Jesse G. and his Father RJ on Gerado Fox

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In the video of Caylee reading her book, sometimes it has audio and Caylee is saying mama and papa. Could it just be her way of saying grandma and grandpa? Also, CA stated that Caylee started calling them SiSi and GG. She thinks she was trying to say Cindy and George.

I heard that too, so I did some research. I looked up the book she was reading and it talks about a mom, dad, and little kid. I think they are bears or something. I can't remember this was when the video surfaced. Anyway, the kid wants to eat a cookie or something before bed and they tell him no. Basically, she is reciting the book. She sounds very smart if you know what she is saying. At first, I thought that maybe she was just saying gibberish, but then I found out what she was talking about. It made much more sense!
my nephew saw her recently in person in NY recently.

he said she was super nice, but looked like a lot of work had been done on her... its ok with me - i dont care either way but isnt she supposed to promoting like......ummmmm natural things and not razor surgery :eek:

Yeah, I saw some piccies, somewhere, of her coming out from liposuction. She's had other work done, too. SO much for Thighmaster!
my nephew saw her recently in person in NY recently.

he said she was super nice, but looked like a lot of work had been done on her... its ok with me - i dont care either way but isnt she supposed to promoting like......ummmmm natural things and not razor surgery :eek:

My Mom saw her in an airport. Said she looked like 40 miles of bad road.
I wish above all that Geraldo would have delved into the day that KC asked JG if she could shower at his house. This was a fluff piece, in my opinion. No probing questions. Nothing of substance. Also would have liked to hear more about the supposed siezure KC had.
I know I read somewhere that his dad told him to take the test because it was a one night stand that then turned into Casey saying he was the dad prior to the birth. After Caylee was born his dad (RG) pushed JG to take the test to prove it. He did still love both of them when the results came back and wanted to stay with Casey, she broke off the engagement with him. That part was on the show tonight about the engagement. I'll look for a link tomorrow morning (off to bed now) to put with my other claim on the why of the testing.

I saw JG's dad say that on TV.
Leonard said there's a popular children's book about Zanny the Nanny. He thinks that's where she got it from. Could be possible.

There is. I just bought a copy from Amazon.
I completely agree. First off, you have to assume the "source" is legit, which imo, cannot be established. There is a rule of thumb in the "biz"..
It goes, if you flunk the polly it is inadmissable, if you pass it, it is admissable everywhere.. Meaning if that were true, we would ALL have heard about it early on. Rev Grund was on Geraldo a few weeks ago, has been on here, and has his own blog. I am highly suspect if it were true- JG and RG would not have posted, or shouted from the rooftop with that big azz sword and all.

Then, why did they take the poly, at all? They could have refused.

I think they passed.
IMO CA got wind, or saw, or witnessed that "things" between KC and JG were on the rocks way back when. AT that point, she (CA & possibly GA as well) probably had a "little talk" with JG about his "sponserileries" IF anything were to happen and he and KC split - meaning he was going to "support" that child. This is what probably pushed JG into taking that test - just to make sure one way or the other - so he could tell the A's where to go and what to do with it once they got there.

I thought JG's dad said he pushed it?
Yes, she did. And then later in her 2 hour interview at her home with Greta, she was asked about Caylee's dad again and professed that he'd died.

Cindy did state on the stand at Casey's bond hearing that she thought Jesse was the father. That was filmed BTW, and I was shocked that she'd said it, since we'd already known early on from Rev Grund's email to the owner of this forum that Jesse had taken a paternity test and wasn't Caylee's dad.

CA also once said in a TV interview that I saw that KC wouldn't tell the family who the father was.
plus, along with the links I put up earlier re: the cell phone calls from Casey to JG, what we haven't confirmed is that he actually picked up or answered when she called him, so that would be a GREAT QUESTION for a follow-up i-view, by Greta, maybe, please?????

JG said they spoke. She talked about Tony.
I believe JG has a wealth of info to offer but people aren't asking him the right questions.
I'm thinking............right now it doesn't come to me where I heard it. I seem to remember it was an audio report from one of the local media outlets.

Does anyone else remember a report in which JG was quoted as saying that he did pick up the call from Casey on June 16th, and there was nothing different, it was same as usual. Was it RG who said that?

No, JG said it.
Fox national news is going to do an update on the Geraldo show after commercial break.
Fox News Channel is showing clips from the show right now.
Jesse Grund is a lot younger than I thought. Loved Geraldo's phrase, "Disco queen and slutting around".

The woman host of Fox News Channel just mentioned Websleuths!
They just remarked how there is 270,000 posts on this site about the Caylee Anthony case.

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