Jodi Arias Murder Trial - the defense continues it's case in chief-*Weekend* #89

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That may be -I'll have to go back and look. When she said shaving "the old-fashioned way" I thought she was leaving an option of a straight razor being around.

It did seem unclear at first, but she later said he used a bic.
YES!! I read those pleadings. I guess I assumed that the email from Tesoro was a recent email -- like a confirmation that was made some time after Jodi testified that she returned the gas can.

I think Juan is on solid ground here -- he would have had no need to use this evidence if Jodi hadn't lied on the stand about returning the gas can and the third gas purchase in SLC. It's basically impeachment evidence, and that is not something that has to be disclosed in advance when you don't know you're going to need it.

Awesome!!! I thought so, but was still feeling a little nervous. I didn't think he'd throw both ideas out there like that if he wasn't sure about it!

I bet Nurmi is pizzed!! I'm sure JA is holding to her lie about returning the 3rd can, even to him, and he's getting blindsided! I bet she's regretting lying about this now! She was already admitting to 2 gas cans....

I can hear them now.... Just because they don't have a record of it being returned, doesn't mean it wasn't. JA will claim an employee made an error or the skaters did it!

I can't wait for rebuttal!!!! Solid evidence that she lied under oath and directly to the jury! Oh and about one of JM's premeditation points! Aaaahhhh!!! :rocker:

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YESSSS!! :great:
So, headstanding is a yoga thing, didn't know that even thought I did it alot as a youth and lots of other crazy thinks like crossing and wrapping legs like a pretzel and walking on my knees. But that was a kid thing for me like climbing trees. So I said to my self, why would someone do a headstand such stressful conditions, to me anyway. Then something hit me and I wondered that she was trying to make herself look flush/red faced.
Then I looked it up.

Turning ourselves upside down is not only an amazing practice for health... but for beauty as well.

So I am not quit sure why she did it but since she was so concerned about her appearance for the mugshot I thought that maybe this is why. idk jmo
So, headstanding is a yoga thing, didn't know that even thought I did it alot as a youth and lots of other crazy thinks like crossing and wrapping legs like a pretzel and walking on my knees. But that was a kid thing for me like climbing trees. So I said to my self, why would someone do a headstand such stressful conditions, to me anyway. Then something hit me and I wondered that she was trying to make herself look flush/red faced.
Then I looked it up.

Turning ourselves upside down is not only an amazing practice for health... but for beauty as well.

So I am not quit sure why she did it but since she was so concerned about her appearance for the mugshot I thought that maybe this is why. idk jmo

Exactly, I agree 100%, instant makeup.
I get the feeling he is telling her to please stop adding so many unnecessary details, etc. because you are opening too many windows to the other side and she just will not listen. She thinks she is so clever. He seems exasperated with her.

I think this is exactly why JM did not ask the judge to instruct her to answer yes/no, he knows her personality, he knows she can't help herself and will continually add "details" because she thinks it makes people think she's telling the truth, even though those "details" aren't true.

He gave her enough rope to hang herself, and she did with her lies.
Excerpt from the paper Dr. Samuels referenced (Amnesia and Crime):

Malingered Amnesia
Another interpretation of crime-related amnesia acknowledges the likelihood that some offenders intentionally fabricate memory loss to avoid punishment for a crime or for other personal gain. While an early study reported that 20 percent of the offenders claiming amnesia were fabricating the memory loss,73 it has been suggested that the rate of malingering is higher.116 The likelihood of malingered amnesia may be greater in offenders with antisocial personality disorder.31,84 Using polygraphy, Lynch and Bradford84 showed that offenders with antisocial personality disorder have a higher propensity to feign amnesia for crimes, compared with those with no personality disorder or other psychopathologic disorders. It has been suggested that offenders with antisocial personality disorder may be prone to malingering amnesia for crimes in part because of the tendencies of manipulation, habitual deceit, and a general poverty in major affective reactions that characterize this disorder.31,84 Other authors have noted the possible contribution of low intelligence and frontal executive dysfunction to the feigning of amnesia for crimes.3,117 However, as it is possible that highly intelligent malingerers are more adept at feigning amnesia for crimes and may thus evade detection and less frequently receive a diagnosis of malingering, further research may help to clarify a link between low intelligence/frontal executive dysfunction and feigned amnesia.

