Jodi Arias Murder Trial - the defense continues it's case in chief-*Weekend* #89

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I've been reading the court minutes available online and found the one discussing aggravating factors for the death penalty. Basically is says in it that the opinion at that time was that TA was shot then stabbed and since it took all those stab wounds to "achieve her criminal goal" of killing TA the killing wasn't especially "heinous or depraved". This might explain the shot last theory rather than the shot first since I think there are valid arguments on both sides of this issue.
Per HLN/IS producers observations...

Juror No. 1

She is a white female in her 60s and sits closest to the witness stand. She doesn't look at Arias often during her testimony. People in the gallery observed her yawning once during an emotional part of Arias' testimony.

Juror No. 2

He is a white male in his 50s. He takes few notes and usually has his head cupped in his hands as he listens to testimony.

Juror No. 3

She is a white female in her 40s. She takes a lot of notes and often watches prosecutor Juan Martinez as he moves around the courtroom. She has been seen submitting questions.

Juror No. 4

He is a white male in his 60s, and he takes few notes.

Juror No. 5

She is a married, white female in her 30s. She sits on the edge of her seat and is the most visible juror from the gallery because she has a “unique hair style.”

Juror No. 6

She is a white female in her 60s and is also seen taking many notes.

Juror No. 7

He is a white male in his 30s, and he is married. He takes notes and often bites his nails.

Juror No. 8

He is a white male in his 50s and is married. He also takes notes and has been observed submitting questions.

Juror No. 9

He is a white male in his 60s. He wears denim on most days and sits at the end of the jury box. He sits close to the first row of the gallery where Alexander's family sits.

Juror No. 10

He is a white male in his 70s and is married. He has a tattoo on his right arm. He rarely is seen taking notes. He sits the furthest away from the witness.

Juror No. 11

She is a married, white female in her 30s. She takes a lot of notes. She does not look at Arias during testimony. She tends to look straight ahead or down at her notes.

Juror No. 12

She is a white female in her 40s and also takes lots of notes. She swiveled her chair toward Arias during her testimony.

Juror No. 13

He is a white male in his late 60s to early 70s. He wears an audio-enhancing headset provided by the court. He does takes notes.

Juror No. 14

He is a white male in his early 60s who often swivels in his chair. He does not appear to be taking notes.

Juror No. 15

He is a white male in his late 20s or early 30s. He appears to be the youngest member of the jury and takes very few notes. He smiled when Martinez asked Arias if she could predict the future.

Juror No. 16

He is a white male in his 40s.

Juror No. 17

He is a Hispanic male in his late 20s to early 30s. He dresses casually and sometimes slouches so far down in his chair that he is hardly visible to the gallery. He does not appear to be taking notes.

Juror No. 18

She is a white female in her 40s. She is an occasional note taker and she often looks at the gallery during sidebars.
Update on Napolean...

HLN Evening Express
An update from Ryan: "Many asked about Napoleon, the dog: he lives with a friend of Travis's in CA, is deaf & blind (he's older) but has a good family."

Napoleon is deaf and blind? Well bless these people for taking the dog. I really worry about Napoleon, and if he was put in the pound I would go get him. I'm a real animal lover.
During NG they were showing pictures of Travis's house I had never seen before. I think they said 250 new crime scene photos. Has anyone seen them?

I found over 180 last night on the HNL website. Up at the top of any article there is a small link to the photos.
magpie, to the right of the photos, there is a grey scroll bar - scroll all the way down to the bottom.. the shower photo and household items (knives) with yellow markers are there.. :)

here is a direct link to the shower photo.. [warning: graphic]

Thanks! :) I'm going to have to use the carp cleaner on my Macbook and then do a restart because it was all herky jerky over on Nancy's site and I just gave up in frustration. :doh: I'll get on that now!
Per HLN/IS producers observations...

Juror No. 1

She is a white female in her 60s and sits closest to the witness stand. She doesn't look at Arias often during her testimony. People in the gallery observed her yawning once during an emotional part of Arias' testimony.

Juror No. 2

He is a white male in his 50s. He takes few notes and usually has his head cupped in his hands as he listens to testimony.

