JLM: Other Possible Victims

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I'm pretty sure you can take Brittany Wood off that list. I'm pretty familiar with her case and her perp is going to be way closer to home for her, unfortunately. JMO (and probably anyone who has ever read her case)

ETA: I just now realized who this list is from. I wouldn't put much stock in it. He also had Holly Bobo on it at one time. Most of these cases will turn out to be unrelated. JMO.
"Has anyone found any connections to JM and Anchorage Farm. We know he went to Red Hill Elementary which is in North Garden, VA, which is near Anchorage Farm" from a post by Inspector Gidget

Have been reading along with some of these threads, so have HG on my mind and can't really concentrate on anything else. So I went looking when I read Inspector Gidget's post.

The Google Maps satellite view will show you just HOW near Red Hill Elementary is to where MH's remains were found. As the crow flies, it's probably less than two miles from the school to that remote location where her remains were left. When I looked at Maps, I was stunned by the close proximity. (Also, Mail Online is reporting that JM attended Red Hill Elem, so believe it is more solid than just a "rumor.")

Also, JM being a fisherman, think about the fact that the North Fork Hardware River goes within a very short distance of MH's location. I've no idea how deep the river is there, but it probably doesn't have to be very deep for a fishing boat. I have seen where fishing is advertised on that river - there are companies that offer guided fishing trips.

I remember hearing on TV when the coverage of MH's discovery was active, the folks in Albemarle Co talking about how remote the site was, and how difficult it would be for someone to leave remains in that particular location. Yet Google Maps also shows farm roads winding all through the countryside there. It's not as far as one might think, for someone who knew the area well.

google JM's name ponderosa trail and address
Dashad Sage Smith, a transgendered 19-year-old male (who dressed as and considered himself a female), last seen in the 500 block of West Main, Charlottesville, Nov. 20, 2012. There's a POI who had contact with Dashad the day she disappeared - POI has also disappeared. However, look where the search dogs got a hit:


For those medical, or hospital, experts can you explain what the process is for disposing of tissue and/or organs following surgery? At the risk of sounding gruesome. I'm wondering what the possibility of disposing of dismembered body parts through hospital resources would be.
It's too bad he wasn't charged and found guilty. HG might still be with us today (and possibly others) :(

Agreed and it seems that if JM is the perp of any other girls, most seem to be white blonde girls. I wonder if he's in anyway racist? You know if in his mind it was somewhat a hate crime. Or is he just really attracted to them?
I'm not sure about dashad. I think he was with a guy who was surprised to find the opposite anatomical parts than he expected.

Dashad was walking to meet a prearranged date. The meeting was supposed to be near the bus depot on Main Street. The last time he was seen was when he/she told his roommate the details of his date. He did not say his date's name. Dashad looked prettier than many girls when he was dressed up, IMO. I can see him being mistaken for a very young woman walking alone at night.
Agreed and it seems that if JM is the perp of any other girls, most seem to be white blonde girls. I wonder if he's in anyway racist? You know if in his mind it was somewhat a hate crime. Or is he just really attracted to them?

You might be on to something there ... maybe he was rebuffed by a white blonde girl and what was attraction, turned to hate. Now I'm curious what the Liberty U. student looked like.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that Jesse was coaching a youth football team!!! Background checks anyone??? :twocents:

I'd like to know if JM was attending George Mason Univ. in 2005. It's located in close proximity to where the young lady in 2005 was attacked.
I remember hearing on TV when the coverage of MH's discovery was active, the folks in Albemarle Co talking about how remote the site was, and how difficult it would be for someone to leave remains in that particular location. Yet Google Maps also shows farm roads winding all through the countryside there. It's not as far as one might think, for someone who knew the area well.
As the crow flies, Anchorage Farm would be somewhere between 3-5 miles from a previous known address for JLM. I believe that's about as much as we're allowed to say, if even this.

As for the 2005 rape in Fairfax, from helpfulcharlie's info, it looks like the victim lived in Oxford Row Townhomes at the time. The Giant food store is across the street from a motel, and her walk would have been across the street from a middle school. All of this is off of a busy road that connects to I-66. I know we can't post info about relatives and addresses here, but in the Wanted poster for JLM, it did say he has connections to friends or family in the Washington D.C. area. I wonder if they happen to live in Fairfax.
the only thing that is throwing me off for the fact he might not be responsible for mh is that the earlier rape victim stated the the perp was a black man of medium size.. while jlm is a very large person. Even back then lineman size.
I would still like to look at Jamisha Gilbert's death in Lynchburg just a few months after Alexis Murphy's disappearance.
The medical examiner declared the COD as Hypothermia. But just like Hannah, Jamisha was caught on a power plants video cctv walking alone on a desolate stretch of roadway. Her car had wrecked near the railroad tracks and an industrial area just outside of the commercial area of Lynchburg. There was talk that she was disoriented and distressed. She ended up in brambles within the Meggison family cemetery. That cemetery was over two miles from where he car was found wrecked. Her clothing was found about half way between the two locations...and on the side of the road near her "boyfriend's' family home. Her naked body was covered in scratches and scrapes which ME suggested may have been from moving through the rough brush near the cemetery.

One interesting factor with hypothermia is a condition called Paradoxical Undressing. To quote from the article: "Paradoxical undressing is a term for a phenomenon frequently seen in cases of lethal hypothermia. Shortly before death, the person will remove all their clothes, as if they were burning up, when in fact they are freezing. Because of this, people who have frozen to death are often found naked and are misidentified as victims of a violent crime." http://www.weirduniverse.net/blog/permalink/paradoxical_undressing/
Why do you think the reluctance from LE to discuss any connection with MH, but they quickly made a statement that JM was not connected to AM? If he is indeed connected to MH, I think they would know by now. Why keep it a secret if so?
whoa, you've got to be kidding.

If I was Gil Harrington right about now, I think I'd be sick.

I think she already knows but like longo is trying to keep things focused on finding HG

Remember one of the big things during the MH case was LE coming out and saying whoever did this has some connection to that area ... knew the area and where to go. Honesty in my mind I already feel sure he is responsible for MH.
Another female walking alone after midnight. RAT had been doing tow/repo work and let her and one or two of his young male friends. They let Samantha ride along with them, iirc, the night before she went missing. JLM Jr, has SEVERAL Facebook friends who work at at least two different towing companies.

I know that one of the CAs, in Nelson County, put out a memo re: the possibility that JLM Jr may have participated with RAT to attack and kill Alexis. I want to stress that the CA said, there was nothing "At This Time" to suggest that RAT had any accomplice.

AT THIS TIME. So, IMO, it has not been 100% ruled out. I see RAT, the undeniable LIAR, pointing the finger at the most likely target. Trouble is Bradley was not anywhere near Lovingston when AM disappeared. Pointing the finger at an innocent man would provide an alibi for him and any accomplice who could have pointed the finger at RAT.
the only thing that is throwing me off for the fact he might not be responsible for mh is that the earlier rape victim stated the the perp was a black man of medium size.. while jlm is a very large person. Even back then lineman size.
that's a really good point, unfortunately.
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