JLM: What Do We Know About Him? - #2

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I bet he started it much younger. We don't yet know the details but IIRC his mother moved him out of Charlottesville to
where she lived, when he was teenaged, "to keep him out of trouble" so there was already trouble of some kind...


There is almost always a history that starts around age 14. JM didn't just start raping and killing in college. IMHO there will be something, whether it was petty theft, burglary, peeping, etc. :moo:
This man had early rejection from his mother and both him and sis were reared by grandma. Obviously, this affected him severely, IMO.
The speculation that the LU rape allegation may have been false and thus served as a catalyst for JM to continue raping and murdering really disturbs me. I'm not saying people shouldn't share their speculations and I appreciate all points of view. This one just gets to me because it takes the responsibility for JM's crimes away from him and puts the blame on the woman at LU who accused him of rape. Even if by a slim, statistically non-probable chance this LU accuser was not telling the truth, he still would be making the choice to take it all out in the most horrific ways on other people. There's no excuse for his alleged crimes. I get that it's probably easier to cope if there's some sort of logic. Maybe there is, but I'm so uncomfortable with the idea that his life was ruined by a false rape accusation so he became a serial rapist and murderer. It totally blames the victim.
This man had early rejection from his mother and both him and sis were reared by grandma. Obviously, this affected him severely, IMO.

Where did you read that he was rejected by his mother? Link, please. I've only read that his grandmother helped raise him while his mother worked.
The speculation that the LU rape allegation may have been false and thus served as a catalyst for JM to continue raping and murdering really disturbs me. I'm not saying people shouldn't share their speculations and I appreciate all points of view. This one just gets to me because it takes the responsibility for JM's crimes away from him and puts the blame on the woman at LU who accused him of rape. Even if by a slim, statistically non-probable chance this LU accuser was not telling the truth, he still would be making the choice to take it all out in the most horrific ways on other people. There's no excuse for his alleged crimes. I get that it's probably easier to cope if there's some sort of logic. Maybe there is, but I'm so uncomfortable with the idea that his life was ruined by a false rape accusation so he became a serial rapist and murderer. It totally blames the victim.

I understand what you mean but fwiw, I don't interpret anyone's comments as justification for his actions or blaming the victim. Right now, there is no information that has been made public prior to the 2002 alleged rape so I think the focus is on that incident to try to come to grips with what has transpired since and the timing of the fall dates. Personally, I think information will show that there were other incidents before 2002. I agree with you that his dashed hopes for a football career did not set him on the path to become a serial killer. My admittedly inexpert understanding is that the formation of this type of behavior begins much, much earlier in life (torturing animals, setting fires, petty crimes).
I understand what you mean but fwiw, I don't interpret anyone's comments as justification for his actions or blaming the victim. Right now, there is no information that has been made public prior to the 2002 alleged rape so I think the focus is on that incident to try to come to grips with what has transpired since and the timing of the fall dates. Personally, I think information will show that there were other incidents before 2002. I agree with you that his dashed hopes for a football career did not set him on the path to become a serial killer. My admittedly inexpert understanding is that the formation of this type of behavior begins much, much earlier in life (torturing animals, setting fires, petty crimes).

Yes- personally, in any post where I've stated it was plausible that the LU codes of sexual conduct could have been mis-used and abused by either him or the woman at the time, I've only been trying to open my mind to a possibility that he could have experienced a rageful resentment about that incident. In no way do I blame the victim. I thought that those who've gone to LU and have experienced the campus tension regarding these "expulsion" rules around sex, as well as a past classmate who posted JM cried when he was turned down to prom, merely brought up good things to think about.

Fwiw, I actually personally believe he did rape the woman we are referring to. And certainly in light of today's indictment, cards are stacking up high against him.

Anyway, it's an important enough issue that I just want to be sure I state that I do not in any way think a specific situation caused JM to start raping and murdering women. No no. And even if JM mis-interpreted something he thought was consensual at LU (again, I personally do not believe this), it would in no way be something that started this whole mess that his life sadly turned into.