Furthermore, from the same study: In accepting evidence supporting the validity of amnesia claims, it seems clear that the important issue should be determining how to distinguish between genuine amnesia, whatever the cause, and malingered amnesia in cases raising an index of suspicion. Despite several attempts to solve this dilemma,2,11–13,84 there is still no clear answer.

If anyone is interested in reading more!

Are we going to see this in the rebuttal phase? :giggle::giggle::giggle::jail:

Wow, great find. Thanks for posting it.
I think this is exactly why JM did not ask the judge to instruct her to answer yes/no, he knows her personality, he knows she can't help herself and will continually add "details" because she thinks it makes people think she's telling the truth, even though those "details" aren't true.

He gave her enough rope to hang herself, and she did with her lies.

ITA with all this, also, her meticulous detail on everything else invites the obvious comparison when she suddenly lapses into the fog.
After watching the video of Jodi standing on her head, giggling inappropriately, and singing Dido lyrics about changing her memory it really make me wish the State had of allowed her to have represented herself in this trial. Oh what FUN we would be having watching her cross examine herself on the stand! As oppossed to getting a history lesson from Nurmi on the the structure of the Mormon church and hearing how Jodi became the *advertiser censored* of 3 states.
I still say Matt M will show up in rebuttal. Either he himself or some kind of proof will be shown about all that.... and who knows what else. I can't imagine Juan bringing that up and dropping it with no further explanation if there weren't more to come. :twocents:

I agree with this as well. The thing that got me was jodi bringing up that fact that he has gun/guns and that he is not suppose to have gun/guns. That to me was a sign that he has betrayed her some how yet after that she went back to that they are some what friends. So it seems that she is not quit sure about ole matt boy.
Just read an article about a woman named Melke who is on death row in Arizona. Her conviction was overturned because of a bad cop!
After watching the video of Jodi standing on her head, giggling inappropriately, and singing Dido lyrics about changing her memory it really make me wish the State had of allowed her to have represented herself in this trial. Oh what FUN we would be having watching her cross examine herself on the stand! As oppossed to getting a history lesson from Nurmi on the the structure of the Mormon church and hearing how Jodi became the *advertiser censored* of 3 states.

if she'd represented herself, we'd still be listening to her opening statement. seriously!

it would've been interesting but she never could've done it. too many rules and structure that she would've had to follow. jodi doesn't like rules.
Trial Procedural Question: So when the defense rests its case, there can be a rebuttal case by the prosecution. Correct? Can the prosecution call it's on "Expert" witnesses to rebut this Samuels guy? Is there a published witness list for the rebuttal case? and the big question...can JM call Jodie back to the stand???
These were text messages between Travis and Jodi - I saw them when they were shown in trial. Except this one: "It made me feel not good, I guess. It made me feel yucky." That is something Jodi said during her testimony.

You can see part of it here:

That whole text sounded, IMO, like an exerpt from a movie or book. Or not really from Travis.
IIRC, she said she had Travis' number ID'd by the name "Travis Alexander" in her phone.
Visions of Casey Anthony and her "fake" phone number/name switcheroo keeps coming to mind.
I need to go back to see what day it was, but Travis asked her in a text if she had used his phone....she said something about "only when I told you I did".
Just because the text came thru as Travis, how do we know if HE really sent it?

ETA: Found that text...was from Jan, not May....still can show a
To be truthful, I don't know how much this murder/trial is being covered other than in AZ. When Natalee Holloway went missing, the OJ trial, Peterson trial, Caylee Anthony, we had coverage nightly on the news here in PA. If it hadn't been for WS, I wouldn't have known anything about this case, it was never covered on our news at all. MOO

I don't think the Arias case is as big (in terms of publicity/recognition) as the cases you mentioned in your posts. IDK; I am not saying this is the be-all-to-end all of media coverage...but pretty much every huge case has gotten the full cover of People Magazine (even multiple ones)....yet Jodi has only received the side cover with the headline "Mormon Murder Mystery"...It didn't even say her name. Obviously, it's possible she will still get the full cover (like when the verdict comes in) but the fact that she hasn't received it yet does say something to me. And the fact that they didn't even say "Jodi Arias" or even "better", just "Jodi" is also significant.

It's hard for me to really explain...This case has gotten tons of publicity..But for some reason, it doesn't seem as big as past high-profile cases. I think it's possibly because most of the coverage is on HLN and it's easier to avoid?
if she'd represented herself, we'd still be listening to her opening statement. seriously!

it would've been interesting but she never could've done it. too many rules and structure that she would've had to follow. jodi doesn't like rules.

