jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #65 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Well, I am pretty sure I saw a picture of the crime scene of photos of the stairs with little blood drops, so I don't think it was completley clean.

But we see the swipes of blood on the walls, where you can clearly see that some bloody fabric was wiped against them. I am not sure exactly where those pictures are taken though. Just that a wall was smeared with blood.

You can wring out the towel so it's not dripping, but still wet enough with blood to make those marks. Plus eventually she put on his shower shoes, that were left just off the bloody carpet area, IMO. My feeling is that she kicked them off before heading back through the blood, and then slipped them back on when she walked out of it so not to track blood anywhere else.

Have they shown that blood was found in those shoes but not under them?

Think those pics are of the hallway leading to the bathroom. She left that blood in places probably on her way to dump the stuff in the washer.
Her father hasn't been in court for a while? I think I only saw him in the beginning. I get pissed looking at her mother and aunt. Especially the aunt. Something about her demeanor looks very wrong. Been dying to know why she wears those headset things in her ears. Is she deaf or doesn't speak English?

I believe her father is ill and I think it has been mentioned that at least one juror has worn the headset. I would assume it is just to hear more clearly. May be hard of hearing, but not deaf.
I have loosely followed this case (bc it is EVERYWHERE)woman makes me SICK and I am sick of hearing her name and her "poor pitiful me" attitude. Look at her past pics; she was no angel or demure church girl and she seems to me to have lived her entire life through deceit. I strongly doubt it was "self defense"; her stories have changed and become so convoluted that I do not believe a word that comes out of her mouth. I hope this trial hurries up and the jurors have the wisdom to see through her veneer and focus on the facts. She is scum, and deserves to be locked away. If a man was really so was really so abusive I was afraid for my life I would NEVER meet him in person or initiate or return calls or texts. I would cut all ties, get an RO, take photos and press charhges for past violent acts, move in w a family member or friend whose home he had ever been to.. Basically I would act the complete opposite of her as most rational people would. Praying for guidance for the jurors, please let's not have another Casey case.
jMO, as always :)
I have loosely followed this case (bc it is EVERYWHERE)woman makes me SICK and I am sick of hearing her name and her "poor pitiful me" attitude. Look at her past pics; she was no angel or demure church girl and she seems to me to have lived her entire life through deceit. I strongly doubt it was "self defense"; her stories have changed and become so convoluted that I do not believe a word that comes out of her mouth. I hope this trial hurries up and the jurors have the wisdom to see through her veneer and focus on the facts. She is scum, and deserves to be locked away. If a man was really so was really so abusive I was afraid for my life I would NEVER meet him in person or initiate or return calls or texts. I would cut all ties, get an RO, take photos and press charhges for past violent acts, move in w a family member or friend whose home he had ever been to.. Basically I would act the complete opposite of her as most rational people would. Praying for guidance for the jurors, please let's not have another Casey case.
jMO, as always :)

What's really a crock of you know what with her whole story is that they lived in different states. There was ZERO reason for her to go to Travis's place other than to kill him. Don't think I've ever heard of an abused battered sex slave driving miles and miles to kill her abuser.

This photo from the shower sequence, IMO, indicates that this is the first time Travis knew Jodi was in there taking photos.

He likely told her that this was it, he was moving on, he wanted her to move on as well and he never wanted to see her again. He thought she had left. I bet she took all of her bags to her car and then made the final decision to kill him and returned with her backpack and the knife and gun. She may have brought a garbage bag, or she may have gotten one from Travis' house.

Has there ever been any discussion about what precipitated the text message exchange on May 26, 2008? This is where he called her a sociopath, evil, etc.- I'm not sure if there is proof as to what caused this or just speculation. Clearly it is what set Jodi on the path to Mesa for one last time.

But more curious to me is WHY mention that she didn't have shoes on...couldn't
find her direct testimony?

Why mention something like that...if no one has ever asked anything about it?
Like I said she never says anything without calculation, therefore she made that statement for a reason, IMO...
Is she trying something preemptive...just in case......of something?

taken as a measure against something possible, anticipated, or feared; preventive; deterrent: a preemptive tactic against a ruthless business rival

Am I in jodi thought process overload?

LOL could be! One thing you have to remember is her starting point for "thinking" is not the same place a normal person starts. So it's hard to meet her thinking in the middle. (I have two Bi-polar sisters, I've had to learn this the hard way...)

Also, didn't TA have a "no shoes in the house" policy? He liked a clean house, and I thought I remember hearing this?
Are the only pictures we are seeing are those shown through the overhead projector?

Is there not one place where all court documents - reports, evidence photos, etc - are all archived? I assume there isn't, since I haven't seen one I have looked.

These pictures are so blown out, noisy and highly contrasted that looking at them through a projector, then through video that has still taken from it...they are such bad quality.