Juror No. 3

She is a white female in her 40s. She takes a lot of notes and often watches prosecutor Juan Martinez as he moves around the courtroom. She has been seen submitting questions.

Juror No. 4

He is a white male in his 60s, and he takes few notes.

Juror No. 5

She is a married, white female in her 30s. She sits on the edge of her seat and is the most visible juror from the gallery because she has a “unique hair style.”

Juror No. 6

She is a white female in her 60s and is also seen taking many notes.

Juror No. 7

He is a white male in his 30s, and he is married. He takes notes and often bites his nails.

Juror No. 8

He is a white male in his 50s and is married. He also takes notes and has been observed submitting questions.

Juror No. 9

He is a white male in his 60s. He wears denim on most days and sits at the end of the jury box. He sits close to the first row of the gallery where Alexander's family sits.

Juror No. 10

He is a white male in his 70s and is married. He has a tattoo on his right arm. He rarely is seen taking notes. He sits the furthest away from the witness.

Juror No. 11

She is a married, white female in her 30s. She takes a lot of notes. She does not look at Arias during testimony. She tends to look straight ahead or down at her notes.

Juror No. 12

She is a white female in her 40s and also takes lots of notes. She swiveled her chair toward Arias during her testimony.

Juror No. 13

He is a white male in his late 60s to early 70s. He wears an audio-enhancing headset provided by the court. He does takes notes.

Juror No. 14

He is a white male in his early 60s who often swivels in his chair. He does not appear to be taking notes.

Juror No. 15

He is a white male in his late 20s or early 30s. He appears to be the youngest member of the jury and takes very few notes. He smiled when Martinez asked Arias if she could predict the future.

Juror No. 16

He is a white male in his 40s.

Juror No. 17

He is a Hispanic male in his late 20s to early 30s. He dresses casually and sometimes slouches so far down in his chair that he is hardly visible to the gallery. He does not appear to be taking notes.

Juror No. 18

She is a white female in her 40s. She is an occasional note taker and she often looks at the gallery during sidebars.

We don't know what they do for a living yet?
I wonder if the photos that the banner on Nancy Grace is talking about are these in disneymom69's (tawnidilly) photobucket that were taken when Travis' house was on the market? Alexander

I have seen some of these floating around previously but not all them. She has taken some great shots right down to the baseboard debris from where the carpets were removed. Excellent pictures of the bathroom and closet too. Also includes pictures of Travis' headstone and also of the apartment where Jodi was living. They all are great shots!

Great pics disneymom69 and thanks for sharing them.

*Link to her Photobucket is listed on her youtube link .... * Alexander

The 26th photo shows Travis' closet with quite a large section of carpet cutout. Was any evidence found on that carpet?
Thanks to everybody who posted links but I still didn't find the ones I wanted. One was of the shower stall with latent fingerprint powder all over the sides of it, dried blood pooled in the bottom. Some others just appeared to be household things, some coffee cups (apparently clean from what I could see) with a yellow number tag next to them so it must have signified something there.

The significance of Defense not turning them over to Prosecution is what is called "Discovery". In most states both sides must turn over all discovery items, reports, photos, etc that they plan to use so both sides can have a chance to review and mount their counterpoints. Again, in most states, if discovery is not turned over in a timely fashion, usually 30 days before begin of trial, the Judge can say "So sad, too bad, you didn't provide them in discovery so you can't use them." Unfortunately for the Prosecution in this case, Arizona is not one of those states. That's why Juan wants to fight it. It can be fought in Arizona but it depends on which Judge you get.

EDIT to add ~~ Yes, the police take the photos, but both sides get to go through the photos and request copies that they want - from the police. :)

if you scroll down to #142 the ones after are the new one including that shower one #179
Quoting my own post and BBM - those are the statements that I cannot find. I went through all of the screen caps again and do not see those sentences anywhere. Where is the link to those? They are not in the link provided....
They ARE on there - I have it on my other tab right this very moment. There is no way for me to tell you which individual shot to click on, because they are NOT numbered.
I guess keep looking there would be my best advice, because they ARE on there.

ETA: Find a pic of Arias pointing to something on the computer screen in front of her while she's on the stand. It's about 15 pics after that.
Napoleon is deaf and blind? Well bless these people for taking the dog. I really worry about Napoleon, and if he was put in the pound I would go get him. I'm a real animal lover.