But whatevs (as in the poster "whatevs"), I appreciate you brought up the topic, b/c it's important that previous posts aren't mis-understood and I'm sure you aren't the only one who might have.
Gosh I wish we had a Q & A thread. There was a MSM article I read where JM's friend (from LU, IIRC) stated that he (JM) roughed up the alleged rape victim. (paraphrased)

And there was another article stating JM was a part time volunteer ambulance driver. Does anyone recall seeing this? I'd like to know if the time frame coincides with JM's time as a nursing asst. at Martha Jefferson House. How was he able to be a part time voluntary ambulance driver? Would his taxi license also qualify him as an ambulance driver? Thanks! I am trying to wrap my head around all of this.

Below is the quote and link for the first part of your question re: victim being "roughed up." The 2nd part has already been responded to. Hope this helps.

* * * *
Another former teammate, MJ, claimed: 'LJ was accused of sexual assaulting a girl when he was at Liberty. She was a student at Liberty. He got kicked off the football team and kicked out of the university. He was real rough with her and she ended up in hospital.' MJ added: 'LJ was awkward around people. He was kind of weird.'

Below is the quote and link for the first part of your question re: victim being "roughed up." The 2nd part has already been responded to. Hope this helps.

* * * *
Another former teammate, MJ, claimed: 'LJ was accused of sexual assaulting a girl when he was at Liberty. She was a student at Liberty. He got kicked off the football team and kicked out of the university. He was real rough with her and she ended up in hospital.' MJ added: 'LJ was awkward around people. He was kind of weird.'


Ack! I'd never seen that quote. Disturbing info.
The speculation that the LU rape allegation may have been false and thus served as a catalyst for JM to continue raping and murdering really disturbs me. I'm not saying people shouldn't share their speculations and I appreciate all points of view. This one just gets to me because it takes the responsibility for JM's crimes away from him and puts the blame on the woman at LU who accused him of rape. Even if by a slim, statistically non-probable chance this LU accuser was not telling the truth, he still would be making the choice to take it all out in the most horrific ways on other people. There's no excuse for his alleged crimes. I get that it's probably easier to cope if there's some sort of logic. Maybe there is, but I'm so uncomfortable with the idea that his life was ruined by a false rape accusation so he became a serial rapist and murderer. It totally blames the victim.

Whatevs, thanks for sharing how you feel about this-- a lot of us feel the same way--me included! I came of age during the height of the feminist movement, and, believe me, I am all about victims' rights and women's rights. I would never blame the victim, and I'm sorry if it were my posts that made you feel that way.

My gut feeling is that this accusation at LU was true--that it happened the way the victim said it did. But in an effort to understand JM's behavior, I look at all possibilities. So I tend to consider things, (even if I don't think they are likely), just to make sure I'm seeing the situation with absolute clarity. I also try to remember that JM may have PERCEIVED the situation differently. And even if his perception differs from that of most logical people, it is his perception and therefore, his reality. When people consider all of this, it does NOT mean they are blaming the victim. They are not taking the responsibility for JM's actions away from him. He, and only he, as an adult human being, is responsible for what he does. For that matter, even if the accuser blatantly lied, she would in no way be responsible for JM's reactions to that or his later behaviors. That's all on him.

I just like to try to figure out the "why," which is actually kind of silly from this distance, but still is something we sleuthers do every day. Crime doesn't happen in a vacuum, and we can always point to things in the criminal's experience that affected them is some way or another. That's why I have a love/hate relationship with my background in psychology....it sort of forces you to see that (IMHO) there is probably the potential for good and bad in everyone. It's not like when we were kids and we could always ID the good guys by their white hats and the bad guys by their black ones. But, having said that, IMO, there is an evil force in the world which we have to combat, and knowing the "why's" helps us do that. I agree with you we cannot take the responsibility for JM's actions away from him, no matter what his experiences have been. It's all about choices....he made his choices, and now he will have to suffer the consequences of them.

