Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #24 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Psychopaths receive enjoyment from causing pain to others. She embarrassed her family forever on tv.

I TOTALLY AGREE. Mom this is for every swat you ever gave me with a wooden spoon. Dad, suck it up, maybe you shouldn't have gotten mad and taken off your belt? regret it now? I bet you do.

I think she doesn't like ANYBODY BUT HERSELF.
OK, I have to ask. Why would TA withdraw from her anus to ejaculate?

If this is an inappropriate question, you won't hurt my feelings by deleting it.

It can be a turn on/fetish for men and women to have him ejaculate on various body parts, the back included. So, IF true he may have wanted to ejaculate on her back or she asked him to.
Don't worry you guys.
I am really confident that there are mountains evidence showing JA as an initiator/aggressor esp. in the sexual arena.
Patience grasshoppers.

Even Jean Casares is talking about this possibility today. A 180 since yesterday's commentary.
We haven't heard it yet, but I'd want to know why she recorded and kept the phone sex call.


This is jmo ... but I think she recorded it to use against Travis at his church ...

She is devious :furious:

I hope Mr. Martinez asks her this question !

I was thinking this too! It really sounds like nothing more than a 'booty call'. But yet we have seen some of his friends, including the Hughes', talk about them as a couple and how they thought she might even be the 'one' for Travis. So I wonder when that was? that they seen them together as a 'couple'. From what we have heard, according to Jodi, she is still a dirty little secret.

Well, we all know how she lies...
Anyone else feeling like they are experiencing a very long, multiple day, excruciatingly painful, forced sex act that JA described today? :eek:hwow: :bang:

how many showers in one day can I take?????????? :blushing:
Exactly. She had from the 2008 Ninja story/lie to 2010 when she came out with the self-defense story/lie and up to now to 24/7 concoct this crap.

And he seemingly used her for sex but that does not give anyone a right to butcher someone coz they don't want you to be their girlfriend ro want to marry you or chooses to take someone else to Mexico.

You were used for sex, Jodi. Get over it. Gos straight to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars!!!

BBM - that's HER story.... there is NO ONE who can testify differently. She could be making all this crap up. TA could have been a complete gentleman to her, but because her life is on the line, she is going to say WHATEVER she can to have the jury save her life... even if that means totally lying about what he said and what he did. :furious: :banghead: :furious: :banghead:
I have a live feed on w/Jinkasaures on IS!
BBM - that's HER story.... there is NO ONE who can testify differently. She could be making all this crap up. TA could have been a complete gentleman to her, but because her life is on the line, she is going to say WHATEVER she can to have the jury save her life... even if that means totally lying about what he said and what he did. :furious: :banghead: :furious: :banghead:

She made sure of that.
I"ve been trying to put my finger on it for who JA reminds me of and finally it came to me...Andrea Yates...seriously with those glasses and hair and just that "look"

But Andrea Yates was a real victim (of well documented, long-standing mental illness including post-partum psychosis) who most certainly did not kill her kids because she wanted them gone. She literally thought she was saving their souls.

Arias is only pretending to be a victim.

Big difference.
I'll take the bait. If in our fantasy world we imagine that what she is saying is true, she was really used by him. Here is a list of appropriate remedies for that kind of man:

1. Replace the shampoo bottle content in the shower with Nair or Neet
2. Leave a positive/pregnant stick with blue in his bathroom trash and leave and don't take his calls.
3. Super glue his contact lenses to the bathroom mirror
4. In the days of no unlimited calling, call Time, in Japan and leave it off the hook, and go home.

(notice none of the remedies include 25 caliber weapons and knives)

That was my EXACT point if you read my entire post. NOTHING I have heard from Jodi on the stand justifies anything she did. I do not even think she can justify all the miles she drove the night she killed him. My point was if the jury on some alternate universe believes EVERYTHING she is saying I do not think for one second they can then jump to the heinous murder she committed!
Wow! Even George Zimmerman's lawyer says Jodi's case isn't self-defense!!!
You know, you're correct. She has trashed everyone in her life so far. She's always the victim. She will always be the victim. That will never change.

She has no idea about boundary's. She is always claiming about the trust for knowing each others passwords and private things, yet claims they shared them because of trust issues. Do any of y'all see Travis letting Jodi have any thing that private of his?

Not only would I not give her any passwords I wouldn't trust her with my dog.
Also, JA claims she didn't tell TA that she felt like a "used piece of toilet paper" because "I don't think it would make him feel very good" Oh really? He didn't WANT to hurt her? What a monster he was.
I am having such a hard time with the 'Travis as big user' theme by Nurmi.

Do guys that are using girls call them almost everyday (I don't care what time of day or night it is)? During those almost daily conversations do guys who are 'users' talk to them about life, sex, spirituality, their future, and a myriad of other topics, FOR HOURS?

Do guys that are 'using' a girl invite them to their homes, and their friends homes for parties and special occasions? Introduce these girls to their friends and colleagues?

Do guys that are 'using' girls take them on vacations... sell them their car... or help them out with extra cash by having them clean their house or let them stay at their house to help them save money?

Travis introduced her to his grandma that raised him... is that what a 'user' does?

Give me a break!

Does a 'user/abuser' talk to the girl about aiming higher to reach their full potential? That is THE most ridiculous thing I have heard so far.

Guys that are not interested in a girl DO NOT SPEND THAT MUCH TIME ON THEM.

If Nurmi thinks the jury is going to buy this crap then he is just as um... unintelligent as his lying, murdering client.

ETA changed from 'here' to Nurmi, I didn't word it well- I didn't mean 'here' at WS! :)

I know what you mean. I did link to a Psychology Today (I'll try to find it again) article that said the abuser can unintentionally abuse by being dismissive of feelings, goals, likes & dislikes etc. It was an interesting article. Not offering an opinion on this trial just mentioning that it is out there.
Listening to Wendy Walsh on Vinnie's show. She's saying that women are being coerced to have sex without a real relationship and being coerced to act out *advertiser censored* that guys are watching.

I'm sorry but that is such a crock, unless we're talking about a true rape situation. It is every woman's (and man's) responsibility to establish their own boundaries and determine their own preferences and values. Willingly (even reluctantly or shamedly) crossing your own boundaries is not coercion.

I was listening too and yelling at the TV!She's the one who's been on Dr Drew the last couple of nights,I believe,she drives me nuts.
She tries to present herself as intelligent, her word/verbal skills. She testifies that the book of Mormon was discussed and she read it extensively herself yet she somehow skipped over the chastity section. Sorry but anyone, especially a person in the 20's is going to those pages immediately. Not zero in on the no coffee. What a load of crap.

It seems to me that her big takeaway from LDS is 1) don't drink caffeine and 2) don't have sex. The rules.

The only thing I recall her saying about theology was that she agreed with the appreciation for all other faiths.

I wonder if Juan will try to show how fake her faith is (IMO) by asking her about Mormon principles, beyond the chastity aspect Nurmi is obsessing about.
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