Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #21 *may contain graphic and adult content* Cont'd.

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I think there is some sort of misunderstanding. Bobby Juarez tried to commit suicide when Jodi was 15 and broke up with him, but he didn't die. He was committed to a psych ward. Eventually, when Jodi was about 18, they started dating again.

I mean, I take that with a grain of salt because they're Jodi's words, but that's what she said.

I'm going to go listen to the part about Victor Arias. I don't believe he died either.
People that cut their wrists are pathologically crying for attention, not death. If they want to die, they find a more effective method.
OT...anyone watching NG? What is up with the attorney's hair,lol (the guy)

On the right? Hey, don't knock that hair. That's what I look like when I wake up after being stuck in bed for three days with the flu! :)
Heck, my mama would make me go pick my own stick to be beaten with!! Lemme tell you. there ISN"T a good stick to be beaten with, they all hurt.

But I never spanked my kid. I might have chased him with the big giant spoon I mentioned before but it was just a game and he chased me with it just as often.

I must say that Jodi is an amazingly boring pathological liar. Aren't they supposed to be more interesting than this??
So I guess Bobby's not dead after all

minor 4th - do you know why the court had the jury leave for 3 mins while jodi took the stand??

and i know i have not said enuff - thank you sooo much for sharing all your knowledge and insight - you have been soo generous and i really appreciate that you take the time to explain things so that i and every one else can understand it - just a great big old thank you!!!!
If she can give details on some of these open -ended questions, like "tell me about your boyfriend's halloween costume in 1997" or "what kind of South Park t-shirts did you buy for Bobby?" she better damn well have detailed, accurate, second-by-second accounts of what happened that June 4th and it all better match up with the forensics and the facts. I'm sure Juan will demand nothing less than this.

I have the feeling that she is going to claim that she "blacked out".
I thought she said Victor slit his wrists and was committed to a psych hospital. Did he then commit suicide? I missed that live testimony.
I posed this scenario elsewhere and got no bites..So I will lay it out for you guys..In reference to another known, now convicted, smug, smirking murderer whose name rhymes with Prew Deterson...It's such a shame that he and JA didn't meet up before she crossed paths with TA. You just gotta wonder who would have come out the other side to smirk and tell the tale. Sometimes I can't help with the "what ifs"

If you're asking who would win in a fight, Arias or Peterson - I say Arias.
Oh! and for any of the lawyers: I've seen some of the talking heads say that if JA is lying her lawyers won't ask her questions. That they would just let her get on the stand and talk, pretty much just sit down and let her go at it. Since they are asking her questions, do you think they believe she's telling the truth? Or are they doing some sort of misconduct? (I can't remember why the TH said they couldn't ask questions if they knew she was lying)
why is it that the only "simple" answer she had while on the stand was to the most important question asked......Why did you kill Travis Alexander?

Thank you!

Oh and also to the only 'battered woman' part that ostensibly came up: why did she stay after being put in a strangle hold by one boyfriend? She answered that way too simply while she goes on and on about everything else. I believe all she said was 'I loved him.' THREE WORDS from this girl?!

I think that's a big tell (like in Poker :D).
A lying contest would be tit-for-tat b/w SP and JA.
Bobby's lucky to be alive (if he is) IMO -- he betrayed Jodi and talked to other girls. That's a big no, no.

I agree! I know that the popular opinion is that Travis was the first to break up with her and therefore had to die; but after today's testimony, I disagree.

I think there is a clear pattern of men distancing themselves, but she describes it differently.

With Bobby, she says she found out about his contacting another female and breaking it off with him. Didn't she tell the same to Ryan? They broke up due to her finding him contacting other girls.

Travis breaks it off for good and she moves within blocks of his house? She travels to Costa Rica to stay with an exes family? He (Victor) wasn't there for the first four days (did he know she was coming? I bet not!). Did Travis know she was coming to Phoenix on June 3rd?

Bobby moves 50 miles away and she makes trips to see him? (After they broke up?) Are we seeing patterns of men distancing themselves?

Didn't Daryl finally move away? (To northern CA?)

She then makes moves on Matt (Bobby's friend) and Ryan (worked with Travis). Did Victor and Bobby know each other (by the previously posted picture, I'd say "yes").

She has a habit of clinging onto men and using their friends, acquaintances to punish them when it doesn't work out.

Oh, what about that roommate of Travis's that moved out over disagreements? Didn't Jodi and he become friends? Was she moving in on him and punishing Travis?

I find it truly weird how many of her 'friends' are the same circle of friends of the boyfriend of that period in time? Does she have any friends that are hers alone and not from a relationship?

Oh, so much...:waitasec:
OT...anyone watching NG? What is up with the attorney's hair,lol (the guy)

Sheesh, what the heck is up with Nancy's hair and that stupid style with the little barrette in it all the time. Are little Lucy and John-David doing her hairstyles for her these days?
you can sometimes type in Harry Darryl Brewer Linkedin Salinas, you might see him come up, carefully mouse to the right area and there is an arrow that appears, and a pop up with a screen grab, go to the top right and get the Cache.

On him we are too late, its cleaned out I believe.
Juan is going to chew her up and spit her out. I would be shaking in my boots and carping in my pants if I here Jodi!
I posed this scenario elsewhere and got no bites..So I will lay it out for you guys..In reference to another known, now convicted, smug, smirking murderer whose name rhymes with Prew Deterson...It's such a shame that he and JA didn't meet up before she crossed paths with TA. You just gotta wonder who would have come out the other side to smirk and tell the tale. Sometimes I can't help with the "what ifs"

I think Prew would have won that one because he's smarter and sneakier
Just had snacks w the producer and Travis friend Taylor whoa going in before us

Please come out of hiding (one can only guess he went into hiding) and testify for the state on rebuttal....

She trashed you and your parents reputation
Sheesh, what the heck is up with Nancy's hair and that stupid style with the little barrette in it all the time. Are little Lucy and John-David doing her hairstyles for her these days?

Probably trying to let her bangs grow out, lol. I won't cut my hair with bangs for that very reason!
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