Jodi Arias Murder Trial - the defense continues it's case in chief-*Weekend* #89

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She actually does have some pubic hair. It's a fuzz. Some people thought it looked like blond pubes.

Well... We know, for sure ... It's not cobwebs;)

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I just can't wait to see what Juan Martinez is gonna do with this <mod snip> claim that JA got her PTSD from the comission of the murder herself! She gave it to herself! Dear Lord....then the part about how so many murderers try to use this memory loss in if this is something to help her? Um, they are MURDERERS trying to get off! Claiming "I don't remember" in court isn't exactly exculpatory! Unleash the Prosecutor!
Please don't think I'm dumb even though I feel like it compared to the information you all contribute.

This goes back a while (when Jodi was 7) j/k....

When Darryl Brewer was questioned by JM about JA's breast implants she clearly says "NO". You can read her lips. I know this is a strange time to question this, but I was reading DB's testimony and re-watching his testimony
on you tube.

It probably is truly insignificant but just wondered if anyone else knows why she would not want that known.

Oh well, just one of my stupid thoughts.

Going to bed. Maybe someone will answer tomorrow.

hello Lupie.. i don't have an answer for you, but i want you to know that i don't think you're 'dumb,' and that this observation doesn't come across as a stupid thought'... i think it is quite intriguing, actually!!

thank you for getting my wheels turning!
sleep well.. see ya tomorrow! :)
I really couldn't tell you unless I was there. Preparation for trial is a zoo. I don't know who took these crime scene photos. Maybe the prosecutors office never got them. It's just to hard to call, until we hear the motion.

Wow, see I assumed (yeah, yeah I know) that crime scene photos HAD to come from the Prosecution. Figured that bc they work with the police that they got the pics from them first when seeking an indictment. This is getting nuttier by the day!
Evening folks :seeya:

Just catching up the past few days and apologize in advance if already discussed..hoping ya'll caught this and/or correct me if wrong?

Did JA in her testilying say she had 'never been camping before' ?
believe Juan was following up on a jury question(s) when I thought I heard this;
Didn't JA state on direct she learned how to 'shoot a gun' with Daryl or Daryl taught/showed her When they went camping??
Wow, see I assumed (yeah, yeah I know) that crime scene photos HAD to come from the Prosecution. Figured that bc they work with the police that they got the pics from them first when seeking an indictment. This is getting nuttier by the day!


for reals!
I haven't read all of the threads for today (who can keep up, LOL!) so here's my question:

I heard/saw on Nancy Grace tonight that the defense had withheld from the Prosecution over 200 crime scene photos that they plan to use in their case. Per Nancy they have evidently just handed them over. I saw a few of them on the show. I've tried to search the internet for the newly released photos but can't find them. Has anybody else heard about this and does anybody know where to find them? I watch all the HLN news shows every night and this was the 1st time I've ever seen them.

Thanks in advance!

I don't understand this. Wouldn't the Prosecution have first access to the crime scene photos to build their case for Prosecution before a Defense would be required?
I just can't wait to see what Juan Martinez is gonna do with this quack's claim that JA got her PTSD from the comission of the murder herself! She gave it to herself! Dear Lord....then the part about how so many murderers try to use this memory loss in if this is something to help her? Um, they are MURDERERS trying to get off! Claiming "I don't remember" in court isn't exactly exculpatory! Unleash the Prosecutor!

I'm challenging myself in my Restorative Justice class and writing my research paper on Trauma Healing for offenders since I have a hard time viewing offenders as harmed from their own crime. I believe that the commission of a crime, especially a violent crime, can result in trauma for the offender; however that is no excuse for their behavior nor is it mitigation in any punishment phase. It simply is a consequence of the action they took that, if they are going to be released back into society, should be addressed to help reduce recidivism.
This! Exactly! The crime scene photos should've been provided to the Defense BY the Prosecution right? I'm not understanding the situation either!

