Jodi Arias Murder Trial - the defense continues it's case in chief-*Weekend* #89

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Maybe someone should start a 'hoo ha' thread? Personally, I don't understand the fascination with hers - unless there's something about it that proves premeditation!!! :floorlaugh: . :) It's a body part... some people have these, some people have something different. The lighting and such also have an effect, believe it or not, too.

But carry on! It seems to be of great interest so I guess I'm the oddball! :)

Agree, enough already!

Couple of questions

Does anyone remember when it was that the good doc states he and Nurmi confronted her about the two assailants story?

Was she driving TA's BMW when she moved back to CA?

Had she by the time of the murder, replaced AZ plates with CA plates?


Not initially, eventually .. sorry but that is what was said :lol:

She trashed the BMW before she moved back to CA.

Samuels speaking of confronting the defendant on her ninja story
Any King Of The Hill fans here? It's an ongoing joke in the series that Peggy Hill has inordinately large feet (size 16, to be exact). She's mortified by this (especially after she is duped into being a model/actress in what turns out to be foot fetish videos on the internet). Her husband, however, is mystified as to why she's upset about them; he loves all of her, including her feet, which he lovingly compares to the good, sturdy tires on his beloved pickup truck.

I have never seen it, but that sounds hysterical!

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I wonder if you're on to something. Why isn't the first 15 minutes available anywhere? So strange! What do you know of "legal problems" encountered?

And it seems when exhibits were entered there might have been 2 other pictures assigned numbers and/or somehow referred to (not shower pix), which were not shown. But I might have imagined this. If Beth K. does Tricia's show again, this would be a great Q for her.

The YT poster--a reporter--amended his original description and no longer refers to any legal problems. Someone else who uploaded only the audio said he/she missed the first 15 minutes, so it may have been just a misunderstanding. Last I saw, someone was still hoping to get the entire opening statement from a source.

Two full-length pics of JA don't have timestamps, but I conclude they were likely taken earlier than 1:42:53. (My reasoning has to do with the very short time from the last of the JA closeup shots to the first of the TA pics.)
I always thought she tried to load *advertiser censored* or ped pictures on his drive and the security stopped it because the security warning was on his screen when LE checked it. Her hard drive was destroyed and the external hard drive was also destroyed, I believe. jmo

They fixed it, and are quibbling over the contents. I just read this in the minutes today, but can't recall the date. I know nurmi tried to seal the contents, but after reading that, I won't be shocked if we have a peek during Juan's rebuttal!!

Sorry - I'm behind, and just saw this.
I just watched the trailer, what a nutter!
Probably the defendant's hero. :facepalm:

Tabloid (2010)
A documentary on a former Miss Wyoming who is charged with abducting and imprisoning a young Mormon Missionary.

Here's more info:

Joyce is nutty, for sure, but not evil. She knew her "victim" before he became a Mormon and viewed herself as kidnapping him from his kidnappers.
Those head shots of TA in the shower read like a man in the sexual throes of a BJ, imo. I see his face, eyes closed, head tilted up, lips slightly open and it screams sex.

But if that's true and JA was giving him a BJ in the shower who took the pictures? Did TA have a tripod for his new camera?

It could be one of two things a timer on a tripod or an accomplice. I don't think it's impossible that Jodi had help. It would explain a lot to me. Since there has not been any evidence of it, it's been disregarded. It would explain to me the ninja, time factor, and to me the look of shock on Travis's face when he was in the shower, then on the floor bleeding 62 seconds later.
Talking about alibis one thing has bothered me that I haven't seen discussed. If Jodi went to all the trouble of getting extra gas cans, turning off her phone, license plates etc. so she would not be traced in AZ then why did she 'lose' like 12 hours at Travis' house? Did she plan on killing him during sex [duct tape] but Travis didn't play along and she had to wait til he got in the shower? Seems like she would have planned on an 'in and out' if she was going to use Ryan as an alibi. She probably could have got lost for an hour or two but not 12?

Remember she had to pull over to sleep also. Duh :floorlaugh:
Making fun of her, not you
I just saw this on FB on State vs Jodi Arias

Another case Richard Samuels was involved in, a SO case. Once again, he was found to be attempting to alter facts for a more favourable outcome for his client, the attorneys for the attention to paragraphs 3-5.
why is Jodi buying more knives and new gun if she has PTSD? hooking up with more men?

