JLM: What Do We Know About Him?

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I'm starting to think that JLM went far away from Charlottesville this time and heres why.

He didnt show up to Saturday morning football practice after being seen with HG at Tempo the night before.

Im sure some people are attributing that to him having a hangover/being exhausted from disposing of a body but as big as he was he might not have had a hangover at all. Some people dont even get them regardless of size.

If he showed the same "care' in hiding HGs body as he did in MHs he wouldnt have been that exhausted either IMO.

What if he hadnt even made it back to Charlottesville by the time practice started?

Someone said he was seen in an IGA grocery store in Nelson County Saturday morning IIRC ......although Im not sure on the time or if one was even stated.

Assuming he abducted and then killed HG sometme between 2-3am, that would give him 7 hours before the store opened at 10am.As manic as he was earlier in the night and as "pumped" as he may have been after his evil and careless act of destruction, theres a good chance he didnt sleep at all that night.

That means he could have driven 3 hours away from C-ville to dispose of the body, spent another hour getting to the site and disguising the area and then driving back to C-Ville, stopping at the IGA on the way back in....and thats provided he showed up when the store opened....it could have been much later than that.

I hope that isnt the case, but if JLM is learning from each kill then it would make sense for him to take the body as far away as possible....especially with MH being found so close to him.

Good points. I think that in addition to him learning with each attack, he has also searched out remote areas to use in preparation for his attacks.
A couple of things crossed my mind tonight. Do we know if he drove to the game earlier that day in his own car? If so, did he buy gas after that? LE should know his financial transactions, but hopefully they've also pulled any surveilance from gas stations too, in case he paid cash. If, big if, JM was low on gas that night after Tempo, it may have limited where he could have taken Hannah. It's just a fact, if you drive around, you are going to need gas at some point. Now, if we learn a gas can was involved, I might have to eat my keyboard again.

I also agree that JM likely got spooked after MH was found. I do think it affected his disposal methods. I don't think he's a creative mastermind, so my thinking is that he had to learn whatever changes he made from somewhere. What was in the news around that time in 2010? Any famous serial killers in the news at that time? If so, what did they do? If we look at all those women who went missing along Hwy 29 after MH, have any of them been found? I'm not saying that JM is responsible for all of them, but I think it's pretty weird that so many have still yet to be found. Did he simply start burying his victims. . .or. . .? :gaah:
His car is a mess but with it being so old, I wonder if he was diligent about keeping oil changed, etc. When I get an oil change, they place a clear plastic sticker on the inside of the windshield in the upper left corner. It states the odometer reading at the time of the change and the mileage when next change is due. Also, inspection papers list the car's mileage at the time of inspection.

IF (and I admit it's a big *if*) either of those were done soon before Hannah went missing, and police can track his movements between the inspection or oil change and when they took his car, that could give them a general idea of how far he may have driven to dispose of her body.

OMG! His trespassing charge was for being aggressive over an oil change.
I think he's learned and honed his technique with each rape and murder/attempted murder (he was choking the Fairfax victim, she's damn lucky to be alive). He learned from the 2 reported rapes at LU and CNU that he can't allow his victims to live. With the Fairfax rape, he learned he couldn't take a chance that there would be any witnesses. With Morgan, he learned that there is a risk even on remote private property. JMO, I don't think Hannah will be found on anyone's property, at least not one where people are living or working on it. It's possible the best chance of someone finding her lies with the hunters.

He may have avoid the woods during hunting season too.
A couple of things crossed my mind tonight. Do we know if he drove to the game earlier that day in his own car? If so, did he buy gas after that? LE should know his financial transactions, but hopefully they've also pulled any surveilance from gas stations too, in case he paid cash. If, big if, JM was low on gas that night after Tempo, it may have limited where he could have taken Hannah. It's just a fact, if you drive around, you are going to need gas at some point. Now, if we learn a gas can was involved, I might have to eat my keyboard again.

I also agree that JM likely got spooked after MH was found. I do think it affected his disposal methods. I don't think he's a creative mastermind, so my thinking is that he had to learn whatever changes he made from somewhere. What was in the news around that time in 2010? Any famous serial killers in the news at that time? If so, what did they do? If we look at all those women who went missing along Hwy 29 after MH, have any of them been found? I'm not saying that JM is responsible for all of them, but I think it's pretty weird that so many have still yet to be found. Did he simply start burying his victims. . .or. . .? :gaah:

Great points! Those gas purchases would be crucial in determining JLMs range that night. Given the state of his car, I doubt it got very good gas mileage to begin with.

He paid with a debit card all night at Tempo so assuming he continued with that it should be fairly easy to track the purchases he made.

Absolutely brilliant on the oil change and mileage sticker as well Emma.
I had discounted the hospital possibility but getting rid of the body entirely this time sounds right. I myself would never put it so close to my job. Would take a great deal of nerve to do that.

