Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #21 *may contain graphic and adult content* Cont'd.

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Someone please bewitch Dr. Drew. He has fallen under Jodi’s spell.
The number one sign of dissociation is MEMORY LOSS. Jodi has ZERO memory loss. She blabbed on and on and on about how she was abused. She remembered all the tiny details of her alleged abuse. ( NO MEMORY LOSS, DR. DREW!)

A second very common symptom in dissociation is feeling that people and occurrences in life are not real or they are watching their life from outside of it. Jodi blabs on about how REAL she experienced the alleged horrific abuse from everyone in her life. (SHE NEVER FELT THAT SOMEONE ELSE WAS LIVING HER LIFE, DR. DREW!)

I don’t doubt that she was hit and pushed by her parents. What she conveniently didn't say was WHY her parents hit and pushed her. Jodi was likely screaming, spitting, scratching and pushing them too. Notice that Jodi didn’t say that her dad hit her. Her dad pushed her. Why? Her dad was likely refereeing Jodi and her mom's arguments. Her dad was likely physically protecting his wife from Jodi.

Martinez should call the guidance counselor at Jodi’s high school to the stand. I’ll bet Jodi exhibit behaviors associated with Conduct Disorder during high school and junior high.

If Jodi has Dissociative Disorder, I’ll eat everyone's keyboard. She is a calculating PSYCHOPATH inside the shell of a frumpy woman pretending to harmless.

Since she has charmed Dr. Drew, she’ll probably be able to charm a few dumb jurors.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse

BINGO!!!! Thank You. This has me scared. At least one ot two jurors are probably being mesmerized by this chit. uugghhhhhhhhhh.
Nurmi, "Did you kill Travis Alexander?"

Jodi, "simple answer- yes, he attacked me." ... "I was defending myself."

Are you kidding me... simple answer?

How do you think that little phraseology sat with the jury?

What is missing is JA then saying 'so in defending myself, I had to stab him 27 times, slit his throat and shoot him.' And if I were a juror, I would think she cannot simplify her defense response. It was hienous, period.
On JVM, Jodi is seen standing very calming, but one hand is pinching the thenar web of the other hand. Is there anyone on here tonight that is a behavioral analyst? Wth is she doing? Trying to force herself to cry? Well, it didn't work. She appeared to be smirking numerous times.
"Quite a few signs of malingering here" . . . according to talking head on JVM . . . NG is next . . . then Dr. Drew
I remember Mr. Martinez dropping that camera... wouldn't it be awesome if he could have Bobby sitting in the courtroom and ask JA "do you recognize that man?"
<if he is truly deceased, I apologize>

Instead of asking JA if she lied under oath; ITA throw the evidence right in her face with simple one liner questions... can Juan do this though and keep his cool with her?
I'm an hour early but can we get the OFFICIAL disclaimer about our fellow WS member who may be appearing on DrD tonight and the rule that we are NOT TO refer to her by her real name on the threads (only by her WS username).
Want to make sure we're clear on that. TIA!
I also think they would have dispatched an officer anyway, to make sure everything was ok. There should be a record of it.

My friends 3 yr old was playing with her cell phone and accidentally called 911.

The dispatcher called us and she said ' No Problem, just a mistaken call.'

But 5 minutes later the cops were at our door and wanted to look around for a quick check. I appreciated it.
911 shouldn't. They should have asked to speak to her and then still entered the call in the system for a police officer to deal with either by telephone or a visit.
Not sure how long places have records for but if they have a computer dispatch program that call log would be in there for years.

When I first moved to an apartment alone, I got a new phone and it had speed dial. I did program 911 into the speed dial, I don't know what, does't seem logical to me now, but I did. A few days later I was cleaning the house and the vacuum cleaner cord got wrapped up in the table legs and pulled it down, along with everything on the table, including the phone which landed upside down with a thud. I picked it up, hung it up, fixed the table, and carried on with my cleaning. Within a few minutes there was a knock on my door, it was a cop asking if I called 911 and needed help. Innocently, and from behind the door as i wasn't dressed, I tried to explain I'd dropped the phone and I was soooo sorry it must have hit the speed dial button when it landed, but he insisted on my moving aside so he could just take a peek, before he would leave.

