"Jersey" and MW

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i am really confused as to WHY MW would talk to the media. anyone care to speculate?

if it were me (i know, it isn't me :giggle:) i would NEVER put myself out there like that, especially with this "i don't know who answered the call" business. i just cannot understand why she felt the need to talk to the media about this, it's just so strange to me.
the 0230 am call is a **rumor**... the only call in the media is the one to MW, which she stated yesterday, happened at 8:30 pm

hope that helps
the 0230 am call is a **rumor**... the only call in the media is the one to MW, which she stated yesterday, happened at 8:30 pm

hope that helps

Yes, it does. Thank you, Nurse! Another question, when did the neighbor leave the Irwin home? Has that been confirmed anywhere?
i am really confused as to WHY MW would talk to the media. anyone care to speculate?

if it were me (i know, it isn't me :giggle:) i would NEVER put myself out there like that, especially with this "i don't know who answered the call" business. i just cannot understand why she felt the need to talk to the media about this, it's just so strange to me.

I am not saying she is involved but look at it this way, quite a lot of people who are involved in a crime like this like to inject themselves into the case. Its a way for them to keep an eye on things and also, that is part of being a sociopath as well. I just still think that DB and MW know each other. At least DB knows someone in that house and its not Jeremy.
Here is a clue of who the motorcycle guy identified. The reporter had a picture of someone on his phone and showed it to him and he said yes that is the guy.

I know this post is from last night, but I cannot find it mentioned anywhere else about the cell phone, etc. Is there a link? Thanks!
Or money, if anyone has offered her payment for interview. Which we don't know, of course. If there are 8 people in one house with one cell, I'd imagine money is a good thing.
I thought LE found the phone number written on DB's hand (according to MW anyway)?

I'm beginning to see why DB is hiding from the police. Sounds like there was much more going on that night than she told them. Why would she have told them the phones were not working, when clearly at least one of them was. Why was she hiding the fact that she called MW's phone?

A couple of things:

All we know about the number on Debbie's hand is that MW said the cops told her that. There is a good chance that they might have said that in order to get MW to "confess" if she knew Debbie. (As in: "you say you don't know her? What would you say if we told you she had YOUR number written on her hand?") So that is 100% rumor, imo.

Second, where/how do you get the idea that Debbie is hiding from POLICE? Everything we have heard, from BOTH sides, indicates that she and Jeremy have been cooperative, and that they are working with FBI more than local LE. IMO the family is hiding from the vulture-like media which have been stalking them since the beginning of this case.
Or money, if anyone has offered her payment for interview. Which we don't know, of course. If there are 8 people in one house with one cell, I'd imagine money is a good thing.

ahh, good thought!

LE will not confirm phone calls to MW or that any calls were made on missing phones (at end of this video) eta: it further states.. or rather MW states that she just recently moved to her new address and used to live on brighton.............


anyone recall that media report that said jersey used to stay on brighton with his girlfriend (it is in the timeline).. and it was near the house that was searched and demolished??? (zoomed map in).. it is right next to one eyed jacks and also the bp gas station where the mystery man footage was shot
i am really confused as to WHY MW would talk to the media. anyone care to speculate?

if it were me (i know, it isn't me :giggle:) i would NEVER put myself out there like that, especially with this "i don't know who answered the call" business. i just cannot understand why she felt the need to talk to the media about this, it's just so strange to me.

The only reason I can think of is that this is all bull, and she wants to be part of this media circus. She's being vague and making excuses. Eight people in your house and everyone shares your phone? Uh uh.

In essence, MW is trying to suggest, "Look how I'm part of this mess, but not a GUILTY part of this mess!"

Has MW shown any reporters the actual call on her phone? I haven't seen it yet.


LE will not confirm phone calls to MW or that any calls were made on missing phones (at end of this video) eta: it further states.. or rather MW states that she just recently moved to her new address and used to live on brighton.............


anyone recall that media report that said jersey used to stay on brighton with his girlfriend (it is in the timeline).. and it was near the house that was searched and demolished??? (zoomed map in).. it is right next to one eyed jacks and also the bp gas station where the mystery man footage was shot

Good catch!

My personal thought on the BP video is that LE went to the gas station and got the video for some reason, and that someone at the BP (owner?/manager?) realized it was somehow relevant to the case and contacted the media.

There is no other logical reason that some random video, from some random gas station would involve this much attention, just because it was on the night of a kidnapping. There have got to be dozens of surveillance videos of random people walking in the area sometime that night, between 10:30 and 4:30am.

So, if I am right about that, WHY would LE have zeroed in on that video? The most likely reason would be if it was being used to verify an alibi, or to exclude a witness/suspect. What witness/suspect? Did it verify/exclude them?

She is a juggalette.. Here is her link on FB http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1394986462&ref=ts#!/Juggalette.Skittles?sk=wall

And also her link on MySpace. www.myspace.com/eyehaveanalteregoanditsme

Here is a quote from her bio, doesnt mention being a juggalette but well, I highlighted.

Her FB posts don't go back too far screen-wise (I couldn't see a date), but she's got 569 friends...I find that questionable. Can you "delete' all your old posts from your history?

LE will not confirm phone calls to MW or that any calls were made on missing phones (at end of this video) eta: it further states.. or rather MW states that she just recently moved to her new address and used to live on brighton.............


anyone recall that media report that said jersey used to stay on brighton with his girlfriend (it is in the timeline).. and it was near the house that was searched and demolished??? (zoomed map in).. it is right next to one eyed jacks and also the bp gas station where the mystery man footage was shot

IIRC the dumpster fire was at the North Brighton Apts. Also some of the first searches were around 36th and N Brighton. Of course it's all relative to Lisa's neighborhood so take it as you may.
Her FB posts don't go back too far screen-wise (I couldn't see a date), but she's got 569 friends...I find that questionable. Can you "delete' all your old posts from your history?

Yes. FB made a lot of changes about a month ago, and that was one of them. You can delete older posts on your wall if you so choose.
Good catch!

My personal thought on the BP video is that LE went to the gas station and got the video for some reason, and that someone at the BP (owner?/manager?) realized it was somehow relevant to the case and contacted the media.

There is no other logical reason that some random video, from some random gas station would involve this much attention, just because it was on the night of a kidnapping. There have got to be dozens of surveillance videos of random people walking in the area sometime that night, between 10:30 and 4:30am.

So, if I am right about that, WHY would LE have zeroed in on that video? The most likely reason would be if it was being used to verify an alibi, or to exclude a witness/suspect. What witness/suspect? Did it verify/exclude them?


Wasn't it close-ish to the dumpster fire, and the man who reported it said he thought some kind of accelerant was used? I thought maybe they wanted to see if anybody suspicious bought gas in a canister.
Read MW's post middle of the page from October 23 1:42 a.m. about losing someone. I wonder if it isn't about Jersey. This girl is very strange and not to be trusted IMO.
Here's the thing I've been thinking about. If this call at 8:30 is true, and if the person who answered that phone is involved in the disappearance of Baby Lisa including DB, this could perhaps mean that this was premeditated OR that Baby Lisa was not alive at 8:30, if, in fact, she is deceased. I do believe in the cadaver dog hit in the bedroom and I do think Lisa is deceased because I don't see the urgency in anyone to find this sweet baby.

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