Jodi Arias Murder Trial - the defense continues it's case in chief-*Weekend* #89

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See, to me, his, um, wangdoodle looks like it is the refractory phase. Still flush with blood from, well, you know, but not at attention.

There's really no delicate way to put it. Bu it doesn't look like nothing had happened just before it.

The state of his penis in that picture isn't an indicator of what's happening, what happened or what's about to happen. Every man's penis is different. I have seen flaccid beat red penises before. I have seen white penises fully erect and not flushed at all throughout the entire sexual process. I've seen ones so flush they look purple, and some that stay flesh tone the whole time. Yeah, now I have to admit, I do watch *advertiser censored*.

If this is the very beginning of the sex play, he might not actually be aroused yet. We don't know what it takes to make him fully erect. We do have his and Jodi's words that they can have sex for hours. If his penis is conditioned, then it might take more to get him erect and keep him erect.

I'll concede that they could have had oral sex, partial sex, etc, before the camera came out. I never said nothing had happened. Just not sex, by which I mean vaginal or anal. But it's not impossible or central to my main point.

These theories of when the sex might have occurred don't affect the questions about the bed being made.
It's kinda sad but I'm not convinced he'd even know the signs, much less diagnostic criteria, 'specially seeing as he is reading out of the DSM-IV on the stand. ;)

I get the impression this doc has pigeon-holed Jodi into a diagnosis he already assumed - with a lot of help on her part; his knowledge of other areas of psychology, like personality disorders, is limited at best; and he himself has been snowed by her psychopathy.

Ok, I'm cynical. I think he and Nurmi looked at all the evidence as it came out and knew Jodi needed a new defense strategy and convinced Jodi to "tell the truth" (wink wink). And the psychologist is the one that "elicited" the 'conforming to the evidence' "truth (story)" out of her in those sessions. He was probably fed the references to match the needed opinion. I don't think he's been snowed by her, but by greed.
She has not shown a thread of remorse in any of her 18 days of testimony. She fake cried a bit and did one or two hair curtains - ok....But remorse, sadness, disbelief about her "unfortunate" situation as a "battered" woman? Nothing.

Mimi Hall's testimony when she said she described entering the garage to see TA's car and bike (and broke down a bit) was more real than anything I've heard or seen from JA in 18 days on the stand!

I know I have seen her in court wearing two different pairs of glasses. Prescription glasses are expensive. Who the in the heck pays for that?!

She could have purchased reading glasses from the canteen. Or, maybe she borrows a pair of her attorneys... not sure if they would be Wilmott's or Nurmi's though. :floorlaugh:
I believe this to be true, but nothing has been proven yet. I think Mimi either testified that Travis told her that, or that that was a rumor, and to be truthful, I was surprised the judge even allowed it.

If the judge allowed Jodi's lies in then she should let some of Travis's witnesses in. What would be the reason for Mimi to lie? None of Travis's friends liked Jodi, and not just the girls, and that to me sends a very strong statement.
more evidence of her sociopathy, psychopathy was her answer to the juror question about the dramatic difference in the injuries each suffered...the question was worded something along the lines of "wouldn't you agree that compared to what travis suffered you came out relatively unscathed, with only a bump on the head, sore shoulder..." and she replied she would agree that "In comparison of physical injuries, him versus mine, yes, that`s a relatively accurate assessment"...
One of the things I have said quite often here for 9+ years is premeditated murderers are some of the highest risk takers in existence . And then you add that they are a psychopath who has no fear and you have JA.

I don't think she ever panicked. She was cool as a cucumber throughout.


ja seemed to like movies a lot. we all remember the shower scene from psycho. to this day i am creeped by that shower scene. she could have been surprised that ta may have tried to get out of the bath area. looks like we will never know. :moo:
Remember she had to pull over to sleep also. Duh :floorlaugh:
Making fun of her, not you

Took her an extra 2 hours to get from Pasadena to Mesa, too. That is if she arrived at 4:00am. Quite the mosey-er, she is...
Maybe I am weird but I could never consider living in that house and certainly not ever taking a shower in that bathroom. jmo

I could not live in Travis Alexander's house. I have a stand up shower - even though it is larger than Travis Alexander's, and, the stand up shower is in a bathroom that does not resemble Travis Alexander's in any way - I have experienced "butterflies" when seeing that stand up shower (it was purchased new for this house in 2005 - so it is not as though my mind could be thinking 'did anything ever happen in this shower?')

