jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #65 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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That's what I had always heard: that eye witnesses are often mistaken and/or contradict each other. But things like fingerprints and DNA don't lie.

In fairness, fingerprints, DNA and the like are only as good as the lab and technicians who evaluate them. Labs can be contaminated and there have been cases where a fingerprint "expert" was caught declaring a "match" based too few areas of similarity.

But in general, I agree. Collected and evaluated properly, forensic evidence doesn't have a "bias" that influences how it perceives reality.
Another thing that makes no sense. Jodi was on a trip to Utah and just stopping by to see Travis. Why would Travis bring in her suitcase if she wasn't staying???? She had her backpack with her, too. So why was it necessary to bring everything into his home when she wasn't planning on spending the night. While she arrived in the early morning she did leave before sunset so why did she bring her both her backpack and suitcase into the house? That just makes no sense. jmo
I am now wondering if i was correct when I theorized that she dropped the camera and accidently put it in the Wash.

If she intended to take it with her, why delete any photos? Why spend any time deleting photos one by one, just get the heck in the car and get out of dodge?

So did she mean to toss it in the Wash hoping the deleted ones are really gone and the rest will perish in the water? That does not make sense to me.

TAKE IT WITH YOU. So I still lean to her tossing it in the wash by accident, but I come back to WHY delete any photos then? Can they tell if Travis may have wanted the nudes deleted...Then hours later she deleted 2 photos, the one of her dragging him and the one of the ceiling. My thought on the nudes was she took them still intending to kill him, but she would use these to prove how much he loved her and worshiped her, he thought she was a goddess and even took nudes of her. Like a trophy, taken on his bed.

Only I know she took them of herself and he was snoring on the bed unaware of her glamour shot session. Just emphasizes how nutty this woman is. Scary crazy
The "knocked the wind out of me" exchange with JM was totally absurd.
So was her "but I was head injured" statement too. She exhibits zero evidence of a head injury, and if she had sustained one, she wouldn't have been able to do all that she did after that. She'd be debilitated.
I just cannot get how she comes away from this carnage with 2 cut fingers
and that is all--Although those cuts could have happened when her hand slipped while stabbing Travis. Are there photos of those cut fingers anywhere?

I do not think the gunshot wound came first. The CNN special said he would have been incapacitated by that shot. How do we explain the blood thru the hall and in the sink?

The spot where the carpet is soaked in blood must have been where she slit his throat. Someone mentioned she got him to sit on the shower floor, and that is when she stabed him in the chest, rupturing his lung,then going into the bathroom to clear his lungs of blood, she continued stabbing him in the back.

He was trying to get away, fell out of weakness, that is when she slit his throat.

WTH she needed to shoot him in the face is beyond me, but I suppose that came last.

This is the only way she could have done that much damage to Travis and walk away with 2 cut fingers and NO other bruises or scrapes--it's like she had a bio-hazard suit for moments just like this.

Element of surprise was hers - and she used it.

Even if he didn't know she was coming, he certainly knew she was there when the photos on the bed were taken, so her presence was not a surprise, imv.

But I believe he had already cut her out of his life mentally, and didn't look enthusiastic in the nude pics - or the shower pics (which I don't believe he agreed to, but he had to have known she was there - she would be in his field of vision in too many of the shower shots). I think he was royally ticked about those, and some of the photos look like he's trying to block her off/shut her out (back to her, head down, etc.)

I think he made it absolutely clear that after Cancun she was no longer welcome in his home or in his life - period. No calls, no texts, definitely no dropping by, *nothing*. Done. He was finally turning the corner and the trip was a useful, symbolic milestone to use as a jumping off point.

This enraged her and she caught him by surprise with whatever first stab she made. I tend to agree with the ME. (No! Not just because he's cute!).

It's likely that every single one of us has endured a tough breakup - perhaps after months of arguing/being nice maybe/arguing... especially difficult if one person wants things to continue and won't let it go. It's hard, it's uncomfortable, it even hurts (unless you're already emotionally gone, I guess) but you DON'T expect to be knifed in the heart over it.

I think he was absolutely, totally, completely shocked and surprised - who wouldn't be? That first stab disabled and shocked him enough for her to keep the upper hand, despite his attempts to defend himself and escape out the door... :(
so, this case is really getting to me.. yesterday morning i awoke from an incredibly frightening dream about j.a. (she was trying to bite me!) - and this afternoon i awoke from my nap with a jolt thinking "she was trying to get pregnant!!" .. ugh!!!!!

i'm going (to do my best) to make tomorrow a jodiless day...