Thank God for them though, huh? Where would Travis and his family be today without them? They might have been able to still pin this on Jodi with the friend's immediate thoughts of her, her actions and reactions, and blood/hair evidence.

But those pictures sealed her fate. Someone pointed out the poetic justice this happened to someone who called herself a photographer! LOL!!

This photo from the shower sequence, IMO, indicates that this is the first time Travis knew Jodi was in there taking photos.

He likely told her that this was it, he was moving on, he wanted her to move on as well and he never wanted to see her again. He thought she had left. I bet she took all of her bags to her car and then made the final decision to kill him and returned with her backpack and the knife and gun. She may have brought a garbage bag, or she may have gotten one from Travis' house.

Has there ever been any discussion about what precipitated the text message exchange on May 26, 2008? This is where he called her a sociopath, evil, etc.- I'm not sure if there is proof as to what caused this or just speculation. Clearly it is what set Jodi on the path to Mesa for one last time.

I have wondered about that text too and what precipitated it. HOPEFULLY, JM is going to drop that as a bombshell.

This photo from the shower sequence, IMO, indicates that this is the first time Travis knew Jodi was in there taking photos.

He likely told her that this was it, he was moving on, he wanted her to move on as well and he never wanted to see her again. He thought she had left. I bet she took all of her bags to her car and then made the final decision to kill him and returned with her backpack and the knife and gun. She may have brought a garbage bag, or she may have gotten one from Travis' house.

This makes a lot of sense to me, gem.

Has there ever been any discussion about what precipitated the text message exchange on May 26, 2008? This is where he called her a sociopath, evil, etc.- I'm not sure if there is proof as to what caused this or just speculation. Clearly it is what set Jodi on the path to Mesa for one last time.

I am really interested in understanding this, as well, gem.

I wonder if Jodi either did, or threatened to go to his Bishop.

Maybe she sent the sex recording to someone?
Well, I am pretty sure I saw a picture of the crime scene of photos of the stairs with little blood drops, so I don't think it was completley clean.

But we see the swipes of blood on the walls, where you can clearly see that some bloody fabric was wiped against them. I am not sure exactly where those pictures are taken though. Just that a wall was smeared with blood.

You can wring out the towel so it's not dripping, but still wet enough with blood to make those marks. Plus eventually she put on his shower shoes, that were left just off the bloody carpet area, IMO. My feeling is that she kicked them off before heading back through the blood, and then slipped them back on when she walked out of it so not to track blood anywhere else.

Have they shown that blood was found in those shoes but not under them?

Maybe I missed it but I haven't seen any photos of the stairs with blood spots. Do you have a link to a photo with blood spots on the stairs? TIA

Blood swipes on the wall were in the hallway from the master bathroom to the master bedroom. I was interested in any blood on carpet from outside of master bedroom to the washing machine.

Good point about wringing out the bloody+damp items prior to possibly placing them in a garbage bag [thanks guys!] and taking it down to washing machine without drips everywhere.

I'd be interested to know if blood/JA DNA was found on those weird carpeted thongs as well.
Her father hasn't been in court for a while? I think I only saw him in the beginning. I get pissed looking at her mother and aunt. Especially the aunt. Something about her demeanor looks very wrong. Been dying to know why she wears those headset things in her ears. Is she deaf or doesn't speak English?

Her father knows she is lying. He has seen it before. I don't think he ever, ever hit her or abused her. I think the time she hit her head is because she pulled away from him and was being violent. I feel really bad for him. He must wonder what he did wrong with her. The family owned 6 or 7 restaurants so he could never have been around that much. You can see his feelings in his face. I truly feel bad for him. Mom, not so much. Mom's sister is hard of hearing. jmo
Again, after watching last night's shows on this trial (Dateline and Anderson Cooper) and listening to the descriptions of Jodi as an "aspiring photographer" (cough, cough), I can't helping thinking that the time-stamped photographs taken by the "aspiring photographer" are the one thing that positively proves Jodi murdered Travis and NOT because of self defense ..... oh, the wonderful irony of this!
There's another view somewhere that shows like his arms are all twisted up against the shower wall.

I have never seen a picture like you are describing. There is a better posting of this picture (can't remember where) of him sitting in the shower and his arms are kind of out in front of him touching or almost touching his knees but you still cannot see his face. The close up of his face just before that one, was also taken with him in a sitting position with his head and shoulders turned slightly towards the camera. (That is the most haunting to me because of the look in his eyes).