As strange as this will more than likely sound, if I did live in Travis Alexander's house, I would feel obligated to verbally express to Travis to be at peace, he should not have been murdered - plus, I'm sure that I would be convinced that any 'bumps' in the night would be Travis Alexander (restless trying to communicate a message).

Finally, Arias frightens me so much - that I would not want to live in a house that she was ever in. I would feel as though I was breathing in "Arias Argon Atoms."

It is strange, I know - however, Arias scares me. I am confident that she is locked away - and hopefully this will remain true.

I am happy that someone can enjoy the house that Travis Alexander lived in - it just could not be me.
If it was to avoid detection, it was exactly the wrong thing to do (assuming that she did it while in Az). it could have very easily drawn attention of an Az cop and there would have ended her ability to enter and depart the state without leaving a paper trail.

A Utah alibi, as you point out, was already in her plans, plus any credit cars purchase would have established her presence there.

Whatever reason she had, it was stupid to turn her license plate upside down

That is why I believe she had removed the plates, and in haste, inadvertently replaced the rear plate upside down. Another stroke of luck for her that she didn't get pulled over in AZ.

LurkerNoMore said:
Hi everyone!

I had been lurking here quite a bit during the CA trial, and came back again for this trial. I have finally decided to come out of the shadows and post a few thoughts. Apologies ahead of time if I repeat anyone else's opinions (it is Impossible to go through all the posts.)

1. Motive - the may 26 text from Travis unmasking Jodi as a sociopath. A sociopath, psychopath, or narcissist unmasked is probably one of the most enraged, dangerous people that exist. The fact that Travis threatened to unmask her to other people in their circle added fuel to an already raging fire.

2. Shot first or last - I don't understand why it has to be either or. Stabbing someone apparently takes a lot of energy. Isn't it possible that she started stabbing, got tired and shot him to subdue him enough so she could finish what she started? I truly believe that she would have preferred stabbing to inflict the most psychological torture, that she wanted Travis to know what was happening and why. That's why, when I see people question why she just didn't shoot him and leave, I always think "it wasn't just about wanting him dead, she wanted him to suffer."

3. Abuse allegations - a lot of the supposed abuse involved being anally raped repeatedly and treated like a sex slave. I am not a psychologist but I find it odd that, with those types of allegations, Travis's genitals were not injured during the murder.

4. Shower photos - I believe he was being held at gunpoint, knife-point, or both. The photos look to me like he was being told exactly how to pose, and I think she was using these shots to get up the nerve, and also to get him into the most convenient position for her to do what she came for.

5. Self-defense - You just have to look at his injuries vs hers. It just boggles my mind that self-defense can even be put forward as a logical defense!!

6. Sex tape - I will admit that I haven't listened to the whole thing. It just feels so invasive. I believe that Travis was somewhat sexually naive when he met Jodi, and she opened up a whole new world for him. He became intoxicated and probably a bit addicted to the whole experience, but in my mind there is no doubt the she was the experienced aggressor. Travis probably spent a lot of time trying to keep up with her in regards to fantasies. The little bit of the sex tape I heard sounded very clumsy and juvenile on his part. I am a woman, and I think most women would not find that conversation in the least sexy. Jodi, however, loves it and encourages this type of talk.

