jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #65 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Many of us suspect that she was probably beginning to test the waters of her blackmail card by late by mid to late May.

That was the reason for the May 10 setup and recording thereof.

Would he go along?

Or would she have to execute Plan B?

I guess we know the answer.

When are they going to introduce the email from Travis? I'm thinking JM wants wait until the DV specialist and JA have testified because once everyone reads that they are going to realise that Travis was the one being abused - and not just during the murder but for months leading up to it. I truly hope so. I hope it comes out right at the end before summation so that the jury is still stunned by it when they go into deliberations. I hope it's the final nail in her coffin.
Gotta sign off from my dog sitting gig for the last week and head home, but before I do, without checking the gory photos......wasn't there a long line of drops all the way down the hall......on the left side if you are going to the bedroom......that were drops....that were never smeared.... on the floor. That would point to that he was on all fours perhaps....... dripping as he went from that side of his body.

So...........recaps uptil now for me......outta the shower... all around the room drops vs. cast off (in CSI terms.......look at crime scene photos....all around the edges of the bathroom were large circular drops on floor, not cast off) . he was spewing at the sink......... went down the hall on all fours......

FTLOG........gotta take care of dog and do RL for awhile...but posting my siggie above the line her for many that are like me.....and don't see siggies when they look at threads......

To me, the lack of injuries Arias suffered as she murdered Travis shows that even when he is being murdered, Travis did not have it in him to hurt Arias to save his own life. (Quote from WS Member-Thurston)

I agree with you...are you saying it does or doesn't fit with my theory? To me, it does...the biggest thing for me was accounting for the camera to travel to the bedroom and accidentally capture the foot picture and the final one.
When are they going to introduce the email from Travis? I'm thinking JM wants wait until the DV specialist and JA have testified because once everyone reads that they are going to realise that Travis was the one being abused - and not just during the murder but for months leading up to it. I truly hope so. I hope it comes out right at the end before summation so that the jury is still stunned by it when they go into deliberations. I hope it's the final nail in her coffin.

I hope you are correct, that would be awesome.
This is a pic of my 25 not sure about the one she used !! But it should give you an idea ..There are 6 bullets in this clip

** I got this Gun when I was young & knew nothing about guns. **

Thank you for putting the lighter there for reference as well. I had no idea that it was THAT small. No wonder it has been referred to as a toy gun. Ok. More questions. Are these guns still made? Are these for sport or personal protection? What era were these popular? What is their range of bullet travelling? Why does the bullet create more damage exiting than entering and is that common with other guns? Thank you...
What would be a awesome question from the jury?
Why did Travis call you a sociopath?
Have you been diagnosed as a sociopath?
she had a story for that too. JM just didn't let her tell it. she saw him with that gun another time. he took it somewhere. that's all she sneaked in before he cut her off. i'm sure nurmi will get that in.

Oh, geez. Seriously. She is so full of it and there is nothing that can help with the fact that he had no other ammo at the house. It's hard to cover ALL the details in a murder. As smart as she think she is, she isn't that smart.. or, we wouldn't be sitting here.
for awhile, i really did think she may have worn latex gloves. they kind of shred when they get cut and the left hand (jodi's stabbin' hand) would have probably been totally exposed by the time she was done.

but i decided i don't believe she did wear them. he would've seen she had on latex gloves holding that camera? wouldn't that have been a little odd?

i also don't think she was the least bit worried about prints because everyone knew she'd been in that house so they couldn't prove anything just by that alone. it was that print and her blood she didn't count on. oh, and her hair.

man, that reminded me from 'dateline' last night----there was a pretty big hunk of her hair in the photos. i'd never seen that before.

I guarantee she didn't wear gloves.

We know this by our effective application of the Truth Principle. It dictates that the truth must always be the opposite of whatever Jodi Arias is saying at any point in time.

In this case, her statement to Det. Flores: "If I was going to ever try to kill somebody, I would use gloves. I have plenty of them." :liar:
Sorry if this has been talked about alot already BUT... am I to understand that its not common public knowledge what TA actually wrote in the "sociopath" email?
When are they going to introduce the email from Travis? I'm thinking JM wants wait until the DV specialist and JA have testified because once everyone reads that they are going to realise that Travis was the one being abused - and not just during the murder but for months leading up to it. I truly hope so. I hope it comes out right at the end before summation so that the jury is still stunned by it when they go into deliberations. I hope it's the final nail in her coffin.

He will not be able to admit many of Travis' emails, texts, etc because they would be hearsay.
Thank you for putting the lighter there for reference as well. I had no idea that it was THAT small. No wonder it has been referred to as a toy gun. Ok. More questions. Are these guns still made? Are these for sport or personal protection? What era were these popular? What is their range of bullet travelling? Why does the bullet create more damage exiting than entering and is that common with other guns? Thank you...

I don't know the answer to any of that, but can you imagine any man with Travis build, and presumably the hands to match, clutching a gun that tiny in their hand? SERIOUSLY? That thing would get lost in many women's hands!
Sorry if this has been talked about alot already BUT... am I to understand that its not common public knowledge what TA actually wrote in the "sociopath" email?

Not sure if this is what you're asking but the "sociopath" text message was entered into evidence.
So...if I have this right:

5/10/08 - Phone Sex
5/26/08 - Sociopath Text
5/28/08 - Grandpa's Gun Stolen
6/2-6/3/08 - Rent car, visit BF's of Christmas past, gas cans, SBux
6/4/08 - Murder
6/5/08 - Meet, grind & adjust new potential BF

Add the Gold Digger/Axe Murderer blog post on 5/18
He will not be able to admit many of Travis' emails, texts, etc because they would be hearsay.

He's been able to introduce some of his texts though .. is he only able to introduce if they're part of an argument between the two?
He will not be able to admit many of Travis' emails, texts, etc because they would be hearsay.

That's a bummer. How did the texts that have been admitted get around the hearsay rule? tia
I agree that we will probably never know the whole story, and I agree with the shot being last. However, I can't get her statement to Det. Flores out of my head where she said she 'chickened out like a little b**ch" I still feel that she fully intended to shoot herself after she killed Travis, but she couldnt go through with it. She 'chickened out' and out of frustration and anger that she couldn't bring herself to go through with it, she stood over Travis...pointed the gun at him and pulled the trigger. That's MY story and I'm sticking to it. MOO

:gasp: :blowkiss: to Lacey..

bbm She's had so many many times to threaten that....then...and after the 48 hours interview or whatever.

Think about it for a moment....everyone that feels this way. Haven't those that think this read/seen/learned that this is the #1 way ABUSERS manipulate? Have folks not read up on abuse? I am just flooored, but really don't want to make this post personal of course so directing this at ANYONE who reads Jodi's word's on this suicide chit. OMG, I will hope that folks on the jury know one of the #1 things that ABUSERS do it to threaten suicide to control! This is not the abused talking......this is 100% what the abuser does.

I am really :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: right now! What do we perhaps need to do to educate folks WS'ers!?
What do you mean a big hunk of her hair? I haven't seen the photo...Can you share?

i just watched it again and i totally looked at it wrong. it's on a surface with squiggly lines (marble?) and i thought that was all hair.


Not sure if this is what you're asking but the "sociopath" text message was entered into evidence.

But we don't know what happened to provoke that, do we?

If she did steal his journals my bet it has something to do with that.
He's been able to introduce some of his texts though .. is he only able to introduce if they're part of an argument between the two?

There are other reasons he could introduce them, but essentially it's going to be part of a conversation that Jodi is introducing.
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