Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #35 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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No ponytail today.. She's a BIG girl! Is it just me.. or does Jodi have an attitude today?
Yep, me too, getting nervous, grumpy and smoking more despite the Chantix... wanting to eat more too, despite the Ruby Reds. :what: I am a complete "FAIL" for the day and it's Nurmi's fault for boring me to death. :banghead:

To make this JA related, I wonder if she smokes in Jail?

Working in family practice for 15 yrs we had a very successful (old fashioned) way to get patients to quit. Take the number of cigarettes you smoke a day, lets say 25. Today and for the next 3 full weeks put out 24 cigarettes a day, that is your allotment. (if you don't smoke them all they carry over, you don't get extra) in 3 weeks put 23 cigarettes out a day for 3 weeks. 3 weeks later, 22 cigarettes a day for 3 weeks. The idea is even if it takes you 6 months to quit that is OK. Nicotine is nearly the hardest drug to get out of your system. Do it slowly and you will not feel cravings or deprived. SLOWLY. Important, take them out, count them out and never have them in a pack or estimate.. Do this exact. It should work!
Embarrassed to say penis, seriously? Not a chance, not even CLOSE to a chance the way she spoke on that phone call.
OMG she is feigning embarrassement and shyness about saying the word penis.:what:
Embarrassed to say "pen*s"?! Seriously, that's just hysterical. We all heard the tape!
I would love for Juan Marinez to ask JA to hoold up her finger. I really do not believe it's as bent as it was the other day it look fine today
Oh - they chuckle. She embarrassed to say penis. But not to take pictures up close and personal of her stretched out da da da dums!
Oh, for God's sake, she's embarassed to say penis...but she will take it in her body anywhere he wants to put it.
Shes embarrassed to say "Penis" but she can sure talk about anal sex and bj's. I'm so confused... which Jodi is testifying today? There are so many of her I cant keep track.
Could anyone, on the jury or off, truly believe saying "penis" embarrasses her?? LOL!!
Creepy... Her lawyer all weird asking her if she's embarrassed saying penis.. He giggles. Vomit!

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She is embarrassed to say the word penis? :waitasec:
Just got back from the dentist & that was a lot easier & more pleasant than listening to the JA & Nurmi show :)
...because ther was Abe, and then John, and then Steve.... Sounds a little like someone has a revolving door with men!

You must have misunderstood. She is monogamous and is loyal to only one man at a time (no matter the derogatory names they have for her or how hard they hit her, choking is okay too - loyal to the end)
Nurmi chuckles at his client's embarrassment over saying penis publicly. (I think she finally displayed 'correct' emotion in his opinion.)
Christ on a cracker!

If every man who sent a cell phone picture of his penis and "used" a woman for sex deserved to be murdered........................

There wouldn't be enough grave plot space in the entire world to bury them all.

This is just infuriating.
Embarrassed to say p*nis in public?????!!! Wha----?????????
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