7. Travis's inability to just cut all ties with her - sex of course, but there is more. I have a relative who is a narcissist and when you deal with one for any length of time you become almost a co-dependent narcissist. What happens is you start questioning their motives or what the next move will be, and they usually aren't good. After awhile you start thinking "what kind of person am I to think that about someone, I am worse than they are!" . Then the times when they do something sweet the guilt really kicks into overdrive and you feel awful. Then you are vulnerable and want to give them the benefit of the doubt and allow them to get close again. I am sure it is the same cycle with a sociopath. I am a little tired so I probably didn't explain it too well.

Well,, that's a few of my thoughts. Sorry again if I have repeated any already stated opinions.


Welcome, LurkerNoMore!!! :welcome: I agree with Lulu--fantastic first post!!!

Looking forward to reading more of your posts!! :seeya:
We have way too many sociopaths in our society. Why isn't more research done to detect and why isn't some type of treatment researched more aggressively.

I was married to one for almost 20 years, I will never recover from his wrath. My daughter as been diagnosed as bipolar and in great part I truly believe it's his fault, if not genetically but from the trauma of living in such a home. My life has not been easy.

I have followed the Casey Anthony trial from when CA first was on TV telling us about her missing granddaughter. I had no doubts about FCA's guilt, as I do not have a doubt about JA, or should I say I do not believe it was self defense as she admitted to the killing. FCA another sociopath let free to roam our world with no treatment and no incarceration. I really have to say that I am afraid that this "creature" JA will be let free.

The system has let me down more times than I can count and I have truly lost all my faith in our legal system. It's say anything, do anything to get away with what you have done and you must pray that the people listening and responsible, don't have somewhere to go or something to do and come up with the right verdict.

I watch with bated breath. I hope, I pray that this time will restore my faith. This world is a mess.

My husband was previously a police officer. He couldn't take it and quit. He stated at that time, "the law is for the criminal'.
And, wouldn't you know, minutes later - what is she doing? Crying. You're so right - Flores surprised her with that - had her pegged and you could almost see the wheels turning as she tried to figure out how to act since he wouldn't tell her and she had no experience of how a normal person would act - except from the movies and television, but she didn't seem to be trying to fake any emotion at first, that's how superior and confident she apparently felt. What a creep!

I know, wasn't that so weird, she was almost telling him she was a sociopath, tell me how to act and I'll do it! I think Flores was getting a bit creeped out when sexual, open-legged Jodi was trying to impress with her baby girl voice and cat-like stretch for the death photos. He even moved the folder at one point, I think he moved his chair back too.
Flores is a great detective, imho. When I first watched those interviews, I thought oh my, he's mirroring her baby voice right back at her. It worked to a point too.
There is no doubt in my mind that Arias knew she was being taped or people were watching at the 2-way window or mirror. I bet you anything she has watched ID channel shows, 'The First 48 Hours', CSI shows....old movies where sociopaths did their deeds. The girl admitted she was after what the cops had for forensics (to tailor her story). Who would admit this anyway? :what:
Good evening everyone. First I apologize to the person who asked about the gun hidden in JA's rental and the knives hidden in the boxes of books. I looked high and low and can't find it (of COURSE). If you message me, and I find it again I'll send you the link, which I will SAVE this time.

Second, I literally just saw two pictures of the sink and the questionable gray thing, and whether or not it was a body bugg. As usual, I can't find that again. But I think it very well could be a BB.

Take a look:


P.S. can one use smilies while on tapatalk?

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I think a lot of people are fascinated with this case because we are literally watching 'evil unplugged.' Live. I have never seen anything like JA. From her behavior during cross to her 48 hrs. interview, I think she is unlike any defendant ever seen, including Bundy. I saw more humanity in Bundy, Ridgway, and BTK than I have in this gal, and it is scary.

She is the dawn of a new breed of evil. I pray this demon get death.

Any sociopath I have any knowledge of, has dark, beady almost black eyes. Perfect example is Charles Manson. I wonder if this has something to do with their mental state.
She's not a new breed, they are everywhere and have always been. You have met them and just don't know what they are capable of. They are husbands and wives, shop owners, CEO's. They are quite charming and well liked at casual meetings. They are invisible except to those who are closest to them or to those they wish to destroy. They are the scariest people on earth for just those reasons.

