Jodi Arias Murder Trial - the defense continues it's case in chief-*Weekend* #89

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Okay ... I have Nancy Grace's show on right now, and they showed some of those "new" crime scene photos !

OMG ... they showed the washing machine -- with the lid up -- and bleach on the shelf above it ...

They showed one of those wooden thingies that you keep a set of knives in -- with some knives in it AND some knives missing -- and then they showed the knives laid out on the counter ...

Some other photos ... but I wasn't paying attention because I was reading here at the same time ...

Nancy's Show -- Week 11 -- is going to be rerun today 3/16 at:

4:00 am CST

1:00 pm CST

10:00 pm CST

I am going to catch one of the reruns and pay more attention :blushing:

I am not trying to be difficult or argumentative in any way, I am just not able to find the specific statements that I had bolded in any of the exchanged text messages between TA and JA. Yes, some of the statements are there, but those are not the ones that I bolded. Again, I am not trying to be difficult, I just cannot find where TA sent any messages saying:

"unless it`s an apology and a thank you for constantly having to take on your ever-ceasing problems. Not one freaking more.

I`m sick of your soap opera and your ways. You purposely try to ruin every day. It seems you`re getting good at it."

"It made me feel not good, I guess. It made me feel yucky."

"I’m sick of you playing stupid and dealing with your childish issues. Bitter feelings are brewing in me for you, and if it keeps up I fear I will have a genuine dislike for you before I have a revenge.

"You don't care about anything that doesn't involve you, and I'm sick of it, and I don't want to deal with any of it. It's wearing me out and if it continues, just like I have to give you motivation to tell me the truth I'll give you motivation to quit screwing with me."

Unless these are found in JA's journal or the messaging between Ryan Burns and JA, I do not see these statements. And if they are in her journals or in messages with RB, then they are not texts from TA.

At least some of these are in an ABC News article from February 18. Here's the link, you could use that as a starting point:

I find that I'm unaware of a lot of text messages and other communications between JA and TA until I watch the trial videos, where they are projected onto the screens, but then they are probably documented on a WS sticky thread as well.

ETA: Here's another from a CNN transcript I found by googling a phrase from one of your quotes. You might try doing the same with other quotes, to find the whole thing.
Wow, see I assumed (yeah, yeah I know) that crime scene photos HAD to come from the Prosecution. Figured that bc they work with the police that they got the pics from them first when seeking an indictment. This is getting nuttier by the day!

RBBM: Yes it is getting "nuttier by the day" ... you are so right !

This trial is just absolutely crazy ... :waitasec: and there's still more to come :pullhair:

At least some of these are in an ABC News article from February 18. Here's the link, you could use that as a starting point:

I find that I'm unaware of a lot of text messages and other communications between JA and TA until I watch the trial videos, where they are projected onto the screens, but then they are probably documented on a WS sticky thread as well.

ETA: Here's another from a CNN transcript I found by googling a phrase from one of your quotes. You might try doing the same with other quotes, to find the whole thing.

Thank you for the links. The revenge statement seems to have been made by JA in an interview? I'll have to do my searching for these tomorrow. Thank you again.
:truce: My fault, I seem to get way behind if let a few days pass..

Ohh anyone know if the 'complete' video is out of JA on arrest day?
(cray cray JA doing handstands and singing that the jury hasn't seen)

All I found so far is clips from the talking heads.. TIA

Doubt the entire four hour interview is posted anywhere. :rocker: Otherwise it wouldn't have been a big deal when Fox uncovered it.

I confess I'm a little worried that some of the leaks may be for the purpose of trying to get a mistrial. It must be getting harder and harder for the jurors, who are not sequestered, to avoid 100% of the media chatter on this case.
Does everybody know that Jodi locked Travis door to his Master bedroom on her way out. The roommates had to find a key to get in when they discovered him. What I wonder is was it locked when Jodi got there and he wouldn't let her in or she knew where the key was?

She got into the house on her own. She says she stood there watching him on the computer a few minutes/moments and neither TA nor the dog realized she was there.

It's doubtful he kept his bedroom locked; recall his friends said sometimes he'd get home from a date or wherever and Jodi would be hiding in his closet, or sleeping in his bed. :rocker:

But it's no surprise she would have locked the door on her way out since she left a dead body in there. :what:
You are very welcome! :)

If I recall the revenge statement correctly, it's from TA to JA, in a text message. I'll see if I can find it for you.

ETA: It was. Here you go:

Thank you so much! So it was read in court but that particular text wasn't screen least that I can see in the links I have. I'll look into the other ones I haven't seen yet. Thank you thank you thank to :)
I was reading a little while ago on the Justice for Travis site on FB... someone there posted that the State was not able to show every single crime scene photo/autopsy photo of Travis' butchered and bloodied body because it was deemed as too prejudicial!
Someone. please tell me that is not true!

I do not think that is true.
I do not think that is true.

Minor!! Have you read the motion Nurmi filed asking the state to disclose evidence from Tosora and Walmart yet? It seems JM is getting reports about the gas can not being returned and that all 3 purchases were for gas. Oh and JM added people from both companies to his rebuttal witness list.

My question is.... Nurmi claims that JM had an email from Tosoro saying that the purchases were all for gas and that it's a "strategic" move by the state not disclosing that at discovery.

I don't see how he can say JM is doing anything sneaky though. Even if he did research the purchases.... He wouldn't have known to enter them into evidence because he didn't know she would lie about the 3rd gas can. Lots of people on the FB page are posting concerns that Nurmi will push to have this kept out because its being added so late. Do you think that's possible? I thought it was ok to add evidence late when it's used to impeach testimony?

