Jodi Arias Murder Trial - the defense continues it's case in chief-*Weekend* #89

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Reading over all the motions/, there's a lot going on there over the years.
To any WS lawyers and other legal folks, is it normal in a case like this to have so many motions RE: Brady Violations and motions in limine?

ok, whyyyyy is Gus still making the rounds? And why does the media encourage the bottom feeders?
(I used to be livid when JB was on every damn program and news segment.
I'm not usually a defense lawyer hater, but JB was and is scum. )
I can't even imagine after THIS trial is over, the floodgates will open.

As for sequestered juries, I can see both sides. This is such a high profile case, how do they avoid altogether?
I can understand being kept away from my world/family and getting pizzed off if it were dragging on like this case.
The jury could just be like "get me out of here, I want to go home, screw it....not guilty"

But I still worry about not sequestering for all the reasons mentioned here.

I've got lots in my mind about so much stuff with this entire case.

To be truthful, I don't know how much this murder/trial is being covered other than in AZ. When Natalee Holloway went missing, the OJ trial, Peterson trial, Caylee Anthony, we had coverage nightly on the news here in PA. If it hadn't been for WS, I wouldn't have known anything about this case, it was never covered on our news at all. MOO Alexander

The 26th photo shows Travis' closet with quite a large section of carpet cutout. Was any evidence found on that carpet?

No mention of it yet; maybe this is one of those photo's the defense plans to use in the new motion?
Thinking if that piece of carpet in closet was wet? J
JA could very well make her story fit to her claims of running through the closet to get gun Before any blood in bathroom.. hmm :waitasec:

Also curious if photo's #152 and #153 in below link were mentioned yet.. both appear to be in the bedroom; foot prints on carpet ?
Well said!
Seems JA may still be trying to 'twist another story that fits' is how she is assisting in her own defense I suppose..
I noticed one photo showing the bath sink area, trash can and a scale..
didn't JA state when Travis leaped like a linebacker and they fell backwards near the trash can by the sink..??.. was there another trash can in the bathroom? :confused:
Surprised Juan didn't catch she said that bc the area does not look disturbed (as in a struggle or JA rolling over to get away)

Photo 165 of 180

I think she said they landed next to the 2 weight scales, one was black and the other one was clear.
NG show said 250 new pics were released. We're all trying to find them.

I don't believe any of these pics are the ones that are new. I saw all of these 180 pics on the HLN site a few nights ago.
No mention of it yet; maybe this is one of those photo's the defense plans to use in the new motion?
Thinking if that piece of carpet in closet was wet? J
JA could very well make her story fit to her claims of running through the closet to get gun Before any blood in bathroom.. hmm :waitasec:

Also curious if photo's #152 and #153 in below link were mentioned yet.. both appear to be in the bedroom; foot prints on carpet ?

Look like sock footprints to me. The substance is a lighter color than I would expect blood to be, but it may be the lighting when the photo was taken. I don't want to gross anybody out, but I wondered if it was barf. Might be lots of DNA to swab from that.
I think she said they landed next to the 2 weight scales, one was black and the other one was clear.

TY TY; this is why I love this site :great:
not sure where I got the trash can from now haha :slap:
No, I'm talking about previous requests:

MTD - Motion To Dismiss - Party (001)

Hi. Haven't read ahead to see if someone answered you yet. Nurmi called misconduct on a slew of things, but I think that one of for saying he didn't have all the records of the texts early enough. It was because the computer program had not been INVENTED yet to get them all off the phone. He was just trying to be a .....whoops, can't say that, but you know what I mean. lol

ETA: Oops - just saw the date. If you look in the court minutes for a few days before that, it'll tell you what he was griping about that time.
Thanks! :) I'm going to have to use the carp cleaner on my Macbook and then do a restart because it was all herky jerky over on Nancy's site and I just gave up in frustration. :doh: I'll get on that now!