It happens all the time. Sometimes the defense does their own investigations and it just gets confusing. You are dealing with file after file full of paper work, pictures, crime scene evidence, the list just goes on and on. If the defense didn't give these to the prosecution on purpose then they will get sanctioned.
Lurking for the last few weeks, first time posting.

I agree that this was not a real shower and that he was coerced; he was not posing voluntarily.

This is only guesswork, but I think the reason he complied was that she was holding the gun on him, not the knife. She has the knife with her, but is holding him at gunpoint during the photo shoot.

Once she sets the camera down, she pulls out the knife to make it a very personal act. The same thing was said of O.J. - the use of a knife is a personal touch and, like Jodi, he nearly decapitated his victim.

I think if she only had the knife to threaten him, he could have fought back - he outweighed her by at least 50lbs.

On another topic, this woman's lies and vicious actions are despicable as are her attempts to brand Travis a pedophile. But people should not worry about her lies influencing the jury - even the O.J. Jury would call this one right. I want justice for Travis and I am quite certain that it will be served.

Welcome, AlanCFA!!! :welcome:

I'm pretty new here myself and am so glad you joined, especially since we see things the same way. ITA he complied in the shower because she had a gun pointed at him. Then she switched to the knife for the very reason you mentioned. I'm relieved you think even the O.J. Jury would call this one right! Great way to put it! :D

Someone said Greta seemed to buy what Gus was saying. While she couldn't call Gus a liar when he hinted others knew of TA's violence but were afraid to come forward, Greta didn't buy the self-defense claim, "27 or 28 stab wounds, whatever it was, and a gunshot? That's not self-defense." She said Jodi would have to have had both the knife and the gun with her to inflict all those wounds in such a short period of time.
I'm challenging myself in my Restorative Justice class and writing my research paper on Trauma Healing for offenders since I have a hard time viewing offenders as harmed from their own crime. I believe that the commission of a crime, especially a violent crime, can result in trauma for the offender; however that is no excuse for their behavior nor is it mitigation in any punishment phase. It simply is a consequence of the action they took that, if they are going to be released back into society, should be addressed to help reduce recidivism.

Excellent point! I could see this as a necessary phase of rehabilitation in a situation where say a police officer had a "trigger happy" episode and without real provocation shot and killed someone impulsively. I can see them with PTSD from that as it would be accidental and how humiliating and horrible to have to live with when your life is to "protect and serve".

I applaud efforts to rehabilitate and help people who are truly able to change and be helped.

But of course sociopaths like JA would never fit in that category..either receiving the ptsd (she has no conscience or remorse) or rehabilitatable.

Once again she bastardizes an innocent genuine condition and appropriates it as her own aided and abetted by her attorneys and "expert$".

But I do find your topic interesting and as we've discussed I''m also quite interested in restorative justice.
As a bodyworker for over 23 years I work with and focus on bodies all day long in my professional life. I understand people come in all shapes in sizes of course. When I see Jodi Arias, I don't see a demure frail thing who was incapable of the level of violence she perpetrated in that highly premeditated way. I see those huge hands (her head is also quite disproportionate in person, to me) and now feet and it changes her level of capability to be quite violent in the way I assess her. I wonder if the jury notices these details. More than a few people in court have been weirdly captivated by her huge hands, particularly knowing what she did with them.

Believe me I have no interest in disparaging anyone else on here than Jodi Arias. If I'm to a level of wanting to disparage you, you're already on my very short ignore list.


Good points!
I also noticed that JA's right hand pointer finger looked bent up like her left ring finger.. believe it was showing during her crying when the awesome pit bull Juan asked JA if she was crying when she was stabbing Travis and telling her to look at the photo's..
JA's right hand was on the middle of her glasses when scouting the cousin it hairdo.. anyone else notice that finger looked distorted or double jointed too?
A lot of them are at this link. However, I have seen most of these recently. The police took them of the crime scene so i dont know how the Defence has them and there is some question about the prosecutor not having them.. that is all confusing to me!