Knowing that TA's sister, Samantha, is a policewoman, I suspect she was afraid Samantha and/or other friends and relatives would form a posse and come after her seeking 'vigilante justice'. Therefore, she bought a gun to protect herself. She would once more claim 'self defense' after killing anyone who got in her way or confronted her.
You know something I don't understand is that this psychologist is testifying that she has PTSD which came about after the murder. She was in deep denial...she has all these symptoms like those of police officers who are confronted with life or death situations...

What I don't understand is why a diagnosis of PTSD after she murdered Travis has any relevance at this point??? He can't testify to her having a mental condition before. Who cares how JA is doing physically or mentally now...she murdered Travis plain and simple.

I get it helps explain why she can't remember. BUT who cares if she can't remember - she did admit to killing him, the evidence shows she did it and Travis is gone.

I don't care how JA is "feeling" right now.

I wondered the same thing. The only thing I can come up with is that the DT is troubled that the jury is doubting her "fog" and not remembering ANY of the stabbing (you know the truly vicious, violent stuff she did), and I think with this testimony, they're simply trying to say, "See? She's telling the truth about not remembering this part of that day - she's not lying."

I think it's pretty weak. If Samuels' explanations were more plausible, it might fly, but I don't think it's helping at all.

Anyway, that's the only reason I can come up with.

What they want to say about reactive, expressive cognition vs. instrumental, etc. as it relates to homicide - is what I find really troubling.

I seriously doubt the judge allowing it - unless it's with a very specific instruction, as they're attempting to say the crime scene indicates it is a case of manslaughter - based on psychological studies, not definitions of law, but they're trying to insinuate that they mean the same thing (sort of).

It would seem that this could have HUGE implications if allowed without very clear instructions as to what it is - and isn't.

We'll see on Monday! :)
Couple of questions

Does anyone remember when it was that the good doc states he and Nurmi confronted her about the two assailants story?

Was she driving TA's BMW when she moved back to CA?

Had she by the time of the murder, replaced AZ plates with CA plates?

I think the doc said Dec of 2009, but I seem to recall Arias testifying to a different date that she couldn't remember -- but then corrected Juan on!! I LOVE it when he catches her in that stuff.

They fixed it, and are quibbling over the contents. I just read this in the minutes today, but can't recall the date. I know nurmi tried to seal the contents, but after reading that, I won't be shocked if we have a peek during Juan's rebuttal!!

Sorry - I'm behind, and just saw this.

Wasn't she hacking into his computer?
who Alexander had told friends was stalking him, hacking into his Facebook account, and slashing tires.[20][21]

Killing of Travis Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jodi had plenty of time to sit in jail and listen to real battered women's stories, women probably molested in childhood or possibly been with a child molester as a mate. I'm sure Jodi just stole someone's life-story as she did Travis' robbery story---gun to the head, almost word for word.

And there has to be ample material in the jail library about DV, abuse, BWS, etc. as well as law books where she could hone up on defenses and strategies, too.

As I've said early, I'd love to see her library record during her incarceration, especially around the time she changed her defense argument.
OT: I am watching Weed Country on Discovery Channel. Have never seen this before. I had no idea that the area JA is from is called the Emerald Triangle. It is lush with marijuana growers! Having never been to northernmost California, I had no idea this was what it is known for. It does not look anything like I imagined. No wonder JA wanted TA so badly. Got it.

I am also from the Emerald Triangle - Humboldt County.
I learned in 7th grade, that when riding horses on trails behind the local county fairgrounds/stables...don't ever go off the main paths. The "growers" set up traps and would shoot "invaders."

Nice to know I have something in common with JA, that being the Emerald Triangle. (Actually, I didn't know it went as far east as to connect to I-5/Yreka...maybe it does now, but I don't know that it did when I was growing up was mainly DelNorte, Humboldt and Mendocino Counties.)

Interesting memories, LOL....
What time does court start tomorrow? Is the evidentiary hearing going to be televised? And can you please tell in eastern standard time... I'm more than a little daylight savings time ( and the state of AZ not participating ) challenged!

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