ETA: The 35 I talk about in this post are not new either... information below is incorrect :) )

Just so you guys know, the photos that are at the HLN link are mostly older ones. I uploaded them previously. It frusted me as well, I was all excited to see some new stuff. I counted maybe 35 new photos.

The one on the show that intrigued me most was of his kitchen trash can and out of it they pulled a Wal-Mart receipt and placed it on the island. You could easily see what was on it if they had uploaded the photo to the HLN photo link.

Crossing fingers that they at least upload more. :seeya:
They talk about us with up to date info about current posts.

Yep, I heard Nancy Grace say something tonight almost verbatim to something I posted a couple of days ago. LOL, I told my Blondie cat that Nancy needs to catch up on her WS reading! Sad thing about my memory issue :what: is that I can't remember what it was now. I'll think of it in a day or two I betcha.
I don't believe any of these pics are the ones that are new. I saw all of these 180 pics on the HLN site a few nights ago.

Thank you for letting us know. :)

So the ones that were new to me, the 35 I talk about in my post above are not new either. :facepalm: They really made it sound like they were going to put them up on the site, especially since they were showing them on the show.

When I was in the shower just now, I made sure to be totally cognizant of every movement. Doesn't seem to me those photos of Travis standing under the running shower head are posed. He was not aware of Jodi being there. Being fully clothed to the extent she was, Jodi was not dressed to take consensual intimate shower photos.

In my lay opinion, there is no PTSD. Otherwise, Jodi'd have some remorse, survivors guilt or shame in not remembering what she did to this person we're to believe she loved. There is NOTHING. Jodi told all those lies because she remembered EXACTLY every little detail of the gruesome crime she committed
Lurking for the last few weeks, first time posting.

I agree that this was not a real shower and that he was coerced; he was not posing voluntarily.

This is only guesswork, but I think the reason he complied was that she was holding the gun on him, not the knife. She has the knife with her, but is holding him at gunpoint during the photo shoot.

Once she sets the camera down, she pulls out the knife to make it a very personal act. The same thing was said of O.J. - the use of a knife is a personal touch and, like Jodi, he nearly decapitated his victim.

I think if she only had the knife to threaten him, he could have fought back - he outweighed her by at least 50lbs.

On another topic, this woman's lies and vicious actions are despicable as are her attempts to brand Travis a pedophile. But people should not worry about her lies influencing the jury - even the O.J. Jury would call this one right. I want justice for Travis and I am quite certain that it will be served.
WELCOME to WS!! Where the curious find answers to this horrible crime, and root for justice for the victim, Travis.
It states the pics were updated on March 14 - Thursday. These couldn't be the new pics Nancy was talking about.

But Thursday was the last day they had court, and I seem to remember there was a lot of to-do going on with everybody going into chambers to talk. Maybe Nancy just now got around to dribbling this info out to us because it's Friday, her special "NG Mysteries" show. I dunno.
I don't believe any of these pics are the ones that are new. I saw all of these 180 pics on the HLN site a few nights ago.

:truce: My fault, I seem to get way behind if let a few days pass..

Ohh anyone know if the 'complete' video is out of JA on arrest day?
(cray cray JA doing handstands and singing that the jury hasn't seen)

All I found so far is clips from the talking heads.. TIA
When it gets complicated is when the jury gets the instructions, because I know when I served on a couple of juries we spent a lot of time arguing over what the instructions meant. The instructions said something like( not verbatim) if you don't believe any part of the testimony then you must disregard all the testimony.

Don't know where you served, but generally speaking I believe it's if you disbelieve any part of a witness's testimony you may disregard part or all of that witness's testimony.
They ARE on there - I have it on my other tab right this very moment. There is no way for me to tell you which individual shot to click on, because they are NOT numbered.
I guess keep looking there would be my best advice, because they ARE on there.

ETA: Find a pic of Arias pointing to something on the computer screen in front of her while she's on the stand. It's about 15 pics after that.

