jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #54 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I think JM is jumping around because being linear wouldn't keep JA off balance - and she needs to be off balance. She has let things slip out (like the question about RB being an alibi and she answered reflexively, "Yes - no," it was out before she self-corrected.

She has prepared extensively with her DT for this cross. The one thing she can't prepare for is this type of questioning - her DT could jump around, but there is no way they can know what JM will jump to - so it's his primary way (imv) of having and keeping the element of surprise which he uses to his advantage and helps to keep JA from building whatever mood/demeanor/affect she thinks she should have at a given point. Then BOOM! That act isn't right for the next question she doesn't expect. I think it's great. Granted - I have to re-watch today's testimony to catch what I missed live. Can't wait. :)

INAL, so it's just my best guess re this tactic . :)
Does anybody actually believe that Travis and his ex-girlfriend of almost a year sat and picked out baby names?? Iris? Hinckley?
Explains why he ejaculated on her back.

Not a chance. The only conversation that would have the word Iris in it was him saying "wow when you act psycho the iris part gets really read in your eye"
First I ever heard of it. But doesn't it tie in perfectly with the magazines and her desperate need to talk to Matt??

I've never heard of it before either.

Snipped by me : well what do you mean by ex ? We go on dates, we had dinner. I don't understand the question.

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If you had pulled that on me you'd be my ex.
Did ever explain how she was "getting off" or Ryan if she was never on him?
I will say the dude is a pitbull allright...and like a pibble he will.not.let.go. Of course I think this is somewhat of a flaw in him as well. I wonder what it was like cross-examining Wendi Andriano...I heard what he said in the Snapped episode but I just wish that there was footage of that trial. I don't know what I would do any better...I don't think I could. Several times I literally did the :banghead: and I admire him for NOT doing that.
We did hear about it, but as usual the story was totally unbelievable. She supposedly remembers as that she was losing consciousness, her arms fell to the floor. That just doesn't ring true to me. When people lose consciousness, they don't remember details like that. Her account was like a cartoon.

Also, in her version of the broken finger, Travis kicked her in the ribs. She didn't mention any pain associated with that. No doubling over or feeling like she was going to throw up or that she couldn't breathe. No problems getting up right away and walking.

Same with the body slam. He supposedly picked her up and slammed her down on the bathroom tile with him falling on top of her. Yet, she was able to get up and run down the hall. No pain. Just like in the movies how they get right back up and feel no pain. Plus she got up before Travis did even though he (supposedly) fell on top of her. What was he doing while she was getting away? Just letting her go? No that can't be it because her life was in danger. Knocked out? No that can't be it because she heard him running down the hall after her. Wrestling with her? No, because he wrestled in h.s. and she couldn't get out of his holds. So...what is her story about what he was doing?

There isn't a story because it never happened. She won't be able to explain it.
I'm beginning to wonder if JM is just trying to make JA think there's a lot of stuff coming up to refute what she's saying about things. Especially that Matt business. She's got nothing to lose by calling his bluff and she's gonna do it every step of the way. Anything that comes out, she'll have an answer for or just say someone else is lying it seems. :waitasec: So we can only hope that he can deliver the goods.

About that finger injury. Obviously neither side is willing to go the "glove route", as in the OJ trial and get that thing x-rayed. Is there anyone from January to June of 2008 that is not an ex boyfriend who can vouch for the fact that her finger was fine during that time? That's a pretty wonky looking bend and rather large knuckle. You'd think someone would have noticed and said something about it to her or asked her about it. Employer, fellow church member...anyone? If not, why not? Because it was fine during this time?

JVM just played part of the clip in which JA explains her mugshot smile, and she actually said this:

"...What would Travis do in this situation? This is why I'm here."

Wish I had a link to the video - but did I just hear what I THINK I heard? She was actually saying that Travis (his death, in particular) is why she was there (in jail)???

It must be something more benign. Maybe she was referring to 'needing' to sit for the interview to 'explain' her creep-out mugshot...

It sounded very weird. That whole explanation was terrifying but that one statement just made my head snap.

It's weird I posted this link to her ridiculous mug shot happy face story last nite making note of how she refers to Travis in present tense as well as the last thing she said ...."SMILE SAY CHEESE"'

What a psycho

this is such BS that the shooting video helps the defense. it shows his propensity for violence, according to that twit janie weintraub.

no it doesn't!!! WHO USED A GUN ON JUNE 4, 2008?????? it wasn't travis.

I'm very unhappy with the association of JA and The Sound of Music. When I was just a wee thing I would watch that movie several times a week to the point that my parents kept "misplacing" the tape. Now it's ruined... :tantrum:
Snipped by me : well what do you mean by ex ? We go on dates, we had dinner. I don't understand the question.

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Jodi code for EXboyfriend=they won't marry me. But i still stalk them.
Janie the Winetrap lady on JVM feels that the video of Travis holding a gun will do Travis more harm.

The video will open the door though for his friend Dave Hall to testify that Travis did not own a gun.

Who you gonna believe? The answer is anybody but Jodi, and her attorneys.
this is such BS that the shooting video helps the defense. it shows his propensity for violence, according to that twit janie weintraub.

no it doesn't!!! WHO USED A GUN ON JUNE 4, 2008?????? it wasn't travis.

I always hit mute when she starts yapping... Her voice makes me want to :banghead:
ITA, I felt like he downplayed their interaction but I think JA is bitter toward Ryans testimony about her finger, the "margaritaville" story, the adjusting/aggressive grinding, and whatever else he said against her. So now she wants to make him out to be a lying buffoon because of his testimony and how it makes her look.

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Just more of the same..........everyone lies but Jodi according to Jodi.:floorlaugh:
Ryan has zero motive to lie. If he did anything.,,,he downplayed their interaction.

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When Ryan testified and was asked about her finger while explaining what Jodi told him about the bandages and how she cut her finger, he lifted his left ring finger and pinkie off the table in front of him. It was as if he were remembering. He would have absolutately no reason to fabricate that it was her left hand. jmo
Side Note.. tonight Troy Hayden going on AZ DR where 3 other women are& JA is about to go... one of those women sent there by JM

Lotus, I love your post. I agree one hundred percent. Juan knows what he is doing. It is awesome just to watch him in action. Any attorney or talking head who says otherwise is full of it and just WISH they had the right stuff.
I asked my BFF tonite "Would you like a glass of wine?" Her response "does a bear poop in the woods...or should we call JA and find out if the bear was in the woods or in a field with allot of trees in that field" This could mean we have watched too much of JA or we need more wine...okie we will drink more
I'm very unhappy with the association of JA and The Sound of Music. When I was just a wee thing I would watch that movie several times a week to the point that my parents kept "misplacing" the tape. Now it's ruined... :tantrum:

I remember going to the movie and singing "do, a deer, a female deer" at the top of my lungs and my mom shushing me!
this is such BS that the shooting video helps the defense. it shows his propensity for violence, according to that twit janie weintraub.

no it doesn't!!! WHO USED A GUN ON JUNE 4, 2008?????? it wasn't travis.

I totally agree. If anything it helps the prosecution because it opens the door to discussion about how he is not using a gun he owns, matter of fact, he had to borrow it because he owned no gun of his own.

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