Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #21 *may contain graphic and adult content* Cont'd.

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may have missed this but im curious to see what others think..

is it just me or does she look like she has someone strapped under her pants just above the knee? you can see the creases and looks like a kind of rectangle shaped thing?

i replayed it again and again but didnt think it was the light.

not really relevant i guess just curious to what i could be

Early on they said she has some kind of brace on her leg from jail to keep her from running off.
On JVM, Jodi is seen standing very calming, but one hand is pinching the thenar web of the other hand. Is there anyone on here tonight that is a behavioral analyst? Wth is she doing? Trying to force herself to cry? Well, it didn't work. She appeared to be smirking numerous times.

In systems that believe in Qi or similar, that's a point that is supposed to bring endorphins, like to cure a headache. Or just for the endorphins, I guess?

Martial arts again, btw. I think she was very into that.
JA is definitely trying to play the whole abused little girl thing to the hilt. She is going with the whole nerdy 6 year old motif with the hair and the glasses. I am so looking forward to the prosecutor ripping her a new one (bigger than the one we all unfortunately know she has...ew ew poor eyeballs are still burning from that display)
Anyone can google her screen name and find her real name within five seconds. That's just a fact. She didn't take any measures to "hide her identity" by using multiple screen names on different forums on the Internet.

I'm an hour early but can we get the OFFICIAL disclaimer about our fellow WS member who may be appearing on DrD tonight and the rule that we are NOT TO refer to her by her real name on the threads (only by her WS username).
Want to make sure we're clear on that. TIA!

I know that. I know she's very open. But unless she and/or a mod has waived the "rule" I just want to make sure. No biggie!
nursebeeme has already stated that we're not going to use her real name on here in the last thread:
Our member Katiecoolady may be on the Dr. Drew show today. She has shared this with us. That being said, we are NOT TO USE HER REAL NAME HERE: ONLY HER SCREEN NAME.

Jodi Arias trial discussion #21 *may contain graphic and adult content* - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
My dad used the belt on me. The Principle in my school used a wooden paddle on us.

I was born in early 70's and was in public school in the 80s, and we still had corporal punishment (in the state I was in).

I haven't heard any physical abuse that would have had CPS involved, for that time period. It all sounds so embellished. If she were really abused, she would have many, many DETAILED stories to reference. These types of things are seared into minds. Details - not like her 'way too general' style of details, but real details - would be used when describing what she went through.

For instance, she said, "my mom began carrying a wooden spoon in her purse" general. She would have remembered the EXACT action of that spoon, if she were truly physically abused. Those types of events have a way of slowing down time and are remembered in slow-motion style.

That was going to be my question, How many people had a parent who used a belt or some other form of corporal punishment growing up?
OMG..dh just asked if it was a joke that NG calls Jean "jinxasaurus".
Pretend Juror Question - why didn't your mother beat you with a wire coat hanger when she realized the spoon was useless?
In my neck of the woods, you call 911 and hang up, yes they call back, and that is right before your door bell rings and the officers are there to make sure you are ok. (ask my 3 yr old niece who dialed that and my sister and brother in law who answered the door) and were none too happy.. ha ha ha She looked so innocent when they all asked her if she was playing with the phone... I believe they came in and looked around too.

I am not believing for one minute a 911 call was placed, when the 911 operator calls back a guy answers with a story his girlfriend just tried to program in 911 to her phone. They would never believe that, that means, my girlfriend is cuffed and duct tape around her mouth. A guy answers??

no, they would send a car out to make sure everything at that residence was ok. (I think?)

Absolutely. My youngest son did that when he was about eight. Yes, they called back, and yes they arrived at my doorstep and would not leave until they spoke to my son to make sure it was all just a kid's stupidity. They don't fool around, because if there really is a problem they are accountable.

She is SOOOOOO full of it. I can't wait for Juan to get a shot at her (Tigerbalm - where's the Juan superhero pics LoL).
I really don't think that Bobby is dead. My understanding was that he tried to commit suicide, and was put into a psychiatric hospital, according to what Jodi had heard. I don't have the time right now to go back and listen, but I am pretty sure this is what I heard.
This doesn't sound like someone who's going to commit suicide.

I call the bs meter! :liar:

just sayin'
I understand all the evidence is really compelling," she said in the interview. "In a nutshell, two people came in and killed Travis. I've never even shot a gun. That's heinous. I can't imagine slitting anyone's throat."

She went on to tell the interviewer, "No jury will convict me and you can mark my words on that. ... I am innocent."
Will the Jury be able to ask her questions and she must answer them on the stand?
Just dawned on me while watching JA on JVM why she has her hair styled with the little side ponytail. To make her look more like a vulnerable, innocent little girl while she testifies about being "beaten" by her parents! :what:


I used to fix my DD's hair just like that in elementary school. And she got to pick out which kind of decoration to use on the rubber band. I think she was about 8 or 9. :banghead:

None of that so called abuse raises it any level that would gain her any true sympathy. Her parents sound like the regular type of exasperated parents of a diffixcult child, imo. Didn't she hit her brother in the head with a baseball bat when she was very young?
Funny but in my 10th grade high school pic, my hair was fixed exactly as Jodi's was today. But hey, I was only 14 and it was 30 freaking years ago, I wasn't on trial for murder.

Geez, her little girl act is insane and sooooo transparent

Did you graduate in 85?
Jodi was 5 years old then!!!

This hair barrett thing is a joke!
She looks like SHE graduated in 85 Imo...
Hmmm... from Jodi's Myspace page:

ETA caption with the photo says: Mario, ME, Bobby and Victor chillin' in Utah

Anyone else notice that none of the guys she dated were particularly good looking.....until Travis?
why is it that the only "simple" answer she had while on the stand was to the most important question asked......Why did you kill Travis Alexander?
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