Nurmi...."May I approach"
Judge...."No. You have exceeded the approach limit for today"
Juan was "fixated" on the bruises --ok Jodi
Telling JM he's "fixated" is probably not a good idea Arias
I am a court reporter and I am getting nervous listening to this testimony.
If she had actually ever been physically abused by TA, then she would know better than to follow her supposed abuser. If they leave the room angry, you do NOT follow them!!!!! I was abused so I know all too well that is not how a battered woman reacts! You go the other way!
I guess Steely woke up! :notgood:In the Anthony trial we had snacks too!!!
Since I'm on a diet and only had a salad for lunch I wouldn't mind at least virtually being able to pig out .... I'm just saying ....
She doesn't want to talk about Matt. She is stalling and malingering.
Thank you for all you do!!!
He caught her. And she magically changes the story ON the stand and says it was meeting him not talking to him on the phone.