Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #26 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Huh? Really? I didn't get that sense at all. I sensed a sensitive man who was pained to testify against a woman he once loved and still cared for and a man who may have been influenced by the fact that this is a DP case for which he probably would not have wanted to serve as another nail in her coffin. JMVHO

That's why this place is so great! So many different perspectives and backgrounds and attitudes. Makes for lots of theories and fascinating discussions.
human, I thought I heard DB say he had lost his job for a time, and ended up getting the house in Palm Desert foreclosed.

Since JA had by then been introduced to the PPL world, he probably was not looking like such a great catch. She also probably was not interested in moving back to Monterey, which is what DB wanted at that point.

At least if I am remembering the chronology correctly.

DB had pretty minor ambitions, I bet in Jodi's mind. And he not really her ultimate sugar daddy, as she was supposed to be paying half the bills.

When Travis and PPL crew came along, seems like she saw greener grass and ditched him without looking back.

I was responding to someone saying that TA was the best man JA had ever had. I don't know if that is true as DB seems nice. But, how do I know?

I think the whole PPL and Mormon attention is something JA may have never experienced.

The overwhelming attention. And PPL is expert, I bet, in providing that experience.

It does not sound like Jodi came from a poor family. She had things that cost money such as lessons and private school. Reform school? That is what we called it in the olden days.

I still maintain she had low aspirations. If she wanted the high life, she was not looking in the right places even though she was there in Monterey. Makes no sense to me.

I have watched predatory young females at work on old rich men (i am old married grandma) and it is like taking candy from a baby.

I know as well that an older woman with money can get an attentive young man as well. I have seen that as well.

JA had to have seen that a million times. Why she did not go that route puzzles me.
His name is Paul Stern.

He was not on the defense witness list I saw on January 25.

I don't believe that he has provided any courtroom testimony during the trial.

Doesn't mean that he hasn't been deposed, however.

I just watched this. Why is it that Dr. Drew and some of the other fine folks on HLN go to the trouble of getting such guests and then refuse to let them talk?
It seems to be all about them and it's infuriating.
Anything being televised today, besides re-runs?
I'm skimming to catch up, but came across a couple of posts that seem to be saying the gun JA used has been found in the engine compartment of the rental car. Is this true? (I Googled and only found an article, dated January 29, 2013, saying the weapons used have never been found.)

This is of interest to me in that I'm hoping one of the questions Juan asks her is, "What did you do with the gun, Jodi, and why did you dispose of it?"

P.S. I have a theory she dumped it in Nevada.
Thank you. Then it even more makes me wonder how that picture was taken. I know the camera was dropped before that and a picture taken of the ceiling. But how did this picture happen?

She probably kicked the camera while shuffling around dragging and stabbing.
So kinda OT: Anyone have videos or just stories of a defendant going psycho on the stand?

So I googled "defendant attacks jury" and found this article:

The 1st paragraphs:

Defense attorneys and pro se defendants, you may want to add this to your short list of jury arguments to avoid: "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I'll kill all of you."

Also the closing argument, "That goes for your family, too."
I would love to hear JA's family members (honestly) describe her during her "angry" stages in life.

I would bet we would hear horrific tantrums where she broke things, tortured people and/or animals, said vile hurtful words that cut deeply.
Arias seems to have a very strange concept of abuse. Her parents provided her with art lessons for years, yet she stated that they did not support her interest in art. Apparently, art lessons was some form of abuse, according to Arias. As a rebellious teenager, her father shoved her into the piano ... and note that the family had a piano so she could take piano lessons. Why did he shove her into the piano? It sounds like there was a pushing shoving situation between her and her father where he was upset because she was flunking high school and had skipped an exam that day. As a result her parents grounded her. In retaliation, she moved in with a boyfriend and his elderly caregivers, and quit school. She was out of control and her parents could not do anything to get her on track ... that much is clear.

There was no abuse except in Jodi's imagination. It sounds like she was spoiled rotten and nothing her parents did was good enough for her ... she did not appreciate anything.

Hi, Otto. As a previous poster noted, Jodi's view of the world is not yours or mine. I was struck, for instance, by her very weird reaction to the incident with drunken woman. Apparently, this woman was a long-time friend or associate of Travis and his friends.

Travis responded to her bizarre behavior by interacting with her, treating the matter lightly. To me, this seems a typical reaction from him: He was very interactive and quite willing to embarrass himself even as he was rolling with the situation.

Jodi hadn't known the woman long, indeed if at all (In her testimony, she speaks as if the woman was a stranger.) She responds in two ways, both of which, to me, seem odd: First, she filmed the woman's inebriated antics because she found them funny. To me, this seems cruel: Why capture someone's unfortunate embarrassing moment on film? And then, even more oddly, Jodi takes Travis' quite characteristic behavior as a personal insult. She stalks off, angry, and humiliated, and hides in the bathroom.

