Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #24 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Does anyone know if JA/TA had regular (vagina/penis penatration) sex?
In her stories she is not the aggressor in meeting, but the man is. He approaches her, not her them.

Is the photo in the black lace dress the Las Vegas meeting? If so, if her dress was any lower you'd see her nipples. Wouldn't that get any mans attention? even a Mormon man, if you're showing that much boobage? Did DB say if she was a blonde when she left for Vegas? Talk about first impressions.

That's Sky's dress which TA arranged for JA to borrow.
For some reason I thought Jodi said in one of her t.v interviews ( or interrogation ) that she and Travis didn't start a sexual relationship until after she was baptized?? I could be wrong that is just something I remember hearing ....
When did they , in Jodi's words " make it official?".
Why would Travis being the "sexual deviant" the defense is claiming , would he start a "official" relationship with someone he was already getting sexual with without the commitment ? I call B.S ...

IMO ... He cared for her and that was why he continued to have her in his life ... Why he let her in ( or let her stay if she came unannounced ) and offered her a place to sleep the day she murdered him ... not just for sex as it is being claimed... I think he cared for her up until she murdered him....

I don't remember when the sexual activity started, but she said they "officially" started dating February 2007 and it "officially" ended June 2007.
Respectfully snipped.

Personally, I think that most of what Jodi says is fictitious - bits and pieces of truth cleverly woven into a tale that she lifted from another source. Jodi often makes references to film, TV shows, actors, etc., so I think your thoughts on her "reality" are spot on.

I agree completely! I think she thinks she is starring in her own little movie now. Remember in her interview tape when she explained why she smiled in her mug shot she said that she knew it would be all over the internet! :what:
Hey guys. What time does this start UK time again please? may nip out for a beer first to prepare myself lol :)
Bring one back for me! I think I need something to get me through the rest of her testimony. 17:30, er....maybe 17:42 or 17:53 or 18:06? No telling really. ;)
I don't think he did either one of those shows. He did Good Morning, America and an interview with a local reporter.

Yes, he really liked Claudia Cowan

One could probably google his name and hers to see what comes up.
I'm thinking Nurmi had a little sit down with Jodi last night. " We need TEARS!! We need you to act a little embarrassed. LISTEN to my questions and where I am leading you!! You are testifying to save your own life - do whatever it takes"
Hey guys. What time does this start UK time again please? may nip out for a beer first to prepare myself lol :)

Supposed to start in about 50 minutes from now . . . of course they always start late . . .
Plans were made for June or July but never coalesced obviously - according to Jodi's statement.


Daniel testified that they stopped by her house once on the way to ___(forgot where). They weren't there much longer than an hour.
Finally finished listening to yesterdays testimony. :pullhair:

Sooooo looking forward to Juan asking yes or no questions of the defendant!!!!!!


BBM: That is going to be :great: 'cause she canNOT answer with just a "yes" or a "no" ...

Oh it's going to be fun when Mr. Martinez questions her ... and I cannot wait !

jodi wasn't following the script her defense team gave her and Nurmi's strong hints weren't having much success. She is so enamored with her own stories and useless details that she is veering off course. The jury will remember nothing about what she is saying because Nurmi is;,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 and jodi talks in;,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

Nurmi is a total embarrassment to the legal profession. Black striped suit with deep red shirt is proper attire for a pimp or as a nightclub bouncer. In fact Nurmi since he has no talent as a trial lawyer should pursue a more appropriate vocation – bar tender or construction worker.
Here's what I think: She banged Travis in Las Vegas that first night. I mean, just look at that picture of them. The victim may have been more chaste with women he considered marriage material, but Jodi was not in that category.

Also, JM has been preparing this cross for years. He is polishing up the finer points from her amazingly boring testlying, but the meat of his cross has been ready for a long, long time.
Well, zoey -- it's the old apple and tree thing again, I guess. So proud of her daughter, learning her lessons well.

Then why am I hearing this part of a CSNY song in my head??

Teach your parents well,
Their children's hell will slowly go by,
And feed them on your dreams
The one they picked, the one you'll know by.

Don't you ever ask them why, if they told you, you would cry,
So just look at them and sigh and know they love you.

love that song and currently can relate all to well to it....:banghead:
I don't see how he couldn't. She's locked herself so tightly into a narrative that I think it will be hard to remember when he does the cross. I have a feeling her memory will become splotchy on the cross.

I'm seriously tired I might just :offtobed: and listen while I nap.

BTW, someone said the phone tape will be played today. Does anyone have any Vaseline I can borrow? :waitasec: :liar:

BBM :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Lets wait and see what she has to say, she may be bad at it :floorlaugh:
Sorry for the OT but why do you think the first jury was hung? Just trying to put all this in context of Jodi's trial and what could possibly happen. I have never really followed a trial like this before, other than OJ -- when I was on maternity leave and Court TV was still on and airing the whole trial.

Jason Young never told anyone his story until he got on the stand; so the prosecutors were unprepared. I was shocked that she didn't go after him more intensely while he was on the stand. He almost got away with murder. Once they got his story down, he was convicted. JA has put her story or a story out there several times. Prosecutors know what to ask.
Down payment? She didn't remember all the financing details from when they bought the house, she thinks it was 100% financed. I was sitting here listening and thinking "what about the $10,000-$12,000?". Where did that go?

She made it sound like she was doing great before she bought the house with Daryl. She had saved some money and life was wonderful but then the housing market tanked blah blah blah and she found out Daryl was a smoker and an alcoholic blah blah and then they couldn't keep up the payments. Then they made a "mutual" decision to let the house go to forclosure.

She made it out to be puppies and butterflies. Totally different than what Daryl testified to.

She was just trying to make herself look like less of a leach. "I had money when I met him...". So we are supposed to think - oh yeah she didn't use him for $$$$.

More cow poop!
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