jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #52 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Dear Diary,
I'm pretty sure the prosecutor, Mr. Martinez, Juan totally wants me. I saw him sneak a peak at my chest :)
Wow, she wrote in her journal that she thought Daniel Freeman liked/was interested in her.

EVERY man was interested in Jodi in Jodi's mind. Of course, the male jurors and males watching this never want to know her!
You told 2 other stories . . . .

one where there is a female and a male . . . .
police going to follow up on that
I didn't know that
you actually think police aren't going to follow up on that?

Did you consider the consequences of you lie?
no because it was all about you

you said you were taking a photo . . .never mentioned abut dropping a camera, running down the hall, someone hit you on the head - you heard a pop, heard TA moaning/screaming to go to neighbors . . .saw TA on all 4's . . . .

I said he couldn't move his feet . . . .he was lethargic . . . .get out of there . . .
told detective this lie because you didn't want to be charged in this case
not the reason
reason you told him you did want to be charged in this case?

didn't tell him astory just to be charged . . . for a reason . . . because of embarrassment is more important than telling the truth
I didn't really weigh importance

didn't tell truth because of embarrassment
shame on you?
you are ashamed because you killed him?
that and other things

you feelings in this case shame - so strong . . that was good excuse for your lie
wasn't the sole deciding factor but t was a big reason
this feeling of shame was more important to you then than telling the truth

your feeling of shame was stronger that it overrode you telling the truth
benefitted you because of shame . . .
wasn't thinking of benefits
werent' thinkin of telling the truth
I considered it

I would have to explan why - would have to go thru our whole history . . . I was ashamed
didn't you do that last 8 days -
I think it was 9 days - someone told me It was days . .. what I believe

are you testifying based upon what someone told you vs. what you know
the things I am saying right now are because I know them

Someone told you 9 days on the stand . . . with regard to that day all this information was out there and you didn't want it to come out . . .
it wasn't out there - Ididn't want it to come out

you were being a good Samaritan in lying? . . . you didn't want this stuff to come out you were being a good person . . .wanted to hide information in addition to lying

the Det isn't the only person you lied to. . . . lied to everyone . . . .lied to Ryan Burns
had a romantic interest in him
went to Utah to see if romantic interest
not my goal
he was an afterthought?
yeah he was

If RB was an afterthought . . . . he was a alibi?
no - after June 4th . . .. that was the reason why I planned the trip
romantic interest with RB . . had not seen him before- never been on a date . . just text message/phone calls . . . .
did instant message him
I can't remember if that was before or after June 4th - don't recall the date of the IM "this is a test"

I needed to keep up with the ? . . .. lied about getting lost
didn't get lost that day?
I did get lost
because of TA you got lost?
where did you get lost?
my understanding it was somewhere in AZ
not where someone told you . . . tell m where you got lost physically . .. . .first time you realized you were lost>
when I couldn't power my phone it was dark
before or after killing TA

you pulled off to side of road . . .continued to on to see Mr. Burns
one o the first persons you called once you got your phone charged was Matt McCartney -
he's a good friend, an ally, one who won't betray you
no he has betrayed me

you didn't tell 48 hrs he would not betray you
I did saythat
would he or not betray you
when I said that to 48 hrs it was my belief he would not betray me

With regard to what I said in Sept 2008 I believed he would not betray me
tried to call Mr. McCartney . . . said you are lost . . . got out of the car and clean up because you knew what you had done
I don't remember thinking that
you knew you had killed TA at that point?
yes or no
not really . .. it's not

on the side of the road in your mind - you don't know if you killed him or not
in my mind I was kind of not there
werent' there ?
weren't there in my head

you were there enough to call MMc and RB and leave a call for TA . . . you were not there?
depends on the time period
when you were washing your hands/
I think I did . . .

Blood on your hands - you had been driving . . .had been @ TA's . . there had been a fight and you had done something . . . . caused mr. TA to bleed . . . .

I had cuts too . . so . . . .
cuts could have come from you stabbing him?
don't know where the cuts come from?
I hAD cut myself before

on the glasses . . . .
you are left handed
I am both
you told 48 hrs you are left
depends on activity - I write with both but I am more proficient with my left

you find you charger when you pulled over . . made telephone all to Mr. Burns - then starts the lie . . .drive all the wy to see him - get there @ 11am . . . accurate?
I believe it was before hand
go up there and have this meeting . . . still don't know if TA is dead - that is what you are telling us right
not what I am saying . .. Its not . . . not accepting it in my mind . . .strong state of denial
You knew it just didn't want to deal with it . . . accepting and knowing are 2 different things . . accepting you didn't want to deal with it
I don't know . . . my mind wasn't right during thatwhole period
issue here is whether or not you knew he was dead .
I believe I knew he was dead
saw RB you were same person - happy, smiling
I was not but I was trying to portray that
a façade for RB?
for all my friends

pretend you were happy to see if there was any spark with Rb
furthest thing from my mind @ the point
the thing in your mind you killed TA

go on thru the day . . . meeting takes place with RB and an associate . . .go back to RB's place . . . in the afternoon you begin to kiss him . . . wanted to put up a façade when kissing him
one of the reasons
to see if there was a spark between the 2 of you
not the reason
you did kiss him knowing TA was dead
I guess so

You knew TA was dead
It's hard to explain
wha is hard to explain about a person breathing or not . . .
I never killed anyone before - I am having a hard time describing what my feelings were
why did you leave him to die?
I don't think I did that
you left him to die?
I don't believe that
can't have it both ways

at the time you were kissing RB's lips did you know TA was dead
I think I did
you continued kissing Rb anyway
I don't know
you don't know you were making out before you went out for the evening
I don't know -we kissed

went to atraining in the evening
not a training - it was a business briefing
when you drove with leslie Ude?
Don't know we might have followed RB to the place
met up with LU?
then went to Chilis'
went to a restaurant . . .talking to Leslie in the car
in the parking lot . . .it was longer than 5 minutes
you looked forward to the future when you kids and TA's kids could play together
that was a lie wasn't it?
JA refuses to answer looks up (rolls eyes?)

your kids and TA kids play together @ PPL events
that was a hope of mine
if you are saying that and you know he is dead - how can you lie to her?
I had that hope
you knew he was dead - can't have it both ways.

