JLM: Morgan Harrington/Fairfax Rape Victim - *Forensic Link* to MH #2

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In the case of Universities, they don't conduct their investigations like a criminal case, it is more like a civil case where the bar for proof is much lower. They use preponderance of evidence as the standard rather than beyond reasonable doubt. It varies from campus to campus of course, but the people who sit on those disciplinary committees tend to have activist/politically correct views on subjects like this. In situations like a she said/he said dispute, the burden of proof will often lie with the accused since it is assumed that no one would make an accusation like that without cause. So you might easily see a situation where a student is expelled but no criminal charges are proceeded with due to insufficient evidence.

An example of how this can play out is provided in this recent report (this particular case was in a school, not a university, but the mind set is the same)

I do believe the college did believe the accusations and that IS why they expelled him. Had he been really innocent then he could have civilly sued them for expelling him without cause. I also think he had another issue during the time he went to the second college.

This woman did report it. She received injuries from the rape that required hospital treatment.

Her case did not get prosecuted because the young woman did not want to go forward. That is sadly quite common due to victims being attacked in court by defense attorney and the victim is put on trial rather than the defendant. Plus it is also humiliating having to tell what a rapist has done to them in great detail. That is one of the many reasons why only 10% of rape victims ever report it. IMO Some fear if they go forward with the rape case it could make the rapist even more vengeful.

And colleges are notoriously known for wanting rape cases to just go away. It dampens their reputation and effects enrollment.

I believe a poster here put up a link earlier that Liberty college has been fined for covering up cases such as this one.

I also believe that the second college also involved another rape allegation but this time he just left college after 9 months because he knew he would be expelled from that college as well. Imo, that is why this second college is cooperating with LE and have divulged to them the real reason why JM left.

Sorry OT.....is anyone else having problems posting today, or is it just me?
More likely it means she was killed after being hit by a car, or the farmer's tractor (or some other vehicle) had driven over the body sometime before it was found.

That is not true.

Her crushed bones were done by her murderer before death.
That makes sense with what people here were saying about Longo's determination to get him early on..that there was something he knew that he was not disclosing.

The VSP also indicated they had this information last week, so they appear to have known for a little while!
They would know if it was due to a car. I don't think a car could get in that area.

Imo, he crushed her bones by stomping, beating, and kicking her.


Makes life in prison or dp seem to weak of a punishment for jm imo
This shows me we are dealing with someone who gets a thrill out of the pain and torture he inflicts on his innocent victims.

It was not necessary to crush Morgan's bones in his attack against her nor was it even necessary in order to kill her. She was a small petite woman who would have been no match for this huge brute but he chose to crush her unmercifully. It really shows how twisted he really is.

I see him as a man who has violent sadistic tendencies against females.

He doesn't seem to prefer one specific type of woman like some killers do. I think he has this underlying rage and hatred against women and he strikes when he sees a young woman alone.

It really shows what a coward he truly is by preying on the vulnerable and helpless.


Ya know the underlying rage may come from being rejected by women prior to these killings. In the HG case he was hitting on some black females earlier in the evening. Throwing one over his shoulder and touching their legs "above and below" the knees. They blew him off and basically told him to stay the hell away from them. Feeling rejected he took out that rage on the first vulnerable young "woman " he found. Unfortunately this time it was Hannah.

Wonder if his behavior is linked to the rage of being rejected earlier in the evening. Maybe the co-ed that got him kicked off the Football Team due to her rape allegations was the trigger for his descent into sociopathy, because I will bet you there are more young women to be found .
I sure hope they don't find Hannah in as bad of shape as Morgan. This has to be killing her parents.
Posters here state that her bones were crushed before she died. Do we know this as fact? Do we have her parent's quoted as saying that? I am merely curious, as I haven't kept up on the MH case since it happened.
Some serial killers are not scary looking:

Wayne Williams, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy to name a few

The ladies at my office all would have dated Jeff Dahmer. (well, you know, if he batted for our team).
Posters here state that her bones were crushed before she died. Do we know this as fact? Do we have her parent's quoted as saying that? I am merely curious, as I haven't kept up on the MH case since it happened.
I provide the quote earlier, but here is is again. Bolding is mine.
"He chooses to kill in a savage and brutal way," says Gil Harrington, an oncology nurse, of her daughter's killer, "to break her bones before he murdered her." Dan Harrington, a psychiatrist, confirms that his daughter's skeleton showed "brutal damage."

