Jian Ghomeshi, well known, well respected radio host fired for Sexual Assault

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JG's lawyer is fearless and brilliant...

"Henein is no stranger to cases involving sexual assault allegations. She was part of the legal team responsible for getting former Nova Scotia premier Gerald Regan acquitted in 1998 of sexual assault related charges. And she successfully defended junior hockey coach David Frost, who was found not guilty in 2008 on all four counts of sexual exploitation against two former players."

I haven't read thru this thread yet but thought I would post a thought that has been irking me since this case came forward, not sure if this has been talked about or pursued...

The first thing that came to mind when I heard of all these allegations and woman coming forward and JG's MO for sexual encounters is what if there is one or more victim who did not make it out alive? Whether it was an encounter at his home or while he travelled, I can't help but wonder if any missing young woman would fit into any of JG's timelines of travel to various cities or in Toronto.

Excellent points you raise!
Am hopeful that there will be a paper trail of his travels and some diligent detective will be doing a cross reference to reported assaults and/or as you point out fatalities.
I haven't read thru this thread yet but thought I would post a thought that has been irking me since this case came forward, not sure if this has been talked about or pursued...

The first thing that came to mind when I heard of all these allegations and woman coming forward and JG's MO for sexual encounters is what if there is one or more victim who did not make it out alive? Whether it was an encounter at his home or while he travelled, I can't help but wonder if any missing young woman would fit into any of JG's timelines of travel to various cities or in Toronto.

so now we must sleuth missing women with a background in communications in the greater Toronto area.
Re: missing tie going in, tie on coming out:

Maybe LE took the tie away so he would not use it to harm himself and after his changeover from police custody he was handed his tie back.
so now we must sleuth missing women with a background in communications in the greater Toronto area.

You betcha! Any University woman in his travels as well, and it would interesting to profile his victims to see if there is a physical appearance that he is attracted to or if they have a less than perfect quality that he might use against them.

Would he have to submit a DNA sample when he was charged?

ETA... We need to search men as well.
Ok full disclosure: I've met him. He chatted me up at a party once a few years ago. Spent the better part of the evening talking with him over some glasses of wine. My impression was that he was very charming, witty, flirtatious. No neon red warning signs. He asked for my number and I declined. He gave me his ( his CBC business card) and said he'd love to take me out. This was pre-Facebook and smartphones. I never called. Didn't really know of him at the time. He wasn't a huge CBC star back then. It was the era of "play". My girlfriend who was with me that night knew of him because she was into Indian guys and culture and she mistakingly thought he was Indian. We had a good giggle of her being so jealous over him hitting on me. Yes he was flirtatious and somewhat touchy but no more so than any guy hitting on a girl in any bar in the world. And yes he was disarmingly insecure which I found quite refreshing actually. Never did I think it masked anything more sinister.

I have a friend who has a close network of friends in the university and film world who have had direct contact with him at events and such. They have made comments that he was not at all the same person as we heard on the radio and that he was sexualy aggressive and arrogant, etc.. I think his climb to fame gave him his confidence and power to believe he could pull this off and that it progressed from the time when you knew him to now. Thank goodness you did not contact him and hopefully his acts do not go as far back as the Moxy days.
Ironically (or perhaps not?), after I watched the Fifth Estate episode one of the videos in the CBC video player queue was a documentary entitled, "The Psychopath Next Door". Does JG fit this mould?


I think he could. I made a similar comment today in relation to the Doc Zone episode (on another thread Nathan O'brien):

"The CBC is sure interesting these days. I wonder if the "Q" host fits this profile.

I was catching up on a few Fifth Estate episodes last night. I noticed that Jian has hired the same lawyer that was involved in that Poole Police Reid Technique case. Very disturbing that the Reid technique was used on witnesses. At the same time it seems like a pretty easy approach to incorporate when asking questions. I think it would still be used across Canada including Calgary for all different levels of crime."

I am also interested in the lawyer who is representing JG, she is high-profile and I am thinking she will have this case thrown out.

"The Fifth Estate | Nov 20, 2014 | 4:10
Why some police reject The Reid Technique

The Reid Technique may be the most widely used police interviewing method, but it’s not the only one. The PEACE method was created in 1992 in England as a more scientific and ethical approach to interviewing after several high-profile wrongful convictions. It is now used in Norway and New Zealand. In Canada, the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary adopted the PEACE technique in 2009 when the Lamer inquiry cited interviewing techniques as contributing to three wrongful convictions in three homicides"


"Law Society of Upper Canada - Conducting sexual offence trials - part one"
I think he could. I made a similar comment today in relation to the Doc Zone episode (on another thread Nathan O'brien):

"The CBC is sure interesting these days. I wonder if the "Q" host fits this profile.

I was catching up on a few Fifth Estate episodes last night. I noticed that Jian has hired the same lawyer that was involved in that Poole Police Reid Technique case. Very disturbing that the Reid technique was used on witnesses. At the same time it seems like a pretty easy approach to incorporate when asking questions. I think it would still be used across Canada including Calgary for all different levels of crime."

I am also interested in the lawyer who is representing JG, she is high-profile and I am thinking she will have this case thrown out.


The joke, then the punchline, imo.

" Suggesting one final tactic she said: “Sometimes you bring the application, especially in front of a judge-alone trial to introduce all this otherwise inadmissible evidence and if it’s excluded, well, oh, well, the judge has heard it.”

After slightly shocked laughter from the audience, she continued: “No, no, I’m absolutely confident that the judge will be able to disabuse his or her mind of the fact that she has a very extensive and lewd prior sexual history.”

