jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #54 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I'm beginning to wonder if JM is just trying to make JA think there's a lot of stuff coming up to refute what she's saying about things. Especially that Matt business. She's got nothing to lose by calling his bluff and she's gonna do it every step of the way. Anything that comes out, she'll have an answer for or just say someone else is lying it seems. :waitasec: So we can only hope that he can deliver the goods.

About that finger injury. Obviously neither side is willing to go the "glove route", as in the OJ trial and get that thing x-rayed. Is there anyone from January to June of 2008 that is not an ex boyfriend who can vouch for the fact that her finger was fine during that time? That's a pretty wonky looking bend and rather large knuckle. You'd think someone would have noticed and said something about it to her or asked her about it. Employer, fellow church member...anyone? If not, why not? Because it was fine during this time?


I would guess that if the defense had ANY independent or 3rd party source to corroborate JA Jan 2008 finger injury they would have broken the sound barrier to get it or them.

The obvious reason that there is and will be NO outside source of corroboration is because IT DID NOT HAPPEN.
Lotus, I love your post. I agree one hundred percent. Juan knows what he is doing. It is awesome just to watch him in action. Any attorney or talking head who says otherwise is full of it and just WISH they had the right stuff.

Do you REALLY love my post or are you just saying that to use me? Sometimes I feel so used on these boards :floorlaugh:

Watching those talking heads it's apparent more often than not that they haven't been watching the trial (perhaps at all) and/or they just read a summary and/or watch an HLN video synopsis. I wish they would at least do their homework and then make stupid ignorant comments. Cmon people!!
Ohhhhhh, I have a better one. If Travis was violent. If Travis truly intended to kill her. If Travis had a gun up on his top shelf of the closet and knew where it was, why wasn't he the one that went for the gun? And if she were going for the gun in the closet why would Travis not try to stop her in the closet? Why would he travel back down the hallway into the bathroom? I would think he would have tried to keep her from getting to the gun. If it was his gun he knew it was loaded, he would know not to try and get it away from her. She has already told us that he gets made and then within seconds is glad again. She testified to that already about a couple of incidents. Her story makes no sense. jmo

Anybody who has tried to get the truth out of a liar is now forgiving themselves for not being trained enough or to have the time it takes to do what Juan is teaching us the job requires to expose the lie within the lie within the lie.

OMG, I've dealt with someone in my life like this. By the time they're done, you're scratching your head wondering what it was you were asking in the first place. She's not a good liar, but she is a "slippery" liar. Given the chance she spins the conversation in so many different directions you get lost.

I thought Juan was amazing today, and I was totally disgusted with Nurmi and his unprofessional behavior. I honestly think that even the judge is getting a bit impatient with his nonsense. If he has a reasonable objection, fine. But he doesn't have to say it so that his pissy attitude comes across loud and clear. Juan is such a professional (my disgusted side wants to say he acts like a bloody grown up). The more I see of him, the less respect I have for Nurmi. I understand the dynamics of the two sides, but I think Nurmi has sunk to a whole new level of pettiness.

I bet we'll all collectively groan when Nurmi gets up for his re-direct. "Now I'd like to go back to........". :puke:.
listening to JVM on HLN saying the continuous hammering and chipping away at JA and her lies is too similar to the CA trial and look how that turned out.

I have concerns about the jury sticking with all this, but I can't blame him, he has to do it. Just like when Jose Baez pulled the old "lets announce George Anthony was a molester in opening statements, Jeff Ashton had no choice but to show what a liar Casey was.

JA has left JM no choice but to refute her fairytale about little boys by leaving no doubt she is a liar. I just hope the jury isn't getting bored and checking out with the length of this jousting match.
I totally agree. If anything it helps the prosecution because it opens the door to discussion about how he is not using a gun he owns, matter of fact, he had to borrow it because he owned no gun of his own.

Winethrob also sided with the defense in the kc trial. I think she's full of herself
Anybody who has tried to get the truth out of a liar is now forgiving themselves for not being trained enough or to have the time it takes to do what Juan is teaching us the job requires to expose the lie within the lie within the lie.

