Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #24 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Thank you Nurse for linking the Chicken Dance You Tube video. I watched it twice. He was so full of life and seemed to be happy in that video. Was that Desiree Freeman as his dance partner? The defense witness?
wonder what ever happened to her cat? last I heard she threw him in the car when moving out......
Thank you Nurse for linking the Chicken Dance You Tube video. I watched it twice. He was so full of life and seemed to be happy in that video. Was that Desiree Freeman as his dance partner? The defense witness?

sure looks like her imhoo
Disgusting! I’m not disgusted with the type of sex JA had, I think it’s disgusting that JA was allowed to sit up there and go on and on into such detail about her sex life with Travis and act as though she were an innocent young person being forced to do these things for the first time. I may be wrong but I believe it will take only one juror to set this monster free.

IMO let her talk as revolting as it is. JM is taking down almost everything she says. Give her enough rope and she will hang herself. Cross will be amazing. I would think most Jurors have been cheated on once in their life. Perhaps engaged in some/all of the type of sex. Were spanked by their Parents etc. etc. I believe she will be put away forever. One look at those autopsy photos brings it all back. MOO
During rebuttal he could be called back because their testimonies are different. Not sure RM can just use his previous testimony to impeach Jodi. Both JM and Flores are writing at a heartfelt pace so I think they are catching her lies and from the looks of it they have pages. jmo

I was thinking maybe this is why Flores stays in the courtroom. I hope he sends out investigators to validate all this boyfriend tried to kill himself, was committed, etc.

Cannot wait til Juan is up to bat!

Has there been any speculation about how long this Jodi soliloquy may go on?

And if anyone knows where there is a summary of her testimony, I'd like to try to get caught up as I missed all yesterday and some of her first day. I really don't want to watch it on youtube, it sounds boring as h3ll.
Jodi's spiritual beliefs, at the time, did not prohibit her from casual sex so what she is describing is normal for a woman who wants to have sex with someone she just met. It was Travis who would have been conflicted, who would feel he was stepping beyond his comfort zone and boundries. Jodi appears to be turning it around and TA was the aggressor when it's pretty clear from her background she was very experienced and had no problems initiating sexual contact. She was sexually attractive to men. We can all see that. But she was the one who continued contact with him knowing from the elevator that he was interested if what she said is true. But it was Jodi who went to the Hughes home. It was Jodi who let TA into her bedroom if you believe her testimony. It was Jodi who agreed to go to the park for sex, if you believe that, too. One thing that really makes me question if this really happened is the dog. We have heard he barks, a lot. And I can't see TA in the bedroom in a strange home with the dog not wanting to be with him. Jodi does not mention the dog and if he left the dog in his room I'd think the dog would be barking.

I think Sky Hughes knew exactly what Jodi was by the way Jodi latched onto Travis. Jodi even said she and Travis were sitting together in an oversized chair. He just met her, she admitted being in a relationship the previous weekend and bam there she is in the chair with him closer than conjoined twins. No wonder Sky's hinky meter was working overtime. jmo
My only problem is that the last pic..with the 3 "mentors" looks photoshopped to me. Not by you, of course.

ETA: and of course, not by A_News_Junkie

Even if it is Photoshopped, the information on these men are true. They are all from PPL and were friends of Travis or the Hughes'. I think it is something for the PA to check out. jmo
I'm still reeling from Nancy Grace saying *advertiser censored* :what: Nancy please say Oral Sex

Gawd, I can't stand that gasbag of a woman.

She just wants us to know she's not in over her "head".
I have not been able to keep up, so if this has been mentioned just giggle at me behind my back!

The photo posted (today or yesterday ...:waitasec:)
This one with the caption: Mario, Me, Bobby, and Victor chillin in Utah


That picture is probably around 2006 or so, and the guys (Bobby, Victor, Mario) are wearing "Team Renew" logos.

(Background for those who don't know - Team Renew is the name of Chris Hughes's downline in PPL. Chris and Sky Hughes are the mentor couple who were in the 48 Hours special -- the friends of Travis who warned him about Jodi and ultimately told him he needed to stop seeing her.... when he didn't, they kinda disowned him; they cut ties with him and said they didn't want Jodi around their kids, etc... )

Victor is wearing a burgundy colored shirt. Same Victor, same shirt, as in the "Chicken Dance" video where Travis is dancing and being silly.

the chicken dance - YouTube

This was a PPL event... maybe in Utah? Maybe the one where Jodi met him??? (Do we know???)
But we have Travis doing the chicken dance at a PPL event with Victor dancing by his side, and possibly Bobby dancing too.... WTH - 2 Bobby's and 2 Victor's (not to mention the bizarre coincidence that she dated a Victor Arias and Travis' middle name just happens to be Victor) ???