I am not trying to be difficult or argumentative in any way, I am just not able to find the specific statements that I had bolded in any of the exchanged text messages between TA and JA. Yes, some of the statements are there, but those are not the ones that I bolded. Again, I am not trying to be difficult, I just cannot find where TA sent any messages saying:

"unless it`s an apology and a thank you for constantly having to take on your ever-ceasing problems. Not one freaking more.

I`m sick of your soap opera and your ways. You purposely try to ruin every day. It seems you`re getting good at it."

"It made me feel not good, I guess. It made me feel yucky."

"I’m sick of you playing stupid and dealing with your childish issues. Bitter feelings are brewing in me for you, and if it keeps up I fear I will have a genuine dislike for you before I have a revenge.

"You don't care about anything that doesn't involve you, and I'm sick of it, and I don't want to deal with any of it. It's wearing me out and if it continues, just like I have to give you motivation to tell me the truth I'll give you motivation to quit screwing with me."

Unless these are found in JA's journal or the messaging between Ryan Burns and JA, I do not see these statements. And if they are in her journals or in messages with RB, then they are not texts from TA.
:truce: My fault, I seem to get way behind if let a few days pass..

Ohh anyone know if the 'complete' video is out of JA on arrest day?
(cray cray JA doing handstands and singing that the jury hasn't seen)

All I found so far is clips from the talking heads.. TIA

I googled and found this Fox article with several from today, the large one might be complete, I didn't look, it's my soap opera time!

:cat: :eek:fftobed: Night folks!
Hey Alan...thanks for coming out of lurking. I'm particularly interested in how men respond to this demon. At first people were saying she might get men in her corner with her "charms". From viewing the jury, it seemed to me she lost all the men first. I don't think she even has ONE who's interested in hearing anything more from her.

Did you ever have any sympathy for her or think she could be a battered woman?

That's funny, because several of the talking heads said that she might get sympathy from the women on the jury based on her assertion that she was battered. The women on this forum have certainly NOT been on her side nor accepted the abuse allegations.

I do not think she was battered and, from what I understand, battered women often have a hard time getting away from an abusive spouse. Even getting to a women's shelter might be difficult when you have kids in tow and are afraid for your safety. But Ms. Arias did not have any difficulty getting away - she had a problem STAYING away. Yreka, Ca is nowhere near Mesa, Az. She had to make a conscious effort to see Travis.

I do not think her "charms" will have any affect on the men in the jury, nor will the women support her with some kind of sympathy vote. This is not a "there but for the grace of God go I" situation that will bring the women over to her side.

I think it was Kissinger who once said that there could never be a victor in the battle of the sexes because there is too much fraternizing with the enemy. Men have sisters, mothers, wives, girlfriends (sometimes both a wife and a girlfriend), co-workers, etc and we have strong feelings towards them. Likewise, women have husbands, sons, brothers, etc and also have strong feelings for them. There is no way that gender issues will play out in this trial. This woman was not a battered victim, this was a stalking psychopath who viciously murdered a young man (I'm 59, so he was quite young to me, but these days that's true of most people!)

I think that jurors will judge based on the evidence and, to the extent that their emotions are involved, that will be to Jodi's detriment, not to her benefit.
I am rewatching some of the testimony on NG right now.

They just replayed JA reading lies from her 'diary' where she says she just cannot marry that boy because he is a 'little off.' And then she testifies and confirms it, and then says nonchalantly, that he had proposed to her, once on the phone. I CALL BS on that.

If he had ever proposed to her she would have jumped right on it. Game over.Done.

I hope the jury can see how bogus that is when she tries to sell them that story.

Another OBVIOUS LIE. When I rewatched it I burst out laughing. Rewatch when she first tells her little story about Travis LOADING the gun. You can see her fabricating it right on the spot. She is so ridiculous.

I know MOST of the jury can see through her BS. But every single one of them has to do so. I hope they can all agree. :jail::jail::jail:
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