Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #22 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I think I really get it now... and I mean 'get it'. I have gone back and forth really deciding what the final- I'm gonna kill him- factor was. She said it in the first words out of her mouth on the stand- "um... the simple answer is that he attacked me", and friends no truer words were ever spoke by her IMVHO.

He, in that final email ripped her to shreds- verbally- because he was so fed up. Any normal, self respecting person would have said FU right back, and then moved on- forever.

When he called her those names she hatched her plan.

She didn't want Travis back... she didn't want him to not go to Cancun- she didn't want him to breath one more minute of air after that email exchange.

NO ONE was going to talk to her that way and live to tell about it- NO ONE.

In her sick and twisted mind she did 'defend herself' from the attack. She got the last laugh on Travis, all of his friends, his family, and especially the stupid b*****s he wanted to marry.

She is a danger to society and should get LWOP.


great thoughts!
Do you think when she hacked into TA's stuff she saw the "*advertiser censored*, *advertiser censored*, three hole wonder" comments and then hatched her plan?
Only bc defense cannot keep from saying those over and over again which is nauseating, you can see it on Juan's face too... how is Juan supposed to get the juror's minds off those words??
omg... it cannot just be yes, I took that position because the lady was sick

it has to be: Yes, ummm, I took the wedding coordinator position because the lady had been having terrible horrible stomach pains for weeks and then she went to the doctor and she found out, horribly, that she had pancreatic cancer, and sadly, she died a few weeks later.:tmi:

I think Mr. Nurmi had rehearsed that she express empathy and compassion here. He should have known - she can say the words, but the emotion just ain't gonna happen.
So I have a question. If any body knows, great. Otherwise I guess I will post it for the lawyers. Although for some reason I think Madeleine74 is one.

IF the jury does not vote for death, is that it? She gets off? Is there not a lesser charge they can go with? Or can they vote gulity, but no death penalty?? I knew how THE OTHER CASE worked in that regards, but not this one. TIA

Yes, they can vote guilty of first degree and give her either LWOP or the DP.
This whole charade defense would have possibly worked if they were trying to show that all of her poor pitiful life Jodi was used and abused. Travis was the last straw. She snapped. A ‘moment of rage” defense would have been MUCH better than “self defense”. IMHO

Not saying that I buy into this crap at all, but that seems to be where this defense testimony is heading for. And it has nothing to do with self defense. All it may do (with days and days and days and days and days of listening to Jodi whine on) is make the jurors see her as a person instead of a cold blooded killer.

I actually typed that and deleted it! - "She chose self defense, not insanity"

It seems this litany of semi-awfulness would have better served an insanity-flavored defense. I don't think it's adding much to the self defense theory.
Did anybody else get a chuckle when Jodi made it a point to clarify that DB was her supervisor and (paraphrased)"of course they didn't DATE". Left me wondering if THAT condition was the 11th Commandment that she followed since the other 10 seem to be relegated to the "Ten SUGGESTIONS" category, thu.

Part of the trail of testimony mile markers to establish no prior history of wrongdoing of any kind.
I think I really get it now... and I mean 'get it'. I have gone back and forth really deciding what the final- I'm gonna kill him- factor was. She said it in the first words out of her mouth on the stand- "um... the simple answer is that he attacked me", and friends no truer words were ever spoke by her IMVHO.

He, in that final email ripped her to shreds- verbally- because he was so fed up. Any normal, self respecting person would have said FU right back, and then moved on- forever.

When he called her those names she hatched her plan.

She didn't want Travis back... she didn't want him to not go to Cancun- she didn't want him to breath one more minute of air after that email exchange.

NO ONE was going to talk to her that way and live to tell about it- NO ONE.

In her sick and twisted mind she did 'defend herself' from the attack. She got the last laugh on Travis, all of his friends, his family, and especially the stupid b*****s he wanted to marry.

She is a danger to society and should get LWOP.

Great post. :rocker:

I hate to admit I missed the first part of the trial. Do we have those emails available to read? Is thre a link somewhere?
And totally inappropriate, do you agree? If you suspect your spouse/bfriend/gfriend of cheating, don't you sit down and talk with them? Is it really appropriate to go into detective (dare I say "sleuth") mode? What if she had been wrong - that he was not cheating? I guess it is a matter of opinion but I think out of respect for the person you are dating, you should talk to them first.

