepaid card paid with cash, it is a little difficult as there is no carrier keeping records for billing in the same way as a contract phone, so it has to be pieced together from outgoing calls. That is why I find it unlikely that the FBI would delete the call history from her phone or return the phone to her. On the popular Boost phone (available at Walmart), you sign into your boost mobile account with a PIN and it shows activity, but it seems to only show outgoing calls and multimedia mssgs. It does give a number from who sent the mms. Somebody correct me if I am wrong about this.

postpaid phones and prepaid phones both have service providers (carriers). the difference is with a postpaid phone, you have a contract for a year or two, where as with a prepaid phone there is no contract.
Just jumping off your post here... and thinking out loud!

Now the phone call at 8:30pm is from one of the "stolen" phones calling MW's phone - now - is the 2:30am phone call from the same "stolen" phone - or do we know that yet. And to 'where' that 2:30am went to (phone/person)??

TIA! :seeya: still trying to catch with all this 'new' stuff!

I don't know if the 2:30 call or text has been confirmed in any way. I realize that the 8:30 call isn't confirmed through officials either, but PD did take MW's phone, so I'm assuming it's real.
all phones-even burn phones-have a service provider and even with cash cards records are kept attatched to the phone number assigned to that phone. If you have the phone number for the phone in question, all calls-incoming and outgoing-are logged and recorded and easily verified. You don't have to have the physical phone in hand...just the phone number.
postpaid phones and prepaid phones both have service providers (carriers). the difference is with a postpaid phone, you have a contract for a year or two, where as with a prepaid phone there is no contract.

I know both types of phones have service providers but they keep different records. For a contract phone, the service provider keeps all records and your identity for purposes of billing. With a prepaid phone with a PIN, not so much.
Account activity is a little more obscure, but LE can obtain it, it is just a little more cumbersome.

Lastly, I don't believe MW when she asserts that the FBI returned the phone to her. If it is an investigatory piece of evidence in an open criminal case, they will keep it until the case is closed.
I don't know if the 2:30 call or text has been confirmed in any way. I realize that the 8:30 call isn't confirmed through officials either, but PD did take MW's phone, so I'm assuming it's real.

Here's the video where DB talks about the 2:30 call (can't give you the minute mark, though cause I've got to run).

I know both types of phones have service providers but they keep different records. For a contract phone, the service provider keeps all records and your identity for purposes of billing. With a prepaid phone with a PIN, not so much.
Account activity is a little more obscure, but LE can obtain it, it is just a little more cumbersome.

Lastly, I don't believe MW when she asserts that the FBI returned the phone to her. If it is an investigatory piece of evidence in an open criminal case, they will keep it until the case is closed.

If they'd already gotten the data they needed from it, up to that point...and wanted to do a continued surveillance on that phone (& those who use it)..they might give it back temporarily to that end. Just a thought.
I agree that LE might be trying to take the heat off and let any accomplices relax by saying that jersey is clear....BUT...I think if the others involved were the babys family, jersey would be singing like a canary!!...Doing a deal whatever. He has no reason to protect them.

Jersey would only keep quiet if the accomplices were serious bad guys imo.


Great, thanks alot tink...you got my brain reeling on another theory. :crazy: I wonder if LE is saying "cleared" to protect him. I know, :crazy:. Let the beatings begin. lol

I don't know...I think I need to just stop reading and pray. I just hope resolution is soon for all involved; Lisa, parents, LE, FBI, family, friends.

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