So true! IIRC, she said she was "in over her head", or something along those lines. Then the other lawyers came on board.
I feel a teensy bit sorry for Nurmi because his client is obviously not telling him the truth or being forthcoming with him, and that causes this kind of "surprise" at trial. It is a very uncomfortable position for a lawyer to be in.

Oh well ...

Ah so that is why he had his chair turn so visibly with his back to Jodi this week. Jeanine would be so proud that we recognize it!

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So true! IIRC, she said she was "in over her head", or something along those lines. Then the other lawyers came on board.

she'd had the other lawyers already, IIRC. they were advising her during the time she tried to be her own lawyer and then they came back in as counsel. i think when she found out the phony letters wouldn't fly, she gave up.
That whole text sounded, IMO, like an exerpt from a movie or book. Or not really from Travis.
IIRC, she said she had Travis' number ID'd by the name "Travis Alexander" in her phone.
Visions of Casey Anthony and her "fake" phone number/name switcheroo keeps coming to mind.
I need to go back to see what day it was, but Travis asked her in a text if she had used his phone....she said something about "only when I told you I did".
Just because the text came thru as Travis, how do we know if HE really sent it?

Excellent observation and follow up question for the prosecution who I hope plans to address this very issue by reminding the jurors how devious Jodi Arias is and as such posing as Travis Alexander to send herself text messages is but another example of her tactics and techniques.
Excerpt from the paper Dr. Samuels referenced (Amnesia and Crime):

Malingered Amnesia
Another interpretation of crime-related amnesia acknowledges the likelihood that some offenders intentionally fabricate memory loss to avoid punishment for a crime or for other personal gain. While an early study reported that 20 percent of the offenders claiming amnesia were fabricating the memory loss,73 it has been suggested that the rate of malingering is higher.116 The likelihood of malingered amnesia may be greater in offenders with antisocial personality disorder.31,84 Using polygraphy, Lynch and Bradford84 showed that offenders with antisocial personality disorder have a higher propensity to feign amnesia for crimes, compared with those with no personality disorder or other psychopathologic disorders. It has been suggested that offenders with antisocial personality disorder may be prone to malingering amnesia for crimes in part because of the tendencies of manipulation, habitual deceit, and a general poverty in major affective reactions that characterize this disorder.31,84 Other authors have noted the possible contribution of low intelligence and frontal executive dysfunction to the feigning of amnesia for crimes.3,117 However, as it is possible that highly intelligent malingerers are more adept at feigning amnesia for crimes and may thus evade detection and less frequently receive a diagnosis of malingering, further research may help to clarify a link between low intelligence/frontal executive dysfunction and feigned amnesia.

Furthermore, from the same study: In accepting evidence supporting the validity of amnesia claims, it seems clear that the important issue should be determining how to distinguish between genuine amnesia, whatever the cause, and malingered amnesia in cases raising an index of suspicion. Despite several attempts to solve this dilemma,2,11–13,84 there is still no clear answer.

If anyone is interested in reading more!

Are we going to see this in the rebuttal phase? :giggle::giggle::giggle::jail:

Good find. We should see that in cross of the sex "Doc".

My personal opinion is that 99% of criminals who claim this "fog" are fibbers, using it as a ploy to "avoid punishment for the crime". And the smarter the criminal, the more likely they are to fool the experts, especially if that criminal is a pretty female claiming self-defense from a big male with a high sex drive. The remaining 1% experienced severe head trauma during the commission of the crime.
I hope that Juan can do damage just by using the same 'research' that Dr Samuels brought over to trial himself. It basically says that there is a greater chance that Jodi is a malingerer than not, and either way, there is no way to determine if she is faking or not. :what:

I don't want him to be abrasive or harsh, like he is with Jodi. She is on trial, so it works for her. But the jury might not like it if he attacks everyone like that.

I hope he can RESPECTFULLY rip the good doctor a new one. :rocker:

I've been thinking about the testimony about the fight or flight mode hmmm...If JA was really in such a panic and truely scared for her life I hope JM uses the defence expert's own words. I just keeep hearing the word FLIGHT in my mind. As in run out, leave. She could have chosen door number one you know. There was absolutely no reason to fight. He was wet and naked.
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