I have gone rounds for hours upon hours one time trying to finally clear something up. In the end, we would have needed a jury, even though the dishonesty was plain as day ;) There was never going to be any clearing up, agreement or resolution as far as the slimy b*&^%rd was concerned.

That person was not a sociopath, just very, very good at weaseling out of conflicts because of a strange background. My favorite song then used to be this one:

Genesis with Phil Collins in the voices.

Just as I thought it was going alright
I find out I'm wrong, when I thought I was right
s'always the same, it's just a shame, that's all
I could say day, and you'd say night
tell me it's black when I know that it's white
always the same, it's just a shame, that's all

I could leave but I won't go
though my heart might tell me so
I can't feel a thing from my head down to my toes
but why does it always seem to be
me looking at you, you looking at me
it's always the same, it's just a shame, that's all

Turning me on, turning me off,
making me feel like I want too much
living with you's just putting me through it all of the time
running around, staying out all night
taking it all instead of taking one bite
living with you's just putting me through it all of the time

I could leave but I won't go
well it'd be easier I know
I can't feel a thing from my head down to my toes
why does it always seem to be
me looking at you, you looking at me
it's always the same, it's just a shame, that's all

Truth is I love you
more than I wanted to
there's no point in trying to pretend
there's been no-one who
makes me feel like you do
say we'll be together till the end

I could leave but I won't go
it'd be easier I know
I can't feel a thing from my head down to my toes
so why does it always seem to be
me looking at you, you were looking at me
it's always the same, it's just a shame, that's all

But I love you
more than I wanted to
there's no point in trying to pretend
there's been no-one who
makes me feel like you do
say we'll be together till the end

But just as I thought it was going alright
I find out I'm wrong when I thought I was right
it's always the same, it's just a shame, that's all
Well I could say day, and you'd say night
tell me it's black when I know that it's white
it's always the same, it's just a shame, that's all

That's all
My thoughts on today's testimony (& yes, before you point it out, I'm relying on popular music, & not even addressing the shot first or last debate)-Fall Out Boy-'Sugar, We're Goin' Down'

Am I more than you bargained for yet?
I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear,
'Cause that's just who I am this week.
Lie in the grass, next to the mausoleum.
I'm just a notch in your bedpost,
But you're just a line in a song.
(A notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song.)

Drop a heart, break a name.
We're always sleeping in, and sleeping for the wrong team.

We're going down, down in an earlier round.
And Sugar, we're going down swinging.
I'll be your number one with a bullet;
A loaded god complex, *advertiser censored* it and pull it.

Is this more than you bargained for yet?
Oh don't mind me, I'm watching you two from the closet;
Wishing to be the friction in your jeans.
Isn't it messed up how I'm just dying to be him?
I'm just a notch in your bedpost,
But you're just a line in a song.
(Notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song.)

Drop a heart, break a name.
We're always sleeping in, and sleeping for the wrong team

We're going down, down in an earlier round. (Take aim at myself.)
And Sugar, we're going down swinging. (Take back what you said.)
I'll be your number one with a bullet; (Take aim at myself.)
A loaded god complex, *advertiser censored* it and pull it.

We're going down, down. (Down, down.)
Down, down. (Down, down.)
We're going down, down. (Down, down.)
A loaded god complex, *advertiser censored* it and pull it.

We're going down, down in an earlier round. (Take aim at myself.)
And Sugar, we're going down swinging. (Take back what you said.)
I'll be your number one with a bullet; (Take aim at myself.)
A loaded god complex, *advertiser censored* it and pull it.
i don't believe her at all. why would he say that if it weren't true? he's mormom, he's married to someone else now. so why would he cop to that if it didn't happen?

i think she wanted that encounter to sound a little romantic and not sexual. she knows how that makes her look---like the monster she is. that's why she's acting all butt hurt that he said that. but i believe him.

I agree with you about Ryan. I think it was brave for him to get up there and be so honest considering his life. I feel bad for those who got pulled into this like Ryan and Mimi.

I wish nothing but the best for Ryan, really I do. I mean he even spoke nice about Travis. It must be difficult to know she was on him right after murdering Travis and was being used as an Alibi to boot. Jodi caused such trauma in her wake.
Concerning the shooting video - I'm grateful Dave Hall gave it to the media so he could provide his first person explanation of the video and his best friend and gun use/ownership.