I dreamt I was making a commercial size batch of cookies and people were trying to kick me out of the house.
Another thing that makes no sense. Jodi was on a trip to Utah and just stopping by to see Travis. Why would Travis bring in her suitcase if she wasn't staying???? She had her backpack with her, too. So why was it necessary to bring everything into his home when she wasn't planning on spending the night. While she arrived in the early morning she did leave before sunset so why did she bring her both her backpack and suitcase into the house? That just makes no sense. jmo

I Don't think she brought in the suit case! I think that's a lie
That may be true but I think JA was talking about the first photo session when he shaved for her and she told the detective about that.

It starts at 1730... JA says "it took alot of convincing 'prior' when he was shaving. I was like I got some ideas and they didn't turn out good....he liked it though because he used it for his profile picture on Myspace".

She was talking about one thing and the prosecuter was trying to say it took her alot of convincing on the day of the murder and that was not what she said. I understand what you are saying though.

Thanks. I really don't want to hear anymore of her psycho babble. I am sure redirect will correct this, if by some freak chance, Juan was wrong. lol
I'm long past that demographic myself, but based on what I hear from young people on reality shows, they almost all think "manscaping" and grooming the pubic area to be mandatory.

in other words they take a "cosmetic approach to their pelvic area."
So was her "but I was head injured" statement too. She exhibits zero evidence of a head injury, and if she had sustained one, she wouldn't have been able to do all that she did after that. She'd be debilitated.

And since she never received medical treatment, her skull being bruised (conveniently under her hairline) is hearsay - no way to corroborate it. So, if I'm feeling generous - there's at least a 50% chance she's lying.

I think that's foolishly generous. She's lying. imv.
I believe, along with many others, that she was setting Travis up for "blackmail', and had perhaps threatened him with that already. I still feel she actually did something despicable just prior to that text, to cause him to label her a 'sociopath' and 'evil', above and beyond her known stalking, etc. Some particular new event finalized the relationship for good in his eyes, and that's what I would like to discover.
ITA with you Nosey. The tone of his text mails indicate that she had really gone over the edge with her behaviour and in fact, I think that he told her to "come clean" or he would expose her. I think it the fear of being exposed is what set her off.

I'm long past that demographic myself, but based on what I hear from young people on reality shows, they almost all think "manscaping" and grooming the pubic area to be mandatory.

Remember the days of just wanting to be fresh? Life seems to be more complicated down there than it was when I was growing up in the sixties.
So was her "but I was head injured" statement too. She exhibits zero evidence of a head injury, and if she had sustained one, she wouldn't have been able to do all that she did after that. She'd be debilitated.

It was a Hollywood Head Injury.
I don't think they had sex that day. I think a minor amount of fooling around, taking a nap, hanging out but I don't think for a minute they had sex.

I am certain of if even more when I see she took nudes of herself while he was ASLEEP.

I think this added to her rage, she may even have wanted to stab him in the chest or back during sex in a very dramatic way, but he was not having any of it. He was pacifying her with some innocent activity and this added to her feeling of rejection from him.

She CAN'T even get him to ravage her in bed this time. It's REALLY over. I am more convinced than ever this was all the build up for her finale. Stab him in the shower. She worked up to it and may have been sizing him up for hours. His showering might really have meant he was going somewhere and she had to leave.

So she made up the let me take some pictures of you in the shower. Her backpack was with her I do believe. She got dressed and probably had the knife slid out and on the floor next to her right leg, or flat against the shower edge where he could not see it.

I can see her lean in to make it seem she is getting some water droplets off him and she leans in and it's over. He feels a horrible pain.
This has probably been discussed, but I haven't had time to read all the back threads, so forgive me if it has already been said. According to AZ. law, the Judge can allow Juan to do a recross on Jodi. Hopefully this happens.


"The judge may allow an opportunity for the opposing attorney to recross examine"
I was afraid to voice my opinion!but I don't think they had sex either! A set up? To look like ?
I have gone so far as to wonder if she transferred the dirty pics onto his new camera's memory card at 1:30 that day...Does anyone know if she did do that from her laptop if the camera would date stamp them at the time that they were transferred to the disk???

(His legs appear hairless in the sex pics but not in the shower or autopsy pictures.)

I don't think we know for fact. However, no bleach stains on the sheets. If JA stripped the bed and washed the sheets then she would have to wait until the wash was done in order to throw the other stuff in the washer.

Maybe she offered to do this for him earlier. So that load of wash was done while she was there and he knew she was there. She of course was the one who needed the sheets washed to erase her DNA from them since she supposedly hadn't been there for quite some time. More premeditation?

Not for three years. The media and crowds of people were camped out in front of the Anthony home. End of story. Please.

Three posts on something YOU brought up, and it is NOT the end of the story.
I do agree, however it should not be discussed on this thread.

You're welcome.
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