I think JA crept into the bathroom and started taking pictures of TA in the shower without him knowing it because of the timing of the photographs which ranged from 4 seconds (majority) to 12 or 18 seconds in which he never appears to be looking at her or towards the outside of the shower and they appear to all have been made without a flash. There there is one in which his arms are up on the side of the shower but with his head turned towards her and he has a very surprised look as if he just discovered she was there. Can't remember the timing between this one and the next but it was much longer than any up to this point. The next one is of him looking down with water flowing down over his face and his eyes appear to be shut. There is something about that picture that gives me a feeling of defeat or resignation. The next one is the close up of his face made when he was sitting down. Last one is him sitting down in the shower but you can't see his face. The shower was just over 23" wide and as you can see his body is very cramped which makes me think that he did not get in that position voluntarily. After that is the ceiling shot and we all know where it goes from there.
OT / Juan in action
I just watch Juan on a 48hrs episode on ID channel I am sure it will repeat later. It was about a A young College Grad form Mich living in AZ and Boyfriend was convicted in her murder and they never found her body. Jury said when BF testified for himself on stand it was his undoing ..... !! Juan was great
Maybe I missed it but I haven't seen any photos of the stairs with blood spots. Do you have a link to a photo with blood spots on the stairs? TIA

Blood swipes on the wall were in the hallway from the master bathroom to the master bedroom. I was interested in any blood on carpet from outside of master bedroom to the washing machine.

Good point about wringing out the bloody+damp items prior to possibly placing them in a garbage bag [thanks guys!] and taking it down to washing machine without drips everywhere.

I'd be interested to know if blood/JA DNA was found on those weird carpeted thongs as well.

I will look - sadly, I saw them yesterday, and my history folder is corrupted and only saves 20 days. And I haven't cleared recently cleared them so yesterday's history isnt available! Dangit! LOL!!

Lemme see what I can find - I found them once, so I am sure I can find it again. LOL!!

I also saw a graphic where someone took the foot and pant photo and actually drew the pant and foot outline so it could be more easily identifiable. I think I read some people are still having a hard time with that photo and I wanted to post that one too.
To me it was a bit of a tell when she said Travis foot could have been inside the shower stall. Because I do think she did stab him as he was trying to exit then chased him. I hope JM says something in closings about the most vulnerable place a person can be in is naked, wet cornered in a stall with one exit that you're attacker is blocking with at least one weapon.


BBM: I agree ... I am trying to remember how she described it : something like he had one foot in the shower and one foot out of the shower ... I was like NO WAY because you would not have "balance" -- and also, it would be wet ... KWIM ?

RBBM: Exactly ...

JMO, but I do "think" she had BOTH weapons on her, ready to use, when she was "sneaking around" taking those shower photos ... she was the one doing to the stalking !

:eek: She is very creepy and gives me the willies :eek:

:please: for Justice for Travis and his Family !
Her father knows she is lying. He has seen it before. I don't think he ever, ever hit her or abused her. I think the time she hit her head is because she pulled away from him and was being violent. I feel really bad for him. He must wonder what he did wrong with her. The family owned 6 or 7 restaurants so he could never have been around that much. You can see his feelings in his face. I truly feel bad for him. Mom, not so much. Mom's sister is hard of hearing. jmo

I forgot about Dad being sick with something. Poor man. He must be totally mortified at the idea that his daughter is that twisted and depraved. Ok so Auntie is hard of hearing but what's up with her stone cold face? I have rarely seen her even move from that position. Mommy seems to move around a lot.
I will look - sadly, I saw them yesterday, and my history folder is corrupted and only saves 20 days. And I haven't cleared recently cleared them so yesterday's history isnt available! Dangit! LOL!!

Lemme see what I can find - I found them once, so I am sure I can find it again. LOL!!

I also saw a graphic where someone took the foot and pant photo and actually drew the pant and foot outline so it could be more easily identifiable. I think I read some people are still having a hard time with that photo and I wanted to post that one too.
That is on front page under media ..if that helps so u do not have to go crazy looking
I have never seen a picture like you are describing. There is a better posting of this picture (can't remember where) of him sitting in the shower and his arms are kind of out in front of him touching or almost touching his knees but you still cannot see his face. The close up of his face just before that one, was also taken with him in a sitting position with his head and shoulders turned slightly towards the camera. (That is the most haunting to me because of the look in his eyes).

I think JA crept into the bathroom and started taking pictures of TA in the shower without him knowing it because of the timing of the photographs which ranged from 4 seconds (majority) to 12 or 18 seconds in which he never appears to be looking at her or towards the outside of the shower and they appear to all have been made without a flash. There there is one in which his arms are up on the side of the shower but with his head turned towards her and he has a very surprised look as if he just discovered she was there. Can't remember the timing between this one and the next but it was much longer than any up to this point. The next one is of him looking down with water flowing down over his face and his eyes appear to be shut. There is something about that picture that gives me a feeling of defeat or resignation. The next one is the close up of his face made when he was sitting down. Last one is him sitting down in the shower but you can't see his face. The shower was just over 23" wide and as you can see his body is very cramped which makes me think that he did not get in that position voluntarily. After that is the ceiling shot and we all know where it goes from there.

I think I'm mixed up between dead and alive pictures. The one I"m talking about he is obviously dead.
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