Thanks to everybody who posted links but I still didn't find the ones I wanted. One was of the shower stall with latent fingerprint powder all over the sides of it, dried blood pooled in the bottom. Some others just appeared to be household things, some coffee cups (apparently clean from what I could see) with a yellow number tag next to them so it must have signified something there.

The significance of Defense not turning them over to Prosecution is what is called "Discovery". In most states both sides must turn over all discovery items, reports, photos, etc that they plan to use so both sides can have a chance to review and mount their counterpoints. Again, in most states, if discovery is not turned over in a timely fashion, usually 30 days before begin of trial, the Judge can say "So sad, too bad, you didn't provide them in discovery so you can't use them." Unfortunately for the Prosecution in this case, Arizona is not one of those states. That's why Juan wants to fight it. It can be fought in Arizona but it depends on which Judge you get.

EDIT to add ~~ Yes, the police take the photos, but both sides get to go through the photos and request copies that they want - from the police. :)
That is the first time I have seen that term used, but I think you are exactly right. jmo

Oh she's more than proven she's a nymphomaniac! Didnt take her long to crawl on top of Ryan burns!
Evening folks :seeya:

Just catching up the past few days and apologize in advance if already discussed..hoping ya'll caught this and/or correct me if wrong?

Did JA in her testilying say she had 'never been camping before' ?
believe Juan was following up on a jury question(s) when I thought I heard this;
Didn't JA state on direct she learned how to 'shoot a gun' with Daryl or Daryl taught/showed her When they went camping??

I think I remember her saying that she did go camping with I forget. He showed her how to use a gun where the bullets go and where the safety was but she never shot the gun.
Evening folks :seeya:

Just catching up the past few days and apologize in advance if already discussed..hoping ya'll caught this and/or correct me if wrong?

Did JA in her testilying say she had 'never been camping before' ?
believe Juan was following up on a jury question(s) when I thought I heard this;
Didn't JA state on direct she learned how to 'shoot a gun' with Daryl or Daryl taught/showed her When they went camping??

She said Daryl demonstrated how to load/shoot a gun but that she didn't handle it. Don't recall what she said about camping, sorry.
Update on Napoleon...

HLN Evening Express
An update from Ryan: "Many asked about Napoleon, the dog: he lives with a friend of Travis's in CA, is deaf & blind (he's older) but has a good family."
Thanks to everybody who posted links but I still didn't find the ones I wanted. One was of the shower stall with latent fingerprint powder all over the sides of it, dried blood pooled in the bottom. Some others just appeared to be household things, some coffee cups (apparently clean from what I could see) with a yellow number tag next to them so it must have signified something there.

The significance of Defense not turning them over to Prosecution is what is called "Discovery". In most states both sides must turn over all discovery items, reports, photos, etc that they plan to use so both sides can have a chance to review and mount their counterpoints. Again, in most states, if discovery is not turned over in a timely fashion, usually 30 days before begin of trial, the Judge can say "So sad, too bad, you didn't provide them in discovery so you can't use them." Unfortunately for the Prosecution in this case, Arizona is not one of those states. That's why Juan wants to fight it. It can be fought in Arizona but it depends on which Judge you get.

magpie, to the right of the photos, there is a grey scroll bar - scroll all the way down to the bottom.. the shower photo and household items (knives) with yellow markers are there.. :)

here is a direct link to the shower photo.. [warning: graphic]
Oh she's more than proven she's a nymphomaniac! Didnt take her long to crawl on top of Ryan burns!

On that note Dr. FuzzyMullett said one of the characteristics of whatever he's trying to label her with is that people avoid anything resembling the event that caused the PTSD or whatever he's calling it.

Well well well, supposedly her "abuse" from Travis created this whole "reactive whatever" and yet hours after killing him she's engaging in the exact same behavior with someone else, then talking about going on a group camping trip with a whole slew of unknown males. Sorry can't cut it both ways Nurmi.
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