I though the whole story was strange. These 2 men who you don't really know just happen to see you, they tell you your man (who is supposed to be their friend) is cheating on you, and with who? What a odd situation.
Her reaction wasn't to go to her boyfriend and ask him, but drive all the way up to have a talk with the woman? Makes no sense... The only thing that would make me believe THAT story is if he had cheated with the same girl over and over and lying to her about it. Even then, still strange.
My latest theory on Bobby and Victor until they are proven to be real: JA is pulling a Mante T'eo
She doesn't LOL, she "chuckles a little bit"

Economy in emotion? I think that is all she can muster up. And that is why crying is such a big deal to Jodi. She doesn't do it naturally. She made a point of talking about it in the interrogation with LE how she cried all night or cried herself to sleep. And earlier in her testimony about she allowed herself to cry. Sadness and grief is foreign to Jodi Arias. IMO
I actually typed that and deleted it! - "She chose self defense, not insanity"

It seems this litany of semi-awfulness would have better served an insanity-flavored defense. I don't think it's adding much to the self defense theory.

But I'm sure, just like with Casey Anthony, she does not meet the legal definition of insane.

How crazy is that?! But I know that psychopath doesn't always equal insane.
o- going to my job interview now. Will try not to drone on and on with mindless bullchit. If they don't give me the job I promise not to drive all the way over there and stab them 29 times, slash their throat or shoot them in the head.
My latest theory on Bobby and Victor until they are proven to be real: JA is pulling a Mante T'eo

IMO they have to prove to me her mother even owned a wooden spoon! I'm buying none of it lol

Who in their right mind would take her at her word? About anything!

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Can you tell me how you could tell that Nurmi was sensing the juy's boredom?

More than once as JA recounts the dubious details and then comes up for air, Nurmi tries to move/guide her along.

Yesterday, he let her drone on and on.

Today, he's almost interrupting her at times.
I don't think she deserves the death penalty. Even before she started testifying I've thought this. Travis was a willing participant in this twisted relationship and kind of egged her on in a way. If he didn't string her along, this wouldn't have happened. He supposedly believed she stalked him to point of slashing his car tires, and yet he still would flirt text her, phone sex her, and real sex her. Her actions screamed "stay away, hazardous conditions" but he wouldn't heed the obvious. He didn't deserve death for that, but I don't think she does either.

It's obvious her testimony of abuse is solely to save her life. Her "he attacked me" claim is bs and they know it. It was obviously premeditated. There are multiple lines of evidence to support premeditation. There is no doubt about it. They know they have shown no evidence to support an attack by Travis. The evidence in fact contradicts it. All they have is her completely non-credible word. And if Travis attacked her, tried to kill her, then it doesn't matter if she was abused or not. Yet the testimony isn't meant to prove he attacked her. It's meant to explain excuse the heinous overkill of the murder. Even if she attacked, while she would have the right to defend herself, she wouldn't have the right to stab/throatcut/headshot. I agree she doesn't deserve death but not for the reasons they're trying to give here.
maybe they will finish with her today... she is already up to the house... so pretty soon in comes PPL and all that trash part of the story

I'm not nearly as optimistic as you. We haven't heard every single conversation, where she was during that conversation, weather they smoked, hoarded, ect, ect., ect., ect., ect
Loooooooong time until we get to her victim.
Even her story of cutting school was hogwash! Jodi's perfect... She cut class to study! Please!

Then why was she failing when she dropped out?

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By having her on the stand for what appears to be days of mind-numbing nothingness, the defense thinks the jury will see JA as a human and connect with her in that way so that when it comes time to deciding life or death, they will not unanimously vote death (and yes, unanimous is required).

The easiest path for a jury is to not give the DP. I think it's becoming an increasingly rare event.

I agree, unfortunately because I want Jodi to get death like Scott Peterson got. :furious:

PS ~~ I LOVE your new avatar! Juan is the man! :great:
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