My fascination is because I have met one, lived with one, up close and personal.

I'll tell you where you can find them by the boat load. At the public defenders office on Monday morning. I use to do intake there. That was years ago I think it's worse since the social media has taken off.
I am also from the Emerald Triangle - Humboldt County.
I learned in 7th grade, that when riding horses on trails behind the local county fairgrounds/stables...don't ever go off the main paths. The "growers" set up traps and would shoot "invaders."

Nice to know I have something in common with JA, that being the Emerald Triangle. (Actually, I didn't know it went as far east as to connect to I-5/Yreka...maybe it does now, but I don't know that it did when I was growing up was mainly DelNorte, Humboldt and Mendocino Counties.)

Interesting memories, LOL....

Where I grew up it was moonshine stils. Same rules applied. You were deliberately blind to any signs of such a thing. LOL! While hunting in the fall, sometimes my Dad and I would accidently stumble across a site in the woods and pass within 20 feet of them 'cooking' and both pretended that the others didn't exist.
Hi everyone!

I had been lurking here quite a bit during the CA trial, and came back again for this trial. I have finally decided to come out of the shadows and post a few thoughts. Apologies ahead of time if I repeat anyone else's opinions (it is Impossible to go through all the posts.)

1. Motive - the may 26 text from Travis unmasking Jodi as a sociopath. A sociopath, psychopath, or narcissist unmasked is probably one of the most enraged, dangerous people that exist. The fact that Travis threatened to unmask her to other people in their circle added fuel to an already raging fire.

2. Shot first or last - I don't understand why it has to be either or. Stabbing someone apparently takes a lot of energy. Isn't it possible that she started stabbing, got tired and shot him to subdue him enough so she could finish what she started? I truly believe that she would have preferred stabbing to inflict the most psychological torture, that she wanted Travis to know what was happening and why. That's why, when I see people question why she just didn't shoot him and leave, I always think "it wasn't just about wanting him dead, she wanted him to suffer."

3. Abuse allegations - a lot of the supposed abuse involved being anally raped repeatedly and treated like a sex slave. I am not a psychologist but I find it odd that, with those types of allegations, Travis's genitals were not injured during the murder.

4. Shower photos - I believe he was being held at gunpoint, knife-point, or both. The photos look to me like he was being told exactly how to pose, and I think she was using these shots to get up the nerve, and also to get him into the most convenient position for her to do what she came for.

5. Self-defense - You just have to look at his injuries vs hers. It just boggles my mind that self-defense can even be put forward as a logical defense!!

6. Sex tape - I will admit that I haven't listened to the whole thing. It just feels so invasive. I believe that Travis was somewhat sexually naive when he met Jodi, and she opened up a whole new world for him. He became intoxicated and probably a bit addicted to the whole experience, but in my mind there is no doubt the she was the experienced aggressor. Travis probably spent a lot of time trying to keep up with her in regards to fantasies. The little bit of the sex tape I heard sounded very clumsy and juvenile on his part. I am a woman, and I think most women would not find that conversation in the least sexy. Jodi, however, loves it and encourages this type of talk.

7. Travis's inability to just cut all ties with her - sex of course, but there is more. I have a relative who is a narcissist and when you deal with one for any length of time you become almost a co-dependent narcissist. What happens is you start questioning their motives or what the next move will be, and they usually aren't good. After awhile you start thinking "what kind of person am I to think that about someone, I am worse than they are!" . Then the times when they do something sweet the guilt really kicks into overdrive and you feel awful. Then you are vulnerable and want to give them the benefit of the doubt and allow them to get close again. I am sure it is the same cycle with a sociopath. I am a little tired so I probably didn't explain it too well.

Well,, that's a few of my thoughts. Sorry again if I have repeated any already stated opinions.


Welcome..... great post. The #3 one with words BBM, I don't recall Jodi saying she was repeatedly "raped" anally, or any other orifice.
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