Imagine if the defense had found it somehow - before anyone knew about it? They would have tried to turn it into the (sorry) smoking gun of the case - they would have made a stink that it was 'hidden' so no one would see Travis' obsessive penchant for firearms - or some such rot - and they'd insinuate the prosecution was afraid it would be found, yada, yada.

It's quite possible Dave Hall had mixed feelings about going public with it, because people (the media) would draw the most idiotic conclusions (and they have), so having him speak about Travis' going shooting with him tempers that nonsense and gives the DT nothing to parlay into a huge deal out of whole cloth.

I bet my left sock they will attempt to use it somehow, and I bet it will fall flat.

When JA testified that she shot Travis with his own gun - Hall probably thought he might have a video - and was contacting producers to set the record straight about his dear, dear friend.

Oh - on that note - bet my right sock the DT calls for a mistrial, accusing the prosecutor of doing something nefarious related to this video.

Guess I need to get another pair of socks. :)
I want to know why no one - including Travis' family - is allowed to have any kind of reaction to testimony, but Nurmi is allowed to laugh and make all kinds of faces. If I was on the jury, I would think he was being horrible for laughing and finding humor in the brutal death of an innocent man - especially when his client did it. I hope it is affecting the jury that way.
she made it up during direct. she just kind of inserted something like 'i knew from the LAST time he almost killed me' and i'm like HUH???? so nurmi took her through the near fatal strangling incident. lies, lies lies.

Yep. And the day before Nurmi gave her several chances to go through her scrambled brain and make SURE she had recounted ALL instances of "abuse" by Travis. Unbelievable
Martinez has proved that Jodi is a liar. What I want to know is how is going to prove intent?

Definition of INTENT: 1. In criminal laW and the law of evidence. Purpose; formulated design ; a resolve to do or forbear a particular act; aim; determination.

That part I do like. You are so right. He makes her so worried that she ends up lying even more when she doesnt even have to. When Juan does this, she tries to cover every angle and gets herself caught up in lying even more. Its hilarious.

agreed, you can tell that business rattled her. It was then that I noticed her return more devotedly to her standby of stalling, playing semantics, etc.

Whether he has betrayed now or not, it is there, in her mind and ruling how she attempts to answer the rest of the day IMO.
Miss Hyperliteral .. he is the same guy

"I did not grind that guy"

I remember going to the movie and singing "do, a deer, a female deer" at the top of my lungs and my mom shushing me!

You can't be shushed during that movie!! When I would get picked up from the bus stop and we had a hilly walk home, I would break out into song, "The hills are alive with the sound of music!" or "Climb every mountain"

When are we too old for that to be acceptable?
I remember going to the movie and singing "do, a deer, a female deer" at the top of my lungs and my mom shushing me!

Christopher Plummer, who played Capt. von Trapp, used to refer to the movie as The Sound of
I think JM is jumping around because being linear wouldn't keep JA off balance - and she needs to be off balance. She has let things slip out (like the question about RB being an alibi and she answered reflexively, "Yes - no," it was out before she self-corrected.

She has prepared extensively with her DT for this cross. The one thing she can't prepare for is this type of questioning - her DT could jump around, but there is no way they can know what JM will jump to - so it's his primary way (imv) of having and keeping the element of surprise which he uses to his advantage and helps to keep JA from building whatever mood/demeanor/affect she thinks she should have at a given point. Then BOOM! That act isn't right for the next question she doesn't expect. I think it's great. Granted - I have to re-watch today's testimony to catch what I missed live. Can't wait. :)

INAL, so it's just my best guess re this tactic . :)

Actually, I thought today JM followed Jodi down whatever rabbit hole she was heading. She kept trying to throw in her extranneous detail, and he'd say "okay, let's talk about that." And then he'd nail her lying again. Today she repeatedly kept correcting JM on details about where she was, on what day, at what time, and he kept showing that she was constantly changing her story. I thought JM did a great job of showing not only what an incredible liar she is, but that she simply doesn't know how to act like a normal human being.
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