"Jersey" and MW

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Can't LE just look at the Iriwns' cellphone records and see which phone, if any, made the call to MW's phone? Why would they need the actual phones to check this?

I wonder also if this was the last call made or if there have been any subsequent calls from any of the phones.
Except for the so called report that DB had that phone # written on her hand. What do you make of that?
If that is true, my first instinct is she wanted to buy some pot or ? from one of the 8 assorted roommates.

If it wasn't her making the call it was someone else in the home that night, jmo.
I am thinking the same thing as far as pot or other drug. Some who was in the home that night, deborah,neighbor,lisa, the two boys. was her brother there?
Except for the so called report that DB had that phone # written on her hand. What do you make of that?
If that is true, my first instinct is she wanted to buy some pot or ? from one of the 8 assorted roommates.

And she was out with little bro in the car earlier and may have asked him for the number of a good dealer in the neighbourhood?
Maybe, Jersey came by while DB and her friend were outside drinking, having some fun, and while he was there asked to use the bathroom. She let him go in telling him how to get through the house to get there and don't wake the baby up. Now that were learning that he has a criminal record did he do more than just use the bathroom, he could of went through the home looking for what would interest him, saw the phones and took them, so he could be the person that made the call around 8:OO or so to MW. He could of later burned them in the dumpster. He even could possibly came back after he knew she would be passed out and took baby Lisa. I think putting MW phone no. on her hand was about drugs too!
I found nothing that points away from them and everything that points towards them.

Bad parents are in the news every single solitary day.
Murdering parents are as well.

There are things that point away from them.

There are innocent people put in jail every day; that is why there is the Innocence Project.
I do not understand how it's "obvious" she didn't wash her hands? I've showered and gone an entire day, including hand-washing, taking mc gloves on and off, and have stuff written on my hand still.

Sad that people are bent on assuming the worst about these folks.
I have to agree.
Waiting, patiently to see who is involved.
OF more importance to me is finding Lisa.
Has a physical description of Jersey ever been given?
well what we were described him as being from LE was not what the media described him as being AT ALL. so yes, the media did describe him, but not what LE was describing to us.
But the white blob in the BP vid isn't carrying anything. How does the baby then turn up again in the Randolph Ave. sighting?

Now that we know he was taking care of the yard fora family that was out of town, it leads me to believe that he had a safe and private place to hang out and to stash things. Maybe he put poor baby Lisa someplace hidden there. And then came back for her.
Also prevalent in the Alyssa Bustamente case as well as others. I can see why the FBI is concerned with the group and it's followers.


Totally agree. For those googling, there have been countless heinous crimes affiliated with this group.

FWIW - my take on the Juggalo thing in this case (and I don't want to start talking in circles from previous discussions or forums) is a bit different.

IMO - this isn't like the Alyssa Bustamante situation (so far at least), where I do think the ICP affiliation had a direct effect on what occured. I agree with everyone here that is arguing that MW's juggalette status does not a murderer/co-conspirator/supporting witness make. It's too much of a stretch without further evidence, IMO.

However, I do see someone deeply ingrained in that culture. Her facebook has her real name, and then Jugalette name in parenthesis. She not only looks and dresses, but appears to live the part - residing in questionable housing with a bunch of other people, dating an older known criminal, etc.

IMO - a bit different than someone living in the suburbs with their parents, and adopting a bit of a "shock value" lifestyle during those rebellious teen/early 20's years. (For what its worth - been there, done that! :) )

From that aspect, I DO think it's important - and a worthwhile discussion to have. I would never make the stretch that MW would be capable of something horrible because of her hair color or music taste... BUT living in a household where drugs were sold? Could be fairly likely. A household where stolen items are listed on craiglist? Perhaps. What else was going on in that house?? Because, IMO, this was more than a bunch of poor college kids sharing a home and pooling their tip money for rent.

She spent much of this year dating a drifter career criminal who looks like he could easily be nearly twice her age. I guess what I'm saying is, I don't think there is much that would faze her. Or, at least, it would take much more to faze her than your typical "rebellious" 22 year old.

Obviously just my opinion.
well what we were described him as being from LE was not what the media described him as being AT ALL. so yes, the media did describe him, but not what LE was describing to us.

I wonder which description is the most current and most accurate.
We should be able to see Jersey tonight on one of the HLN news shows, because the reporter there in the neighborhood said they were there today at his hearing and that he was mugging for the camera's so I bet we will see his mug tonight!
The reporter in their neighborhood that said other members of his tv crew was at the hearing today said that Jersey has been in jail for 3 weeks now on unrelated charges.
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