It was a hope o mine . .. fact he had died didn't change my hope . . . just made it unrealistic

that was your hope even though he was dead
it was a hope of mine
wasn't that a lie
no - that was a wish of mine

you were great friends never mentioned anything that had happened @ his house . .. do you know Mark Ude?
did not have any cuts to your left hand?
I had cuts on my right hand for sure but I don' remember if on my left - there were no bandaids on my left

Mr. Ude sitting right next to you - he would have seen your hands on the table
I had bandaids on my right hand . . . I didn't have bandaids on my left hand . .

cuts on your left hand?
it's possible - not that I remember
there is a possilbity . . . . you don't remember if someone else says it could be your would not have reason to quibble over it
I don't know . .. I didn have band aids on my left but on my right

you returned back to RB's house - go to sleep . . .clock is set to get up - you need to get back t work . .. yes
no - I don't know any place called Margaritaville
cut yur hand @ work but not @ Margaritaville

you wake up & become passionate with Rb
not passionate but yes kissing
you "adjusted him"
I helped him adjust himself
if you helped him there was some adjusting going on - yes
you moved his buttocks
you didn't get on top of him and grind on him
I didn't grind my butt

Perhaps the Mormons have something different . . . .you and TA did some grinding . . . your genetalia rubbed against each other . .. . your saying you got on top of RB's waist area . . .no I got off of him I fell asleep on him

you got on top of RB
I got off
at some point you had to be on top of him
I was on top of his stomach
with your legs spread
we were in the love sac
were you straddling
I think I might have been
isn't it true you were straddling his mid section . . . .kissing going on
no we were sleeping

romantic kissing going on?
yes - it started first in the afternoon and early morning on the 5th or 6th
he placed his hands between your legs
no . . . he was full of crap when he said he got near my vaginal area

you are saying he is full of crap - you who lied to Det. Flores, Leslie Ude, people in Utah and Arizona . . .
yes I lied to everyone and he is lying about that

you drive back to Yreka . . . .you received a call 6/10/08 early morning from Daniel Freeman - testified earlier in these proceedings - he was telling you about TA - you lied to him right?
I don't know - I guess

you did lie . . .don't guess
I don't recall the conversation
did you tell him you were the one who killed him
I didn't tell that - I don't remember

did you tell him you knew whathappened to TA
the conversation allowed for that sort of response from you - but you kept it to yourself

you heard his voice - you could tell if he was upset . . .been around him - went to his house for Sunday dinner - his sister Desiree and he went camping and went to Havisupai . . . you could tell from his voice he was upset
that done of voice was foreighn to you
it was gentle
you never told him you were responsible for killing TA
instead you chose to perpetuate the lie
you then called religious person - Bishop Layton and asked him if TA was dead
I don't think I asked him that
wasn't that topic of the conversation - you were calling as the grieving ex-girlfriend someone who cares
I called as a friend . . . there were many things I didn't know
you were calling to get information so later you could lie about it
I just wanted to know if he knew
to see if anyone was onto you right
what it was you needed to do so you would not be charged for anything . .. what purpose would it be to ask him what he knew . . . if not to benefit you?
the memory block was bothering me
I was asking about the information you were trying to get from Bishop Layton . . .called him in the middle of the night @ 3am . . . spoke to him wanted to get infor about what he knew about the investigation
that was part of it

That wasn't my thought
you remember you had been there that day . . .there had been this confrontation and you didn't call 911 . . . what did you need to know about the investigation when you had first hand knowledge - why did you need info from someone with 2nd hand information?

you knew that you were there - and he was dead - why are you calling for information? to rub it in?

Is it totally evil of me to giggle every time Her Honor overrules Nurmi's objection?
I think she's doing good. Acting coach?

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Well, let's take a vote to let the jury deliberate over the lunch break.

Waddya all think?!
Jodi is so lost in all her lies and different stories about what happened, she keeps going back and forth like she's alternating stories in her head -- she was in role for so long, she can't keep it in her head that she admitted to killing him and everyone knows that she was there and shot him, stabbed him and cut his throat.
Approach... Nurmi can't stand it.
It is time for lunch.
This is....AMAZING.

I haven't been able to post or read because my eyes are glued to the screen! Juan is doing a great job of pulling information out of her.

She's done - put a fork in her!


Just MY opinion of course! :jail:

Wow, amazing cross going on here and she is totally falling apart. She cannot think fast enough to spin her answers an so what we are getting is lots of admissions



What could the bishop tell her that she didn't already know. she's playing games. so far we know that she will lie about anything to make sure she isn't charged with this crime. I hope he keeps her up there all day long.
This is an act, she is answering the questions in exactly the same way as she did last week, just her whole act has changed to poor me, i did a bad thing, i cant remember....
poor Arias. Damned if she does and Damned if she doesn't....

When she plays herself...evil witch..she's done for.

When she acts meek and says 'yes, ok' her guilt becomes more apparent.
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