That was the first thing that sprang to my mind too, especially because of the location mentioned in the "lost" text from Hannah was right by the hospital. JM would've wanted to avoid witnesses, cops, and cameras. The cameras and speed traps, he knew as well as just about anyone can with his knowledge of the place, at that hour. Witnesses, he'd know how to mitigate too, knowing every nook and cranny of the mall. I can't imagine that he'd have Hannah Graham visible in the car, no matter what. Now that more is known, his being so outdoorsy and cautious, and the link to Morgan Harrington, and his interests, I'm not so sure he'd stay in town. He was game on, not at all scared of getting caught, despite being seen with her.
Great points! Those gas purchases would be crucial in determining JLMs range that night. Given the state of his car, I doubt it got very good gas mileage to begin with.

He paid with a debit card all night at Tempo so assuming he continued with that it should be fairly easy to track the purchases he made.

Absolutely brilliant on the oil change and mileage sticker as well Emma.

Thank you.

Another thought on JLM buying gas, would police have noted how much was in the tank when they confiscated his car? If so, I wonder if it's possible they could use any discrepancies in how much fuel he should have used during that week to figure out how far he may have taken her.

I've seen mention of him being seen at an IGA the next day. Is that something we know for certain? If so, what time?

How odd. That's the same AP article posted on the prior page, EXCEPT the Press Herald edited quite a bit of it out, including the name of the town where JLMSr lived. It also changed the copy altogether in some places.


How odd. That's the same AP article posted on the prior page, EXCEPT the Press Herald edited quite a bit of it out, including the name of the town where JLMSr lived. It also changed the copy altogether in some places.

*nod* The headline too. People care.
I've seen mention of him being seen at an IGA the next day. Is that something we know for certain? If so, what time?

Was JM seen at the IGA in Nelson while he was on the run or the week before when he walked off with Hannah Graham? I recall seeing an early thread with the a kid from Nelson discussing it in his tweets (not yet on the timeline)
I feel like we almost need a fact based timeline of JLM... Do we really know much about his movements after Tempo?? He did go to work, but I can't remember which days that was. Just remember an article from coworkers about him eating lunch alone. Did he go to any of the football practices or games that week? We've heard NOTHING from roommates. No idea if he came home that night or not.

Even with all the evidence LE appears to have, they need more!
I do not believe for one second that he is stupid. Arrogant to the max, yes. Entitiled. Yes.

He blacked out his FB pic before he ran. Really? Who knows how to do that? He did not want people to see his picture. He was smart enough to have his FB locked down.

He managed to drive to Texas and live on the beach in a tent. He did not have enough money to live in an apartment. Where are the options of living on the beach where he can get fish for food? I winder if he had fishing equipment with him?

I wonder how he chose that location? Did he follow serial killers as someone suggested?

Did he have his site picked out for his next victim?

He simply is not as stupid as he acts, I feel.
I agree and I think he went to that mall looking for a victim and the crazy thing is they say he frequents the mall. Wonder what he's doing there all those other times?
I find it so strange that he would "hunt" where he lives and maintains his "good Jesse" persona. By all accounts he was living a double life. I suggest he didn't intend to do it that night, but that the opportunity was so great he couldn't possibly resist. Moo.
He played a game online called Brightwood according to a poster, I wonder if there are any clues in that
I find it so strange that he would "hunt" where he lives and maintains his "good Jesse" persona. By all accounts he was living a double life. I suggest he didn't intend to do it that night, but that the opportunity was so great he couldn't possibly resist. Moo.

Wow. That is an interesting thought.
I do not believe for one second that he is stupid. Arrogant to the max, yes. Entitiled. Yes.

He blacked out his FB pic before he ran. Really? Who knows how to do that? He did not want people to see his picture. He was smart enough to have his FB locked down.

He managed to drive to Texas and live on the beach in a tent. He did not have enough money to live in an apartment. Where are the options of living on the beach where he can get fish for food? I winder if he had fishing equipment with him?

I wonder how he chose that location? Did he follow serial killers as someone suggested?

Did he have his site picked out for his next victim?

He simply is not as stupid as he acts, I feel.

"Stupid" is a fuzzy term, a subjective one. Someone stupid to you, may not be to someone else. He is stupid, IMO. Too stupid to man up and understand that his behavior in high school needed to change. Even after getting thrown out of college and losing his football, his college status, a chance at a degree, he still didn't get it and continued his behavior. Even a second time didn't do it. Still acts like an oaf, like a dog in heat around women in public venues and is looking for pickups and "getting lucky". Yes, I think that is stupid behavior, though there are many, many who engage in it. His friends, family could have helped him black out his FB picture. Should have closed the account IMO. He ran away and was caught so quickly, it makes my head spin. Yes, stupid. I'm sure his attorney told him to sit tight and not make any waves and he caused a tidal one.

That he is stupid, an oaf, a boor is one thing. The scary thing is that he may also be evil. It wasn't stupidity that caused him to abduct, assail, rape, kill people, if he so did. That is pure evil regardless of any underlying issues he might have in terms of hit in the head from football, injuries, depression, learning disabilities, etc. Doesn't matter. Danger to other, deadly in fact and has to be put away, if he indeed did those things.
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