So, either Jodi knows several guys named Victor & Bobby and this is the biggest coincidence of all time
she lied on the stand *IF* these are the same Victor and Bobby we heard ALL about. It definitely would conflict with her story about Victor being in Costa Rica, and Bobby being the teenage fling or whatever......since they are sporting
Chris Hughes' Team Renew clothing!

Oh, and the Mario in the pic of Jodi with the guys... Sure looks like the same Mario appearing in a pic with Chris Hughes and Travis, captioned "My mentors" on Travis's myspace.


While I am getting all my thoughts out - here is another one........ remember how she pointed out the way her father mocked fat people and her mother when she gained a little weight and how she thinks her mother is a size 10 (not, IMHO!) well, does anyone else smell an eating disorder diagnosis coming as one more layer of sympathy?????? Another 'effect' of this 'lifelong abuse' ???
Two Bobby's and two Victor's...That's definitely worth looking into; very strange.
Usually defense puts the defendant on last so is defense done once RM does his cross and Numni does his rebuttal?
Originally Posted by nursebeeme [ame=""]
also: were you peeps BAD on the last thread? I heard about that! :nurse:

I confess -- I watched NG on the telly last night. I promise I'll try to never do that again.
I sincerely hope that jurors are being handed a care-basket after each day of Jodi's testimony, including in it many bars of soap to wash away the filth she is spewing forth, and a bottle of brandy apiece to help them try to forget each night the nightmare of being forced to sit in their seats listening to a murderer spin nasty ugly stories about the innocent man she butchered.

Also, I sure hope Martinez noticed Jodi's body language when Lisa testified. She did her best to look straight at Lisa, expressionless, but when Lisa talked about Travis cuddling with her or kissing her or talking to her about marriage, Jodi would abruptly look down and start doodling or whatever it is she does with pen and paper. I have no doubt she looked down because she knew she couldn't control the look of rage on her face at those times.

If I were Juan I would ask her as many questions about Lisa as I could get away with, because she won't have anywhere to hide her rage-face on that stand.
Even if it is Photoshopped, the information on these men are true. They are all from PPL and were friends of Travis or the Hughes'. I think it is something for the PA to check out. jmo

It does look photoshopped. Mario's head is much bigger than the other two men and the shadows appears different. I think there was someone in that photo next to Travis but I don't think it was Mario. Plus this is a much younger picture of Travis and Chris looks much younger also. jmo
Originally Posted by Pensfan
She's planned to get her art into galleries and make a living from her art=grandiose thinking

Registered User
Hi, Pensfan. I know artists a hundred times more gifted who would never jump to such far-fetched conclusions.

I don't know… I think JA might have found a more forgiving platform for her art - That is pre-murder, as I doubt anyone want's to drink their coffee to psycho killer "aRT"
;) jk
The only thing I am really looking forward to hearing today is:

Objection, hearsay

Objection, beyond the scope of the question

Objection, leading

Objection, non responsive

Objection, argumentative

Objection, assumes facts not in evidence

Objection, calls for speculation

Objection, misstates the evidence

Objection, you're a pathological lying sociopathic murderer

the timeline thread is updated with video from yesterday (if anyone missed the testimony)

((videos are the last post of the thread))

:tyou: :nurse:

I only got to see some "snippets" from yesterday's testimony so this will help me get caught up !

But honestly, I just do NOT know IF I can watch much more of this bull**** that is spewing from JA's mouth !

:waitasec: It's like a form of "torture" ...

:great: I am looking forward to Mr. Martinez ripping another hole into Jodi because that will be :

Two Bobby's and two Victor's...That's definitely worth looking into; very strange.

I am sure (I hope) the legal staff for the prosecutor's office would be fast at work on details like this utilizing their investigators to verify all of these odd things. This is strange and smells of thinking fast making up names as you go forgetting you already used Victor and Bobby once.
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