Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #23 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Most men don't come on that strong unless they have been given lots of come on signals. And if she didn't like it, she would have stopped it...well unless she thought she could get something out of it, like a boyfriend, so who was using who?

Her wringing her hands and acting like a pathetic little weakling is getting old. She is just so full of lies and she acts like she knows what she is talking about as she spews the lies. Yesterday as she went off on the bla bla bla of her relationships, she said Chico is south of Sacramento, which is not true. Everybody who lives in northern California knows Chico is north of Sacramento, especially if she lived in Yreka, they are all closely connected to I-5, but she didn't even flinch as she said it. I think she's just making it up as she goes along. And I'm not buying her embarrassment talking about her sex lies. If that gigantic bottle of K-Y was hers, she isn't embarrassed by anything.

I hope for justice for Travis.
Pluzee. Has anyone ever trid to either step out od the tub or shower onto tile floor and tried to run. You would be flat on your a++
Since we know that TA joined the Mormons later in life (ie, he was not raised in the church), do we know about his siblings religious status?

And is Jodi still considering herself as a Mormon?
I anticipate her direct testimony to run through til the end of tomorrow, then a break til...Monday? That's when Mr. Martinez will get to chip away at all of her lies and BS. I can't wait to watch him in action.

Yep, I was surprised to hear no court on Thursday. We'll never get this thing over with! At least I can get some housework done and go get some more diet pepsi on Thursday.

This trial is getting very tedious is as much as the short slow days when nothing gets done for pete's sake. If I was an Arizona resident I would be demanding more for my taxpayer money! :banghead:
She has managed to insult just about everyone I can think of. She insulted every poor soul who has ever had to justifiably defend themselves from an attacker. She has insulted Travis over and over. She has insulted Mormons. She has insulted those who tell the truth. She has insulted her mother, her father, every guy she has ever had a relationship with, vampire hunters...

Now she has insulted anyone who has ever had a normally progressive romantic relationship or anyone who has ever enjoyed sex... Who else? I just don't see how the jury could be buying this. IMO of course.

You forgot size ten people, smokers, and gay people.
Yes. But my point was that Travis had all his family and friends believing he was chaste even after months of engaging in a sexual relationship with Jodi.

People are still portraying him as a devout Mormon, innocent of sex. My point was that don't you think Jodi knows how Travis is being portrayed even AFTER we already know he had sex with Jodi in "three holes"?

Certainly she thinks she can spin things so that the jury will see her as a basically "nice girl" sexually. Of course I don't believe she can. I think they already have labeled her a *advertiser censored* and a *advertiser censored*. Like everyone else. As far as we "know", she has had, what?, 7 partners? Geez, I've had more than that. Guess I'm a big ole *advertiser censored*. :rolleyes:

And the odd thing is, it has ZERO to do with the fact that she slaughtered Travis in cold blood. :waitasec:
I very much disagree with that. I haven't labeled her as either. Believing she used sex as a tool to manipulate or control others isn't the same thing at all.

I really don't give a flip about her sexual history except that when she is portraying her victim as an aggressor or sexually abusive, given her own history, I find it a bit rich. No, actually I find it deplorable.

And you are should have nothing to do with the fact that she brutally slaughtered another human being. Except she entered sex into evidence in an attempt to justify that slaughter. MOO
I wish I could be like the members here who sign off after the trial day ends.

I can't stay away from the trial. I have no willpower. That said, I really do love reading all the comments from everyone!
Thursday will be televised it is the evidentiary hearing, just no trial. It is at 10:30. Then Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of the next week.
IMO she has the negative opinions about her because of how she handled her relationships and more importantly her breakups.

When it was over, she didn't let it go. Somehow, EVERY single guy she has been with cheated on her. She stalked and cyber-stalked.

I think she used sex to hang on to guys.

I doubt you could be categorized in any of those ways. So, rather than the quantity of her relationships. . .it's the quality of them that seems to be at issue.

Well, then can we establish at what point we are "justified" in labeling another woman as "*advertiser censored*" or "*advertiser censored*"?

Then, at least, we have clear parameters so we know who is deserving of these lovely epithets.

See, I thought this was a murder trial.
Did y'all hear Lisa's testimony? He was all over her like white on rice! Even kept touching her butt. Awkward, my foot.

I must have heard a different Lisa testify then. They kissed, but she wanted him to kiss her. He didn't want to push Lisa but she was wanting more. Lisa was ticked at Travis because she had heard (from a nosey roommate) that he had cheated on her. She wrote an email to him less than 24 hours after finding out that information and wrote every thing that she could think of against him. Think teenage anger at a "bad" boyfriend. Lisa also said that she was wrong in her assumptions as she was young and immature. Travis fixed what she "fussed" about. Travis touched her butt once without her permission, the other times Lisa wanted him to.
I bet Dr Drew makes this all about a date rape 'incident.'

Poor Jodi was so battered as a child, she could not say 'no'. She felt the need to please others, so even though it was uncomfortable, she allowed him to give her oral sex.

I have a hard believing dr drew is as naïve as he comes across. How could he be? oh gee, he's on hln right now.....talking to one of Jodi's friends tonight that is defending her. He just said she comes across cold during her testimony.
Sweet, holy JA recalling the *incidents* that took place.


Is she looking at notes?

I think this cross examination is going to be tricky. It is like trying to cross exam a 'rape victim' without looking like a bully. I hope Juan doesn't fall into her trap. :mad:
Here is the updated trial schedule (as of recess of trial today):

2/6/2013 10:30 Trial
2/6/2013 10:30 Evidentiary Hearing

2/11/2013 10:30 Trial
2/12/2013 10:30 Trial
2/13/2013 10:30 Trial
2/13/2013 13:30 Evidentiary Hearing
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