Hope I've made sense! And I truly am aware of the full scope of heartache he has most likely caused for so very many people, and I hate that. Thanks for bringing this up, and now I hope I haven't bored you to tears! Lord knows we have enough of those, don't we?
Hi Matt Lauer! :D

Great post. Thanks. Very much agree, and you said it much better than I!
Hi Matt Lauer! :D

Great post. Thanks. Very much agree, and you said it much better than I!

Hi, MJPeony!!! It is so weird, because I responded to whatevs, (yes,whatevs--you shook me up:scared: lol) before I read your (and dda's) responses, (which I thought were really eloquent by the way)...and I thought, " Dang! I think MJPeony was my sibling in another life!":skip:
Virginia is not a place I would usually think of as having gang activity, what kind of gangs might be there?
Did JM show signs that gangs were something he might be interested in?

"At the end of the gravel country road, where signs posted to trees deliver a warning to trespassers, you'll find a small home where the man accused of abducting Graham once lived.

"He seemed to be a nice kid," said Cliff Hunt who lives two doors from the home where Jesse Leroy Matthew lived for a time with his parents and sister.

Hunt says Matthew's mother rented the home to get her kids out of the city and keep them from what she thought was gang activity.

He says she was always friendly and would speak to Hunt and his wife as she drove down the dirt path, which only has a handful of homes on it."

Read more: http://www.wtop.com/41/3726509/Former-neighbor-Jesse-Matthew-seemed-to-be-a-nice-kid#ixzz3Gmoc4Zdb
I was just thinking about the two college rape accusations, but mostly the first since the theory keeps coming up that it was dropped due to claims of it being consensual, etc. We know the Fairfax rape was reportedly brutal with a beating. We've heard Morgan's death was supposedly brutal. It makes me wonder if JM escalated and there were no obvious signs of beatings in the college rapes. If there were bruises and black eyes, then it would be much harder for the school administration to just write it off as consensual.
I was just thinking about the two college rape accusations, but mostly the first since the theory keeps coming up that it was dropped due to claims of it being consensual, etc. We know the Fairfax rape was reportedly brutal with a beating. We've heard Morgan's death was supposedly brutal. It makes me wonder if JM escalated and there were no obvious signs of beatings in the college rapes. If there were bruises and black eyes, then it would be much harder for the school administration to just write it off as consensual.

I don't think either school wrote it off as consensual (unless the rape victims were expelled as well and that probably would only apply to LU).

Re: the LU rape - the victim didn't go forward with the filing of charges with LPD and I am not sure whether the victim in the CNU case went as far as NNPD in reporting the rape (or only reported it as far as the university). I think the fact JM was no longer attending either school after the allegations shows the schools tended to believe the victims' accounts. I don't think either school tried to sweep it under the rug. If that was the case why would it be reported to LPD (and maybe NNPD)?

Also, this was 12 years ago. Universities now are struggling with how to address this significant problem on campuses. I'm sure it was the same back then.
I don't think either school wrote it off as consensual (unless the rape victims were expelled as well and that probably would only apply to LU).

Re: the LU rape - the victim didn't go forward with the filing of charges with LPD and I am not sure whether the victim in the CNU case went as far as NNPD in reporting the rape (or only reported it as far as the university). I think the fact JM was no longer attending either school after the allegations shows the schools tended to believe the victims' accounts. I don't think either school tried to sweep it under the rug. If that was the case why would it be reported to LPD (and maybe NNPD)?

Also, this was 12 years ago. Universities now are struggling with how to address this significant problem on campuses. I'm sure it was the same back then.

i have to agree with you... the girl was reported to have gone to the hospital after the "alleged" rape but then decided not to press charges when lj indicated it was consentual
Virginia is not a place I would usually think of as having gang activity, what kind of gangs might be there?
Did JM show signs that gangs were something he might be interested in?

