Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #21 *may contain graphic and adult content* Cont'd.

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It should be like those shock things for when the dog barks too much.

Juan can press the button.

Don't be silly, it's not Juan. I'm trying to figure out which court deputy it is and more importantly I'm trying to figure out if I can slip him or her a $20 to activate it once during court tomorrow. :blushing:
I wish that Juan would try to get a hold of the supposed 911 call that Jodi made when whats-his-name was trying to break her arm.
Bet'cha there's no record of that call.

However, I have no idea how long records such as that are kept.

Exactly! This did not happen, as the 911 operator would have DEMANDED to speak with the "girlfriend". I hope Juan brings this up!
What really is incredible, is how she sits there so calmly and says the most outrageous shocking things. Things similar to
"she beat me harder than my dad"
"my dad slammed me into whatever was there like a chair or the wall"
"my dad hit me across the face"
"I killed him. Oh in self defense"

All so nonchalant like it is no big deal. If this is no big deal, then when Travis was allegidly attacking her, then that should have been no big deal and she should have just took her punishment and let him get it out of his system.

I am really convinced this girl has no concious. Things are no big deal to her. Beatings, cruelty to animals, a murder here or there. Its no big deal. Pffffffffffffftttttttt.
WTF? Is this true? So, (still catching up) Bobby is dead; Victor is dead; and Travis is dead? Seriously?

I'm 40 and can't think of a single dead ex-boyfriend of mine nor any of my girlfriends being dead.

Oh wait...I remembered one. In highschool a friend's boyfriend drank too much and died. <---only one I can think of...Jodi has 3 (THREE) dead exes? and, we are only up to age...18?

She is her own biggest threat!

I know, right? I'm 50, and my ex-husband died of cancer in February (he was in his late 50's). She's far too young to have all these dead boyfriends.

I wonder if Travis was her first kill? Just speculating.


With the prosecutor having rested, and the defense well on its way, are we going to hear one witness at all that says she is stalker like?

I want one, just one even, to come forward and say she sent him 425 texts from 1am to 5am (trust me, those things happen) or that he broke it off and she showed up sitting in the backyard at the patio table with ribs on his BBQ...

Employers? She acted odd? Anything?
I have to confess - I fell asleep. Slept like a baby since break. That's what this horrible line of questioning did to me. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

Me too. The only thing I got out of it was she was trying to move up from guy to guy and job to job. For all we know she was canned from all of them.
I do believe there will be a freaking slew of questions by the jury. This should be rich.
They're asking on JVM why the prosecutor didn't object too much during her testimony. I think someone said he did early on, but then just started taking notes. I think he's giving her enough rope to hang herself. Just let her talk and talk. Take notes and then slam them in her face on cross. JMO
I think JA would have had more "inflection" and "emotion" or affect if she were ordering a hamburger than when she testified that she killed TA!
IMO, she always moved on in all these relationships. She would not be controlled by her parents and rebelled and moved away. She really didn't stay long enough to ever be in a true abusive relationship. Nobody kept her isolated which would be necessary for them to keep her under their control. Today was suppose to build up the self-defense of the crime. What I got out of it was this ditzy girl Jodi killed a man Travis, but it could have been Bobby or Victor or could have been Ryan, or maybe Bobby's grandparents those filthy smokers, and her size ten Mom and belt wielding Dad.
Everybody in Jodi's life were mean, dirty, jealous people!

I think Bobby was even an illegal from Mexico, she seemed to imply.
Talking head on JVM on HLN - saying micro expressions of "duping delight" when JA is lying . . . ie: she flashes a smile for a 10th of a second while testifying about the abuse . . . . more after the break!~
Nurmi, "Did you kill Travis Alexander?"

Jodi, "simple answer- yes, he attacked me." ... "I was defending myself."

Are you kidding me... simple answer?

How do you think that little phraseology sat with the jury?
We get copious details about Bobby calling her while she is on the phone with someone else and he beeped in, then she flashed over, then flashed back to tell the friend she would call them back so she could return to her conversation with Bobby . . . .Uuuuugggghhhhhh!
IMO nobody is hiding in her pants. I think that is an electric shock thingy just in case she tries to run. Oh how I dream of pushing that button. over and over and over and over.

BBM OMG!! dang autocorrect :floorlaugh:

Okay, something that just came to mind...

Isn't it a little too convenient to have two dead exes - two that cannot be questioned, two that cannot defend themselves? Are they even real people?

Reminds me of the Anthony trial and the story of Caylee's father being dead (I've often wondered if his 'death' was a bit convenient, as in was he even real?)

how do we know she didn't off them? bit out there but rather convenient :waitasec::waitasec:
Okay, something that just came to mind...

Isn't it a little too convenient to have two dead exes - two that cannot be questioned, two that cannot defend themselves? Are they even real people?

Reminds me of the Anthony trial and the story of Caylee's father being dead (I've often wondered if his 'death' was a bit convenient, as in was he even real?)

I hate to keep quoting old SNL characters, but "Well, isn't that convenient!"
Oh I thought that was Bobby who did that..

But I missed he was dead, I only caught he went to a psych hospital

Honestly, I don't know exactly what I heard .. it was such nonsense and I was busy posting pics.

This is the way I understood it as well.
Plus what Curiousme says. lol
They're pointing out on JVM that she never cried while delivering testimony today. Any bets being taken that she cries tomorrow? I'm sure the defense team watches JVM, NG and DD.

Definitely. Did you see how many times today it was empasized that she loves animals? doubt to counteract that Veronica nut on Dr. D & JVM who said JA starved a cat.
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