To me, Travis' response was both typical and more humane. But to Jodi, it was a jury-worthy moment of the abuse that helped justify this crime.
OT:: IMO:: I have been looking at the pics that were taken of Travis in the shower and those taken inadvertently and of the crime scene. I thought that in the close up pic he looked pissed as his eyes were narrowed. Originally I had thought it was because he saw that JA was still there. Now I am thinking it is because he saw that she was holding a gun on him or threatening him. I wonder if she forced him to sit in the shower and she shot him as he did so. To my mind, from where the bullet entered and angled, she had to be standing over him. Could he have lunged at her to knock the gun away? Was there an explanation for the blood spatter on the sink? It looks as if it might be consistent with his bleeding from the nose and mouth since the bullet entered his sinus cavity. The stab wound to his subclavian may have been inflicted as he turned. At this point he would have been gravely injured but able to get out of the bathroom and start to retreat down the hallway. Adrenaline would have kicked in big time enabling him to fight or flee. Perhaps this is when she inflicted the back stab wounds and the subsequent stab wounds to his torso, legs and feet. As Adrenaline causes an increased heart rate, blood loss would be rapid and the body normally shunts blood to the vital organs when that happens. I think there was an element of truth when JA was relating her ninja scenario that TA could not feel his legs, partly maybe due to decreased oxygenation and lack of blood flow. She obviously ended his life by slashing his throat which cut off all oxygen and he bled out rapidly from his severed carotid artery.
I am amazed he even had defensive wounds when you consider the amount of blood he was losing at such a fast rate which would have compromised anyone.
I have read about the camera strap speculation. Could that have been her purse strap in the photo?
I am putting this out there in anticipation of JA's testimony of what she says happened. It will be fascinating to hear how she "spins" this and her "justification" for it. Since she has such detailed recall of minutiae, it will be interesting to see if she remembers what she did in the same detail. Doubt it. I am fully expecting her to say that TA had the gun and the knife and she had no choice.
This is purely speculation of course. I have shown these photos to the detectives that worked on my brother's murder case and much of the above is a reiteration of their thoughts.
I'm skimming to catch up, but came across a couple of posts that seem to be saying the gun JA used has been found in the engine compartment of the rental car. Is this true? (I Googled and only found an article, dated January 29, 2013, saying the weapons used have never been found.)

This is of interest to me in that I'm hoping one of the questions Juan asks her is, "What did you do with the gun, Jodi, and why did you dispose of it?"

Hi, Dani. Yes and a fine question. One of many.....
She looks to be about 5'7" or 5'8" and at the time was probably closer to 130 lbs. She is probably a bit thinner today from living in jail. Daniel said that she was a bit taller than Travis.

I would wager she's lost at least 20 lbs since she was arrested. She looks VERY frail now, compared to the very healthy, robust looking pictures of her in the low-cut gowns, at the waterfall, etc.
Aw i wish I knew how do send photos but I don't, so I'll just think of you as I eat them, all nice and warm yummy :)

Here you go Grammieto5, I'm sure you're sending them out to everyone - thanks!:

I'm skimming to catch up, but came across a couple of posts that seem to be saying the gun JA used has been found in the engine compartment of the rental car. Is this true? (I Googled and only found an article, dated January 29, 2013, saying the weapons used have never been found.)

This is of interest to me in that I'm hoping one of the questions Juan asks her is, "What did you do with the gun, Jodi, and why did you dispose of it?"

Different guns. Not the same one.
Can someone please post a link to the full police report. Iirc I read in there about the 2nd gun and knives found hidden.

I'm not due for a link till after July 4th;) lol

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She looks to be about 5'7" or 5'8" and at the time was probably closer to 130 lbs. She is probably a bit thinner today from living in jail. Daniel said that she was a bit taller than Travis.

I was surprised because everyone says she is so tiny. She does not look that thin. I think she is much heavier than that.

I am about that and was surprised at how chunky she looked walking in the courthouse from behind. Denial. Time for a mirror look for me
Hi, Otto. As a previous poster noted, Jodi's view of the world is not yours or mine. I was struck, for instance, by her very weird reaction to the incident with drunken woman. Apparently, this woman was a long-time friend or associate of Travis and his friends.

Travis responded to her bizarre behavior by interacting, treating the matter lightly. To me, this seems a typical reaction from him: He was very interactive and quite willing to embarrass himself even as he was rolling with situation.

Jodi hadn't known the woman long, indeed if at all (In her testimony, she speaks as if the woman was stranger.) She responds in two ways, both of which, to me, seem odd: First, she filmed the woman's inebriated antics because she found them funny. To me, this seems cruel: Why capture someone's unfortunate embarrassing moment on film? And then, even more oddly, Jodi takes Travis' quite characteristic behavior as a personal insult. She stalks off, angry, and humiliated, and hides in the bathroom.

To me, Travis' response was both typical and more humane. But to Jodi, it was a jury-worthy moment of the abuse that helped justify this crime.

Oh I know! Me too. He was just being a gentleman and she went off the rails. I would have been proud if my paramour would have done what Travis did.

Another thing is when Travis allegedly flirted with a waitress, I don't believe he did. I think what happened was he was just being friendly, but in Jodi's twisted mind it was flirting.

I'm skimming to catch up, but came across a couple of posts that seem to be saying the gun JA used has been found in the engine compartment of the rental car. Is this true? (I Googled and only found an article, dated January 29, 2013, saying the weapons used have never been found.)

This is of interest to me in that I'm hoping one of the questions Juan asks her is, "What did you do with the gun, Jodi, and why did you dispose of it?"

P.S. I have a theory she dumped it in Nevada.

NO, the gun found in her rental car was NOT the gun she used to kill Travis. That gun has never been found.

Why do you think she dumped the gun in Nevada? That's interesting! I'd like to hear your theory!
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