"The Fifth Estate | Nov 20, 2014 | 4:10
Why some police reject The Reid Technique

The Reid Technique may be the most widely used police interviewing method, but it’s not the only one. The PEACE method was created in 1992 in England as a more scientific and ethical approach to interviewing after several high-profile wrongful convictions. It is now used in Norway and New Zealand. In Canada, the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary adopted the PEACE technique in 2009 when the Lamer inquiry cited interviewing techniques as contributing to three wrongful convictions in three homicides"


"Law Society of Upper Canada - Conducting sexual offence trials - part one"

Thanks for the links. The YouTube video is great, now I have something to watch tonight!
Thanks for the links. The YouTube video is great, now I have something to watch tonight!
The video link was provided by the Star in post just up thread, it was interesting imo, thanks!
I was going to post some interesting debates and mentions of JG that I had on my Facebook and it is gone, but I never deleted it, it was linked to JG's FB post so I checked out his FB page and his page has been wiped clean. Crazy that my page would be wiped out when I commented on his shared post (his statement). So the public statement is cleared from his FB page! Hmmm!
I was going to post some interesting debates and mentions of JG that I had on my Facebook and it is gone, but I never deleted it, it was linked to JG's FB post so I checked out his FB page and his page has been wiped clean. Crazy that my page would be wiped out when I commented on his shared post (his statement). So the public statement is cleared from his FB page! Hmmm!

Removed apparently for good reasons..

"Jian Ghomeshi Trial Hinges On His Own Facebook Statement
Posted: 11/27/2014"

"While there will be many legal technicalities, the complainants' evidence will be measured against Ghomeshi's own publicly stated defence. That defence, almost lost in an effusion of highfalutin malarkey, amounts to a claim that his sexual relations were not merely consensual but unambiguously and consensually violent; any statements to the contrary are all lies and the fruit of embittered female collusion.

Well. That's a fine mess for Marie Henein, Ghomeshi's defence counsel, to try to clean up. Wherever possible, counsel want to leave open the possibility of a mistake -- in other words, that both parties are honest and one of them is honestly mistaken. That crack in the doorway allows just enough light of day for reasonable doubt. But Jian slammed it shut on Facebook.

Assuming one or more of the complainants are described in the Facebook post, how is Henein now supposed to claim they drank too much to remember clearly or that the accused had a mistaken but honest belief in consent? Her client left virtually no room for any strategy but an all out attack on his accusers. Her problem is that she's dangerously low on ammunition."

"Full text: Jian Ghomeshi’s Facebook post on why he believes CBC fired him"
I was going to post some interesting debates and mentions of JG that I had on my Facebook and it is gone, but I never deleted it, it was linked to JG's FB post so I checked out his FB page and his page has been wiped clean. Crazy that my page would be wiped out when I commented on his shared post (his statement). So the public statement is cleared from his FB page! Hmmm!

I think there are screenshots in MSM. I will look. I actually copied/pasted his entire statement to my facebook but wiped my thread since I changed my opinion very fast about everything once women started coming forward and learning about Jesse Brown's Star article.
Full text here (not a screenshot):

Read Ghomeshi’s full Facebook post below:

“Dear everyone,

I am writing today because I want you to be the first to know some news.

This has been the hardest time of my life. I am reeling from the loss of my father. I am in deep personal pain and worried about my mom. And now my world has been rocked by so much more.

Today, I was fired from the CBC.


You betcha! Any University woman in his travels as well, and it would interesting to profile his victims to see if there is a physical appearance that he is attracted to or if they have a less than perfect quality that he might use against them.

Would he have to submit a DNA sample when he was charged?

ETA... We need to search men as well.

In response to your question about whether JG was ordered to submit a DNA sample, the answer is no.
In accordance to Canadian Law, JG was fingerprinted and ordered to surrender his passport to police, live with his mother, cannot possess weapons of any kind and is prohibited from contacting any of the alleged victims.

Currently, Canadian law allows for DNA samples to be taken from individuals who are convicted of a range of offences, including murder, sexual assault and, in some cases, dangerous driving or drug trafficking. The information can be used to link a suspect to a crime scene or eliminate suspects where a profile in the data bank does not match DNA collected at a crime scene.

“Right now we’re limited to taking it on conviction,” Mr. MacKay said. “It could be expanded to take on arrest, like a fingerprint.”

Defence lawyers and civil liberties advocates warn that the collection of DNA upon arrest could result in innocent people having their DNA stored – even after they are found not guilty or criminal charges against them are dropped.

“It’s really sort of cataloging the innocent. Until someone is found guilty, the presumption of innocence really has to mean something,” said William Trudell, who chairs of the Canadian Council of Criminal Defence Lawyers.


The statute of limitation in the US may mean that Cosby will never be charged. It also may be the reason so many complaints against him are made today ... no chance that it will ever go to trial.

Things are different in Canada.

Yeah, California and Arizona have Statutes of Limitation, NY does not. But then it still is a 'he said, she said' kinda thing. Burns my a$$.

Ghomeshi probably been doing this shortly after becoming sexually active, I'm sure there is lots of victims out there. Ugh.
I haven't seen these questions addressed in the media yet. Is Jian Ghomeshi under “house arrest”? Is he able to leave his mother’s house in order to attend meetings with his lawyer or are the meetings on Skype? Is he allowed to go for a haircut for example? Is he allowed into his own house? He didn’t surrender his house or car keys, nor his driver's license afaik.
I haven't seen these questions addressed in the media yet. Is Jian Ghomeshi under “house arrest”? Is he able to leave his mother’s house in order to attend meetings with his lawyer or are the meetings on Skype? Is he allowed to go for a haircut for example? Is he allowed into his own house? He didn’t surrender his house or car keys, nor his driver's license afaik.

Good questions. I wonder if the court documents regarding the bail are accessible. I was wondering about the order to reside at his mother's home. Is that a typical order when bail is posted? Is his home a crime scene and under investigation?

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