"At the end of the gravel country road, where signs posted to trees deliver a warning to trespassers, you'll find a small home where the man accused of abducting Graham once lived.

"He seemed to be a nice kid," said Cliff Hunt who lives two doors from the home where Jesse Leroy Matthew lived for a time with his parents and sister.

Hunt says Matthew's mother rented the home to get her kids out of the city and keep them from what she thought was gang activity.

He says she was always friendly and would speak to Hunt and his wife as she drove down the dirt path, which only has a handful of homes on it."

Read more: http://www.wtop.com/41/3726509/Former-neighbor-Jesse-Matthew-seemed-to-be-a-nice-kid#ixzz3Gmoc4Zdb

Unfortunately, this is because Charlottesville doesn't like to talk about anything that might sully its reputation as an idyllic place to live. However, there has been gang activity in Charlottesville since I was a kid, and it's only gotten worse. As of 2014, there are 16 confirmed gangs with hundreds of violent acts committed each year.

For more info:



Unfortunately, this is because Charlottesville doesn't like to talk about anything that might sully its reputation as an idyllic place to live. However, there has been gang activity in Charlottesville since I was a kid, and it's only gotten worse. As of 2014, there are 16 confirmed gangs with hundreds of violent acts committed each year.

For more info:




Thanks, actually was about to post this nasty bit.. ( maybe something to keep in mind, imo)


"At a trial in federal district court in Alexandria this month, prosecutors said Chyna was one of at least four teenagers sold as sex workers by the “Cold-blooded Cartel,” a Georgia-based gang that found Northern Virginia to be an especially lucrative territory to prostitute children. Their case, prosecutors say, is indicative of a disturbing phenomenon in the Washington area. More and more gangs are prostituting teens, finding it a bigger moneymaker than drugs or weapons"
briefed respectfully

I keep wondering, what could have possibly have happened before the move (around 2000 by best estimates) because this perp seems to have made his own trouble through life. Wish some honest friend or acquaintance of his who hasn't been told by counsel to stay mum (who's counsel? their own? the perp's?) would step up an say what that trouble may have been. He moved not as a child, but lived in the new place with his mom keeping out of trouble when he was mostly an adult. So hadn't moved through most of high school it seems. Maybe Paulap can help pin this down.

I truly do not think a close friend of his would want to speak to us WS'ers, or the media, about a lot of those personal details. As you and many of us have said, this whole situation with JM has got to be devastating to those who knew him and liked him- family and friends alike. I think it's very normal that they will handle the recent events differently. Some who would like time with the media, some who are denial, and some in between both spectrums. I'm not a psychologist, but I think all of those feelings would be considered normal, and I wouldn't want to pressure anyone to talk about things they find sensitive or upsetting. (Not saying you are, FindHG, just saying).

I can understand if some people close to him have been asked by counsel not to speak publicly. In that case, I would think it could have to do with potential witness testimony.

All JMO.
Thanks, actually was about to post this nasty bit.. ( maybe something to keep in mind, imo)


"At a trial in federal district court in Alexandria this month, prosecutors said Chyna was one of at least four teenagers sold as sex workers by the “Cold-blooded Cartel,” a Georgia-based gang that found Northern Virginia to be an especially lucrative territory to prostitute children. Their case, prosecutors say, is indicative of a disturbing phenomenon in the Washington area. More and more gangs are prostituting teens, finding it a bigger moneymaker than drugs or weapons"

Yup -- I remember a few years ago (heck, probably about seven years now), seeing one of the high school students with a pretty badly bruised face. When I asked one of the teachers what had happened, she said that this girl had gotten involved in one of the local gangs where she was made to prostitute herself out to the male gang members...her father found out about it and beat her (he was understandably angry, but I'm not sure beating her was getting the point across correctly...but that's an aside). She ended up running away from home and dropping out of school for a while while living with gang members. It was shocking, especially since she was only 15 or so.
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