While the Harringtons won't say which of Morgan's bones were broken–- and acknowledge that they do not yet know her actual cause of death, pending the release of the official autopsy report–- they remain convinced that the person responsible is an experienced criminal and may be a convicted sex offender.

"This is not his first crime," Gil Harrington says. "He has upped his game in a significant and disturbing way."
I provide the quote earlier, but here is is again. Bolding is mine.
"He chooses to kill in a savage and brutal way," says Gil Harrington, an oncology nurse, of her daughter's killer, "to break her bones before he murdered her." Dan Harrington, a psychiatrist, confirms that his daughter's skeleton showed "brutal damage."

While the Harringtons won't say which of Morgan's bones were broken–- and acknowledge that they do not yet know her actual cause of death, pending the release of the official autopsy report–- they remain convinced that the person responsible is an experienced criminal and may be a convicted sex offender.

"This is not his first crime," Gil Harrington says. "He has upped his game in a significant and disturbing way."

That is a heart breaking post to read
That young girl suffered, just heart breaking
Posters here state that her bones were crushed before she died. Do we know this as fact? Do we have her parent's quoted as saying that? I am merely curious, as I haven't kept up on the MH case since it happened.

I'd like that link, too, as I had not heard that. Plus, what about the cattle in the field where she was found? Is it possible she had gotten walked over by them?
I'd like that link, too, as I had not heard that. Plus, what about the cattle in the field where she was found? Is it possible she had gotten walked over by them?

I heard it was a hay field so would doubt there would be cattle
I'd like that link, too, as I had not heard that. Plus, what about the cattle in the field where she was found? Is it possible she had gotten walked over by them?

I do not have the quote but in one of her poems that the mother wrote she mentions Morgans ribs and stuff were broken

but they did mention her bones being crushed too in a couple of interviews here is one of the locations for that quote



"Gristly Anniversary"

When they brought your body back to me
There were just bones to see.
Didn’t look like my baby – Morgan D.
No golden hair, no sparkly eyes
Broken ribs – ugly surprise.
Disposable girl they all said
Skirts too short
Lips’re too red
Askin for it they all said
But what you asked for, screamed for, was mercy and release
Know you got no mercy, pray you found some peace
It’s so hard to do
This life with no you
Saw your friend at a local place
Saw the message on her face
That she’s moved on and we should too
But baby I’m not over the death of you
Gotta shake it off, pity’s no use
We’ve a job to do, still a killer on the loose
It’s another anniversary – not the kind you celebrate
But the kind you sorta hate
Even Hallmark passes here, I’ve looked hard
There’s no “Happy we found your daughter’s body” card
Morgan, I recon a reconing is due
Morgan, he’ll pay for killing you
And have to atone
For every scream – every moan
For each and every fractured bone

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Something I read after JM was sought as a POI, but before the link to Morgan's case, was a statement from coworkers stating that he seemed moody and quite in the days following Hannah's disappearance. I don't recall now if it was in an article or posted here so I appologize for not having a link.

My thoughts upon reading that were that it sounds like something happened and he's "coping" with it. But now, with the apparent link to Morgan and the Fairfax rape, my impression was most likely incorrect.

I realize that one person's recollection of his actions are completely subjective and open to debate, but if this is accurate, I wonder how this fits into the sociopath/serial killer idea?

I don't doubt that JM beat Morgan and caused her to have broken bones before or while he was killing her. In the Fairfax rape case he apparently beat the victim bloody according to a witness who saw the victim immediately afterwards.
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