Travis willed Napoleon to Deanna, a friend. I don't think he was deaf and blind at that time but over the last 5 years has aged.

Regarding animal too!!
Does everybody know that Jodi locked Travis door to his Master bedroom on her way out. The roommates had to find a key to get in when they discovered him. What I wonder is was it locked when Jodi got there and he wouldn't let her in or she knew where the key was?
Evening folks :seeya:

Just catching up the past few days and apologize in advance if already discussed..hoping ya'll caught this and/or correct me if wrong?

Did JA in her testilying say she had 'never been camping before' ?
believe Juan was following up on a jury question(s) when I thought I heard this;
Didn't JA state on direct she learned how to 'shoot a gun' with Daryl or Daryl taught/showed her When they went camping??

I don't know if anyone already answered this, but just off the top of my head, correct me if I am wrong...

But I do remember her saying 'she didnt go camping WITH THE GUYS she bought the gun for.' I think you might have heard that and confused the two things.
I couldn't agree more. Her snarky attitude toward Mr Martinez should show the Jury that she isn't intimidated by Men who yell at her, not that Travis did but she can certainly hold her own.//

Isn't it amazing how Mr. Martinez has been able to completely discredit her claim of brain scrambling caused by men who yell at yelling at her and demonstrating to the jury how she tenses up and gives as good as she gets.

Intimidated? Noooo Brain scrambled? No. She talked so fast with such clipped enunciation I had trouble following her.

He has my admiration. Can't wait for the big finish.
Thanks to everybody who posted links but I still didn't find the ones I wanted. One was of the shower stall with latent fingerprint powder all over the sides of it, dried blood pooled in the bottom. Some others just appeared to be household things, some coffee cups (apparently clean from what I could see) with a yellow number tag next to them so it must have signified something there.

The significance of Defense not turning them over to Prosecution is what is called "Discovery". In most states both sides must turn over all discovery items, reports, photos, etc that they plan to use so both sides can have a chance to review and mount their counterpoints. Again, in most states, if discovery is not turned over in a timely fashion, usually 30 days before begin of trial, the Judge can say "So sad, too bad, you didn't provide them in discovery so you can't use them." Unfortunately for the Prosecution in this case, Arizona is not one of those states. That's why Juan wants to fight it. It can be fought in Arizona but it depends on which Judge you get.

EDIT to add ~~ Yes, the police take the photos, but both sides get to go through the photos and request copies that they want - from the police. :)

Well said!
Seems JA may still be trying to 'twist another story that fits' is how she is assisting in her own defense I suppose..
I noticed one photo showing the bath sink area, trash can and a scale..
didn't JA state when Travis leaped like a linebacker and they fell backwards near the trash can by the sink..??.. was there another trash can in the bathroom? :confused:
Surprised Juan didn't catch she said that bc the area does not look disturbed (as in a struggle or JA rolling over to get away)

Photo 165 of 180
I don't know if anyone already answered this, but just off the top of my head, correct me if I am wrong...

But I do remember her saying 'she didnt go camping WITH THE GUYS she bought the gun for.' I think you might have heard that and confused the two things.

Ohh gosh you are probably right and should have known Juan would have had that one on the list... Juan is extraordinary in catching JA's lies on the fly like he does, that's pure talent!!
As a bodyworker for over 23 years I work with and focus on bodies all day long in my professional life. I understand people come in all shapes in sizes of course. When I see Jodi Arias, I don't see a demure frail thing who was incapable of the level of violence she perpetrated in that highly premeditated way. I see those huge hands (her head is also quite disproportionate in person, to me) and now feet and it changes her level of capability to be quite violent in the way I assess her. I wonder if the jury notices these details. More than a few people in court have been weirdly captivated by her huge hands, particularly knowing what she did with them.

Believe me I have no interest in disparaging anyone else on here than Jodi Arias. If I'm to a level of wanting to disparage you, you're already on my very short ignore list.


We're cool. I see what you meant now. I never thought she was this delicate flower (as I've seen her referred to on other sites). Having both a gun & a knife make it real easy to take down a larger person. She's a freak of nature due to her warped mind.
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