I'm convinced it didn't happen to her as she explained it.
What is missing is JA then saying 'so in defending myself, I had to stab him 27 times, slit his throat and shoot him.' And if I were a juror, I would think she cannot simplify her defense response. It was hienous, period.

i keep going back to the autopsy photos,if i was on the jury thats all i would have needed to see. guilty. period. not a chance is h*ll that is self defence!
With the prosecutor having rested, and the defense well on its way, are we going to hear one witness at all that says she is stalker like?

I want one, just one even, to come forward and say she sent him 425 texts from 1am to 5am (trust me, those things happen) or that he broke it off and she showed up sitting in the backyard at the patio table with ribs on his BBQ...

Employers? She acted odd? Anything?

It may be that the pros is saving stuff like that for their re-buttal?
Off to watch her testimony. To the vomit cave! :hero:
In 9th grade I had a "date" to go to the French Club Halloween Party with a boy.
It was a masked ball... scheduled on Saturday. He died on the neighbors front porch
Friday morning... :(
NOT me. I swear. I never got my date with him.
I was 14 and crushed. Jodi hasn't cried over any x she had !

Heck I still cry when I talk about my first love...he is still alive.
Just didn't work out.
Guess something is wrong with me!
I think many of us had mom's or grandma's who pulled out the wooded spoon. My grandma spanked my butt with that wooden spoon but I have never slit a boyfriends throat and taken pictures of it.

And her statement that Travis threatened to kill her family was almost as believable as her threats of suicide. Narcissistic sociopaths never kill themselves. JMO

My dad used the belt on me. The Principle in my school used a wooden paddle on us.

I was born in early 70's and was in public school in the 80s, and we still had corporal punishment (in the state I was in).

I haven't heard any physical abuse that would have had CPS involved, for that time period. It all sounds so embellished. If she were really abused, she would have many, many DETAILED stories to reference. These types of things are seared into minds. Details - not like her 'way too general' style of details, but real details - would be used when describing what she went through.

For instance, she said, "my mom began carrying a wooden spoon in her purse"...too general. She would have remembered the EXACT action of that spoon, if she were truly physically abused. Those types of events have a way of slowing down time and are remembered in slow-motion style.

She sounds like someone reading a story, or the explanation of an action, rather than remembering the action. Like, if we were to read something to explain the abuse that someone went through, we may read "she suffered through.....her mother reached for what ever was in reach....she felt alone...".

When someone remembers something that happened to them, they say things like, "I remember her grabbing me by the neck and throwing into the table and I just didn't understand what I did"
She borrowed her Bobby (they're going to attack my family story) to use in her fake Ninja story. There's that crossover she is famous for. She can't keep track of her lies. Not NEARLY as good as the FL one.
Just dawned on me while watching JA on JVM why she has her hair styled with the little side ponytail. To make her look more like a vulnerable, innocent little girl while she testifies about being "beaten" by her parents! :what:
This grandmother she's very close to, the one she can tell anything to.... did JA tell her she stole grandpa's gun and she was going to commit a murder? Or they're not that close?
If it's not her first, I'd start the search in Costa Rica. I would like some information on who is alive, where are they, of this cast of characters she speaks of.

I know, right? I'm 50, and my ex-husband died of cancer in February (he was in his late 50's). She's far too young to have all these dead boyfriends.

I wonder if Travis was her first kill? Just speculating.


BREAKING NEWS: if you work at denny's for blah blah blah I flew back to costa rica to blah blah blah victor blah blah blah
Bobby's lucky to be alive (if he is) IMO -- he betrayed Jodi and talked to other girls. That's a big no, no.
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