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What is wrong with the Judge's decision? Ryan Burns talked to the media, too.

Once a witness is excused the judge cannot order them not to talk to the media; she can't order them to do anything at all.
Minor!! Have you read the motion Nurmi filed asking the state to disclose evidence from Tosora and Walmart yet? It seems JM is getting reports about the gas can not being returned and that all 3 purchases were for gas. Oh and JM added people from both companies to his rebuttal witness list.

My question is.... Nurmi claims that JM had an email from Tosoro saying that the purchases were all for gas and that it's a "strategic" move by the state not disclosing that at discovery.

I don't see how he can say JM is doing anything sneaky though. Even if he did research the purchases.... He wouldn't have known to enter them into evidence because he didn't know she would lie about the 3rd gas can. Lots of people on the FB page are posting concerns that Nurmi will push to have this kept out because its being added so late. Do you think that's possible? I thought it was ok to add evidence late when it's used to impeach testimony?

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YES!! I read those pleadings. I guess I assumed that the email from Tesoro was a recent email -- like a confirmation that was made some time after Jodi testified that she returned the gas can.

I think Juan is on solid ground here -- he would have had no need to use this evidence if Jodi hadn't lied on the stand about returning the gas can and the third gas purchase in SLC. It's basically impeachment evidence, and that is not something that has to be disclosed in advance when you don't know you're going to need it.
Minor!! Have you read the motion Nurmi filed asking the state to disclose evidence from Tosora and Walmart yet? It seems JM is getting reports about the gas can not being returned and that all 3 purchases were for gas. Oh and JM added people from both companies to his rebuttal witness list.

My question is.... Nurmi claims that JM had an email from Tosoro saying that the purchases were all for gas and that it's a "strategic" move by the state not disclosing that at discovery.

I don't see how he can say JM is doing anything sneaky though. Even if he did research the purchases.... He wouldn't have known to enter them into evidence because he didn't know she would lie about the 3rd gas can. Lots of people on the FB page are posting concerns that Nurmi will push to have this kept out because its being added so late. Do you think that's possible? I thought it was ok to add evidence late when it's used to impeach testimony?

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Where do you read the motions at?
The state had to keep this a secret because if Jodi knew about the gas purchases beforehand, she would have never denied filling up the third gas container and she would have given some "innocent" explanation for it. By keeping it a secret, she committed herself to a lie and now she can be exposed as long as Sherry doesn't mess this up.

I don't think the State was keeping it a secret. I don't think the State looked into it until Jodi denied having a third gas can on the stand. I think that was unanticipated by the State.
YES!! I read those pleadings. I guess I assumed that the email from Tesoro was a recent email -- like a confirmation that was made some time after Jodi testified that she returned the gas can.

I think Juan is on solid ground here -- he would have had no need to use this evidence if Jodi hadn't lied on the stand about returning the gas can and the third gas purchase in SLC. It's basically impeachment evidence, and that is not something that has to be disclosed in advance when you don't know you're going to need it.

Awesome!!! I thought so, but was still feeling a little nervous. I didn't think he'd throw both ideas out there like that if he wasn't sure about it!

I bet Nurmi is pizzed!! I'm sure JA is holding to her lie about returning the 3rd can, even to him, and he's getting blindsided! I bet she's regretting lying about this now! She was already admitting to 2 gas cans....

I can hear them now.... Just because they don't have a record of it being returned, doesn't mean it wasn't. JA will claim an employee made an error or the skaters did it!

I can't wait for rebuttal!!!! Solid evidence that she lied under oath and directly to the jury! Oh and about one of JM's premeditation points! Aaaahhhh!!! :rocker:

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It's impossible for me to read these pages with all the blown margins. Does anyone else have this problem?

I always see you complaining about "blown margins" but it has never been a problem for me and it doesn't seem anyone is posting anything to cause this, if I have the definition of "blown margins" correct. Perhaps it's your browser settings?
I don't think the State was keeping it a secret. I don't think the State looked into it until Jodi denied having a third gas can on the stand. I think that was unanticipated by the State.

I didn't think that was something a prosecutor would do. And I don't think Juan is that stupid to blow his case. He only went after it after she lied about it. So it should be allowed in. The only ones playing games here is the DT.

Now about Travis' "record": this can't possibly be allowed in, right, since it's not even him? Will the judge disallow it or will she let it in and leave it up to Martinez to clear it up? I think I already know the answer but I'm just curious to know what you think? Thanks!
I didn't think that was something a prosecutor would do. And I don't think Juan is that stupid to blow his case. He only went after it after she lied about it. So it should be allowed in. The only ones playing games here is the DT.

Now about Travis' "record": this can't possibly be allowed in, right, since it's not even him? Will the judge disallow it or will she let it in and leave it up to Martinez to clear it up? I think I already know the answer but I'm just curious to know what you think? Thanks!

Tanisha posted on the FB site that the "criminal record" issue was already discussed yesterday and it's cleared up. It won't come in. That one also read like the state was holding something back. Nice try Nurmi!!!

ITA about JM. He knows what he's doing and there's no way he'd do something that could cause problems.

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Don't Jodi's feet look HUGE in that headstand? SHe looks like she wears a size 12 shoe and she's my height. Freak of nature.

Her feet look filthy, and why is she bare footed during a police interrogation?
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