Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #29 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I just stepped back in at the tail end of her describing that she had modified the boys underwear. Can someone just give a brief summary of what she said she did??? What did she do to the underwear to make them fit her?
cuz he's gonna faint! He's already struggling to keep her on topic and to follow his lead (almost guiding her answers). Someone mentioned she's being stubborn and I observed Nurmi getting a bit testy with her this morning.

I really wouldn't be suprised if she didn't switch up her story if she doesn't like the jury reaction. We still have 11months to go!

MOO of course.



You say that like it's a bad thing. :innocent:
Torismom, no you didn't miss anything... they had sex here, there, everywhere. She altered underwear (that looked like boy brief's in the victoria secret catalog that she got and oh Travis got that magazine too because he said she looked 'hot' in them) and they broke up because she hacked his phone but she still went on trips with him because she had low self esteem but she really did love him sort of but she was confused about that and then they were not official but she never really got over him lunch break.

Did I miss anything?
i'd love to ask her parents if she was confronted, beaten punished, cornered , bullied or anything traumatic in the bathroom in childhood. several have said she mirrors feelings but has none of her own. i think photography was her mirror of life.
just want to add, i'm not making excues for her. i think she is a dangerous person and should be treated accordingly for the safety of others as well as justice for travis.
I just stepped back in at the tail end of her describing that she had modified the boys underwear. Can someone just give a brief summary of what she said she did??? What did she do to the underwear to make them fit her?

Cut the leg holes bigger, I believe.
Hi everyone! Did anything earth shattering happen during todays lie fest that I should read up on or am I good with just starting to watch when they come back from lunch?

More of the same appaling lies, but IMO the most outrageous today was that the first time JA and Travis had penile/vaginal intercourse, he penetrated her while she was asleep. She woke up to him inside her. She was mostly concerned with the spiritual consequences though. Her atty was asking if she was uncomfortable with the fact that he had undressed her, sleeping/unconscience and started having sex with her (basically raping her), but she danced around the issue.

We collectively vomited here.

Sorry you missed it.
I just stepped back in at the tail end of her describing that she had modified the boys underwear. Can someone just give a brief summary of what she said she did??? What did she do to the underwear to make them fit her?

she never said (either that or I tuned it out)
A reporter on HLN just said that Jodi's friends say that she had quite a bit of self esteem, and thought quite highly of herself. lol

Even on the stand, she comes across as pretty full of herself. Just because she is trying to talk softly and 'act' meek and innocent, it doesn't mean it looks believable. I think her controlling nature and her big ego are still coming through. She is even 'battling' with her own attorney as he tries to gently lead her to say certain things. She stubbornly refuses and it is kind of comical.

She loved (still does) the camera. I have yet to see even ONE picture where she doesn't look very self confident. Looking at all of her pictures with those people from PPL she doesnt look shy or introverted. She knew she had sexuality and she knew how to use it... even AFTER she killed Travis when she was being questioned by Det. Flores! I wonder if she will grace the jury with her infamous back stretch?
Hi everyone! Did anything earth shattering happen during todays lie fest that I should read up on or am I good with just starting to watch when they come back from lunch?

Well, the below post of mine is what stuck in my mind as relatively "new" but there was plenty of the other monotone stuff we've been hearing also.

Still on Jodi's sex life with TA. We are up to June 29th, 2007 when she "officially" broke up with him over the phone after going through his cell phone calls surepticiously while he was asleep on vacation. She didn't want to confront him about the text/calls to other women because she didn't want to spoil the week long trip. They showed the waterfall pics of Jodi and Travis during this trip, both looked happy.

Also, she testilied to one night (not on vaca) when she awoke in Travis's bed and he had already pulled up her shirt and pulled down her panties and "entered her vagina" as Nurmi put it. IMO, she faked being asleep when this happened because you KNOW that girl wanted the real deal! :furious:

OH, and now we are on lunch I think.
So what happened to the "he never raped me or anything" that Jodi said to Flores? Hmmm, I'm thinking that Jodi needs a course in How To Tell Better Lies and How To Remember The Lies You Already Told.........with Casey Anthony as the professor of course.
She's gone from praying to keep her vow of chastity to "his phone call made me feel sexy and erotic, so I enjoyed talking to him".


"The truth will out", and there's some truth in all of Jodi's lies. :moo:
More of the same appaling lies, but IMO the most outrageous today was that the first time JA and Travis had penile/vaginal intercourse, he penetrated her while she was asleep. She woke up to him inside her. She was mostly concerned with the spiritual consequences though. Her atty was asking if she was uncomfortable with the fact that he had undressed her, sleeping/unconscience and started having sex with her (basically raping her), but she danced around the issue.

We collectively vomited here.

Sorry you missed it.

Penile/vaginal intercourse (from behind) but she was face down and didn't notice it until he had penetrated. Forgive me, but isn't this a little tricky to pull off if she's asleep?

A while back someone suggested using UStream on an iPhone when not near the tv or laptop to watch the trial live. Can u someone please let me know what I go to on Ustream? I downloaded the app, now just trying to figure out where the live trial is.

I'm leaving soon to pick up my daughter from school & I wanted to use Ustream on my phone so I can listen to the trial while waiting in the car pool line (as soon as court resumes after lunch of course).

Thanks!!! :)
Dear Jodi and her DT -

Please get to the crime, and self abuse claim. All of this irrelevant testimony :what:
I just stepped back in at the tail end of her describing that she had modified the boys underwear. Can someone just give a brief summary of what she said she did??? What did she do to the underwear to make them fit her?

She imagined getting a pair of scissors, the ones she usually keeps in her kitchen drawer, not the ones she uses for work because those are kept with her computer and office supplies. Then she imagined cutting open the leg seams enough to squeeze her legs through comfortably. :)
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