Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #21 *may contain graphic and adult content* Cont'd.

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Jodie is a very very scary woman!:what: I know it was discussed at length
awhile back and I don't remember what the outcome was from the posters.

But I believe evil is born and not made. I never gave it much thought until
JA came along. I myself have never read nor heard about anything so vicious
and calculated as what poor TA had done to him.
And his family has to hear her rip their loved one apart after the condition
she left poor Travis in!
I think she should be hung for this!! Not kidding. jmo

'Had to defend myself'!!!!!!!!! bull ticky to that!!!!!!!!!!
Will the Jury be able to ask her questions and she must answer them on the stand?

If she will be answering questions from the jury - and I don't know why this pattern would not follow all the other witnesses where they were able to ask questions -- then I have faith in the quality of the questions from the jurors will be excellent. I have found the juror questions to be really good for the most part so far in the trial.

I think the ability for questions from the jury is stunningly good and a plus for Arizona! Things are fresh in their minds for the subject at hand, etc.
Pretend Juror Question - why didn't your mother beat you with a wire coat hanger when she realized the spoon was useless?

Or what did you do to "force" your mother to beat you in self defense?
If she can give details on some of these open -ended questions, like "tell me about your boyfriend's halloween costume in 1997" or "what kind of South Park t-shirts did you buy for Bobby?" she better damn well have detailed, accurate, second-by-second accounts of what happened that June 4th and it all better match up with the forensics and the facts. I'm sure Juan will demand nothing less than this.
I hate to say this, but from what I've seen so far she's very charismatic. I get why people would be attracted to her. She comes off telling obvious lies very well. If you don't know a lot about the case. Like a lot of the jurors don't, she may sway some sympathy. JMO


My hubby agrees with you. He also believes that the male jury members will have a very hard time convicting her, not due to her being "hot", but due to her diminutive appearance in court. He hopes (as do I) that Juan continues to hammer the "stabbed 27 times, shot in the head, throat slit to the spine" mantra over and over, so that it sticks with the jurors more than the sight of a pretty girl with a sad story.
Funny but in my 10th grade high school pic, my hair was fixed exactly as Jodi's was today. But hey, I was only 14 and it was 30 freaking years ago, I wasn't on trial for murder.

Geez, her little girl act is insane and sooooo transparent

I found the hair a little creepy... a little What Ever Happened to Baby Jane
Matt McCartney's Myspace has been taken down... so has Darryl Brewers Linkdin account with his photo and work experience. I wish I had known how to get screen grabs. Anyone here, by any chance do that?
They're pointing out on JVM that she never cried while delivering testimony today. Any bets being taken that she cries tomorrow? I'm sure the defense team watches JVM, NG and DD.

And reads here!
In my neck of the woods, you call 911 and hang up, yes they call back, and that is right before your door bell rings and the officers are there to make sure you are ok. (ask my 3 yr old niece who dialed that and my sister and brother in law who answered the door) and were none too happy.. ha ha ha She looked so innocent when they all asked her if she was playing with the phone... I believe they came in and looked around too.

I am not believing for one minute a 911 call was placed, when the 911 operator calls back a guy answers with a story his girlfriend just tried to program in 911 to her phone. They would never believe that, that means, my girlfriend is cuffed and duct tape around her mouth. A guy answers??

no, they would send a car out to make sure everything at that residence was ok. (I think?)

you are right - at the store. i manage when the kids call 911 and hang up on the pay phone - they would always call the store asap and send a car out - no matter how many times it happened
That was going to be my question, How many people had a parent who used a belt or some other form of corporal punishment growing up?

I have a question. How many people had a parent who used a belt or spoon, or hit them with some other object carry that tradition on to their own children?
With the prosecutor having rested, and the defense well on its way, are we going to hear one witness at all that says she is stalker like?

I want one, just one even, to come forward and say she sent him 425 texts from 1am to 5am (trust me, those things happen) or that he broke it off and she showed up sitting in the backyard at the patio table with ribs on his BBQ...

Employers? She acted odd? Anything?

BBM: secret's in the sauce....
I believe those are Travis' friends

Ya know, I thought that may have been his friends too.. asked earlier if there was a date on those photo's taken.. Ill go to media link and see if can find it brb
Okay, to continue to catch you up on today....BobbyVictorBobbyVictor BobbyVictorBobbyVictorBobbyVictorBobbyVictor ...
... BobbyVictorBobbyVictor ...BobbyVictorBobbyVictor ...BobbyVictorBobbyVictor ...
BobbyVictorBobbyVictor ...Matt...

% and Ringo the dog o ! % Maybe a new tune for Jodi to sing?
I think that Nurmi doesn't believe her either. When Bobby's parents (or pretend parents whoever they were) went into a "rest home" (because couples always go into "rest homes" together when they are not sick or extremely old), Nurmi asks her who paid for their expenses - like the phone? And I think he expected her to say "I did" but she said I don't know? So these "old people" who are so incapable of fending for themselves they must be sent to a "rest home" but they continue paying bills for their son and his teenaged girlfriend?

Bobby and Victor must be pretty easy to track down if they exist.
Stupid work!!!

So from what I've seen so far on the other thread and NG *sigh* it looks like she's gonna go on and on about how everybody abused her.

Then later the DV expert will say she's experienced so much abuse that that's why she overkilled TA after he "attacked her". MOO

I pray the jury doesn't buy this pile of crap!

If she said "No jury will convict me" because she was going to kill herself, why didn't she? What was she waiting on? Let's all pretend she didn't expound on that statement with "because I'm innocent"

I can't stand her.

Going back to read more now...

OMG!! I can't believe this is happening on a week where we have a project turning over and there is NO getting out work.
WTF? Is this true? So, (still catching up) Bobby is dead; Victor is dead; and Travis is dead? Seriously?

I'm 40 and can't think of a single dead ex-boyfriend of mine nor any of my girlfriends being dead.

Oh wait...I remembered one. In highschool a friend's boyfriend drank too much and died. <---only one I can think of...Jodi has 3 (THREE) dead exes? and, we are only up to age...18?

She is her own biggest threat!

This story reminds me of Casey Anthony's story about Caylee's father getting killed in a car accident.:banghead:
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